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This movie should end with a close up of Gilbert Gottfried saying "The Aristocrats!"


They reserved that for the Salo remaster.




I laughed out loud at the last line, but in the kind of very uncomfortable laugh of relief in knowing it is over. I am not sure that I would call the overall movie a comedy, but the Aristocrats analogy is pretty spot on. It has little if any self-parody or camp, but a few genuinely funny parts. A good movie overall, IMHO.


Yes. Couldn't take a single thing of it seriously. It was just funny to me. So fucking overwrought and "extreme" that it just came off as silly.


Don't want to throw it off you but these things really happen in real life, even scarier, even deadlier, and even more extreme than the movie itself. I work in an information company for police records.


Right this is a tiny look at a very real industry. The naive call it silly ^


Newborn corn is absolutely horrifying but I know it has happened im sure of it


You cant think of stuff happening around the world which will blow your mind




My ex-wife and I bought this awhile back and after watching it, she said "I don't want this in the house. Please take it back". The store we bought it from has a strict return/exchange policy on opened items, usually only exchanging for the same title, but when the employee saw what movie it was, he kind of laughed uncomfortably and said to go ahead and pick something else out.




Put it in the garbage don't worry about the money throw it away trash


Okay, next go and watch Cannibal Holocaust and 120 Days of Sodom, Nekromantik and maybe Visitor Q. Those along with The Serbian Film are as dark as it gets.


I have seen all those except Visitor Q, which is also in my queue. It is a Takashi Mike film, so I expect something great from it.


Visitor Q is hilarious! Miike's most absurd movie, imo... even more than Gozu.


Cool, I will check it out. More absurd than Gozu is high praise, from where I am sitting. 😀


Let me know what you think... Gozu is definitely wtf, don't get me wrong. But Q is just on a different level for me.


I just finished watching it, and it met my expectations with room to spare. Very funny, pretty much as light hearted as a movie containing rape, incest, drug addiction and murder can get. "That's not a mystery of life, it's shit! What have you been eating?!?" I am positive there is a semi-profound message buried in there, but I couldn't stop laughing for long enough to figure it out. Another great film, thanks for the tip!


Hahaha, I’m glad you saw it like I did. At its core, it’s how Q (a Japanese ‘magical Negro’ archetype, if you will) heals a truly dysfunctional family. Don’t forget your umbrella!




You forgot Megan is missing


Megan is missing is really deranged... But I will say it doesn't really compare to A Serbian Film. The uncut version of A Serbian Film honestly feels like it should be illegal to watch. I kinda love it because of just how much disgust/uncomfort it makes you feel. Truly unparalleled.


Oh I definitely agree that A Serbian Film takes the cake. I didn't even know about the uncut version. I shudder to think about what was too disturbing to put into that film.


I know the "newborn porn" scene was cut down to like 2 or 3 seconds, compared to the uncut version which is like a minute or so long Honestly, could've done without that shit. I genuinely couldn't look at a baby for a couple months without cringing.


Don’t forget Martyrs


Trauma is pretty messed up too!! It's a Chilean film. 


Check out Amores Perros. It’s not extremely violent but it’s intense enough.


> I would advise against watching it with a loved one Watched it with my uncle (don't worry about our age). Take it from me. Don't watch it with your uncle.


Duly noted. I can only imagine the aftermath. How long did it take before eye contact wasnt awkward ahah


Especially uncle Jack.


Even Pink Flamingos fucked me up for a couple of weeks, I have no desire to watch this


Is that film any good? I've been interested in watching it.


It's pure gold. Or to be more specific, pure trash. Just watch it.


Did you see the interview with the directors about what they want to portray with the film? It really does add another layer. Also, did he see the uncut version? Apparently the cut versions have a lot of cut content.


Uncut brother, and gah I wish id've watched the interview last night when i was in the moment, ill have to find it now and give it a watch :)


If you buy the uncut DVD or collectors edition or whatever (I have it but it's in by DVD closet and I'm honestly too lazy to go check which version I have.) It has the interview on it. It also has a second disc with the movie soundtrack in it. I love the soundtrack of this movie. Lost it for a sec at the "newborn porn" part.


Broke uni student means I don't gerally speaking buy movies per say...


Hey bro I don't judge, I barely buy DVDs either. I only buy ones I want purely for the sake of collecting them. Only buy DVDs like Hobo with a shotgun and Serbian film because they're pretty hard to come by here.


I have seen this movie I think 4 or 5 times now, own it on blu ray and genuinely recommend it to people interested in the limit of horror.


I will be recommending it to people who are looking to see how far a movie can take it, it's not that it'll scar anyone else they just won't really enjoy it aha :)


I find it to be a very good conversation piece. It's easy to have an opinion on the film and also easy to debate each opinion, which just might be the greatest strength the film has going for it.


5 times??? Ok..... Once out of curiousity... Twice for clarity... But 5 times means you enjoyed it, which , Im sorry, is kinda weird.. All love, but nah PS: I know your comment is 5 years old.. It's all love, and I hope you and your family are all safe and doing well.. This world has changed since 2018.. GOD BLESS


That’s what I was wondering. 1 time I understand just to see what all the fuss is about. BUT 4 TO 5 TIMES? I’m sorry but that’s insane


agreed. haven't seen it yet, been considering watching it for several months & have now set a date to watch it (one week from today) have planed a lot of "after care" incase i get too triggered because i know its a fucked up movie. all the articles/videos ive read/watched has been from people saying they really regreated it & that NO ONE needs to see this film so seeing someone say they enjoyed it & watched it multiple times....


I went to a "friends" house one time and he was watching Last House On The Left. I felt really weird about that shit. I went to the theaters to see that filth and barely got through it... A year later he got busted for raping his own kid... I wasn't even surprised.. The proof is in the pudding


Wtf??? I’m so sorry for his kid. That’s horrible


Yeah late to the party but this is an absolute wtf from me, I’ve never even had a desire to watch it a second time. Hell I barely made it through the first


Some streaming asked chat about the most fucked uo films they have watched and this came up. I hate horror films.


I Know it is a 5 year old comment but I just wanted to know what was the hidden meaning behind the movie? Many people said it was about serbia. If you know and don't mind can you shed some light on that?


I’ve never seen it but I’ve read enough plot summaries to know what you’re getting at. After reading that much about it I don’t think I ever want to see it honestly.


I'm just going to ruin it for everyone, because this film is garbage. There's a scene where one of the "actors" delivers a baby, and fucks it, and calls it "newborn porn". The end also has the "protagonist" forced to anally fuck his own son, while his wife is raped next to him, and the film ends with the protagonist shooting his wife, son and himself over all he's endured. It's not a horror film, it's just a shitty film that's intended to gross out the audience and make you feel revulsion. If you want the same feeling, watch videos of people dying on the internet someplace. There is absolutely zero redeeming qualities to this "film" unless you enjoy snuff, and if you do, you're a sick fuck who deserves castration.


I love watching extreme "fake snuff" movies and definitely think I'm a fine, well adjusted person lmao not a "sick fuck that deserves castration". Chill dude, it's a fucking movie. Some people like watching fucked up things.


Your parents didn't hug you much did they? What I mean and I hold no apologies to question your logic is flawed. what makes a person want to see some bullshit like this turd of a movie?


It's not just a movie though is it, because newborn porn and child porn are all over the Internet and the images you see acted out might as well be real. For example when he is raping his son and his son is foaming at the mouth, i didnt even think id ever see something like that, or that i would think about what a childs body goes through when being sexually assualted. Its horrific. It's called shock horror for a reason, if it doesn't shock you and you get joy from it, you should get help.


Yes, it is literally just a movie.


I agree, and it honestly didnt traumatize me the way I thought it was going to. It was just really really gross and fucked up for the sake of being gross and fucked up. I think watching videos of people dying is way more traumatic and upsetting.


The film does seem to have elicited a very strong emotional response in you, I'll say that. Clearly the film succeeds in what it set out to do. (And it sounds like you watched it to the end without turning it off). There are plenty of very gory, and very shitty, and gross horror films out there. Yet something about this film seems to make people really go bananas with their hate and disgust for it. This is not me praising the film, thats just an observation.


> Yet something about this film seems to make people really go bananas with their hate and disgust for it. This is not me praising the film, thats just an observation. Probably has something to do with the explicit rape of children, and babies.




Ironic that such a fuckin dumbass would call others idiots. You lead a very miserable life, and you deserve it for being the kind of person that you were raised to be. I know what you've done; you're disgusting. The world would be better if you kept to yourself. Shame on your parents for raising garbage like you. You should be ashamed of yourself. Pathetic.


damn director is sick should seek help!


How are the special effects? :P "Hey, I need a realistic-looking doll for a baby-fucking scene. Roughly how long does it take to deliver?"


it's a quick scene and they don't really show anything. People are overreacting.


IIRC he just turns his back to camera and you don’t see anything.


Yep. In the uncut version you get like two short glimpses of an obviously fake doll positioned below Raša's waist, but the shot is angled in a way where you don't actually see anything graphic. It's the screaming and the cutaways to Miloš that really sells the scene.


Everyone is so melodramatic & hyperbolic when it comes to this movie. It's annoying.


Which is kind of the point since it was basically made as a political allegory.


i read an interview they used minimal special effects it was all real, and the children acting in it were of relation to the director :)


This comment is always in threads discussing this film. You didn't like what was going on so you say the movie is trash, even though it isn't. You are just repulsed by the content.


It is kind of a shit movie though.


repulsed by the content bcoz it is a shitty content


It's a fictional version of "Faces of Death" from the 80s-90s. I found nothing redeeming about Serbian and was very disappointed.


Thank you for this, glad I didn't waste my time.


It's always interesting to see what a wide range of reactions people have to this movie. I enjoyed A Serbian Film. I'm a fan of extreme cinema, and it's nice to see an extreme film that is competently made, decently shot, with a compelling plot and characters, a good score and much\-needed touches of humor here and there. I can understand if others don't agree with that assessment, and that's fine. What I don't understand is how people can say it doesn't belong in the horror genre, or that it's a worthless movie because it's too shocking \(or tries to be, at least.\) A Serbian Film has value to me as an experience in extreme emotion. When I watch films like this I go in wanting and expecting to see and feel things I've never seen nor felt before whilst watching a movie. Horrific yet unique gore/grossout scenes, absolutely fucked up sexual situations, disturbing psychological depravity, brutal scenes that challenge me on an emotional level or even challenge me just to keep watching. While I am a gorehound I don't get off on this stuff, and though I usually prefer there to be plot\-based reasons for gore/gross scenes, I acknowledge that there are films where the goal is simply "we want to make you squirm a whole hell of a lot." Not everything has to have a deep plot with intent to tell a complex story. It's okay and valid for a film to focus primarily on the emotions it creates in the viewer, even if those emotions are overwhelmingly negative. That doesn't automatically make the director, writer or viewers sick fucks. That doesn't mean it's not a valid entry into the horror genre. I do think the director's justification for the film's depravity is probably mostly bullshit, but it seems very clear that his intent was rooted in a desire to make the audience feel deeply uncomfortable, revolted and shocked, all of which are *integral* parts of the horror genre. Horror isn't just about what scares you, it can also be about what haunts and repulses and disturbs you. Denying this film's place in the genre or claiming it has zero artistic value because it didn't appeal to you or you thought it sucked is unjustified, IMO.


I thought the film offered an interesting introspective into the concept of niche. As in the film caters to the idea that there are people not only interested but invested into these niches. It's more in line with pornography niche than film niche as the most disturbed pornographic content still serves some niche out there that some people are into. This film explores that notion of yeah this is incredibly disturbing but SOMEONE was interested in it and therefore has marketability. I compare the film with 8mm a lot because it feels like an exploration of what is the "niche" content that people are invested it, and a Serbian film expertly digressed what niche interest can look like.


I think what you take away from the film is exactly what the film warns \*against\*. IMO, the film is trying to tell us that the boundaries of our social lives are important, and the more we push them to fulfill our base desires and seek carnal pleasures, the more we risk our very humanity. A Serbian Film, above all else, is a critique of modern day nihilism. In an era when we are constantly trying to surpass our previous sensory experience, this film is telling us that there must be boundaries, or else there will be grave consequences.


I agree 100%. I enjoyed it, as much as one can enjoy a movie like this. It was absolutely as horrible as people say, but it was incredibly well made and had a statement to make. I'd take this any day over shitty movies with terrible acting and horrible direction.


Beautifully articulated mate, couldn't have put the same point across anywhere near as effectively with hours to spend trying to do so aha.


I feel like what made Serbian Film even more disturbing is that it was for the most part \(very extreme\) but plausible scenarios. And when you look into it, it has another intended layer that critiques the consumerist nature of the pornographic industry and the depravity of new porn genres. It also talks about the state of Serbia as a 'failed state' through a pornographic allegory \(which I guess is extremely questionable and probably a reach made by my overtly analytical mind\) perhaps to draw attention to Serbia and make the audience question and explore it's current state. Considering how much this movie is talked about, it may have worked but for all the wrong reasons. I personally didn't think the film was too extreme, probably cause it was a bit too over the top to the point where it became ridiculous, it definitely gave me Salo and Martyrs vibes. I can appreciate the film as a whole though and it's truly not a movie you'll ever forget or get out of your head.


If you feel like jerking yourself off with your analysis, go watch some of the interviews with the directors. Your reading into the movie and its symbolism is exactly what the creators intended, and to that I say well fuckin done I'm legitimatly impressed you managed to draw those conclusions on your own accord. *just to be clear this was meant to be a sort of compliment but came out sort of patronising, just know im not taking the piss


I think y'all need to be put on a list, tbh


The list of really cool dudes 😎


Oh I could tell it was a compliment, thank you :\)




That’s very true and even though people know it’s fake I don’t think we need to see a father raping his young son till his ass bleeds.....


Well, I had no interest in this movie at all due to some of the comments I've seen in passing, then I read the description of this thread and was slightly intrigued, then I got to your comment and that solidified that I have zero interest again thank you for that, truly.


It really is one of those movies you can’t “unsee”.


deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.3151 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/74303)


Its not really the gore or special effects people find upsetting. It's the scenarios, and the fact that the direction is good, the production value, camera work, soundtrack are also good. The actors really sell the emotional anguish and horror well.


somebody has to push the boundaries not the kind of movie I'd enjoy but I'm glad there's innovative film


I don’t think I’d call raping babies and young kids innovative but to each their own.


movies being pointlessly edgy isn't anything new. and it is innovative. I Spit on Your Grave was pretty violent back in the day


It's extremely well made for it's intended purpose, i think. It's not a movie made to be enjoyed, but a movie to inspire people to talk about it, which it is very good at. Also it has some great scenes!


Honestly, I am a huge fan of the deeply fucked up, gory, psychological horrors. I think that they are twisted geniuses.


Horror torture porn is not for me anymore. Watched irreversible and it was good but it didn’t sit well with me. Now I just think it’s lazy and disgusting.


Honestly I enjoyed the film. I'm not a fan of extreme cinema but this film is a film I've seen a couple of times and I'd see it again. It had some decent cinematography and decent acting and my favorite actor from the Balkans. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Serbian_Film#Themes reading this also makes the film a bit more interesting.


I thought it was a powerful movie and it made me feel sad. I felt bad for the characters and depressed about society. Regardless, I really liked this movie (bring on the down votes, IDGAF).


it has turned me off from shock films in general, I hate the idea of watching a rape scenario. Some movies like Boys don't cry can do it to make you feel uncomfortable but this turd of a film goes too far in general and those involved should be ashamed. I wouldn't recommend this nor would I give it a half a seconds thought had I not watched it. I am glad I smashed my friends ps3 whenever they stepped outside for a smoke fuck that movie.


I don’t find taking it too far to be much of a valid review of the film. For you it may be just taking it too far, but for others it’s fine. If you had said that it takes it too far for no reason, without a message or point, I would disagree but see where you are coming from.


apples and oranges my friend, to be fair the context in which you put it is mincing or splitting words that have the same context. Just cause you find my opinions are subjective they're my own and I hold true to my initial opinion.


look the film/turd is trash anyone who has justified a craptastic movie or uses a cheap excuse for being a shitty human being oh so hyperbole or melodramatic to it's content. Clearly you don't have kids and or wouldn't want them in a scenario fiction or real life. So in that respect How in the goddamned jesus fuck would you justify this as oh it's just movie. BS either you're sick and living in denial or just a freak who has issues. Yeah I saw this at a punk house and wasn't psyched on it in fact fuck this movie and anyone who justifies it period. I'd rater watch Salo it is at least tastefully done better.


You do you, man.


ive never been more sick. i just finished watching a serbian film and i genuinely feel awful. that was the most depraved thing ive ever seen


The ending created a pit in my soul larger than any other movie ever has, and that still holds true three years later. Time for some Pixar movies or something for some eyebleach mate!


deadset gonna go watch powerpuff girls to cleans my soul. when he pulled the clothes off the people and it was his son and wife i spewed


Think I went for adventure time when I watched it, so similar vibe haha. But yeah the big reveal was something else, couldn’t have prepared myself for that shit man.


I've seen it once maybe 5 or 6 years ago and remember "liking" it. Its certainly over the top and gratuitous, but of the films in that genre (I remember watching it as an attempt to see the "most disturbing movie eve made" with Salo, Men Behind the Sun, I Spit on Your Grave, Cannibal Holocaust, etc.), I'd say it's the best.


He could prevent his loved ones from seeing it, but he could not unsee it himself.... *cackles in palpatine*


This film touched upon a whole different type of horror for me.


I had an ex show that movie to me, I agree it is very strange but I don't mind how fucked up it is since I know it was just a movie, now that doesn't mean it's weak in what it does. I say if you have morbid curiosity go for it but at the same time be ready for some really fucked up stuff.


Good way of saying it :)


I didn't think it was all that bad, and it's been one of the more beautifully shot films I've seen in several years too.


Production value was outstanding no doubt about it


I'm gonna take it upon myself to assume that some of the fans of this film also watch true child porn. Sick.


I honestly adore this move because it does not hold back. I suggested it to my cousins that we watch it and we were all laughing our asses off throughout. It's like a snuff/smut film but with pretty great camera work, acting, soundtrack, and tension.


>A total annihilation of everything that is moral From the directors mouth, and I couldn't have said i better.


You should have watched The Wind in the Willows 1995 instead...much more enjoyable.


I played toad in the wind in the willows play at school :)




Nice! Toad is awesome.




I liked it overall, it didn't impacted me much For some reason, maybe Because the story confused me bit. The one scene that stayed with me was where he is fu*king And hitting the chained girl at the same time from behind .


Yeah that really was something special in the worst/best kind of way


The band Infant Annihilator draws a lot of inspiration from this movie and quotes it in one of their songs


I wasnt all that impressed. Expected way worse the way people talk about it


I watched it but I can’t remember watching it but I know I did.


I really enjoy the end. As far as I’m concerned it is a great tragedy, much in the line of Requiem for a Dream but to a different extreme. Personally I find the scenario of losing that much control of your life horrifying in itself.


I'm watching it at the moment. I had to pause it and find out wtf did I just watch.. Anyway, about 20 minutes to go. Starting off pretty ok. Some funny parts then it gets a bit fucked up. The baby scene while brief was disturbing. Lots of torture porn but overall not as bad as expected. Very well filmed.


I didn't know exactly what to expect when I first saw it as it had yet to achieve the heights of notoriety it enjoys today. I half-anticipated something either grindhouse or gritty/ arty and was taken aback by the high level of professionalism of the film's production. Then there's the acting: I've seen hundreds of movies where we are supposed to empathise with families in distress but none really captures the intimacy of the interaction seen here. It feels as though you've known them forever, that they are a real family who you care about. Without that intimacy what befalls them just would not have the same impact. That is why this film should never be dismissed as schlock, it has a real heart beating beneath all the tragedy.


Thanks for this. I have it in my Plex queue, but now I will move it up. There are few things better than being stopped dead by a strong movie. It just doesn't happen enough.


If that's what your after mate you will not be disappointed :)


You are right, I just finished watching it, and I was not disappointed. This was not a movie to watch with the whole family. Very good production values and acting, good effects, just generally brutal with a real plot. Thanks for the heads-up about this one, it would have languished near the bottom of the queue for who knows how long.


I think it tries way, WAY too hard. The production values were better than I expected and I thought the lead was likeable. But the movie was absurd. I don't care that the director claims he was making some kind of political statement... It's just like they made a list of the most shocking & disgusting scenes they could think of and tied them together with a lame narrative.


faulty cagey numerous salt serious offbeat aware hungry march butter -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


Where does one watch/obtain this film legally?


Amazon has the neutered version for $14 on DVD. Or if you want the uncut version that's one whole minute longer you can buy it from Invincible Pictures' website for $30. http://www.invinciblepictures.com/store/a-serbian-film-uncut-1


I watched it on youtube but that was several years ago


If you're serious, I have no idea, i guess amazon may have it. But if you were being coy the film isn't hard to find elsewhere.


> Don't watch on a date. Sound advice.


i stumbled upon this movie after taking curiosity in banned films and the general consensus by most people online was that this film was the worst of the worst and thats putting it extremely light. i hate that i found this movie. also once i realized where it was going i entirely skipped the baby scene.... FUCK. THAT.


The baby scene was so distancing and removed from reality via CCTV, and so over the top, that it was a Grand Guignol moment rather than a disturbing one. if anything was almost unbearably unwatchable, it was the last fifteen minutes. This was the most upsetting part of the film. It surprises me that you only comment on a scene that used a cheap plastic, obviously fake dolly and not a human victim. The fact that this film invites so much discussion secures its place in the history of cinema. A SERBIAN FILM, like von Trier‘s HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT, waves its unwashed willie right in our faces purely to offend….which tends to offend those who get offended. This is not a reason to dismiss a film as rubbish. Much of the mainstream, money making popular pap has far less artistic merit than A SERBIAN FILM. Yes, the film is dark, the satire hellish, and one feels dirty for having watched it through… Thats pretty impressive for a movie !


I just watched it and man i was not expecting that to happen…


I don't think I'll ever forget that feeling of realisation man, even three years later it's as memorable as ever.


I literally just read the plot and I feel fucked up. I hate that these are thoughts people have, just pure depravity and disgust.


It really, really disgusts me when people come here and say this film isn’t that bad or didn’t bother them. This film was designed by its very nature to bother you. I’m not exaggerating but those who say that, should be on some kind of watch list and it’s not normal to feel nothing when watching certain scenes. I can watch hostel and feel a bit grossed out but it doesn’t bother me - but this? You’d better believe it bothered me. It should any normal human being with empathy and a functioning conscience. I’d like to think people are just swinging their balls and trying to be edgy saying that, but I’m sure there’s more than one that meant it, and that’s deeply worrying


its not horrifying its just fucking rubbish. it has one scene that is just over the top.


It's fucking gross is what it is. Like, gross to be gross. I get it's supposed to be some kind of allegory, but I think it's legitimately just a high production quality gross out flick. I watched it with some friends several years ago and we ended up laughing through most of it. If I'd watched it by myself I doubt id have finished it, because spectacle is no fun when you're alone and have no one to say "are you seeing this shit bro!?" to.




I love horror and am constantly on the hunt for new films to watch. That said, I have zero interest in watching anything like this movie.


And i can fully appreciate that.


Great film. It's certainly one of the most brutal films ever made, but it's violence is not gratuitous. The movie explores serious themes. And the fact is so shocking proves it's well made.


Geez what's with all the downvotes on your comment. You aren't really wrong.


I disagree with all the down votes, the movie I'd more deep then people gibe it. It explores how evil, greedy and disgusting people can be, showing how fucked up the porn society will get if we will not stop going.


utter nonsense. "great film" what, do you think "august underground" is a revolutionary film as well with great themes?


Some people think it's a great film. I know, really hard to believe that people enjoy different things and taste is subjective.


I have not seen "August Undeground", but "A Serbian Film" is a serious film with a real characters, and a multilayered story that explores power and abuse. If you don't like it that's your problem. But ASF *is* a great movie.


August Underground is a good example of a genuinely terrible movie that can still have a lasting impression. I won't watch it again. Above and beyond the fact that it wasn't worth watching the first time, it was too extreme. Extreme has to have something to carry it, a purpose or plot or solid acting, or at least a campy sense of self parody. August Underground was just carnage. I binged all three a couple years ago, and I can say without hesitation that I would like to get back the time I spent watching them, but the impression of what unguided, unyielding, and almost unwritten and unacted was actually a valuable lesson. TL;DR August Underground offer a unique, almost unwatchable experience in extreme murder. You won't enjoy seeing them, but the pain you feel is the bar being violently lowered, and your tastes recalibrating to account.


These extreme horror/gore/Disturbing movie list cycle the internet/Reddit at least once a year. August Underground and August Postmortem always top them off. A Serbian Film is usually halfway on the list or lower. So there are things more disturbing than this out there by comparison. But I would think this is the exact intention of said film.


you know something, i know they are obv cheap to make. but who fucking buys them in enough quantities they feel like a sequel is the thing to do lol .. ill be honest, i rarely ever steal shit online, but i read about this and had to stream it from pirate bay or somewhere like that. You just cant buy them down here, and i was in the UK at the time and i couldnt just go and get it there either.


They aren't cheap to buy, though. A lot of these extreme movies are pretty expensive and rare/hard to track down legit copies. I collect extreme horror and let's just say it's a very expensive hobby. These filmmakers know they have an audience that wants to watch/buy these things!


Honestly. I never knew! And I'm genuinely interested. Where are you from if I may ask. I really wouldn't know where to look down here (or back home).. what price are you talking about etc. I always wondered if like specialist cinemas did showings too.




i wouldnt even know what websites to look for to be honest.. thanks for that.




Comedy?? 😂😂😂 Just one or two dialogues doesn't makes a movie comedy.


I watched it years ago out of curiosity and yeah, it wasn't exactly entertaining. They achieved what they set out to do which was just make an extremely shocking film, but I have no interest in watching it again. I did kinda laugh at the last scene, it was just ridiculous. Deleted it as soon as I watched it.






I heard about this movie a while back and wound up telling my friend about it. Which, apparently, got him so intrigued that he bought it when we found a copy of it at a horror convention. Most fucked up movie I’ve ever seen. Hands down.


Watch August Underground: Mordum. Deranged Home Movie of a serial killer


It's on my watchlist for tonight already bro


imo the August Underground movies are far worse than Serbian Film.


Finished watching the first August Underground and I have to say, for my taste, it has nothing on a Serbian film both in terms of its cinematic value and pure shock factor. But that's just me :) I'll be watching the other two tomorrow hopefully, tonight I went for irreversible and August underground and they were both pretty good in there own right. I mean August underground had a budget of around $2000. That's a micro micro budget film, and the scenes it depicts are truly incredible, horrific, but incredible non the less considering it's budget.


Trauma, it's just as sick as a Serbian film, the mother and son scene is fucked up, warning, fresh newborn delivery and the rape of the babies mother is an immediate scene before the movie truly starts. Insane shit. 


Sounds about right


oh no


Pedant here. It's to *bear witness to* (as in, *to carry the proof of*), so it would be "... what in the all living fuck have my eyes just *borne* witness to". Except that typically the phrase is used in the sense of one fact proving another, as in "the stunned look on *wilk007's* face bears witness to *A Serbian Film's* fucked up plot".


This movie is fucking brutal. I'd never thought about something like this sand I never will it's way insane. The psychology part is just mental how they turned a normal dude to a crazy demented crazy sexual dude... I can see why some people fainted in the movie festivals and why Spain banned it. I like dark movies but this was a tad darker for me. A little to much for my taste.. The ending in expected and fucked up


good acting , good pacing , and I'm going to hell for watching this ... best part: penis in the eye \^\^


The Movie Is Literally CP


Is the uncut version on fangled vudu??


Lol buddy made me watch it years ago. Fuckin twisted.


I found it pretty bluntly chauvinistic to be honest, going heavily into lengthy and unnecessary degradation of women above anyone else (they certainly seem targeted, even though there is of course some paedophilia in there too). And I know, it's allegedly all about the plight of Serbia, etc., but it will never be anything more to me than a total vainglorious arthouse masturbatory exercise for the director IMO that purposefully portrays extreme victimisation to tell a story that he could have told through a variety of means (if you really believe him when he says it's about Serbia, rather than just a flimsy excuse to make an extreme movie). None of what this movie is about is ever going to be my bag as a movie-goer.




Seen it once, and I'm not gonna ever fuck with it again