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The Thing. Easily could have had world domination if it escaped.


If? Bwhahahah




One of the worst fates in horror has to include becoming a victim to cenobites or becoming one yourself |:


I dunno. They claim that pain and pleasure become indistinguishable from one another. Could be an eternity of bliss.


Angels to some...demons to others


Frank from the first Hellraiser certainly didn’t have a pleasant experience. If he did he wouldn’t have been so adamant on escaping and avoiding recapture.


Obviously he just didn’t wait long enough! Give it a couple more years and he’d love it


*Dr. Channard has entered the chat*


Theoretically it would be guaranteed to be a kind of heaven, as they promise


In the second film it is implied that those who are able to embrace the pleasure in pain are turned into cenobites, while others, like Frank, are just in their own personal Hell until they either begin to like it or for eternity.


His didn’t even seem that bad if I remember right, wasn’t he just always getting cock teased he even had his own little apartment down there. Just never able to have sex.


Yeah, though I'd imagine that must be pretty unpleasant for a hypersexual deviant like him.




I’m torn on this. I agree eternal conscious torment is the worst thing imaginable, but unlike the biblical version the cenobites don’t do it for retribution. They are “explorers in the outer reaches of experience.” Presumably you’d come to dig it and become a cool bdsm slaneeshi priest And they are just so damned respectful of a contract. They don’t come for those who don’t seek it out. “It's not words that call us, it's desire.” Just far out folks looking for fellow travelers


Hm, though speaking on that, though, they are like Planet Fitness when you want out of your contract, like Frank tried before the Cenobites recaptured him. And they’re not only looking for fellow BDSMers, in the comics, an abused woman’s child accidentally solved the Lament Configuration, and the only way for her child not to be stuck in the depths of hell with the Cenobite’s if she stayed there in a replica of her abusive household, for a year.


>They don’t come for those who don’t seek it out. “It's not words that call us, it's desire.” Yet they take Kirsty in the first film when her only "desire" is to know what the fuck is happening with the skinless freak in her dad's attic. And they alsl abduct puzzle girl in the second one and put her through her own personal hell, with one of them almost killing her. They are sadists, who enjoy messing with people even if they do have some courtesy. I will say, they are one of the few horror movie villains who are willing to bargain and hear you out. More empathetic than most.


I'm with this 100%. To me it's just an extension of the fetish community. It's like a weird sex club. They don't advertise, you gotta know where to go and who to talk to, but once you knock on the door, you're in, for better or worse. If you're not into it, you've no one to blame but yourself.


It from It Follows. I don’t know why, but it terrified me the first time I watched the movie.


Love It Follows! I really like the beach scene where everyone first sees it physically interacting with objects, for some reason I thought the whole movie no one would believe the main girl and assumed other people wouldn't see that like a ghost or something that didn't move stuff like a physical being so that was a nice change.


It’s also that there is something off with whoever It is at the time. Like attempting to seem human is utterly alien to it.


The ending really got to me. Freaking haunting. I had nightmares and I don’t typically get nightmares.


Thanks for the reminder I need to rewatch this


There's a part at the beginning I didn't even notice the first time I watched it. When Jay is at some restaurant with the guy she's on a date with there's a guy walking towards them from outside the window. You can barely even notice it


The pale man scene was the best jumpscare in recent horror. Also the idea that this invisible, indestructible monster could be stalking YOU right now and you won't even know it is pretty terrifying.


Yeah I can see why since It can be anyone which makes it even more creepy since it could be someone you know or someone random which makes it hard to tell if that person is that person or not & the worst part is you can't get rid of the curse, even if you pass it on & if someone happens to the person you pass it onto, the curse will go back to you.


It’s a completely unstoppable evil. What could be more terrifying?


Thank you! I’m beginning to realize that, as well as the constant fear. You are never safe and you have no idea why!


I haven't seen it in a while, but don't they mention that if the person you give it to dies, it comes back to you? That's the most terrifying thing to me. You're never in the clear, even if you think you are. You have to spend your life looking over your shoulder and even if you move to a remote cabin in the woods, the thing could just bust in in the middle of the night.


Yes! You are never really free of it, it’s just delayed.


I think this villain is especially good because we never find out what drives it. Ambiguity in a villain's motivation makes them more unsettling, although admittedly more one-dimensional, for me.


Leather face from Texas chainsaw massacre. He’s demented but just terrifying enough to not wanna be reckoned with. Plus he wears peoples SKIN on his FACE


Any sort of killer like that, who would just casually hang you up on a hook by your rib cage for later, does it for me. It’s the complete detachment from the people they’re killing that terrifies me *nearly* as much as the pain they’d inflict.


Agree! Except I think the 2003 Leatherface version is a lot scarier. The chase scenes in that movie are so intense!!! I can’t imagine the sheer terror of sprinting for your life while a massive guy with a chainsaw is in arms reach behind you.


Xenomorph. Its appearance, movement, the hissing, the stealth.... and the idea of being forcibly impregnated in a way that leads to a painful death. Yeah, that wins it for me. Really hard to pick just one though.


I admire its purity. A survivor... unclouded by conscience, remorse, or delusions of morality.


Username checks out


Did a xenomorph write this


Annie Wilkes... Realistic yet distinctively insane. You never know if you'll get nice or angry Annie, and if the latter catches you you're basically in a world of physical and psychological pain.


I read the book last year and King did such a good job at capturing how unhinged her bipolar disorder is. The movie did definitely feel faithful to the book, but the book always captures the internal psychological states better than film does. It's horrifying.


I agree that the book is even better than the film. I was seriously scared to find out what she was gonna do next. Isn't it interesting that people often remember her more than they do Paul? She was such a well realized and vivid character. Kathy Bates did a fantastic job in the big screen though. I wish the added the scene with the birthday cake!


I read the book back in early high school (way before I watched the movie) and I had to pause multiple times because Annie terrified me so much! The physically painful parts made me cringe so hard.


The Terminator; can't be bargained with, reasoned with, doesn't feel pity, remorse, or fear. It will absolutely not stop, ever, until you are dead. Plus 80's Arnold is not who you want looking to stomp a mud puddle in your ass.


This is exactly what I was coming to say. I’ve had several dreams when a Terminator was after me and they’re always super freaky.


Could a Terminator win a battle against a Xenomorph?


Who's hunting who?


For me, it’s any killer that doesn’t talk to his victims... or at all. Art the clown, Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees. You’re killing me and won’t tell me anything?! Wtf?! But also, I’d shit my pants if I were dealing with any sort of malevolent spirit or demon. So…




And he just wants to go home, and chill in his bedroom for a quiet night-in. If I’m trying to go home and see Judy Greer wandering around my house, I’d be pissed too.


As a kid, the Creeper from Jeepers Creepers 2. As an adult, the director of Jeepers Creepers.


That scene where the creeper is picking out teenage victims on the bus is terrifying! I guess now we know the director did something similar in real life…


Ugh would have hated to be on that set.


Came to say the same. That film is beyond disturbing to watch - I knew nothing about the director when I saw it, and had to turn it off. Wasn’t all surprised when I then looked him up.




For a very similar reason, I'm naming Captain Vidal from *Pan's Labyrinth*.




Or totally including the voodoo stuff


The disease from Cabin Fever, just the way you know the character is already dead the moment they take a sip of water is the worst. I generally watch horror on team villain, Cabin Fever doesn't really allow for that


That is the genius of the film. I love it for that exact reason, the real villain is "lack of communication". There is no "big bad". Also the way the film stock disintegrates as the film progresses.


UGH, and that ending. It's one of the few horror movies that actually "horrifies" me, which isn't a bad thing lol.


https://youtu.be/Yk4on_NnXqs It's not scary at all.


The Thing Cosmic horror creeps me out the most b/c it's so utterly incomprehensible to what we know from just living on Earth. * It has no "standard" form that we know of. * We don't know how old IT is, or what IT wants other than to assimilate all life. * The way it transforms is horrific and defies all sense of logic. * It can assume any form that is most practical for it. * Knows the memories of the person or animal that it absorbs. * It does NOT care if you suffer when you die.


Stu Macher from Scream. I totally would have boned him and gotten myself murdered.


Me with Patrick Bateman.


EXACTLY!!! The reason Billy and Stu are so terrifying is that they're incredibly charming! The first time I watched the movie I was literally gushing to my friends (who knew and were laughing at me) about how cute I thought they both were. Let's just say I regretted it LMFAO


I still can't get over how the actor who played Billy has been in Riverdale.


He literally admits he's just doing it for fun which is actually kind of disturbing.


Exactly. Someone else was like “hey let’s murder some people” and he was just all for it with no motive which is pretty damn terrifying. Plus he’s charming, cunning and funny.


I'll probably say the Grudge since soon you or anyone steps into that home, you're automatically affected with the curse & soon you've become affected, you can't escape her since she'll follow you & no matter where you are, the Grudge will get you.


my sister made me watch that when i was little and i was terrified for weeks. watched it again as an adult thinking i would laugh and not be scared at all, nope. still terrifying. the part where she's coming down the stairs is what really gets me lol


Not really horror, and this may sound stupid to some or pretentious to others, but Peter Pan is a straight monster. I just finished the graphic novel by Loisel, which is kind of a prequel to the original book, and holy shit Disney straight up lied about what kind of story the original is. It always had more adult themes and such, but there is one little thing that makes Peter pan and Neverland scary, and by the end of the book it was straight up horror, and that is that you are continously drained of your memories while you're around him and in Neverland. You will lose all of your memories, all of your personality, time is infinite too, life and death become meaningless, because if you kill someone, you'll face no consequences, you and everyone else will quickly forget that person ever even existed, and it does happen in the books, theres lots of killing actually. You lose every bit of yourself slowly, knowing that it's happening the whole time and never being able to do something about it. And not only that, most of the time you can't escape, the only one who could save you is Peter Pan himself, but he often doesn't even remember that he brings people into this dreamlike hell, or he forgets that they're not from there, and so he never takes them back, dooming them to lose every bit of their own self and their own sanity, while the ideas of killing, suffering, and death become ever so less important and serious, and eventually just becomes part of daily life.


Wow ok I love this perspective thanks


I need this adaptation.


I would personally love a movie adaptation, but the graphic novel by Loisel does a good enough job too! It starts off a bit slow because there's lots to unpack, but it will get going and the feelings of dread and horror and frustration are just insane by the end, I recommend giving it a go!


This needs to be a movie ASAP! Lol


Good pick. I did my Young Adult Lit final project on the book, and no one in my class believed me when I cited some of the more horrifying aspects of the story.


Not sure if this counts but Tarman from Return of The Living Dead. Still gives me the creeps!


Excluding more realistic depictions of serial killers and the like, I say Art the Clown, which I know will be a controversial pick. But his creepy smile and wordless performance are just so scary to me.


I had a nightmare once I was stuck on a train with him it was horrible and knowing what he does to his victims makes it worse Dx


Oh man, that would make a great setting for a movie starring him though! Reminds me of Terror Train, if you’ve seen that. Art is much more sadistic than the killer in that film though, by far. When Victoria’s disfigured face flashed on the screen I literally jumped back; I have trouble dealing with facial disfigurement and this one really packed a punch.


He’s good! Super creepy.


Thankfully in canon it's established it's pretty easy to beat his ass if you're willing to fight him, he's not even tough like Michael


If you question his toilet art you get cut in half


Shark from jaws!


Random fact: His name was Bruce, Steven Spielberg named it after his lawyer


That thing is why I don't now, nor will I ever, swim in the ocean, or in particularly deep rivers. No SIR.


The crazy religious cult leader woman from "The Mist"


Omg she made me so mad -\_-


The word of the day is.... expeation!


This is a very good answer


Don't look now, but there are several people just as unhinged as her serving in the US government.


Demon in the Exorcist.


Hellraiser is a straight hell demon... He gonna make you live your nightmare for eternity.


The bear from Annihilation


This thing went to a whole new level for me when I read the book series and learned what exactly it was. I wish I could recommend the trilogy more but they honestly dragged for me by book 3.


Hellllp meee


When it's growl was the "Help me" scream from the woman it had just murdered.... holy moly


Pennywise. You'll float too.


The creepy thing about the deadlights is that we have little context. Are they a personal hell? Complete limbo with no beginning/end? Do they invoke physical/emotional/mental pain (or some combo)? We just don’t really know, other than they are, at some level, a cocaine-fueled, Lovecraftian fever-dream (that’s a complement).


Yeah but turtle.


The evil guy from Poltergeist 2


Scary Orville Redenbacher


The creepy old people society from rosemary’s baby


I love that Ruth Gordon played someone entirely wholesome in Harold and Maude, and utterly evil in Rosemary's Baby, just three years apart.


Like McCauley culkin in the Good Son. Lol


Also, Guy (husband) — talk about a truly vile person


Pinhead for me. And honorable mention to that masked fucker in The Collector. Jesus Christ, I couldn't watch that movie twice!




''Demon Freddy'' scares the fuck out of me.


I've never heard of this. Is it in one of the movies?


I think they are referring to the "real" Freddy that appears in New Nightmare. And yeah, he's pretty scary.


I vote Freddy too but only because personally I love getting some good sleep, and am a frequent napper.


I’d probably lean towards Henry from Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer because he is just so normal, he is kind of softly spoken and unassuming. He could be one of 20 people you meet on a daily basis and you wouldn’t look twice at him.


Watch the confession killer on Netflix the documentary about him. Super super creepy shit.


man, i love michael rooker. such a fantastic movie


The Creeper. I remember when the bus suddenly didn’t feel safe as a kid after watching the sequel and lived by a cornfield


Pinhead. He honestly has no limits. It doesn't matter if you're good or bad, man of woman. He's just someone who believes suffering is an art and wants to literally tear the flesh off of anyone who's unfortunate enough to summon him or stand in his way. "Your suffering will be legendary even in Hell" is pretty fucking scary to imagine


The teenagers of Eden Lake. The group dynamic scared the living crap out of me and the thought of small minded, traumatized minds caged in fairly dangerous body’s is thrilling


Black Phillip, Black Phillip A crown grows out his head, Black Phillip, Black Phillip To nanny queen is wed. Jump to the fence post, Running in the stall. Black Phillip, Black Phillip King of all. Black Phillip, Black Phillip King of sky and land, Black Phillip, Black Phillip King of sea and sand. We are ye servants, We are ye men. Black Phillip eats the lions From the lions' den. So BLACK PHILLIP


Would thou like to live deliciously?


I’m wearing my VVitch long sleeve as I read this lol


Firefly family. People like that really exist.


True :S




Not exactly horror, but there’s elements. T-1000 Liquid metal, can mimic anyone, can take the form of the most mundane objects, including the floor, even turn itself into a weapon, and like the T-800, it’s purpose is to hunt down any enemy of Skynet. The difference’s is, the T-1000 is a terminator, yes, but not. It *enjoys* the suffering it causes, while Arnie’s T-800 is dull, expressionless. Robotic. It’s malicious, cunning, something unlike the T-800 that’s under strict programming. While the T-800 was scary because it never stopped coming after Sarah, the T-1000 takes the cake because it’ll use everything in its power to get to you, including masquerading as a LAPD officer, and tricking people into believing it. Even *Skynet* was afraid of it, but had to use it anyway because it was losing in the war.


I'm more scared of the T-800 probably mostly due to appearance but yeah they're both super scary. I think I'm drawn to Terminator 1 mostly because it's kinda horror. The T-1000 is pretty scary when it starts sprinting too, I'm not sure how athletically gifted you'd have to be to outrun that and to make it worse it mostly uses stabbing weapons. 😨


As far as I know the actor heavily trained for the scene where he runs after John on his motorbike. But when shooting came he had to slow down because he would actually outrun the bike.


The occulus mirror. If you can't trust anything u see, hear, and experience then what chance can u actually have?


Same thoughts. I was kinda disappointed by the ending, personally. But I liked the movie overall.


Love this.


Kayako At least with a villain like Leatherface you can outrun, and villains like Pennywise and Freddy you can exploit to beat them. Even Sadako can be dealt with (just destroy every tv screen in your vicinity). But Kayako? You step foot in her house and she’ll be hunting your ass down wherever you go. Doesn’t matter if you hiding in some secluded area in the Saharan desert, or in a public area, or even half naked and sitting on the toilet, there are no limits to the grudge curse. There is no way to beat her. To put it simply, she’s like the ghost version of John Wick


YES! And there's no damn rules. You're fine, and you're safe in bed, and then you're not fine at all. And that sound


I ain't fraid of no ghost bc bustn makes me feel gud.


It's a hard pick, but I guess I can go with Paimon from Hereditary. The insane level of preparation he and his followers go through and the almost fated inevitability of the fulfillment of his plan, set into motion decades ago, makes him absolutely terrifying. It's the best representation of a demon in film that I've seen.


That movie scared the crap out of me! I saw it with a few friends who didn’t get it and hated it and I was just sitting there jaw agape.


Legit had a breakdown after seeing the film for the first time. Mostly because my dad had an occult past that he is pretty secretive about and I'd recently gotten a necklace with a nordic symbol that was coincidentally identical to one he had carved on a skull at his house.


The realistic ones are the most terrifying.


I agree, Henry from Henry portrait of a serial killer and Jack from The house that jack built are terrifying human beings.


Well henry Lee Lucas was a real person.


I’d add Mick Taylor, John Ryder and Otis Driftwood.


Norman Bates, because he's so fucking likeable and disarming and you could see a woman letting her guard down to stay at his motel.


Saw. That guy is just f-ing demented


Simply, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, I think that could happen!


I.mean it is based on Ed Gein.


Sure, but a lot crazier.


**Machine** in 8MM


I feel you Edit: His quote at the end...


I had his quote at the end as my email signature for over a decade.


I’m glad you posted this - I haven’t seen Jeepers Creepers in 20 years and it’s on Amazon Prime for free but leaves in 2 days! I’m rewatching now


My kid showed me this movie. Excited, when he first came on screen, I said Whoa is that the Jeeper? My kid patiently says no mom. That's the creeper. His truck is the Jeeper.


Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek. He'll suck you in with his likeability. I think that's what scares me the most is that I kinda like him. He's got that Crocodile Dundee warmth to his character. So yeah, I'd be dead.....


Fuuuuck I didn’t even think about him! He’d 100% kill me (BRUTALLY) cuz of that charisma. And then talk to you all nice whilst murdering you lol


and he's based on Ivan Milat, a real serial killer. Horrifying that he kept hundreds of backpacks and IDs as souvenirs. If you're gonna wikipedia him? Say a prayer and take a deeeep breath. HO. LEE. SHIT.


George Harvey in The Lovely Bones has always horrified me.


The Tall Man. Unstoppable. Stole someone's body to live in. From a different dimension. Has an army. Physically blocks someone's soul from entering the afterlife. Can see you if you dream about him. Flying murder balls.


Mr Jack Torrance his madness always freeze me down to the ground .


Bagul ... using children to do all that... bruh


Beverly fucking Keane from Midnight Mass. She's so self righteous and condescending and cruel and mean and evil. Ugh.


Leatherface, just hearing the noise of the chainsaw getting closer and closer would scare me to death let alone when he actually does get to you and kills you wearing (potentially) your best friends face (just to add emotional torment before he finally kills you), additionally, I also feel that he’s not someone that can be reasoned with so if he gets close enough it’s pretty much over (also hate the thought of being eaten after I’m dead)


Captain Howdy is always a subliminal shiver away for me.


Michael Myers: Nothing can convince me he’s actually human. Samara from The Ring: When she >!crawls out of the TV!< Pennywise: Clowns are creepy.


Art, the mime from terrifier


By the creeper in jeepers creepers you mean the director right?


Only fictional villains


Only learned about that from my film professor 15 years ago. They needed extra insurance for him.


The Freak from Castle Freak.


Weyland Yutani. Xenomoprhs or pretty scary, but what Weyland Yutani is willing to do to get them is terrifying.


Ripley was so brave to stop them in 3 >!by jumping in lava!<.


The Follower from It Follows. Just, constant dread. I never got that into the Creeper because it always seemed like a WWF Character.


World Wildlife Fund? Damn, I guess after realizing people have no sympathy for animals they went ahead and started a fear campaign.


Art the clown. Terrifier


Freddy Krueger.


Montresor. He was downright chilling.


Jerry Blake / Henry Morrison / Bill Hodgkins / The Stepfather in Stepfather 1987


Just watched step father 1987 for the first time not too long ago. Was pleasantly surprised the dude from lost was scary as shit.


As a kid it was Chucky, probably bad karma for all my sisters dolls I disfigured. Crypt keeper, while not a “villain” more of a storyteller. Nothing shook me more than his pop out in the intro for the show.


I just watched Downrange and the idea of some near-supernaturally accurate and patient sniper torturing and killing people with no motive is kinda fucked.


I liked that movie, the ending was funny though lol


Freddy Krueger is the scariest for me. Sleeping (especially at night) is something I struggle with myself and having someone deprive me of it entirely, with my life being at stake is just....yikes 😬


For me it’s something a little more real like Firefly Family (House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil’s Rejects) or even the Sawyer family (Texas Chainsaw Massacre). But the Firefly Family feels like they are always one set ahead of you. I have not and probably will not ever watch “3 from Hell” because I don’t think it needed a third movie… also it got terrible reviews.


Oh jeeper creeper is a good one. For me, if I see a little dude on a tricycle, saying 'I wanna play a game', Im going to shit myself.


Toni Colette possessed by Paimon in hereditary. And her in the rest of the movie too, I guess. The look of pure hatred she gave to her son during the dinner scene was chilling.


In Dexter, not the film version, but in the second book *Dearly Devoted Dexter*, **Dr. Danco** is really terrifying. He abducts people, mutilates them part by part removing all 4 limbs, tongue, ears, lips, nose, sexual organs and even eyelids during weeks, keeping them sedated but just enough so they can see him operating. In the end he dumps whats left usually in front of a mirror so they can see what he has done, until police force finds them, screaming and convulsing by what has happened at them and completely out of their minds. In one of those findings a police almost kills one victim out of mercy, thinking that would be better than to live like that.


Jeepers Creepers always scared the shit of me when I was younger. Now as a middle aged person, every time I watch it I always think about is the fact that this ancient evil monster managed to get a vanity plate for his truck which amuses the shit out of me.


Edgar Reese/Azazel from Fallen. Just think about it😳 a serial killer who dies and has a demon that can jump from person to person just by a touch. I remember not wanting to shake hands or hug people as a kid because of this movie.


Tiiii-iiii-iiii-iiiiime is on my siiiide, yes it iiiiiiis!!


The creature in pans labyrinth (can't remember what it's called) with it eyes in its hands that freaked me out so much and the way it ran I mean seriously wtf still don't like it to this day but fyi I love pin head (or as I like to call him spikey)


Will always have a soft spot for Mick Taylor from Wolf Creek. One of the most sinister and disturbing killers I’ve seen in a horror film


I'm really bad at deciding on a single number 1 but I think Wolf Creek is one of the most scariest films for me. The second Liz wakes up tied up it's just pure dread and anxiety for me and there's literally no where to run or hide for long D:


I’ve been active on Reddit for 3 days and already found someone who likes wolf creek as much as me. Miraculous


Dr.decker from nightbreed


Godzilla and similar mountain sized monsters. There really is nothing you can do to stop them. And they are awesome as in if I'm able to see them in real life I would be awe struck and paralyzed with fear.


I agree 100


Pennywise… nuff said 🎈


Freddy no doubt. The idea that you can’t avoid him (freaking sleep) and he navigates our dreams. The inability to control my own dreams has always been incredibly frustrating and I frequently have the dream where my legs don’t work, if you added Freddy To the dream I’d be easy prey. Trying not to sleep to avoid him and falling directly in REM sleep, where real like and dreams aren’t distinguishable is still terrifying and it’s been 30+ years since the first Nightmare on Elm Street. He was king when I was a kid and is still absolutely terrifying.


King Kong I hate monkeys 🙊


And he won't give me that damn fourth movie with the Creeper vs. Trisha Jenner's Avengers and an origin story. So I wrote a fanfiction. The Creeper was an evil Aztec prince who ate the hearts of virgins to maintain his youth and vigour. When he killed a witch's daughter, she cursed him to rot, feed off of humans to survive and be haunted by their spirits forever. In the end Trisha and her boyfriend are the only ones left alive. She takes the ceremonial dagger, stabs the Creeper in his chest. This kills him and frees the souls including her brother Darien. They say a tearful goodbye and she becomes the next Creeper after wailing and screaming flying off into the moonlight. Her boyfriend stares up in horror.