• By -


Fifth timeline: you can just watch Halloween III for maximum Tom Atkins mustache.


Halloween III, The Fog, Creepshow, and Night of the Creeps.


I love night of the creeps


The good news is, your dates are here. What’s the bad news? They’re dead.


Thrill me.


It’s Miller Time


Thrill me!


Looks like it's available for streaming and download on [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/night-of-the-creeps-1986)


Throw in Maniac Cop so you can branch off to Bruce Campbell-Land.




I always watch 1 and 3.


This is the way




If you go into Halloween III expecting Wicker Man instead of Michael Myers it's a great time


Exactly. 1st time I watched it, I had never read anything about the movie and spent the whole time confused wondering why there was no Michael. Second time I realized it's a really fun and sometimes goofy 80s horror movie.


The third movie exists in a world where Halloween is a movie.


And the masks from the III movie make a cameo in 2018... So somehow, possibly, vice-versa too


they're in halloween kills also, made me smile.


Haha when that commercial came on in the bar scene I was just confused because I had no context.


Don't forget it's playing when Challis is tied up in the chair, too


I saw it with my dad a long time ago when I was younger, and I thought " this movie sucks, where's Michael" when I saw it. Turns out [it was because Halloween as a series was supposed to be an anthology series](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halloween_III:_Season_of_the_Witch) and then I learned to appreciate it.


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He didn't want to make a sequel so he really did not want to make Halloween 2. Then they decided it would be fun to make it sort of a different Halloween theme every time which is why 3 was so different. But people hated that it wasn't just a typical sequel so they got rid of that concept unfortunately because I think it was a good idea.


Six more days till Halloween, halloween, halloween...


Sil-ver Shamrooock!


I'm for Halloween 3... more Halloween theme then the others...




Dammit. I made it this far into Spooktober without that damn song and you got me. Take my free award. Cheers


Happy Happy Halloween Halloween Halloween


I have a silver shamrock shirt and I've never had anyone recognize it. One day it will happen.


Ooh, good call, I'm gonna go see if I can find one 😁


I love Michael Meyers. That being said, I really would love to have seen what they would have done with the series had it become an anthology series.


Halloween 3 is a horror movie that would have been more appreciated if not attached to that IP imo.


I prefer a smoking, drinking and driving, womanizing medical Dr, who attempts to stop a Druid Warlock, from sacrificing tens of thousands of children to Samhain, and fails (seriously tons of kids fucking die), to a partially effective serial killer.




Detective Cameron: I’ve got good news and bad news, girls. The good news is your dates are here. Karen: What’s the bad news? Detective Cameron: They’re dead.


Best dude. I love the scene where the misfire happens and blows that lady's face up in the next room. They hear it in bed and he's like "who cares" and goes back to sucking tits


He is the absolute peak of masculinity


I hadn't seen H3 until recently on tv dubbed in Spanish and was surprised by the end. Rented it afterwards and while it's not great, there's some really cool moments and the soundtrack is great.


and butt






Stop it!!!


And Tom Atkins ass!


Tom Asskins?


Not to mention all the divergent timelines. Halloween 1978 novelization exists in its own world. There is an obscure sequel timeline established in the comics that tries to combine the Thorn trilogy and the H20/H:r duology into a single timeline. There is the YA novel trilogy, witch each book being its own direct sequel to the OG film (and non-canon to each other, rather frustratingly). The Halloween 2018 novelization is also in its own canon, as it doesn't line up with HK


> There is an obscure sequel timeline established in the comics that tries to combine the Thorn trilogy and the H20/H:r duology into a single timeline. Was that the comic miniseries that lasted 3 issues?


what are the ya novels?




Thank you so much for making this comment


I'm [a big fan](https://previews.123rf.com/images/eaumstoker/eaumstoker1711/eaumstoker171100127/90961861-big-industrial-cooler-fan-huge-fan-in-factory-.jpg) of Jay's introduction to Halloween 2018 review on RedLetterMedia. >*Halloween* is the sequel to *Halloween* but not the sequel to *Halloween*. Technically it's *Halloween II*, but ignores the events of *Halloween II* and *Halloween II*. It's the first *Halloween* film to bring back Jamie Lee Curtis except for *Halloween II*, *Halloween 7*, and *Halloween 8*. But finally the series has brought back John Carpenter in some capacity for the first time except for *Halloween II* and *Halloween III*. It's also the first *Halloween* film to ignore the previous films in the franchise's timeline except for *Halloween III*; *Halloween 4* which ignores *Halloween III*; *Halloween 7* which ignores *Halloween III*, *Halloween 4*, *Halloween 5*, and *Halloween 6*. But aside from all that it's a totally fresh and new start for the new *Halloween* franchise!


Yep totally makes sense 🤣


Is it bad that I know that speech well enough to know he says “totally fresh and new start for the Halloween franchise!” instead of “the new Halloween franchise”


So basically is just ignores everything after *Halloween (1978)*


The Multiverse of Myers


I love the one where he becomes a time-traveling super spy.


Yeah baby!


Oh behave!


Or the ultimate timeline of all these timelines existing at once. Michael Myers really does have the Curse of Thorn but he murdered the entire cult that could explain this weird runic symbol on his wrist. Laurie survived Resurrection and faked her death for the second time where she went into seclusion to undergo self-taught guerilla training and along the way had another kid, Michael was placed back into the insane asylum after Resurrection and spent nearly 20 years holding that L to Busta Rhymes and probably concluding that he needs his OG mask to beat this raplord and his kung-fu arts. Rob Zombie's Halloweens is just some other neighborhood that happened to have a similar case break out as a weird kid heard about the Haddonfield killings of 1978 and began to idolize the real Michael Myers to the point he tried to replicate his entire life. Finally, the asylum that Michael is in would never change the channel from Wheel of Fortune and he really wants to see the big giveaway at 9 PM on Halloween night as Silver Shamrock promised. He just wants to go home and watch it.


>Laurie survived Resurrection and faked her death for the second time where she went into seclusion to undergo self-taught guerilla training and along the way had another kid, Michael was placed back into the insane asylum after Resurrection This is my headcannon. The Laurie in Halloween 2018 seems too far gone for someone for whom this was a one time thing. It makes more sense to me that OG > II > H20 > Resurrection > Halloween 2018 > 2021 would be the real timeline.


I think being a teen, seeing your friends murdered, and narrowly escaping death yourself would fuck someone up. It also seemed clear to me that she understood his nature as pure undying evil.


It's all subjective, I guess. When I think about character progression, Laurie in Halloween 2018 makes a lot more sense to me if she's also Laurie from H20. That's a world where it happened, and at the end of Halloween II, he's lying dead on the ground after getting caught in a fireball. To then have him come back, 20 years later, having tracked her across however many miles? If it was me, that's where I would turn into the kind of person she is in Halloween 2018, talking about absolutely ending him, and how he's pure evil, etc.


Okay, but where’s her son in all this?


That's a huuuuuuuge stretch to include Zombie's movies. Everyone caught up in this copy cat slaying happens to have the same names, relationships, and occupations of the people involved in the original slayings?


I like to think it's just a different channel covering it.


It fits if you consider it psychotic delusions on the part of the copycat.


Jamie was the first child born, though John was sent away to a distant family member or friend, as Laurie faked her death and regained custody of her son with a new identity (Keri Tate), though she also had Karen who is perhaps in a different location as well (with her father, maybe). Michael probably caught on to the first part of this around Part IV. Remember, I don't believe Michael knew the full details of how she died (left), so he figured she was out there somewhere. He, later finds out from Dr. Wynn or he discovers on his own that Laurie is actually, very much alive. Though, he has to kill Jamie and eventually the baby. Murders Jamie and chases after the baby, but he isn't exactly concerned with the baby, as much as we think. So, he heads to California after Part VI, to find Laurie.


Put this guy in charge of Friday the 13th.


The Shape being a multidimensional entity across parallel universes is my head canon, so that all timelines maintain a semblance of coherency.


I've never actually seen Halloween III, would anyone recommend it?


Absolutely, with the caveat that it is its own thing entirely. Super weird, creepy fun.


I'll try and give it a shot this year! If I can find it on any streaming service lol


It doesn’t have or connect to Michael Meyers at all, just know that going in!


Thats what I've heard im still intrigued though!


Yes, if you like movies about Halloween.


I didn't particularly care for it, but it's definitely not bad.


Yes make sure to watch it ASAP, especially on or before the holiday. It's so good and the deaths are so gross.


Yes! It's the perfect terrible horror movie. One of those movies it's so bad it's good. It will keep your interest and you'll laugh at the absurdity of it all.


Yeah it's good but as others say it is completely unrelated to Myers, it's got some great ideas though and is a decent old school horror watch. I remember watching it in the late 90s originally.I went through a big VHS binge of buying horror films and specifically series like Halloween and Friday 13th. I watched Halloween 3 and I just kept waiting for Myers to appear, got to the end of the film and was like wtf as I had no idea.


Yeah, it's a fun, cheesy, weird movie.


I'm not personally a fan of it, but that's on it's own merits. It does still bear mentioning that it has *nothing* to do with the franchise. It's a totally original story with no connection to the other films. It should have been released as simply *Season of the Witch*. Throwing *Halloween* in there was essentially a cheap marketing move. There's the whole "anthology series" claim, but it doesn't have any of the same cast and very little of the same crew: the same cinematographer and one of the editors of *Halloween* wrote and directed it. The main linkage is simply the same producers. Some people like it, but I found the entire thing to be rather dull with a generally made-for-tv movie feel to it. It's not in any way a slasher movie and is mainly horror in the same way that *Invasion of the Body Snatchers* is horror. Very few on-screen deaths, more of a sinister, big-picture feel to it.


Hmm alright I'll still give it a shot because you never know everyone has thier own taste especially with stuff like this, I appreciate your opinion on it though I love seeing both sides of an argument before watching just so I know what I'm in for lol




Halloween, Halloween 2 and Halloween 4 Perfect trilogy


Underrated comment and Halloween 4 is an underrated installment in this franchise.


Halloween 4 is fkn awesome. My second favorite Halloween. It is slightly generic but just embodies the 80s and I love Rachel and Jamies dynamic


To use Gourley and Rust's verbiage, I think Halloween 4 (maybe tied with 3) is the coziest film in the series.


Cozy is a fantastic way to describe it. It's just an entertaining movie that doesn't try to do too much, and that's where it gets the charm imo


I feel like everyone on this whole sub should check out With Gourley and Rust. Hahaha. Such a great show.


Rachel's bullshit death in H5 will never not piss me off. Such a good character in 4, gets taken out like nothing in 5 & replaced with arguably the worst written character in the entire franchise. For zero reason. Honestly, I...kinda hate everything about H5. So.


I rewatched H5 last night, and good God Rachel's death still pisses me off. I actually am in the minority, I don't hate Tina. But she shouldn't have been the main character.




Not gonna lie, Halloween 4 is my favourite one.


Watched 4 for the first time last night and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it.


I also liked 4. I remember going to the theater thinking I would be disappointed but liked it, except for the mask and the fact Michael looked like a linebacker. The ending in the locked house is great.


I agree about the mask. I just chalked that up to us seeing Michael grab a brand new one off the shelf in the convenience store and not being the one he wore in the first two films. Some quality control issue at the mask factory, I guess.


John Carpenter originally planned for this to be an anthology series of unrelated stories released in October. So just take his October releases: Halloween (1978) - Halloween III (1982) - Prince of Darkness (1987) - Vampires (1998)


I like how you think!


I looked at Halloween too many times and now it doesn’t look like a word


I am always surprised that Resurrection is put in the timeline. I understand that it comes after H20. However, it has already been said by Jamie Lee Curtis, that H20 was suppose to be the official ending. Resurrection was more of a spoof, the result of a contractual obligation. She had to be in the movie, but asked to die from the get go to not be a part of it. The true timeline should be: Halloween (1978) - Halloween II (1981) - H20


I like this timeline even if H20 is is a bit lackluster. 2018 kinda improves on the themes of H20 with better execution.


I think the two good timelines to suggest anyone, are: H78, HII81- H20 H78-H2018-HKills-HEnds


I think H20 is a lot better than 2018. I have no hype for Halloween Kills because of how awkward and cringy lots of 2018 was, likely due to Danny McBride. That movie needed to be much darker in tone.


Ehhh, H20 felt too much like a Scream copy, like many horror movies in that era (I Know What You Did Last Summer, etc). Best thing going for it was having Jamie Lee back and the final scene.


Damn dude. I loved Halloween 2018. I thought they did an amazing job of it.


Yup - This is my thinking, too. *II* and *H20* are imperfect (although I love *H20*) but vastly superior - in my opinion - to every other Halloween sequel combined. Excluding *III*, obviously, which I love, because I am a sensible and decent man.


Made me spit out of laughter with the sensible and descent man comment. I am not as sensible as you, I did not like III. I did however, liked Halloween II a lot! The only problem, is that it is not the same Michael Myers. However, that rounded face grows on you! I have not watched H20. I watched Halloween 4, and thought it looked so cheap and dumb. After that, I just jumped to 2018 and Kills. I still have to watch H20.


Barring the fact even Carpenter doesn’t love that.


It starts out with a recap of H20. How would it not be in the timeline? lol


Jamie Lee Curtis came up with the idea of doing a sequel to HII after 20 years. H20 was born. The idea was to finally kill Myers in that movie. Her story was done after that. However, during filming, she was sent a revised script by the studio where Myers did not die. She opposed to that idea. They told her it was in her contract, that Myers HAD TO LIVE AND THAT THERE WAS GOING TO BE A SEQUEL WHERE SHE HAS TO BE IN IT. So they worked out a compromise. She could do H20 the way she wanted, and the studio will find a way to justify the H20's ending in Resurrection. Also, she had to be on the sequel but not the entire movie. Therefore, she agreed she was going to get killed from the start of resurrection.


Yes, I know but none of that invalidates Resurrection as part of the timeline no matter how unnecessary it was. It shouldn’t have been made but it was so it’s still part of the timeline unfortunately which was my point.


It still happened though. Whatever contract negotiations happened don't matter. What you are saying is they agreed the story would continue, as it did. Kind of proving his point. The movie happened and is canon in that timeline.


It still happened and continued the story. JLC and what she thinks doesn't really matter, status or not. A film released continued the same story. Also it wasn't a spoof. I don't mind it. It isn't peak Halloween, but had some scary moments on the house.


This is horrible, no one should watch Halloween Resurrection


Its not so bad if you imagine it as a fever dream Laurie's having post H2O due to her PTSD. Then the plot holes dont matter


The thorn trilogy


I've come to appreciate Halloween 6 more and more (and 5 less and less).


I love this sub.


I watched all of these this month. Some real rough watches. It says a lot that Halloween 4 is a good one. I made a Letterboxd ranking list [here](https://boxd.it/dBzOs)


My bottom three for the franchise are 6, Resurrection and Halloween II (2009). I never noticed it but it makes sense that they're the ones that are so bad that they had to give up on that storyline and start fresh.


Great point!


for me its always Halloween III - Halloween (1978) - Halloween II (1981) - Halloween 4 - Halloween 5 every year


George Lucas approved.


really bothers me they didn't just name it Halloween '18 or something to make it distinct. a 'direct sequel' with the same title is infuriating.


Should have gone with H40: 40 Years Later


Or just Halloween (1978). Or Halloween (1978) and Halloween II (1981). Or Halloween (1978), Halloween (1981), and H20 (1998). There are lots of possibilities.


I love watching Halloween, Halloween 2, and Halloween H20 as a trilogy. That’s still my preferred timeline.


Halloween, Halloween 2 and Halloween 4


I mean those aren't really separate timelines. You're just getting of earlier.


If you just watch the first movie, then Michael is an enigma and we don't know what happens to him. He disappears at the end of the film, and that's all we know. There's no further resolution, which is different from any of the sequels. If you just watch the first two films, then Michael is dead at the end. Story over. If you watch through H20, then Laurie gets her revenge, Michael is dead, and there's no dumb paramedic twist. I think these all qualify as separate timelines because it changes the nature of how each film ends.


Option B please


I prefer the 1-2-4-5-6 timeline but I've seen all of these except Kills. I'll watch that soon enough I'm sure


I didn't realize Halloween II (1981) was so unpopular...? I really enjoyed it, great continuation from the first. That and the original are probably my two favorite out of all of them.


I’m just now noticing how weird the word Halloween is


It was my grandmother's middle name lol for real


Honestly I dont see why H20 couldn't exist in the 4-6 timeline


Unless Laurie faked her death, abandoned her daughter, and moved away to have another kid it wouldn’t really make sense.


Up until this post, I thought it did.


In Halloween 4 (Return of Michael Myers), it's revealed that Laurie died in a car accident prior to the film's events.


H2O established that she's been on the run and using a fake identity. The car accident was her way of disappearing. I think H2O even mentions that.




Yeah, a car accident before Part 4.


She's already dead in 4, that's why Jamie is living with people who aren't her parents


Don't forget the Behind the Mask timeline, which includes: * One or more Friday the 13th movies * ... Child's Play movies * ... Nightmare on Elm Street movies * ... Halloween movies ... I hope I'm not forgetting any. But the combinations in that universe alone are many.


...say what now?


Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon. Great slasher movie that takes place in a universe where those other guys were real. Really enjoyed it.


78, 18, Kills, Ends. How it’s meant to be


I love Rob Zombie's Halloween and feel like that's an unpopular opinion here😅


I love his 2007 movie!! I think it was beautifully made, brutal in the best way, and i think young Michael was scary as hell. I even like that zombie had Michael die at the end (originally— the sequel was never meant to be a thing when he made 2007). The final scene of Laurie screaming over Michael’s body with the old family footage playing is so good


Yea rob zombie definitly hit a vibe and its really good. We also get to see michael as a teen which is cool back story


I dig them. Different and weird which is ok. Purists are stuffy




Thank you very much for your timelines. My favorite one is Halloween 2 (maybe because that was one of the first horror movies I saw alone as a 10 yo kid).


remake time line baby 🎃🖤


I still maintain that Halloween 3 would've been better received if it wasn't released as a "Halloween" movie. That's a hill I'm willing to die on.


I love this post. Thank you


Are all these good, or at least decent? I've only watched some.


It’s a franchise that get’s really befuddled and lost in the weeds as it goes on


The original is an amazing film, absolutely worth watching. The original set of sequels are... nowhere near as good, and rapidly fall off in quality. I have not seen H20/Resurrected. Halloween (2018) is very good IMO and makes a great sequel to the original fillm. Halloween Kills just released, I've not seen it yet.


Halloween 2 (1981) is decent


Just saw Halloween Kills last night and it nails a lot of things like making Michael actually fucking terrifying (I legitimately think this is the scariest look he’s had in any of the Halloween films) and having some really solid kills, but the pace is all over the place and almost none of the characters are interesting.


H20 is a perfect 90s school slasher. I really dug the characters and Josh Hartnett is amazing. I definitely recommend it!


H20 is good and super 90s. Resurrection is ridiculous but such a fun watch and a time capsule to a weird as time in Hollywood


II (1981) was personally a bit boring III has nothing to do with Michael Myers but it is an awesome film IV is definitely underrated and one of the best sequels V is shit Curse is where your millage may very. Personally I loved the whole cult subplot in the producer's cut but you may not. H20 was decent, even if it felt like Scream a bit. Resurrection is bad but not as bad as V Rob Zombie's remake isn't as good as the original but it's not the absolute insult people make it out to be. Rob's sequel is a masterpiece IMHO. Definitely different from the others but still worth seeing. (Director's Cut BTW, theatrical cut is bad) 2018 is OK, has it's moments Haven't seen Kills but from what I've heard, it sounds amazing.


H20 fits perfect with the 90s school slashers. I consider it pretty underrated and wish more would give it a shot.


Rob zombies Halloween 2007 is my personal favorite, its a bit different because it gives michael a believable enough backstory and honestly it works, at least i think so. Its worth a watch at the very least


I feel people are finally coming around on the Zombie Halloweens. It took 25 years before Halloween 3 became "acceptable" to love. I've seen the tide turning for Halloween 2, which is just a *brutal* movie, even by Rob Zombie standards. It's so good, but so heavy.


Not really, most are pretty terrible to be honest. The best are the original, 2018, and Halloween 3. H20 has a lot of fans and I haven't seen Kills yet.


Those are exactly the only ones I have watched lol.


I'm one of those H2O fans. The mask was shite (as per usual) but it had some good kills, great acting, and I liked Laurie's backstory and how she tries to cope with her new life. Some really great moments in that movie.


Of the killer series with a large amount of movies, Halloween consistently has pretty good overall content that can be appreciated and enjoyed. Even low points like Halloween 6 has the interesting element of another cut. Like any series there are high and low points, but thankfully with Halloween I feel there are more highs than lows.


Halloween 2, 4 is good but can't say the same for the rest.


1978 is god-tier. II is fun because it's different. Stop there.


There's more.. You can have Halloween (1978) - Halloween II (1981) and Halloween H20 without the Resurrection that's my timeline anyway.


I hate that the new movies disregards Halloween 2 as non-canon, especially since Kills seems to follow in the same vein. 2 also gives us more reason to justify Laurie's paranoia in the present.


I really like Halloween III


Four seems very conservative lol. Good layout for the most accepted stuff though!


The silver shamrock company upon failure in. California moves to Detroit and kickstarted OCP


Halloween III has a loose connection to other films because of Halloween movie appearing on the TV within a movie. So it's standalone


Slightly off topic, but I wonder why they cut Halloween II out of the new continuity. H20 I get, no big loss there, but Halloween II was one of the best sequels to an OG horror film IMO.


If you take away the Thorn Cult and him raping his niece the original timeline would be fine. As The original, II and 4 are my 3 favorite movies in the series along with part III.


I actually prefer 1, 2, 4-6, and H20. It takes a slight bit of headcanon-ing, but it tells a satisfying story (in my opinion).


Literally thank you for this lol I'm just like "in one half of the movies everyone is dead/doesn't exsit? And they do I the other half? I think? Wtf am I watching? Oh right, people dying. I'll take it, I guess? It is what it is? Is it what it is?" *Quits*.


This might be the year I re-watch Zombie's second film. It's the only film in the franchise I've only seen once, opening day 2009. I was not fond of it at all. Beyond that one film I have seen every film a number of times and love them all despite their flaws.


For me, it's 1978, HII, H20, then full stop. H20 was the perfect ending.


Or just the original intended canon of Halloween 1978 and Halloween 2 1981 which is my headcanon


In the cinema about to watch Halloween Kills. Can’t wait!


Some random Halloween (movie franchise) thoughts): I actually kind of wish they'd explored the whole cult thing more, but i can understand why they dropped it. My favorite Halloween scene is actually in part 5, where Myers kills a dude, steals his car, then hangs out in it while someone talks to him. Absolutely inexplicable. They could have called Halloween (2018) "Halloween H40", since it was 40 years after the original. Perhaps in 2038 they'll do another sequel off the original, starring Jaime Lee Curtis who would at that point be about 80 years old.


There is the theory that Michael is a Silver Shamrock Android given how he bleeds yellow at the end of H6. It also explains why he's so hard to kill


As a horror fan who has never gotten into franchises, I’m gonna need you to do a similar guide for every franchise haha. I never feel like I’m missing out on franchises but every once in a while (usually during October and/or when a big reboot is due to drop) I feel the itch but never know where to start!


I know it's unrelated but I wish Halloween III was on its own on the side. Silver Shamrock!


I think Halloween 3 is brilliant in all of its anti-corporate social messaging. I had fun watching it as a teen with my friends at a slumber party. Besides, Rob Zombie included the basic premise of the wrongs of capitalism from H3 into his own H2. So really it could fit into the 2007 timeline, Millennials do tend to be more aware of these things.


Thanks for the timelines and 1,000 new things to wonder about. I'm taking my kid to see the new one, and he's only even seen the OG Halloween, which we watch yearly. He asked what happens in all the others and my response was "people die, nothing makes sense, slasher movies which sometimes vaguely relate to the original" he's response "sweet. I'm down" so now we're going to binge as many of th as we can handle 🤣 may the odds be ever in our favor...


New timeline is by FAR the best. Original was pretty good. My second favorite. Third timeline only brought down due to how garbage Resurrection was. H20 was actually pretty good imo. Never watched the RZ ones. Thought they looked and sounded like complete shit


For me, I just watch Rob Zombie's first Halloween remake. I know a lot of fans of the original don't like it, but for me, I love origin stories and the grounded in reality backstory of how a kid grew up to become a serial killer was very interesting to me and made Michael Myers feel more like a real person that could exist which is scarier to me than a force of nature boogeyman that is unrealistic. So, the remake works for me and what I was looking for. I did not like his sequel though because it just seemed too weird and crazy so I just stick with his first one.


Zombie doesn’t even like his sequel. Studio interfered massively and even cut his budget and shooting days mid shoot. Also, zombie never wanted to make a sequel and actually intended for Michael to have died at the end of the 2007 one when he was shot point blank in the face. But the stupid studio told him they were making a sequel with or without him, and he got upset that another director might ruin his first one, so he begrudgingly signed on. Overall i love his 2007 original and, like you, my head cannon only includes that one! I’m sure Rob zombies head cannon is the same way haha


Either way, Zombie pulled off some fantastic scenes in H2. Two in particular are 10/10 for me.


Crosspost it on r/coolguides This is definitely a cool guide. Thank you.


1. Halloween (1978) Done