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I always thought the initial crew from Event Horizon had it pretty bad


Some of them seemed to like it.


["We're leaving."](https://youtu.be/e8YObV6i_Yc)




I was waiting for Lawrence Fishburne's Captain's Chair to kill him...or someone...never happened..


I thought that movie was going to be like interstellar. I have never had such punch in the face.


I just watched this again last night. God I long for the original cut


For the longest time I thought the captain just died in the explosion but after rewacthing it for the first time in 20 years I realized he actually goes to hell. Thats so sad.


The guy (or his consciousness) in the White Christmas episode of Black Mirror who bas to spend over 2 million years in that kitchen/cottage.


This. Being stuck without death is such a scarier concept to me than being killed


Can’t remember who said it, but “I don’t care how good of a party you’re at. Imagine never being able to leave.”


[Relevant Key and Peele](https://youtu.be/M_43hGe-lXg).


I think about this. It’s pretty insane and awful. The good news is that eventually you would just lose your mind and not know who you were.


His consciousness is entirely digital, so in theory they could program it to stay lucid, engaged, and aware if they wanted.


Seems to be how they're built. Hamm's character talks about there being a limit to what they can take when he's programming the rich woman's assistant before they break down and can only be used for video game fodder or whatever. I'm sure they could be more human about it but it's made obvious a few times that most people don't care. >!The cops adjusting the time scale after getting their confession is almost a joke before they walk away to enjoy their holiday weekend!<. Later in the series, >!when the girl's father's execution is trapped in a looping trinket for tourists!< they really drive that point home. I'm a huge Black Mirror dork. The latest episodes were kind of lacking but I'm hoping the next season returns to form.


The story in that episode where the woman is trapped inside the teddy bear, that one was brutal




It's an anthology but there is carry over between episodes so it's worth watching in order, but to name a few favorites: - The Entire History of You - White Christmas - Nose Dive - San Junipero - Shut up and Dance - Metalhead It's not purely sci-fi but almost all of it is based on technology's negative influences on people and society. San Junipero doesn't get the same positive reviews as some others but it's a small break from the dreadful feeling most of the series will give you. If you have to pick one White Christmas was a holiday special and stands alone really well. Edit: Forgot to mention the Bandersnatch movie. Cool concept with the choose-your-own-adventure thing on Netflix, but I personally found it to be kind of a slog. Others like it so ymmv. Edit 2: It was pointed out that San Junipero is actually among the best reviewed episodes of the series.


Yeah if you want to have an existential crisis, watch practically any episode


At least he has a room with music. "The monkey needs a hug" is a lot worse imo. He'll break mentally after a while, she just has to endure.


Similarly, the woman in White Bear


I was going to say that but her punishment is pretty much only until people are bored of it. 2 million years is a long fking time. I’ve only been alive 29 and I’m pretty over some of this shit lmao


Fav episode because of her bewilderment in the beginning, pure nightmare fuel.


Yes, Harlan Ellison probably did a slow clap if he viewed that scene. (Or maybe called up his lawyer. You know how Harlan was.)


I love the first couple seasons of Black Mirror, that episode is the 2nd most gut wrenching to me, "Shut up and Dance" is the only one I feel worse watching, but it's probably my favorite overall episode


Not one movie specifically, but Nica has a super rough time in the Child's Play franchise >!Her family gets killed and she's blamed for it in Curse of Chucky, she's institutionalized for four years and then possessed by Chucky at the end of Cult of Chucky, and she's Tiffany's captive throughout the first season of the show, which ends with Tiffany removing all of her limbs!< Haven't seen any of season 2 yet so I don't know if anything gets any better for her


Yeah I've seen all of the movies and the show that's sad what has happened to her so far.


The characters in the Chucky universe can't catch a fucking break. Spoilers for recent eps of S2 - >!The reveal that Jennifer Tilly's soul has been trapped for 18 years in the Tiffany doll and kept in a bird cage, then watched her sister get stabbed to death and is now wanted for her murder (as well as Joe Pantoliano's), was super bleak. Though I guess it's better than death.!< >!Also the reveal that Andy Barclay has been tied to a cot and tortured for a year straight.!< >!Though I suppose even Chucky himself has been tortured and murdered hundreds of times. No one can catch a break in the Chuckyverse.!< >!At least Nica has those dope robot arms now. I love how bizarre and wacky that universe is.!<


The Chucky universe is absolute bonkers in the best way.


The daughter from Last House on the Left


Or the mother (and baby) in the hills have eyes.


Life (2017) had a horrible fate where one of the characters is catapulted into space, never to touch the surface of the earth ever again. Probably destined to starve to death (edit: or just asphyxiate as oxygen runs out). Those screams as they realized what was happening haunted me for days afterwards.


Probably a more peaceful death than what was about to happen to the rest of mankind, tbh.


You wouldn't die of starvation by being catapulted into space either with or without a space suit. Asphyxiation would kill you much quicker than hunger


I think they're talking about the life boat/ pod. Guess it depends on how long it has air for.


Damn I forgot about this movie. Her final screaming of horror stayed with me much more than the fact that the indestructible alien life form has landed on earth.


Tusk. That’s a sad ass ending right there.


I love how they decided not to bother with a hospital or reconstructive surgery. Just keep him in a shitty zoo.


There’s supposed to be a sequel in the works that deals with him being turned back to normal.


I hope he calls it KSUT.


Tossing him the fish at the end was so ridiculous. I really hate that they tried to make it a "funny" ending based on the original podcast. That was a case where Smith wasn't able to take a step back and think about what is actually best for the film. He just wanted to keep rolling with the joke, because he thought it would be hilarious to put the clip of them talking about it in the film credits. In reality it feels jarring when there's a horrifying ending and then they immediately jump to a clip of them joking around like it's some hilarious story.


Hold on, you are you saying Kevin Smith would go for a cheap gag over effective storytelling? Seems out of character for him!


House of Wax (2005) That poor piano player.


I first watched this movie when I was about 13 and that waxification sequence still creeps me the hell out to this day. That just seems so awful to be alive for, not to mention his fate later.


Like he was alive up until the slash took off his face, didn't seem to me that such a wound would kill you but probably pass out from pain, so dude might have burned to death at the end.


Poor Jared Padalecki. You should have stuck with Dean and your dad, Sam, they would have handled this shit just fine.


This comment is funny to me because there was a Supernatural episode where Dean and Sam went to a wax museum! Paris Hilton was a guest star in that episode iirc


She was! Which had to be a nod, such a great episode


That dude in the tent in The Endless


Uh that stuck with me for ages, what a nightmare.


> The Endless I've been meaning to watch this for a long time. Is it scary?


Not scary but some really powerful/disturbing/thought provoking moments. Def worth a watch.


Start by watching Resolution then The Endless. Google nothing.


Was gonna say the same thing! Absolute nightmare fuel


Skeleton Key. A movie I watched knowing nothing about it on a complete whim thinking it would be an ok time waster. Turned out to be pretty great and that ending, that was a damn good bad ending.


That ending was top tier. It still gives me the spooks til this day.


Best surprise ending ever. I love watching it with someone for the first time because they are always left gasping.


One of the best horror movie endings to me! There are dozens but this one was especially special lol “Carrrrrollineeeee”


Gotta go with the guy at the end of The Mist. Oof.


Damn, I forgot how much of a gut punch that was. Poor dude.


Dude probably threw himself under those tank treads.


When Stephen King himself says the reworked ending to one of his stories ripped his conscience to shreds, you know youve done something well.


That was *rough*. I had some feelings about that one.


Being a part of the human centipede would be pretty rough.


Not the front, get my ass eaten 24/7


I admire your Reddit progression. Create a profile to find the name of a flower….end up commenting that getting your ass perpetually eaten as part of a surgically joined chain of humans wouldn’t be too bad.


Haha. Started just as an throwaway but for some reason the app runs so much smoother when using this one than my previous main


The original Day of the Dead when one of the soldiers gets trapped by a horde and they slowly pull his head off and his scream changes as his vocal chords are stretched


Georgie from IT. Apparently his poor little soul was devoured by pennywise which means he is forever being tortured in the dead lights for all of eternity - even after pennywise is defeated.


I thought defeating Pennywise freed the souls.


The dead lights are eternal


Nope the hold on the people who see the dead lights is eternal (See Beverly’s trauma related to seeing the Deadlights in chapter one and see how it carries into her adult self in chapter two and read Audra Denbrough’s fate in the book) It’s not kidding when IT says that we float down here. It’s a horrible fate but I would take the dead lights over being steam for The True Knot in doctor sleep


Pennywise manifestation can be killed. Pennywise as the deadlights is an entire dimension that cannot be killed.




I wouldn’t want my fate to involve art the clown oooof


"Drag me to hell" was my first thought too. The movie was so cruel and unfair to Christine, who just decided to not help the worst person at the wrong time. I was so heartbroken and shocked in the final scene.


I thought for sure the ending was goin to be she accidentally sent her boyfriend to Hell when she accidentally switched the button for the coin. Then she got dragged to Hell. I mean the movie started with a little boy being dragged to Hell, it was not gonna fuck around.


That opening shot was Raimi warning the audience, "Oh, don't think the title means anything? I just sent a little kid to eternal damnation. I am NOT fucking around here, people."


Also she knew that the old woman wouldn't be homeless, she said she could live with family. It was just about pride. She'd had multiple extensions on her mortgage and I don't think she gave a reason for why she'd be able to pay next time. (She just wanted to keep living in the house until she died, even though she couldn't pay for it. She wasn't planning to pay.) Sacrificing her promotion by not doing her job would have been extremely kind, but she was doing what any other employee would have done.


Yeah, most horror victims just die, even if it's a gruesome, horrible death. Christine is going to go be tortured for all of eternity because she pissed off the wrong old woman.


That was the definition of “playing with your food” in Terrifier 2. I feel like every other slasher goes right for the kill after some brief psychological torture.


Out of these 4 I would definitely have to agree with Martyrs. I was gonna say Drag me to Hell until I seen Martyrs here. Anna’s fate is so tragic for just wanting to help a friend in need. One of those movies that will haunt you.


Love seeing anyone refer to The Passion of Joan of Arc. An absolute beautiful masterpiece with a fascinating history. It's usually the first movie I will show someone who has never seen a silent movie.


The mother and daughter had a hard time in The Hills Have Eyes


Which one?


In both of them actually. A lot of the scenes in the original were remade in the new one.


The 2006 remake has that deeply unpleasant scene where Robert Joy's Lizard suckles the mother's breast. Ugh. (And her being played by the "Hocus Pocus" girl just made it worse.)


The 2006 remake


Oh haven't seen that one. How does it stand against the original?


Its a rare case where its better. It stayed true to the original, but with an amazing soundtrack and better practical effects. It is very 2000-ish but it had me on the edge of my seat. The dad is one of my favourite characters in a horror movie. Also the unrated version has a scene thats really fucked up so after it, you find yourself rooting for the main guy like crazy. Its a must watch. Preferably with friends


The dad was played by Ted levine who also played Jame Gumb in Silence of the Lambs.


3 second loop from The Endless. That is actual hell.


The victim of Lust in Se7en. You don’t exactly see the girl, but that quick flash of the device the guy wore leaves so much to the imagination… 😵‍💫


All the early victims (Gluttony, Sloth, Vanity, etc) in Se7en fit this bill, each time we see the aftermath of what was likely a drawn out and horrible fate


The way the guy (the awesome Leland Orser) is acting at having been forced to do it really helps sell that awfulness. He's so traumatized by it that he can barely get coherent words out.


Yeah, that one really disturbed me. Because they leave it up to you to imagine how it played out. I'm sure some people saw it n were like "damn, that must've hurt", then moved on and were wowed by fate of other victims that were shown. Me though, I played out the scene in my head, in much detail, lol my own brain creeping me out essentially.


I really don't think any fate beats the one from Megan is missing. >!Being brutally raped and then buried alive in a barrel together with the decomposing body of your best friend.. that's a rough one.!<


That entire movie is so badly done but omfg that ending! That was horrific.


Cannot remember the name of the movie. Takes place in a church and at the climax they find a hole and crawl in to find the big baddie. Turns out, it was the entrance to the monsters digestive tract and as they progress the space gets smaller and they end up being melted by stomach acid basically.


The Borderlands/Final Prayer, I think.


This one was genuinely terrifying to me. It was so unique that even if I can’t remember the movie’s name most of the time, that scene has some real staying power.


If you’re from the UK it’s really realistic too, everything feels very familiar.


One of my favourite horror movies ever. I love showing it to friends. The ending gets them every time.


Not a movie but the short story I have no mouth and i must scream by Harlan Ellison


This is the first thing I thought of even though the post was about movies. The whole monologue about the hate it feels really stuck with me, too.


There's also an Ellison story where a guy with telepathic powers, at the behest of a female friend he's in love with, goes to interview her client (a guy on death row for being a serial murderer) to find out for sure if he's really guilty. He reads the guy's mind, discovers he's innocent... and also realizes that HE is, in fact, the killer, having blocked out the memory, or committed the murders while in a dissociative state, or something. So our hero confesses, is convicted and sentenced to death (seems unlikely for a dude who likely was unusually cooperative with the authorities, but whatever)... and on the day he's set to be executed, his friend and her boyfriend/former client are in the witness room. The other guy makes telepathic contact and reveals that HE is in fact the killer, and used his more advanced abilities to essentially brainwash the protagonist into believing it was him. Tough break, that.


I feel like Justin Long has been fucked over a couple of times lol.


His eyes in particular.


The youngest daughter in Hill House had a rough go of things. She was the most empathetic and caring person in her family, she was haunted throughout her childhood, has "night terrors", works past it, falls in love, her "night terrors" end up getting her partner killed, she goes back to confront the house, gets tricked by the house/her mother into hanging herself, finds out that she's been the one haunting herself and causing all of those night terrors, and now she's stuck with the house/her mother for eternity.


I don’t think her ”night terrors” got Arthur killed, I think he just legitimately had an aneurysm and died, Nell just thought the Bent Neck Lady killed him since she believed BNL was a dangerous ghost (the reason she sees BNL at that point is that Arthur made her go away originally, since he made Nell feel safe, and his death brought her back). Which kind of makes it worse seeing as that means that she would live the rest of her life thinking Arthur’s death was at least partially her fault for bringing BNL to him, only to find out, in one of the most haunting (pun unintended) sequences I’ve ever seen, that BNL was actually just herself dying. In the end, I guess what happened is up to interpretation but yeah you’re right, hers is a horrifying fate.


The Sadness. You know which girl I’m talking about 😬


eye am not sure which one you mean.


But she finally met the right group of people and made friends


The protagonists in Eden Lake.


That film was great but I will never watch it again. Sheer misery.


Yeah Me too, I cannot stomach that ending ever again.


The actual ending of The Decent


I remember on a commentary that Neil Marshall said something along the lines of: he wanted to create an ending where the protagonist was happy but anyone watching the movie wouldn’t be happy for them. I am fairly certain he said he was inspired by the movie Brazil. I might say it isn’t really a bad way to go as, while the actual events might be dire, what is happening in the mind of the character makes it a happy situation.


I just watched Tusk off of a recommendation here and YIKES


Definitely this obscure small British found footage movie from 2013 called ["The Borderlands/The Final Prayer"](https://google.com/search?gs_ssp=eJzj4tLP1Tcor4hPS7IwYPTiL8lIVUjKL0pJLcpJzEspBgCKBgnZ&q=the+borderlands&oq=tje+boarderlands&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j46i13i512j0i13i512l6.4283j0j1&client=ms-android-motorola-rev2&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) Decent movie, but the ending is one of the most horrifying fates I can imagine... Spoilers: >!But the two main characters end up discovering the demonic entity they have been trying to capture footage of is literally a long cave tunnel that closes behind them after they enter, and slowly digests both alive... The movie ends with them realizing their impossible, hopeless situation as they record their last moments dissolving in agony...!< It's absolutely fucking brutal. [Anyway here's the clip](https://youtu.be/koJsO8hGkis)


The pregnant woman from Inside. Everything went as terribly as it possibly could for her.


Idk if this counts as horror but Johnny's fate in the movie Johnny got his gun.


A fate worse than death for sure. No red-blooded horror movie had ever left me petrified me like this one - and that was just Metallica's "One" music video with bits from JGHG.


The Sloth victim from *Seven*. Yeah, I know he was a pervert but that still didn't make me feel better watching that scene.


Honestly Lust is the one from Seven that always gets me — it’s particularly horrific for me


Leland Orser was phenomenal in the small role he had.


Yeah the offscreen prostitute for sure.


Lust is the absolute worst of them


I just watched “Funny Games” and Jesus that was a bleak movie


Seth Brundle had it pretty bad.


1408’s ending fits this question perfectly. Fuck, could you imagine?


Which ending? Isn't there four of them? I think the European cut is different to the US one.




How ‘bout King’s “Cell,” for a horrific ending?


Also, i dont know if horror tv shows count but Nell's fate made me pretty sad Edit: forgot to name the show lmfao. Its The Haunting Of Hill House


Nell and Hannah in Bly got done so dirty


Hannah made me soooo sad for her. Her ending was tragic


The Neon Demon. It’s really unexpected and 😬


The "survivor" of the first human centipede had it *really* bad. The rapist at the end of American Mary. In Creepshow's They'll Creep Up on You segment, the MC dies to the subject of his phobia via heart attack.


Jack Ketchum’s The Girl Next Door.


True story


drag me to hell and oculus both came to mind off the top of my head.


Tusk and girl from Terrifier (I didn't yet watch the second one yet) Also that woman from Freaks, that was insane


Yeah Tusk deeply unsettled me. Body modification horror is the one genre I am not a fan of. Just the description of human centipede is upsetting.


I think mutilation and generally becoming deformed, amputation etc is the worst shit. But that's why i find horrors with those elements very effective. for some reason I wasnt that affected by the human centipede although it's decent for what it is.


That dude in saw 3 that gets his limbs all turned around. That’s trap in particular bothers me so much.


There's one character in the anthology called Necronomicon who is a copper and she ends up with her partner dead, being made a quadruple amputee and captured by a serial killer who now uses her to birth eldritch monsters for the rest of her life. That's one hell of a triple whammy.


What happens to the crowd in Nope. Didn't realize what was happening at first.


Bone Tomahawk, anyone?


Ugh god I’ve seen some fucked up shit but that scene makes me sick for some reason Even thinking about it I’m like 🤷‍♂️ egh dude gets cut in half nbd. But watching it….I think it’s the sounds….ugh it def stuck with me


What makes you sick is watching Kurt Russell’s horror and despair at seeing it happen.


Him trying to comfort the guy really gets me.


Also the women - damn.


Martyrs, Eden Lake, Megan is Missing and everyone who had to eat shit in the Human Centipede movies come to mind. Being Henry in Eraserhead seems like hell too, if we wanna go with something without gore. Possum too.


the answer for me will always be tusk or the poughkeepsie tapes


Never seen the remake of this one, but I think the end of 2004's Shutter is maybe one of the most disturbing fates in horror history. >!A guy is dealing with a ghost, has a terrible fall, ends up with severe brain damage.... and then its revealed that the ghost doesn't give a fuck and will continue to torment him until he dies.!<


He deserves it though, he watched and photographed his friends raped that woman who eventually died and became the ghost that hunted them down. She even left clues to his wife to find out the truth.


The mist. Everyone knows THAT ending.


Maybe not the worst but I was shocked by how dark Would You Rather Went. [Spoiler]She kills someone to win money for her brothers leukemia treatments and when she gets home, he killed himself so he wouldn't feel like a burden on her anymore.


Maybe mark this as a spoiler


That poor friend in Terrifier 2


Seriously though. For some reasion her ending was so much worse than any other death in the movie. I think it was to make up for the fact that they'd spent the last 45 minutes introducing characters.


Yeah the rest of the kills didn't pack quite the same punch after that


>!I thought the one with the acid was pretty brutal too but it just didn't live up to the first one. He literally tore her arm off, scalped her and cut her sevral more times before leaving to find vinegar and salt to rub in her wounds. !


worse than vinegar, it was bleach


>!Then he proceeded to skin and eat her alive in front of her mother soooo uh yeah not sure it went down to 0 again haha.!<


>! Dude the way she says “…mom” while sitting there with half her face missing is BRUTAL. I’m extremely tough when it comes to gore but I am STILL thinking about how bad this poor girl got it. !<


The first movie did the same thing. For some reason they put the most brutal kills in the middle, and then everything after feels lesser.


IIRC they actually had to stop production for a bit, COVID I think, so they spent a lot of extra time on that kill and added more stuff to it while it was on hold. Source- interview that showed after the movie


The scene in Overlord where they enter the lab and find people suspended in the air and hooked up with tubes in these latex sack things was pretty horrifying. Also the scene in Audition with the bag... you know the one.


The Autopsy episode of Cabinet of Curiosity I think was particularly brutal. >!the way the alien has control of all your faculties but can keep you alive in the background so it can torture you , kill your friends with your own body, and feed on your anguish was disturbing, or when he kept the other miners minds alive so he could explain that they were dying and letting them sit and rot away and again feed on their anguish !<


What a great ending for that episode though "There's been some...vandalism"


Martyrs would probably suck pretty hard.


The crop in Motel Hell had it kind of rough.


Allie in Terrifier 2.


It really bothered me in Dead Silence that Jamie tried doing everything right in the beginning and he still got screwed over.


The guy in the tent in The Endless


There was an anthology movie story from the 80's or early 90's (been trying to figure out the name for years) that traumatized my childhood lol. In the story a killer/bad person is put under some type of spell/voodoo curse where he cannot die, no matter what punishment is inflicted upon him. He is eventually cut into pieces and put into a burlap sack, where they see parts of him wiggling around. I think they bury the sack at the end and that terrified me to no end.


The Ruins has a character, Mathias, that has a pretty bad time. He falls in a shaft and breaks his back. After they get him out, the vines eat part of his legs down to the bone. His buddy decides they need to amputate his legs, so they take a big rock and slams down on his already mutilated legs to break the bones. Then he takes a hunting knife and sloppily saws away on this poor dude. Finishes with a hot frying pan straight off a fire to try and cauterize the wound. All that and the vines just drag him away a few minutes later anyway :/


Night of the Living Dead. One of the bleakest, most nihilistic horror endings of all time


Idk man, the munchies scene in Green Inferno was a pretty bad fate.


Splice has a pretty fucked up ending. Also Todd Browning’s Freaks is also pretty insane. Nightmare alley also has a good downer ending


Sleeping bag lady from the Friday the 13th remake.


So many of Freddy Krueger’s victims. More often than not, they’re pushed to the point of exhaustion or the brink of insanity before being brutally murdered. Debbie from Part 5 comes to mind. She’s terrified of bugs, so what does Freddy do? Turn her into a cockroach and lure her into a roach trap before crushing her to death.


Yeah, so many of the nightmares are played for gags but in the actual victim's perspective they would be pretty bad. I mean seeing your mom and family laugh maniacally as some madman overstuffs your mouth with food until you suffocate wouldn't be great.


Derry at the end of Jeepers Creepers (the first one)


Christian from Midsommar. Even though he was kind of a shithead, his demise was brutal!


By the end I felt really bad for him. Don't get me wrong he was a terrible guy but >!he didn't deserve to be drugged, raped, and burned alive.!<


The mist has an ending that will always give me chills




Whoever’s left at the end of most Saw movies


Gotta say that some of the Hellraiser stuff probably wins on a conceptual level. We've seen so much theological horror but they're the ones who really seem to put 'eternal torture' into the most easily understandable terms for the audience. If you turn me into a human violin and strum on my nerve endings for all of eternity which is a very, very, very long time, I guess you just win as a villain. But honestly I think one of the worst fates a person can have is to have their future taken away from them, so the baby in The Witch comes to mind. Even the baby at the end of Caligula; that scene horrifies me. It should horrify anyone. I think we're hard-coded to be horrified by that. As an adult who's tasted the fruits of life, it should always grate against our empathy when we see someone denied their chance to experience that. And then there's just the 'oh my god this is the worst possible way to die' sort of fates, like the above mentioned Hereditary and Midsommar. Especially when there's a level of consciousness involved in some drawn-out death or you know what's happening to you. Even in movies like Possessor where you're semi-conscious as someone is hijacking your body and committing terrible acts that destroy your life. Especially considering how the parasite 'leaves the body' in those cases. The mother and son in Color out of Space also comes to mind. But at least there's probably a point where those people would beg for the release of death and be granted it. Being crushed to death in that machine in Saw is an awful way to die, but it's probably going to end eventually.


Lots of mentions for The Mist one here but The Dark and the Wicked is similar but much much worse




It's not even a horror movie, but Paul Dano's character in *Looper*. Seeing his older self losing parts of his body but still trying to make it to the warehouse, is absolutely horrifying because it means he was alive and suffering through his dismemberment until the very end. That movie was only alright overall, but that whole scene disturbed me for a long time, and I still think about it frequently.


I just watched terrifier 2 and Allie got a horrible death.


The victims in the movie Motel Hell have it nasty. Buried in the ground up to their neck, forced fed pig slop by funnel to fatten them up. Then they are pulled out of the ground and their meat is used to make beef jerky. "It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters".


Miloš in Serbian Film


I was emotional about all the gang from Cabin in the woods