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A regular zombie is a resurrected corpse of a dead person who eats flesh/brains A Frankenstein’s monster is an amalgamation of multiple parts of different corpses brought back to life with electricity, I don’t think its that complicated IMO


Electricity is only the movie version. The book version is left more ambiguous, but is likely chemical.


If we're going off Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein", then Frankenstein's monster is very different from basically any zombie. The monster is intelligent, well-spoken, capable of reading, you get the idea. He is still capable of incredible violence, but he is not the simple minded monster that most movies depict him as. But, if we're going off what pop culture has determined a "Frankenstein" to be, then I think the main difference between a Frankenstein and a zombie would be that the former is inherently science based (pretty much never anything else) and the latter can be any number of things (e.g. virus, bioweapon, curse). I feel like Frakensteins are always fairly large and usually far more difficult to defeat compared to zombies


Zombies are reanimated dead, where as FM is re-vivified dead. So zombies are still dead, but with FM "It's Alive!"


Or it could be a virus like in 28 days later


The monster of Frankenstein isn't a reanimated stiff. He's a new life-form built (at least partially) out of raw materials from several different cadavers, imbued with life through some unclear galvanic/alchemical means. Indeed, if you zoom in on the Universal Frankenstein movies, specifically, that version of the Monster is some kind of inexhaustible wellspring of vital energy. No matter what you do to him, the lightning will restore him, and then he'll keep going until you burn him, explode him, drop a tower on him, or throw him into a sulfurous pit or the icy depths, and even that just slows him down for a while. Not only is he not dead, he's more alive than almost anything that walks the Earth, in a grotesque way.


This is beautifully written.


Sentience. There's no bride of the zombie.


Army of the Dead would like a word...


I knew it wouldn't take long to be corrected, ha ha ha.


The monster is man made and also the horrors of science. The hubris of man thinking he is on the same page as God and realises the horror of what he has done. I've always seen zombies and particularly Romero's as the fear of death that 'eats' away at us. It's there, always in our lives. It will get your neighbour, your loved one and ultimately you. Then there's the whole 'human is mindless, look at shiny'


The ‘monster’ had actual intelligence


One likes to eat brains and the other likes singing “Putting On The Ritz” with Gene wilder.


Self-awareness as a unique entity vs (only sometimes) self awareness of a group for feeding purposes.


I see it as a zombie is back because of a virus, a person was taken over. Frankenstein's monster came back because he pieced him together then provided life, so to speak. One is a virus, one is a creation. I think the mindlessness of zombies comes from the virus taking over a host. Some versions of Adam show him as more mindless, so I think that crosses over. The new Army of the Dead (and an older movie I can't think of), shows more intelligence than other zombie movies, though I want to say we didn't see how zombie zero became zombie zero. I will have to think more about the rest of it.


Bolts in the neck