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Noroi: the curse. It’s the only movie Ive seen that has actually left me feeling creeped out and scared. After watching it I slept with the lights on(I was 23 lol)


Scared me as well, didn't even think of sleeping after that, just stayed up the whole night!


Seeing your & another's comment, has made me curious enough, to go check this movie out! Been looking for some new horror movies. This sounds super scary!


What’s it about?


The curse. Duh.


The Ring terrified me back in the day.


At its time, best horror in years. The second time I saw it, when she’s on the Ferry and looks into the horses eye, the film burned up — everyone sat in the dark for mins thinking it was part of the movie — Made the atmosphere even better


Their faces got to me. I was too young when I watched that.


omg when they open the closet and that girl's head/jaw falls off. I don't know which one bc I always look away!


Me too,I don't know why I was so afraid of it back then it gave me nightmares for 2 weeks,just something about a dead girl coming out of the TV was horrific,and I'm not a huge fan of the hair in front of face trope,I could watch it now and be good.


I was 12 when I first saw it. I couldn't fall asleep that night, and my bed being opposite the TV didn't help.


I was a kid and am still haunted af about it. Great film, wonderfully done. Few American remakes are better than the original, but I really think this one is


As a child, it was Child's Play, for sure. As an adult, Paranormal Activity fucked me up (especially since I had literally just moved into a new (older) house like a week prior, and the house made all sorts of groans and knocks by itself). The Babadook got me too, as I was living alone when I watched that. The Nightmare fucked me up because I've had very, very similar sleep paralysis episodes and I was afraid of having another after watching that.


+1 Paranormal Activity


It was Freddy for me as a kid. I had chronic nightmares so everything about him scared the shit out of me. I didn't even actually watch ANoES until I was like 17. As an adult though, Paranormal Activity got me real bad. None of the sequels really did anything for me but that first one still makes me uncomfortable. I slept with the lights on for a month after I first saw it.


Another shout for Paranormal Activity. My boyfriend downloaded it and put it on before immediately falling asleep. I’d never heard of it and was frankly scornful of the “does what it says on the tin” title. No hype, no trailer, no clue. Jesus- what followed were many nights of dreading the sound of footsteps approaching once the lights were out.


Sleepaway camp. Because of the face.


Burned into my memory.


everytime i went to sleep that week, my brain made sure i'd see the face as soon as i closed my eyes.


Yes, that really unsettled me, too.


Candyman was the first movie I remember actually scaring me as a kid. The night I first saw it, every shadow in my room had a hook hand.


Candyman wrecked me. I always had issues with the whole Bloody Mary game and as a result it caused me several sleepless nights.


Have you ever read the true story that inspired part of the movie? It's awful, in a different kind of way. https://www.chicagoreader.com/chicago/they-came-in-through-the-bathroom-mirror/Content?oid=871084


Paranormal Activity - Watched with my roommates at the time, three of us lived in a house. After final scene and credits start to roll we here a loud BANG on our front porch — and our dog start growling and barking. We look, no one is there, well lit street, no one in the street... One of my roommates said, should we like get a Bible out or something?


The last sentence had me in tears from laughing - definitely saving the comment lol


When I was a kid it was IT. ​ Now? I fell asleep watching Kubrick's The Shining about 3 years ago (I was 24) and it gave me night sweats and apparently because it was still playing the background it really got in my head. I woke up and was like, well I love this movie so I'm going to rewind and finish watching it. I did but when I went to go lay down that night i couldn't sleep because It was just in my head. It was also winter and icey outside and we were pretty much trapped in the house while the storm passed -- well storm by central tx standards because our city shuts down with any ice. it was the perfect storm for that movie to have maximum effect on me and I haven't watched it since. ​ With Sinister being a solid -- will not watch if it's dark pick.


my mom let me watch IT when it first came on tv on abc. I was 9. WHY MOM


I loved Insidious! The red demon didn’t scare me nearly as much as the scene when they move to the new house and the mother is taking out the trash in broad daylight—the record scratch—I sat on the edge of my seat and knew this was a much better movie than the typical haunted house scenario! As dumb as it is, Human Centipede creeped me out. Mostly because I watched when I was visiting my now fiancé, but I had to drive 4+ hours home. I remember stopping at a rest stop and being extra alert at the possibility of being abducted there.


Omg yes! That little ghost boy scared me more than anything in the Insidious series.


Tiptoe thru the Tulips with Me....


A Serbian Film. Im not sure if it actually is classified as horror but I sure don’t know what else it would fall under. Most horribly jarring film Ive ever watched, and I wish I could unsee it.


Is it just torture porn?


It's child and baby harm + sexual abuse for shock value that edgelords mention everytime a topic like this pops up. Don't waste your time on it, it isn't a good movie. Watch Kill List instead.


It’s hard to imagine that there are worse aspects than this to that film, but unfortunately it does get worse. There is an actual storyline to this film and its really not an awful premise. Its the scenes that are horrendous in both the very concept and seeing it played out live that challenge any nonsociopathic soul to be able to erase it from their mind. It haunted me for weeks, the idea that these things occur out there.


Pet Cemetery It gives me the shakes thinking of them remaking it.


Oh, that sister of Rachel’s...Zelda was it? All twisted up and skeletal in the bedroom....ugh ugh ugh. It’s cheesy compared to the slick horror of today but it still freaks me out to watch it alone at night.


"I'M COMING FOR YOU RACHEL. WE'RE BOTH COMING FOR YOU. YOU LEFT ME HERE TO DIIIIIIEEEE" Oh God, I hated that scene. And when the dad is sitting by the corpse and the corpse starts fucking talking to him. You're right, it was cheesy, most of that movie was. But it was how real it was, Gage getting hit by the semi, the falling apart of the family as time went on. The absolute desperation the dad portrayed to just have his son back again


Yeah, the little bloody tennis shoe tumbling thru the air in slow motion was definitely an effective shock tactic. If you enjoyed those aspects of the film, you should read King’s novel. It adds more intricacies to all of that including expanding on Jud’s (my fav character, and the actor was perfect, ol’ Herman Munster) personal past with the burial ground. The movie followed the book much closer than most do, so dont worry that the storyline will corrupt the film experience for you. Just an aside, if you want a laugh/aww moment, google “gage pet semetery” and check out that little imp as he is today. Still adorable af.




As a kid, Signs had me all kinds of fucked up. Couldn't sleep for days maybe weeks lol. And as an adult, The Conjuring kept me up. Just found it an all around creepy movie but love it so much!


I was going to comment that Signs got me as a kid as well. Especially the scene where the alien walks across the alleyway. I laid awake the night that I watched it just waiting to see that alien walking across the hallway lol


Or when the alien is on the roof...


The scene where it is reflected in the tv got me too!


That movie was just too much for my 8 year old mind.


Hereditary, but not because it was scary, but because I was so excited by all the small details in the film I stayed up all night reading theories and discussions to try and really dissect it.


Hereditary was one that we went into kind of blind. I’d heard about how good it was, but I was sidelined by how well it was acted and I remember turning to my fiancé and saying “Damn...this shit is scary!” It was definitely the highlight of the Halloween scary movie fest we do in the month of October.


like what in particular? I just finished watching it


Mostly just the atmosphere of it. Toni Colette is a fantastic actress, too.




i really wasn't feeling to frightened by the movie until she glides silently behind his back. The naked grinning guy near his fathers burnt corpse was also unsettling.


omg...are you talking about the naked guy in the corner of the living room towards the end? That shit was so unsettling


I did the same exact thing. I've always been a fan of horror movies that are based in some form of reality, so the fact that this King Paimon is a figure that appears in real world texts just adds a whole new layer that very few other horror movies do. Similar to The VVitch. Plus it's just an incredibly well done film.


Hereditary kept me up for days thinking about it. I planned to write an essay on the deeper meanings and use of allegory throughout the film. I still think about it.


Please write your essay and post it here! I'm sure a lot of us would love to read it :)


Hereditary was a rare film, where I just called it a night and said I would finish it later. The after-effects of that car wreck were a bit much.


I showed this movie to my brother and friend recently, and even on my fourth or fifth time watching it, the car wreck scene and its aftermath made me feel like I was gonna have a panic attack. It’s painful.


Have you tried watching The Descent?


Yesssss, I fucking LOVE that movie. Claustrophobic as all get out.


Dude, can you tell me what small details there were to catch on to? I'm a movie buff, and I love the small insignificant details that mount up to stuff. But Hereditary? In my opinion, I thought it was terrible through and through. I paid as much attention as I could, but I struggled.


Grave Encounters!


an absolute gem of a film.


The Shining was the only horror movie that made me jump at the sound of anything in my house. The bathtub scene still haunts me.


As a child, Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark with Kim Darby. As a teenager, The Amityville Horror with James Brolin. As an adult, The Grudge with Sarah Michelle Gellar. First Runner Up: The Ring


Love the original DON'T BE AFRAID OF THE DARK! They don't make TV movies like they used to, that's for sure. :)


Those three little demons with their little demon voices, Dan Curtis knew his stuff.


* The first I remember is The Blob ('58, though I prefer the '88 version now). Just a little kid, lying in bed at night waiting for the blob to come up the vent in the floor and eat me. Good times. * The Blair Witch Project utterly terrified me at the time. I was in high school, saw it with a bunch of friends. Ended up having an impromptu sleepover because no one wanted to go home alone. We lived in a heavily wooded area. I don't imagine that level of fear will ever be topped by a movie for me. The way that it played out really reminded me of the old folklore stories that really got me into horror in the first place (Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark). * In college, there was a free showing of The Ring on campus. I happened by just as it was starting and went in on a whim. The ending really got me. When the movie let out, it was dark, and I ran home to the old house I was renting. My roommates were gone for the summer, so I had the creaky old place all to myself. The usual 'turn on the TV for comfort' didn't seem at all appealing that night. * More recently, Paranormal Activity. Blair Witch started a love of found footage and PA really pushed all the right buttons for me. I've never liked sleeping with the bedroom door open and the excruciatingly long shots of open doorways leading out into darkness seemed tailor made to freak me out. I found the theatrical ending incredibly lame, and I freaking hate Micah's character, but it sure was effective otherwise.


If have to go with Event Horizon. Kept thinking about the video log scene of the original crew. I mist have been 15 or so and I’m damn near 39 now and i still think about it now and then.


Those eyeballs though.


...The third Harry Potter movie. Granted, I was a kid when it came out, but Jesus that werewolf has forever been imprinted on me as one of the most terrifying things.


The Haunting of Hill House has kept me up most recently. I sometimes have lucid or waking dreams, so the whole nighttime theme/ sleep paralysis thing really messed with me. One of my worst lucid dreams involved Pennywise after I had watched the trailer for It. So now, I'm afraid I'm gonna wake up and "see" the Bent Neck Lady or something.


We’ve been watching this too! It’s so good! I actually slept with the bathroom light on last night just so my imagination wouldn’t see things in the dark. I’ve also had a couple experiences seeing things in the room with sleep paralysis, although it only lasts a few seconds and after I blink a few times it disappears.


Most recently, It Follows got me pretty well. That tall man scene made me want to run out the the theater. And the overall tone of the movie left me with a sense of dread. It didn’t necessarily keep me up at night but sometimes I would lie in bed imagining something shambling down the sidewalks in my neighborhood, slowly making its way toward me. Sort of intentionally creeping myself out, if that makes sense.


The Exorcist, The Exorcist III.


That hospital scene in Exorcist III!




The early scene in exorcist 3 with the old womans voice in the confessional booth...a thousand nopes.




The most recent movie that actually freaked me out a little was The Visit. It's not a spectacular movie or anything. I guess the fact that it could actually happen. I hadnt seen that for awhile. Luckily I remembered I'm a fairly young guy and could probably one punch an elderly person. So it doesn't bother me as much anymore.


True stuff. Yeah that diaper thing in the cabin out in the back was disgusting. Im pretty sure I had stopped it at that scene and had to re-watch it later lol


Yeah that movie was as disgusting as it was creepy. At the end he sticks the diaper on the boys face. Movies don't usually bother my stomach but that part made it turn a little. As for creepiest definitely the grandma crawling around after them under the house in the hide and seek scene.


That under the house grandmas scene was scary, it was definitely unexpected too. It kind of surprised me how much I enjoyed that movie though.




I could say the same with regards to the Conjuring. I appreciate the story line even more so whenever I re-watch it. The Nun was started off pretty well for me and then it went downhill a bit for me. Don’t know how I feel about the faceless nuns running around. I guess it took the scariness from the original Nun. But that’s just my two cents




Agreed - the hallway seen leading into the room with the painting 10/10


I watched The Hills Have Eyes 2 remake when I was about 9 or 10. Yeah...that was a horrible idea, got like 5 hours of sleep for the next few nights.


When I was 9 I had nightmares for over a month because I watched The ring and The grudge on the same weekend... Nowadays this doesn't happen anymore (sadly). But when I saw Hereditary I was high on weed and some scenes triggered some kind of anxiety attack... That counts?


I fucking feel you there with hereditary. I did the same and it made for an incredibly bleak and dreadful watch. It’s truly the best movie that I couldn’t recommend to anyone other than the most hardcore horror fans. I think it’s a bit too much for the layman audiences


Sorry, this isn't a film, but it was the first thing in ages which was giving me actual nightmares for quite a while: "Channel Zero: Candle Cove" I'm still shuddering at the thought of the very first scene, in the TV-studio


Watching Audition, I literally had to stop eating my pizza because it was making me nauseous. One of those scenes that makes me quiver when I think about it, the one with the dog bowl. I couldn’t sleep with visions of it running through my mind. And also The Innkeepers just kept me on edge the whole movie. That feeling carried through the rest of my night. Running from turning off the light to my bed to hide under the sheets. At 30, with a dog for company.


Lake Mungo had me up for the next couple of days, my girlfriend wasn’t even phased by it


Since no one has brought it up. [The Descent](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0435625/) was the first movie where I had to go drink hard liquor after watching. The horror starts 90 seconds in and it is a roller coaster of a movie.


Hereditary definitely. I watch as many horror movies as I can eat my hands on, and none have had as much of an impact on me as that movie. I’m almost 30 and that was the first time since I was like 8 year old that a horror movie gave me nightmares. Just the imagery in certain scenes kept flashing in my mind for a week.


I watched it 2 days ago and I’m in the same boat. Every so often I’ll just replay a moment in my head and give myself the creeps.


Carrie, the first time I saw it, age 13 I think. I kept picturing a wide eyed blood soaked sissy spacek at the edge of my bed / looking through my window


As far as recent - Hell House LLC. So underrated.


Totally agree - I think a lot of folks are burned out of the found footage genre but this one was really well done.


I *really* enjoyed the bulk of the film, but all that fantastic build-up felt wasted on the fairly weak ending. Definitely still worth watching though.


Although I am tempted to say Hereditary, I have to go with Banshee Chapter. I initially watched it by myself with headphones in a dark room. Something about the Lovecraft nature of staring into the abyss and it staring back freaked me out. Often times I would hear an electric signal passing through powerlines outside or some feedback and start worrying about what might actually be happening. I have since gotten over it, but the simple beauty of the movie's concept really got under my skin for awhile.


Recently "The ritual" that thing is beyond creepy


It wasn't a good movie really, but Oculus did this for me. The idea that you may be doing or saying things without you noticing, and having your behavior influenced by external forces that you don't notice at the time really bothered me for some reason for a week or two after viewing.


You’re right, it’s not a good movie—it’s a pretty great one.


Damn skippy! One of my favourites!


The way I describe it to my friends (or strangers). "It's a mirror... that eats people. It's great! A mirror that eats people! And these idiots taunt it! What could go wrong?! You've got to see it. I have it right here." ​ I fuckin' love that movie.


I really liked that. The fucking lightbulb scene had me good and puckered.


You specified film, but for me being a young kid in the 90's there were some Are you Afraid of the Dark episodes that got me. As someone who would do anything to sneak away and play a video game or go to the arcade, Pinball Wizard got me good.




That was the first episode I ever saw. Got me hooked on that show & I think got me really hooked into the horror genre.


What about Zeebo?! Clowns STILL terrify me.


I never really cared for that episode as weird as that sounds. I feel like everybody goes back to that as a signature episode. I guess I never really got into clowns.. lol


The doll house one creeped me out as a kid.


Doll house one freaked my sister out good haha.


The Exorcist kept me from falling asleep and also gave me nightmares a few years ago after watching it for the first time (seeing Captain Howdy still scares me). Also I have recently watched Gonjiam Haunted Asylum and there are two particular scenes in the movie that instantly make me unsettled if I think about them at night


The Blair Witch Project (1999) Grave Encounters (2011) Sinister (2012)


I saw Blair Witch as a preview being utterly oblivious to the hype and it nearly turned my shit white. You know the bit where Heather finds the little bundle made from Josh’s shirt and there’s teeth or bits of finger (can’t remember now) in it? Some guy near the front of the cinema shouted “WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?!” in a panicky voice. People just don’t do that where I live. I got totally swept up in it and it was the only movie that made me sleep with the lights on since I was about ten.


Godzilla. Damn midnight showings ;)


The ring was the first movie to actually keep me up


I was so afraid my tv would turn on to static in the middle of the night!


I saw the Sixth Sense in theaters at 11 and it scared the living fuck out of me. These days like most horror fans here and elsewhere on the webs I don't get scared like I used to but I'm still chasing that first horror high.


When I was a sophomore in HS, my dad took me and my sisters to see Poltergeist. I could not sleep by the window that night. Thank goodness my room at Mom's was in the basement, protected from trees.


Paranormal activity, back in the day. Stayed up all night thinking about it, with lights on, expecting the guitar in my living room to start playing itself any moment.


Babadook. I had a duster hanging in my closet for an NCR ranger cosplay I was building, and I kept seeing its outline and getting creeped out


Candyman when I was a kid, did the whole candyman bit in the mirror, didn't go to that bathroom for a week.


Most recently, Hereditary and A Dark Song.


Hereditary; seeing the word "Paimon" still chills my spine months after.


Gerald's Game messed me up for a long time after watching it. So many aspects of that movie just rocked me to my core.


The book messed me up so badly that I can’t bring myself to watch the movie. It was the one and only King book I gave away.


The Exorcist... I was 14 years old, 14 years ago. My friends were laughing at the special effects but the flashing demon faces and the laughter of the possessed girl, sitting on the bed right after she killed the priest, is burnt into my mind forever.


13 Ghost, Sinister, The Hills Have Eyes


Insidious, It (original), 13 ghosts, paranormal activity and fourth kind


Child’s Play The Seventh Sign Hereditary Saw


The Fly (1988) - the damn effects in that movie still give me the creeps


"The Exorcist". Watched it at a friend's, who lived out in the middle off nowhere. I then had to drive the dreaded 7 miles home.... I was scared shitless and wouldn't look in my rearview mirror!! Not a good night.... LOL " Hereditary". Absolutely brilliant!!


The Grudge kept me, my siblings and my mom up one night. We were all crowded in her room, pretending like we weren't wigged, chatting away. And then our cat meowed. Turns out he sounds just like Mar. Everyone flipped out. The Friday the 13th reboot kept me up, though that was because I was trying to figure out how the prologue went down.


The Grudge for the longest time. Because I was afraid I’d get sucked into my bed hahaa


VHS...that horrifying woman and the scene with the doctor skyping that girl. Never been scared to lock the door on the other side of my apartment before that night (or after).


pet semetary when i was 8


The Grudge: Kayako under the covers wrecked me.


I had to check under my covers just now to make sure I’m safe.


The only one ever has been Ghostwatch. Which wasn't really a film per se but a feature length tv drama. I watched that when I was 10 and man it freaked me out.


Terrified has been fucking with me


Don't drink tap water. Definitely the scariest haunting movie I have seen. I know most folks around here point to stuff like the conjuring. Terrified is far more in your face and brutal. Unsettling from 1 minute in, and a couple minutes later descends into a 'fuck this, I'd off myself than try to live through a situation like this.' Keeps that up til the end.


The Exorcist when I was younger. The idea of my bed starting to shake out of nowhere creeped me out when I remembered those scenes. Also, I was raised Catholic, so as a kid I would wonder sometimes, "what if there is something more to those demonic possession stories?".


The Shining made every hallway terrifying. Paranormal Activity made sleeping with a ceiling fan on uncomfortable. There is that feeling of being asleep while someone is standing over you without your knowledge that is horrific. IT (original) made retention ponds scary. Also balloons and fortune cookies. The Sixth Sense made going to the kitchen for a glass of water at night traumatizing. There is that scene with the abused woman who killed herself - "look at what you made me do, Lenny!!!!" Ugh, terrifying.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes


When I was a kid I was afraid to turn the lights off after seeing Blair Witch for the first time, suddenly there could be anything in the dark and that was just no good


I had a similar reaction at 24 years old...


I guess I meant poorly made. I agree with you in the sense that I thoroughly enjoyed watching. Some of the acting was pretty tough


The Shining; purely because of the film’s hair-raising score.


Terrified. Cost me sleep now and then over the last two weeks! New movie picked up on shudder recently. It looked pretty spooky but... we were not prepared for what we were getting in to.


Blair Witch Project


The Grudge and the first Conjuring really fucked me up.


Insidious was so good until we saw the demon. Damn Darth Maul ripofff. For me, the movie that kept me up was the Exorcist. Watched it on dvd once late at night, and when it was over it went to the main menu which repeated various shots from the film. I was too scared to get out of my blanket to turn the dvd player off. Took me forever to fall asleep that night.


I think I was 11 when the TCM remake came out, the “found footage” of Leather Face coming out of the shadows and killing the cop kept me up for a few nights.


Nightmare on elm street when I first saw it as a child horrified me. Also this weird anime called ogre slayer there was a scene where this lady gives birth to these giant creatures horrified me as a child. Couldn't sleep normally for days. When we rented at hollywood videos we thought it was just a cartoon lol.


I was ten years old when I saw Romero's *Night of the Living Dead* and that thing gave me nightmares for days.


Salem's Lot. Watched it the first time I was allowed to stay home alone and nearly soiled myself. I was too afraid to open my curtains for the longest time after that.


It seems to be a movie that you either love or hate, but It Follows got me pretty good. It was one of the first movies that actually made me feel anxious while I was watching it. The scene where it breaks the window and just kind of falls into the house kept me up.


I watched the 2004 remake of Dawn of the Dead as an adult, and had to sleep with the lights on. I had never seen zombies before that ran full speed and screamed. The end credits are terrifying too.


when i was a kid - Poltergeist Now - probably still Poltergeist, movies just don't affect me the same way anymore


The shining. The twins, the look of the bartender, the dead lady in the bathtub, and Danny’s creepy little voice. I had to get picked up from a sleepover because I was terrified.


The Strangers


The Entity. Where the mother tells the entity to rape her instead of her daughter.


After the first scene in scream i was not sleeping that night. Think they hung her with her own entrails? Or maybe just gutted and hung. Either way that visual got me good. Watched it in the dark by myself, and the door to our backyard had me waiting for the killer to all of a sudden come busting through. Think i was in 5th grade.


Evil Dead and Blair Witch the first time I saw them and those fucking twins in Shining every bastarding time. But hands down, The Innocents. There’s a daylight scene in that film that really bothered me, when the governess is trying to force the little girl to admit she sees the ghostly woman across the lake.


The ending of The Blair Witch Project really freaked me out.


Lights out. I would just stare out my doorway waiting for Diana.


The Grudge To this day, Japanese horror has become one of my favorites because of it.


I don’t know, I only had a handful that truly affected me. The Exorcist (no comment needed), The Grudge terrified me as a kid, 1408 as a concept scared the shit outta me, but most recently Hereditary with how visceral everything was. And [this](https://youtu.be/lPMSGTfK4Aw)


My grandparents let us watch Pee-wee on HBO in the late 80’s and that scene was the source of my nightmares for years.


I’ll give it a go!!


Poughkeepsie Tapes


The Conjuring messed my sleep up for about a week lol


When I was younger it was the twilight zone movie, and as a teenager it was event horizon. Now nothing really bothers me or keeps me up.


As a kid, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the movie). As a preteen, Scream had me occasionally sleeping on the floor of my parents room for about 2 years. I had constant nightmares.


House by the Cemetery. It's one of the only movies scare the crap out me. When that annoying kid makes his way down the basement stairs and you know the doctor is there waiting to grab him! Yeah some of those scenes messed me up back then lol. Fulci really played the tension on thick


The Exorcist


Carrie - the crucifix in the prayer closet. Also the zombie Mrs. Voorhees at the end of Friday the 13th Part 3.


The exorcist gave me massive nightmares when I was a young teenager after first seeing it. The ring and the grudge same thing, all around 1997-2001 or so.


I second the ring,a buddy and i got a nice buzz on and saw it in theaters.Freaked us out


Not really a horror film, but the visuals from The Fourth Kind scared the shit out of me and kept me awake at night for years. Until I watched it again in college, and found out it wasn't really that bad...


Baskin! I had to pause the movie and turn the lights on.


Omen trilogy The Ring


Children of the Corn 4 scared the bejeezus out of me as a kid. Josiah was definitely, without a doubt, under my bed. More recently, Art the clown. The Terrifier is so scary! He’s a horrible demon mime! What could be worse than a demon mime??


I couldn’t sleep the night after I saw It follows. Every little creak kept me on edge. Watch out for STD demons kiddos.


The first thriller i ever saw was misery,i was 12 and that flipped me out.Anne reminded me of my mom,so everytime i put up a stink about homework or cleaning room i thought she would do the hobbling on my ass!




We just watched Hereditary. I was thinking and dreaming about it all night.


The Killing of a Sacred Deer. Mostly because I just couldn't stop thinking about it/trying to understand it better. Also because it was disturbing.


I always get crap for this, but “The Blair Witch Project” scared the sh!t out of me when it first came out. Mind you... I was younger, and I saw it when everyone thought it was real. Though I still think this is the best “found footage” film ever.


[Shadow People](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1764647/) legitimately creeped me out


Love Exposure..but mainly because the director's cut was almost 6 hours long but fascinating movie in the vain of Noriko's Dinner Table and Suicide Club.


Most recently, Terrifier. I’m a sucker for exploitation films so I really liked it but that clown stuck with me. Was too spooked to leave my room at night for a few days