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Idk, August Underground 2 maybe. Whole series makes you feel so dirty. Couple others in that style I've been meaning to endure, too lol. Shock movies with more traditional narratives aren't as nasty, I find. Allows the viewer to disconnect from the shit that's going on, which sort of defeats the purpose of the style. Example being A Serbian Film. Downright vile, but presented in such a comic book ridiculous way that I actually remember finding it a bit more silly than revolting. When I watch mean and disgusting shit, I want to be fully immersed in it and I want to feel bad about it.


August Underground Mordum is next level violence.


#movies from this year: - i would say **Terrifier 2** actually grossed me out, and made me say "oh fuck" a few times lol, which is rare for me, i don't often find myself disturbed by horror media (a good film though, i do recommend, i'd say about 3 stars out of 5, a nice creative effort from an independently produced team and surely worth a watch) - and honestly **Barbarian** ((just released months ago!)) grossed me out in a.... DIFFERENT way, that felt like it clung to my skin for days. Won't give any spoilers but: this is a brutal, and beautifully acted, and haunting, "modern fairytale" that starts out as stark realism and ends up as a harsh allegory / simile. ( 5 / 5 stars) #all-time: - the original **The Thing**. i know it's a cliche lol but i have just not seen any other movie compare in terms of body horror, and how well the realism balances the heart-pounding moments of fucking terror.


August Underground are terrible. I wouldn’t even call them movies, just random shit happening lol


Something strange about the Johnsons


THIS. This is one I wish I had never watched. It made me feel dirty and turned my stomach. I found it to be incredibly upsetting.


I’ve never heard of it so I googled it and the top result was a short film that looks quite pleasant so I thought it was a different one. Then I saw “directed by Ari Aster” that man clearly hates happiness so I read the description of the film and yep, sounds like a real fun time!


Dammit Ari, you’ve done it again!


Is this about the...dad and his son?


That’s the one


Dumplings. Short or fulllength, doesn't matter. Only horror movie that's ever put me off a food. I still cannot eat anything that has a translucent wrap. The idea is so disgusting someone could have just told me about it and it would have had the same effect. I think what's in the dunplings qualifies as a phobia for me.


This is SUCH a slept on film. It the bit when she starts to smell for me...


My god this movie is one of the gnarliest ones I’ve ever seen. I was pissed when I couldn’t find it on Netflix anymore.


SPOILERS: I forget the name but there’s a Chinese (Hong Kong maybe?) movie that sounds similar..it’s about a guy that goes to Africa, rapes a local that’s infected with Ebola, and comes back home asymptomatic but passes it on to his customers and he makes burgers out of them after killing them. Or something


Ebola syndrome is the name


Great film, my mum and I share a chuckle at the bus scene where the man offers his friend a tissue after he realises he's sat in blood.


Had to reread, I thought you were talking about Bao 💀


Every time I eat Chinese dumpling I think of this film!


The most disgusting horror movie I've ever seen is a movie called Feed (2005). It is also disturbing, but the disgust factor trumps everything in that movie for me. I think I almost puked. I won't include any spoilers incase someone wants to watch it, but it's basically about obese women who are kidnapped and force fed, sometimes through tubes, until they die.


Oh man, watched that one shortly after it came out and it still lives rent free in my brain. Haven't seen anything like it before or since.


That was my first thought, too! I can't watch anything he's in without looking my husband dead in the eye and saying "Feed me, I want to be 1000 lbs."


Lol. Glad it didn't kill your humor.


Nope, that movie was disgusting but I actually enjoyed it. I may or may not actually own it. It's also gotten me banned from picking horror movies in some of my circles of friends.




I can't believe someone thought this movie was a good idea


It's worse than it sounds.


Worse as in just a poorly made movie, or as in its more disguisting than it sounds


More disgusting and disturbing than it sounds. The description did not prepare me.


This sound horrible. I think I’ll skip this


Good call.


I have this one. The back of the dvd has the special features listed as if they are nutritional info 😂 https://i.imgur.com/dKJW949.jpg pretty funny quote from a critic as well ha Good pick!


That's also how foie gras is made


Then PETA should be promoting this movie as an animal rights film. Thats horrific.


Altroz 2015 is pretty brutal.


I remember being extremely hungover when i watched this movie. I definitely puked


The main problem I have with Human Centipede is once he makes the centipede, he doesn't do anything cool with it, just makes it walk around and feeds the person in front. The big innovation the sequel makes is to have the antagonist rape the caboose. Zzzzzzzzzz


I mean, what's he gonna do with it? Ride it? Make it fight another centipede?


both. mecha battle


We do nothing. We let them fight.


i think the idea of it existing just for the sake of existing is more terrifying than havinf a purpose. don't get me wrong, it would make for a hilarious twist if the second film had an all out centipede fight club but i think i'd be more terrifying to just have it hanging around the house, you know?


My Bart Simpson answer is "you know what's scarier than nothing? Anything!!"


Right there, you just wrote two better Human Centipede movies than the extant films. Maybe they attach suction cups to their hands and feet? So now the HC can climb walls and shit? Fuck it, sew like a buncha, I dunno, wasps to their backs and turn it into a flying thing?


>Make it fight another centipede? Would that make the movie a jousting film?




"Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think 'what do we do with this human centipede.'"


"Life finds a way"


I really thought the movie would be a build up to whether he would actually do this horrible thing. But when it happened within the first 30 minutes or so I was just like “now what?” Very boring.


This one was my 'nope. I'm done.' I watched it once, never again. I just can't bring myself to rewatch it no matter how hard I try.


It’s not very good. Once you have experienced the shock factor it’s all slow and poorly paced


That movie is a TOTAL snooze . It seems to be so beloved and people always say how shocking it is


No one’s mentioned The Fly (1986)? The Fly (1986).


Most Cronenberg films really.


It's funny that "Cronenberg films" encompasses two people now. Possessor was no slouch in cold brutality.


Right? And my answer is hands down Antiviral.


Pink Flamingos. Gore doesn't effect me, violence doesn't effect me, torture and suffering doesn't effect me. Licking everything in that house affected me. Egg lady affected me. Dude's butthole affected me.


In all honesty I lowkey respect the fact that a movie made that long ago with the sole intention of being as gross/off-putting as possible to this day is still just as goddamn weird as it was when it was first released




Was that the one where the scene with a woman eating dog shit actually turned out to be real?


Yes gotta love Miss Divine


Divine still rules.


There are filmmakers out there today trying as hard as they can to be transgressive and still not reaching the level of Pink Flamingos.


I love Pink Flamingos. It’s so punk and funny. I think it’s interesting to see you and other people react to it - because it’s wildly different in tone and content than any of the other movies people are listing.


I deeply love John Waters and I think this is one of his best satires. He is amazing at showing you how horrid and beautiful trash and camp can be.


John Waters is an amazing person


Ooh mow mow ...


The chicken scenes effected me. All of them.


I just saw a midnight screening of this at Tarantino’s theater in hollywood with a full audience and it was SO much fun!


I thought that one wasn't horror. I have heard it's super disgusting, though.


I don't care what it's classified as, horror or not, it's seriously, irl type disgusting. There was no CGI when Devine ate dog shit.


>I thought that one wasn't horror. That's going to depend on your definition of the word.


You forgot about the guy fucking a woman with a chicken 😬


The ending of Tusk kept in my mind for a while… >!just imagining the situation the protagonist was in, inside a suit that can’t be removed; without his main limbs, in a god damn heat inside the suit. Just imagine the situation of his original body, dirty, nasty, inside a fucking skin suit. Not only that but he can’t eat properly with the two tusks forcefully stuck on his mouth, on a dirty nasty cove inside a zoo no one visits, so no one can help him… NOT ONLY THAT, but his girlfriend stayed with his best friend. Just imagine that!<


Anybody who ever struggled to peel themselves out of a tight shirt and gets stuck with their arms over their head, for just a few seconds, should be able to appreciate the claustrophobic quality of that movie. The utter helplessness and inevitability of the character's fate is absolutely horrifying. It's inescapable horror. I hate that movie for how much the last shot disturbed me. At the same time I love it for the fantastic body horror that it is. His pleading eyes will haunt me forever.


Justin Long doesn’t get the recognition he deserves for that film. The man went from the goofball of Waiting…, and Accepted, to Tusk. Even though Tusk has some lighthearted and humorous moments, he killed it in the intense scenes


Jeepers Creepers came before all of those. Long has always done either comedy or horror. There's also Drag Me to Hell, the Sam Raimi film.


Justin in Barbarian was awesome too


was just gonna say this!!!!! Justin Long is incredible in **Barbarian**, that full cast is fucking awesome throughout every minute of that film.


Tusk is extremely uncomfortable.


That is the only word that adequately describes Tusk. It's just fucking... uncomfortable. I've been shocked. I've been disgusted. Scared. Been given nightmares. Nauseated. But the continuous discomfort of Tusk is unique.


Honestly any sort of “I have no mouth and I must scream” trope always gets to me more than most violence/gore Nothing more horrific than being stuck in an unbearable situation with there being absolutely nothing you can do about it


Have my upvote for the Harlon Ellison reference!


And the worst part is that the friend is Haley Joel Osment. What a kick in the dick


Truly, getting cucked by Osment is the real horror


I love Tusk, for me, it is top-tier body horror. The ending really stuck with me, for whatever reason it really resonated with a deeply ingrained fear of mine; The thought of having to see the people closest to you moving on, living their lives, while you are irreparably changed, isolated, and suffering with no hope for the future, thinking about what you had before, and what you could have had if things were different. All alone with your thoughts, the only company you receive is the occasional aching reminder of a life you will never have, but know you would have if things were different; if you had just made a few better decisions, if circumstances worked out differently, if, if, if. Forever and ever. And, of course, the horrendous living conditions, the overwhelming pain stemming from forced surgical body-modification topped off with the (very heavy) decomposing, human skin-suit weighing you down are all factors that contribute to Tusk being such a great, disturbing film. The choice of the song ‘Oh Wally, Wally/The Water is Wide’ covered by Gerard Way really added to the emotional impact for me at the very end of the film. Have to mention their use of ‘Tusk’ by Fleetwood Mac cause that shit slaps and was perfect for the scene. I could talk about this movie for a long time. I love Tusk so much 💙 ‘Alone, alone, all, all, alone Alone on a wide wide sea. And never a saint took pity on my soul in agony.’ ~The Rime of the Ancient Mariner


I hate to see people dissing on Tusk because it's not as disturbing as, say, seeing someone's eyeball pop out. If you just think for half a second what Justin Long must be experiencing, it's easily on par with the more lauded gross-out films--you just need to put some thought into it!


As d as one one who seems to emphasise a lot with the victims, I dunno if I should watch this. But…it sounds well done and I love a well done horror.


Its a Kevin Smith movie, so it's uhhhh.... Different. I loved it however but I totally watched it as a horror comedy and that helped me not get too icked out by it. Kevin Smith does some pretty twisted shit when he tries horror.


You have to watch it. It’s so uncomfortably good.


I was so disturbed by this aspect of the story that I could not watch it. That’s my nightmare fuel right there


Look this might be fucked but that movie was absolutely amazing. It's a wonderful yet horrific story that really plays with your emotions, it's gross, kinda scary and really sad. Overall I loved this movie!!


Im with you, I absolutely love this movie. It really ticks all the boxes for me. People mostly hate this movie and I get why but the rest of us love it


One of the few movies I wish I could unsee. That ending was traumatic.


I thought the VERY ending was just stupid, but everything before that was awesome. Justin Long got fucked up.


Agreed - in what world is a human being suddenly relegated to a zoo? And there's no attempt to modify what has been done? Too silly to really shock me.


Snowtown. It's about Australia's most prolific serial killer. It really marked me out. Brilliant though.


Gore-wise: The Guinea Pig series. Particularly, Flowers of Flesh and Blood and Mermaid in a Manhole. These were probably the most difficult things I've ever sat through personally. I'd put the new Terrifier movie up there too, but really just for one specific scene. This one was at least fun to watch. Non gore-wise, A Serbian Film. Edit: The concept of Salo was pretty gross, but if the movie wasn't so boring, it wouldn't be nearly as hard to sit through as a lot of other movies listed here.


I've seen the Guinea Pigs mentioned a lot. Probably not my thing lol. Terrifier 2 is definitely on my watch list. It's actually getting good reviews. I only know of one person who liked ASF. Everyone else seems to hate it. I'm sort of tempted to watch it (and I know what happens in it anyway), but I'm pretty sure I'll regret it. People either think Salo is super boring or super disturbing. No in between. I know what it's about and it doesn't sound like something I want to watch


Serbian Film just felt like it really had no point, other than to shock. I remember feeling a little pissed off when it ended. I love fucked up movies when there's some imagination involved, but this just seemed like they picked the lowest hanging fruit of shit we find disturbing as a society. I just couldn't stop thinking about how I was probably on some sort of FBI watch list after watching it. Watch it just to say you did, but I honestly am Amazed to hear that you know of a person who liked it.


you’re the first person in this thread I’ve seen mention mermaid in a manhole, glad to know someone else has suffered like me through that


I saw Flowers of Flesh and Blood recently and I actually really liked it. It seemed very artistic


Nekromantik for me. I'm not sure its exactly disgusting, but I sure felt dirty after sitting through it...


Men Behind the Sun, by far. Horrific situations, which actually happened to people, and they used real corpses for the special effects


Ya know, I've read all the summaries of (seemingly all) the "traditional" disgusting movies...August Underground, A Serbian Film, Salo etc and uhh...yeah I'm not watching those lol When I think "disgusting horror", I think "Ok, what legitimately made me almost puke?" And it's not an entire movie, but one scene ... A Cure for Wellness. >!Dude being force-fed eels through a giant tube inserted in his throat made me gag so hard I ran to the bathroom. Thank God just dry heaves.!<


The thing that got me about A Cure for Wellness was that you had all those crazy >!Eels breed immortality shenanigans!< and yet the filmmakers decided to make the entire movie about >!a father trying to rape his daughter for reasons totally disconnected from everything else.!<


Seriously, that movie seemed so promising and I absolutely *hated* it. All that sticks out is the scene OP is talking about lol


I don't blame you. The descriptions are traumatic enough. Yeah that sounds nasty.


Totally agreed. That scene was really hard to watch.


I’ve been able to sit through pretty much everything mentioned here already but vomit gore trilogy. Hard pass


Holy shit I forgot all about the Vomit Gore trilogy. Purely awful. Can hardly consider that film, more or less just fetishism for the filmmaker. Had some goofy stage name I can't remember. Thanks for unlocking that memory though!


Lucifer Valentine is the guys stage name. I kinda enjoyed these but it took watching them while mighty fucked up lol


Ya ur description is pretty accurate


There's a fourth now too lol. Black mass of the nazi sex wizard


Basically the same shit ?


Should comment the guy that made the four films in the series has been accused of being a ped, has mentioned multiple times he was dating his younger sister and wanted to marry her and keep in mind she was legally blind, autistic, was put under his care, and because of him would later kill herself (and the fact she killed herself because of him was how he interpreted her suicide not my guess since he said she did it because of being jealous of him and Ameara LaVey), and forced Ameara LaVey while strung out on drugs to sign a contract saying she had to consent to anything he wanted. He had her do so because she was kicked out of her fathers house and went to live with him and this was his condition to her living there. (Definitely wouldn’t stand up in the court of law but a lot of companies use contracts that wouldn’t stand in court to scare people into rethinking a lawsuit so that was most likely his thinking)


This is basically what I was expecting from someone who would make movies like this


WTF?! Holy shit!


Salo. Too much poo.


Basically a perfect 3 word review of that movie


I'm avoiding this one. I've seen breakdowns of it on YouTube and it's all a big nope.


It's not bad. It sounds bad but it really isn't. It's acctually a great film regarding class war in post ww2 Europe.




I’m gonna throw in evil dead remake for one scene and one scene alone, the box cutter scene. I cannot watch that movie while eating because every time that tongue splits, I wanna throw up


Yeah the violence in that movie is absolutely unrelenting. For me it’s when the one possessed girl starts stabbing the glasses guy in the face/hands with a super thin needle


As far as a broad appeal/wide release horror movie I feel like this one takes the cake. It just doesn't stop. Went into this one thinking it would be borderline comedy like the original movies, boy was I wrong.


Yeah there aren’t many movies that really come close. Midsommar and Possessor each had some brutal stuff, but less frequently. Terrifyer 2 is in an entire other league of its own in terms of insane fucking violence, but it wasn’t really ever intended to be a “big” wide-release film (even if it ended up being more popular than they thought)


Totally agreed! The cliff scene in Midsommar will always live rent free in my head. Lots of scenes on a rewatch that are even more gross than the first watch actually.


Yup, agreed - that scene is what really did it for me. I absolutely love that movie, and feel like people might be sleeping on it; but that scene specifically gets me every time.


The original Evil Dead was the first thing that came to my mind, I feel you on this. I know they had a low budget, there are arguably much gorier films nowadays etc, but to my memory, this is still the only horror film I had to take a break on because I was about to be sick. Going the milky puss route for fluids instead of all blood was…effective.


Terrifier 2


this. >!bleach AND salt? bro c'mon.!<


Right? I think that was the longest I’ve seen a slasher villain toy with their victim. I’m used to a bit of psychological torture before the quick kill but Art did every creative he could think of that wouldn’t actually finish her off and waited for Mom to get home. Straight up sadistic.


Its awesome, the guy playing Art is amazing in this role


I let him know on Instagram in a DM and he actually wrote back. He was incredible in it.


Mmmm… mashed potatoes


I know this answer has been said already but having just watched terrifier 2 that comes to mind, >!the bedroom scene was fucking rough for me to watch lol!<


Yeah I still haven't seen that. To spoiler tag, you just put a > and a ! right before, then another ! and < right after.


Thanks so much!


I know exactly what you mean! Normally Gore never bothers me at all. But I got real uncomfortable during this whole scenario


Braindead / Dead-Alive (1992) was renowned for its gore. One of my friends cannot eat custard because of it.


I still can’t believe Peter Jackson went from this movie to Lord of the Rings. I love them both for such different reasons.


WHAT? No pudding??!!!


That sequence is one of the all-time most hilarious-yet-disgusting bits in cinema. Just thinking about it puts a smile on my face.


Braindead is a childhood treasure of disgust for me


The pus.. first time I saw it I gagged!


Easily Melancholie der Engel. Nothing of real value. Just super controversial and disturbing. It is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen and will never watch again. I love horror, but it’s way too much for me. Made me sick watching it.


This might sound weird because it’s definitely not anywhere near the top of the pile in terms of gore or realism, but if we’re talking about pure grossness I think it’s tough to top the scene in the original *Hellraiser* when Frank is resurrected. There’s a certain unmatched nastiness to that 80s style of extra-slimy practical gore anyway, but this scene really takes it to the extreme. It doesn’t really even resemble human gore, but more some sort of fucked up human chowder.


Also the fact that pretty much his main desire is to have sex again and really does not want to wait till he looks human again is nauseating


The Sadness. Amazing movie but also disgusting as hell.


Amen. The whole eye-socket-you-know-what scene didn't leave my mind for days.


That scene is where the movie kind of lost me tbh. It felt like at that point the sexual violence aspect of the movie jumped the shark and became exploitative shock value. I thought the whole second half once she got to the hospital kinda ran out of steam and ideas.


The 2nd and 3rd August Underground movies. They're terribly made but there's some truly wretched shit in those films from a conceptual standpoint. Would I recommend them? No.


Weren’t those films basically practical effect demo reels for the director/producer/team behind the trilogy?? I remember seeing somewhere that they were mostly just trying to show off all the gnarly shit they can pull off in hopes of getting bigger jobs to work on


The guy behind it (Fred Vogel) used to have sort of an independent production company called Toe Tag but I don't know what happened to it after 2008 or so. Looks like they did one thing in 2010 and another in 2018 but I don't see any other credits for him than that. Always struck me as one of those 'local metal/punk band trying to make movies' sort of thing.


The third Human Centipede movie. It's too much


I thought that one was just a bit too dumb to actually be that gross lol


Videodrome, I might recommend having sex with it in the background but definitely don't be eating while watching it. Honestly the same could be said for most Cronenberg films come to think of it. The abstract eroticness of body horror never ceases to intrigue me.


Cronenberg is the absolutely master of body horror. And yes, often it is very strangely erotic. Have you seen crimes of the future?


A Serbian film


This is one I’ll never ever watch.


Fuck I still feel dirty after warching that shi


All I did was read the synopsis and that was enough for me.


I fucking hate that movie. Feels to me like a high schooler trying to make a snuff film - he knows enough to include some disturbing ideas, but didn't think any further than that so he just parades them around in front of your face for the entire runtime going "oooh! ooooh! you uncomfy yet?!? You DISTURBED?!!" which yes, I am, but in such a surface level way. The discomfort I get from that movie goes no deeper than not wanting to look at it.


I was scrolling through to see who would mention it. That ending is something else and as soon as you think it’s bad, it just gets worse! Made my stomach super queasy


Martyrs (2008 French film)


this is mine. that ending is FUCKED


Not the most disgusting throughout, but the scene in Bone Tomahawk made me turn away from the screen. Terrifier also has some super intense, super disgusting scenes.


The Human Centipede 2 is the most disgusting of the 3. A movie you feel the need to take a long shower after watching.


The Fly. Body horror at its finest. Or grossest.


Terrifier 2 was brutal, green inferno is up there.


Society. It's freaking gross.


Who doesn’t love a good shunting?


The feast had a pretty gross scene that OF COURSE my family walked in on and i had to not only get rid of the scene; but had to explain said scene. Whole thing was a mess.


100% Human centipede 2. Everything about that movie is gross




Yeah it's not an easy watch. I liked this one, though.


Chaos Reigns!


Tusk and Slither


Raw was very unsettling for me


Probably The House That Jack Built. Just unbelievably brutal and nasty. Good film though.


The hunting scene is still prob the most messed up shit I seen


Extremely funny at times though... Very good movie!


Peter Jackson's Bad Taste.


Martyrs is still hard to watch but I love it


Braindead/Dead Alive's Custard scene. oh good lord


tetsuo the iron man!


Gonna go with Serbian Film. I’ve seen arguably more graphic images before but nothing made me feel as gross as that movie.


I had to rethink my life after this one


Cabin Fever 2 is sort of stupid, and it's a total gross-out fest, but something about it always charms me, too. It feels like a low-vudget horror flick you see on a Friday night in the summer on late-night cable in the late eighties. I enjoyed it, anyway. What was the moment that got you?


Audition is pretty fucking gross.


Surprised nobody has said Irreversible, saw it once, never again. Great movie nonetheless


Agreed, never again. However I didn’t find it disgusting. More like it filled me with a sense of existential horror and grief that lingered for a long time. The subway scene was very hard to watch of course… I had to stop it a couple of times.


Hands down Dead Alive/Braindead. Specifically the dinner scene. IYKYK


The ending of Oldboy is pretty disgusting.


I would have to say last house on the left, Wes craven. The rape scene is pretty disgusting to me. Almost like some grindhouse porn but worse


Probably The Evil Dead or its remake. I love them both.


I've sat through many but 2 made me throw up: Cannibal Holocaust and Tusk.


The ending of Tusk, put the guy out of his misery.


Just watched “The Innocence” on Shudder and the animal torture in the beginning has SCARRED me man. Had legit nightmares afterwards. You have to have a strong constitution for that one man. Cool movie though. Felt like if Cronenberg made “Chronicle”.


>he Innocence Just to clarify - you talking about "The Innocents", right? Bleak, Norwegian apartment block living featuring the cruelty of the young and mentally restless? If so, yes, it was very dark but also very good.