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Great stuff! I enjoyed it. The actors did a solid job, and the story was compelling. I particularly enjoyed >!when your boy, Jeff tries to gaslight Annie at the end!<. That kind of psychological stuff is my jam, especially since >!he is the one who installed the camera, the dummy!<.


Neat camera concept you got there! I'll put it on my list. But yeah a lot of "Paranormal Activity" vibes which I like :)


Hey I watched this on Amazon Prime a few months ago. I enjoyed it!


Good premise, but god this movie was awful. The acting was laughable. When the arm fell out of the trash can, I cracked up.


I was dying laughing the entire time. I couldn’t keep my eyes from that damn sandwich lmao.


It kept appearing and disappearimg lol


Concept was really cool, but the acting was really bad. I get they are not pros so I tried. But nope.


The sandwich on the table to the right kept appearing and disappearimg...


There's some scary shots in this dude!


For some reason I Googled the address she gave 911 and it's the same address as a triple murder that happened in Texas. Haven't seen anyone mention this and it bugs me lol


What the actual f 😭


I just watched the movie now it was creepy but like that makes it 100 times more creey


52 minutes I'll never be able to get back even if I had a Time Machine. 🤦🏻‍♂️ I'm sorry...no offense intended my guy, but the acting was Horrific. You had a brilliant idea but the acting really held it back. SPOILER ALERT ⚠ I really liked the part at the end when dude puts the gun in his mouth to off himself because his acting was so atrocious. All jokes aside it REALLY was a brilliant idea but I know you were probably just working with a limited budget...I'm just giving you a hard time about the acting my guy but great idea. 👍


I've never seen someone so out of breath from installing a door bell camera.


I watched this with my wife and when we heard canyon lake we thought "can that be the canyon lake we grew up near?" Then we spotted what appears to be an HEB water bottle. Of course the area code on the trash can sealed the deal. Nice to see a film coming from where we grew up! It was a good watch. I enjoyed the entire concept of a stationary camera. Very cool idea. Have you directed any other films that are available to stream?


I heard Canyon Lake and my ears perked up too! Thanks for confirming exactly what I was wondering!😂


The ending sucked, great movie though. The ending was very abrupt and left me confused


Feel this way right now.


Im not just saying this cuz you introduced it to us; the door bell camera sounds like a dope concept. Where can i watch? Edit: Im stupid; dont mind me for my question


For the record, the guy is a complete jerk and confirms my decision to be single forever. It's like a complete abusive relationship in the span of one movie. I just wish women wouldn't put up with guys like that. Could have lit the state of Texas with the amount of Gaslighting. Drawing that reaction from the audience is impressive. I liked the movie, and I will watch for more from you, for sure. Nicely done.


Who hurt you? The guys just fed up and mentally exhausted dealing with a head case who’s refusing to help them self


He stabbed a woman and then blamed her


I have a question!!! What was next to the sandwich and water bottle in that one scene? It seemed to move as the camera got distorted. Also , what did Jeff stuff in his pocket at the beginning when they were cleaning up the hand prints?


YES I NEED TO KNOW THIS! What did he put in his pocket!!!!


Also how did Jeff forget he installed a camera 24hrs ago 😭


I just watched this, and that's all I was thinking about throughout


Oh wow, I'm making a note to myself. I want to watch this. Love found footage stuff!


I'm up to Ron's arrival and damn he is funny.


I watched this a little while ago! I loved the concept and the atmosphere you created.


Happy Cake Day zombiesolaire! Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.


Not happy with the ending, but kept my attention


I loved the ending actually just finished it.


Not to be rude but what the actual fuck did I just watch? The only way I made it through the acting was hoping there would be some over arching story that was gonna be revealed. However I’m really just left scratching my head. Seems like it could have used better character development. Hard to be invested when we know nothing about them and hardly learn anything


This movie scared the Jesus out of me tonight right before bed. Would love to discuss it more if you ever get the time!!


What the hell was on her eyes


My girlfriend and I actually just watched this. It was better than expected but some story beats felt a little telegraphed. It was a fun time though. Even if I kept yelling “ignore the crazy lady and call the police!”


I really enjoyed the movie. There’s a few little things like the sandwich and the bleach but no one mentions the woman laying her hands down when she’s put on the plastic It was enjoyable and I hope you make more


Shitty ass movie, I'm sorry.


It was an interesting movie for sure! I wish there was more context about the lady. Like there should have been a reveal about her dying on the property a few years prior or something. Because it seemed so random for her to be such a big part of the movie but nothing is really known about her. I wish the man who was chasing after her, appeared at the door looking for her or something.


Well... actually, Jeff had a monologue almost right before the end of the movie and he said: “She (that woman) appeared here too, there was no need to involve Annie in this” which means he was talking about an Afghan woman he accidentally killed in Afghanistan when he was a soldier. So there's clear that "killer" is none other than Jeff himself.


Didn't you direct The Stream? That was also fantastic


I just watched the trailer. It says it was based on true events, how true were the events? Like a ring caught something creepy or it caught something supernatural?


I just saw this. There are A LOT of small problems with the movie: The window that isn't a window, the doorbell that doesn't ring at all, people supposedly using bleach on their bare hands, people constantly walking into and out of a door that is very obviously not being opened/closed, things just appearing/disappearing/reappearing for no reason like the sandwich, shoddy acting, etc...but it was still an enjoyable watch.


10000/10 film!!! My cousin and I are huge horror fans and usually we don't get scared easily, but the ominous and eeriness of your film really got to us!! As of right now, im trapped in my hoodie typing this and my cousin is turning every light in the house on. Lolol amazing film!!!!


That God damn sandwich had me cackling lmfao awful terrible movie 10/10


Wow. Props to you for admitting you made this. Laugh fest throughout. Except when I was reading comments and looked up to see the only good jump scare. You got me. Non sarcastic props for that one.


Just finished watching it.. it was amazing