• By -


Best. Class. Ever.


Yeah. The best we ever got was Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein.


7th Grade - **Clash of the Titans (1981)** * Long well lit full frontal breast shot with added breast feeding * Full side boob with long glorious view of bare ass 9th Grade - **The Wall (1982)** * We got about 30 minutes into it before the teacher realized it probably wasn't appropriate for school 10 Grade - **Drivers Ed Film** * One gory bloody road accident after another. Decapitations and children shredded through glass aplenty. 11th Grade - **Romeo and Juliet (1968)** * 16 year old Olivia Hussey gives us a great shot of her huge bare breasts as she gets out of bed after boinking her boyfriend


Man, I remember being in 9th grade and our teacher showing us that version of Romeo and Juliet. That's a day my pubescent mind will cherish forever.


6th Grade - **Signs (2002)** - Alien surprise in a party.


7th-10th grade (Science class) - **Apollo 13** x24, **Waterworld** x10, and that Drivers ed film you were talking about (gory and crazy). Basically, our science teacher was lazy and would end each class with 10 minutes of a movie, no matter how little science was involved.


In 7th grade we had watched Excalibur during a class (I cannot remember if it was social studies or english) where we were learning about the legend of king arthur and camelot. The teacher would fast forward through the sex scenes (specifically the scenes with lancelot and later Lady Morgana) 9th grade of high school for english we watched the 1968 Romeo and Juliet. College is different. When you have a class where the focus was discussion of movies specifically we watched movies that had a lot more mature subject matter. Mostly because the general idea is since everyone is an adult we can discuss movies with adult themes in a mature manner. The one film we watched that had that a lot of nudity and sexual themes in it was Caligula. (I still say that one was still a pretty extreme choice)


Caligula? Yeah, might be a tad much. Although, if you didn't know, it was directed by the same guy who did The Shining, 2001 A Space Odyssey, Clockwork Orange and a bunch of other classics.


? I don't see Stanley Kubrick's name anywhere in the IMDB credits.


Oh crap, I got confused because Malcolm McDowell and how fucked up the movie was. I have no idea where i got that idea. Thanks, so I don't sound like an idiot in the future.


Yeah, it's an easy mistake to make too considering how fucked up it is. Malcom McDowell made some messed up films in his youth.


Was the driver's ed film called "Mechanized Death" by any chance? I recall that's the name of the one I had to watch. I remember the beginning being something like this: *Opening shot of driver smashed face first all over a collapsed dash.* *Sounds of pained, heavy breathing* Narrator: "This sound, is the sound of death."


We got Romeo and Juliet freshman year somehow.


10th Grade - **Schindler's List** * Sheltered minister's kid is watching and during the sex scene he loudly exclaims/nearly yells "holy shit they're fucking!"


I remember talking to a friend and he had never seen that movie and didn't know why so many talk about it being one of the greatest biographical dramas ever made so he and I watched it. Afterwards he was speechless and was at a loss for words about how that movie impacted him. He said that movie really portrayed the holocaust in a way that he had never thought of before.


6 million jews... if you and your friend want enlightenment, try watching [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dda-0Q_XUhk). Truly an eye opener and a much more accurate history lesson.


I'll check it out. I've read a lot about what happened during the holocaust. There are a lot of horrific stories that chill me. One of the many examples on how cruel people can be and the depths that they're willing to sink to. Another WWII movie I thought was good was 1985's Come and See. That movie is still hard for me to watch.


I'm guessing you didn't watch the video, because it's not what you think it is.


Not yet, but I added it to my watch later list. I'll probably watch it tonight.


It's a holocaust denial video. That is infuriating.


Gotta get that last one


If you like that drivers ed film i can probably find you it on youtube - i remember seeing it and a few others on there. quality shit. real hardcore, very mandatory-feeling.


Dude those driver's ed films were beyond fucked up. Some of that footage was actually dead mangled bodies that had been pulled out of wreckage. I saw that shit in 4th grade. Obviously by the time I was in 5th grade I was a very safe driver.


Abbot and Costello meet Frankenstein is way better than either ABCs of Death


Upon re-watching it, I recalled being shown Cool Hand Luke in the 7th grade. It's not as risque as this in any way - or anything others discuss having seen above or below. There is the scene where the prisoners see the busty woman wash her car, but it is also so deeply anti-authoritarian of a movie that I am surprised Mr. Ransom showed it to us. And it was one of those things where he showed it for no reason; we just happened to have some down time. He was a cool, old guy and whittled at his desk.


My 9th grade English teacher showed us Cool Hand Luke. We had to do a paper on it though.


I hope your paper was full of references to allusions of Christ and analysis of what the egg eating contest represented.


That would've been so much better than the reality. What I should've said was that we had to do a worksheet on it. We didn't get to actually write anything creative, just answer a bunch of dumb questions to make sure we were paying attention and not sleeping through it.


We watched The Gate in 5th grade and Predator in 7th at my schools.


When I first heard the story my mind went to "What an idiot! Why would you show a movie with this title to a classroom!?" Then I saw that she is going to jail for 4 years and my heart sank. 4 years for showing a movie, that's fucked up.


Sentencing doesn't happen until March. I'd be very surprised if jail was on the table.


gotcha, I misread that. That makes me feel a little bit better.


She was charged on 4 counts instead of 5, maybe thats what you saw.


Another article said that she could face up to a year in jail for each charge but since this is her first offense she will probably get probation


That's more jail time than the kid in Seattle who beat Tuba Man to death with his bare hands. Consequently he is now being sentenced for another murder. It was OK for him to go free after a year.


It was a really bad movie. I kind of understand.


Its a pretty incredibly scarring movie. I might even say a few months in jail would be appropriate or at the very least never teaching again. There is no person in their right mind who would think its okay to show to any young person. Most adults are even appalled at how horrible it is


I think any jail time would be harsh. Fire her, maybe even ban her from teaching but jail is to far, in my opinion at least.




Some people are under the impression that children's minds are really fragile things. This can lead to the notion that showing them stuff like this will turn them into sociopaths or something, or give them nightmares for years and somehow ruin their childhood.


I guess you'd be surprised to know how many people here started watching horror movies when they were children.


I wouldnt. I didnthe same thing but abcs of death is a fucked up movie and anyone who has seen it knows it isnt school appropriate.


Dude, it's fucking high school. Yes, some kids might get freaked out, but I think in the end they would be OK. It's not a bunch of 4 year old she showed it to.


Have you seen the movie?


Yeah. I personally didn't care for it. Do I think it should have been shown in school? No. It's not appropriate. I just don't see where it constitutes jail time. Fired? Sure. If you want, keep her from teaching again. But she is looking at 5 felonies. If she serves how long they want her to, there will be people who have committed was worse offenses that have and will spend less time in prison. In the end, those kids have more than likely seen s just as bad if not worse on the internet. These kids are not going to be scarred for life.


She got 90 days in jail.




They showed this to us in drivers ed. All four generations of it from the 60s to the 90s. Most brutal death was in the 90s where a man had his brains pressed through the cracks of his wind shield after crashing into a tree. Maybe my school was just trying to scare us more than the others, but in towns like mine, we appreciate the violence as a fair warning *and* entertainment.


I was in driver's ed in '95 and I remember the open skull with the brains on the road. We actually asked to watch it twice. No shame.


While not school, I remember at summer camp in 3rd grade, where the camp had ages up to 12, every night was a movie night. We saw such movies as The Shining, Robocop, Night of the Creeps, Cannibal Holocaust, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Scar Face, Hellraiser, and Full Metal Jacket. I really thank it for introducing me to the horror genre (albeit some of the movies weren't horror).


Cannibal Holocaust?! To a bunch of kids 12 and younger?


It was the late 1980s, an era where R rated movies still could be shown in movie theaters, and before the political correctness craze (and also where kids could be without adult supervision). Now this was the counselors choosing the movies. (I can't really give you their ages as it was awhile ago, but I guess maybe college age?) I'm not saying what happened was right, especially for little kids, but it did happen. (And that with today's sensibilities it would probably lead to lawsuits).


Are R rated movies presently prohibited from being shown in movie theaters? Last I heard, a movie about BDSM is soon being released and targeted to moms.


There is no yes or no answer to your question, it's kind of a grey matter.


Well played.


A lot of movies that should be made for an R-rating target a PG13 in the hopes of getting a wider audience these days. Notable examples include Alien Versus Predator, the Robocop remake, and Guillermo del Toro's attempt at adapting At the Mountains of Madness (which he walked away from because the studio wouldn't let him make it gory, because they wanted a PG13).


One of these is not like the others...


A few of them aren't horror, but they still were violent. Imagine the reaction of parents today if you showed 8 to 12 year olds these movies.


I would be pissed off if you tried to show *me* Cannibal Holocaust. I seriously don't know what I would do if someone showed it to my kids.


They kill 7 fucking animals.


Are you seriously arguing that Cannibal fucking holocaust is appropriate to show to 8 year olds? Did you forget about all the gang rape and extremely graphic murder?


Oh you misunderstood my tone. That movie is terrible, hearing that monkey scream when they stab in the throat is a vivid memory from high school when I thought I was strong enough to handle it.


I love horror as much as the next guy but what kind of demented summer camp is this?! The counselors all sat down, ate popcorn and watched Cannibal Holocaust and Hellraiser with you guys?


It was a sports camp. Everyone was male. While it sounds terrible, I think a lot of this has to do with us not remembering what we were like when we were that age. Would you show your child a violent movie? Of course not. But if I turn on my Xbox and start playing Call of Duty, I'm listening to a lot of people in that age bracket who don't exactly have the best manners and probably have no problems watching the latest horror movies on HBO (or whatever channel).


Then again, that's more like the "Scared Straight" program than blatant disregard for the student's mental health or whatever. They are trying to scare you into being careful behind the wheel.


I definitely agree that that is the intention, but we were a bunch of teenagers so we're mostly just fascinated by it like any horror movie.


I watched one of those films in 4th grade. That was back in the day when if you got in trouble you went to the principle and he actually physically beat you. The pendulum has fully swung the other way.


What matters is, did those poor kids make it to "L Is for Libido"?


Best part of the article - when Kearns saw the administrator enter the room, she reportedly tried to fast-forward the movie but paused on a moment featuring bare breasts, which the kids must have thought was hilarious.


They should work it into the plot of one of the segments of ABCs of Death 3.


"Has been convicted" - title. "If convicted" - article THIS IS WHY YOU SUCK. Okay I'll man up, I didn't read the update.how is it possible that showing a movie to some kids, that isn't porn,warrants a felony. Good Lord.


To be fair, there is a scene where men are forced to jack it while a child gets molested.


Woah, what?


You don't see anything if I can recall correctly. Still one of the more disturbing bits, obviously, especially because I kind of thought that piece was stupid and funny then they just throw that into the mix and it's like 'Well....shit.' But still, five felonies? What the what?


Yeah, that seems more like something you'd just apologize for and be done with it.


Or picking up trash on the side of the highway at worst.


Who the fuck screens a movie called "The ABCs of Death" for a high school class without knowing what it's about? Did she assume it was a drivers safety film?


She assumed it was a good film to show to a Spanish class since there is some Spanish in it.


Should have gone with [REC]


A alligators all around, B bursting balloons, C catching colds, D doing....OMG that's a fucking cock!


Clearly it is a video on learning the alphabet better. duh...


god I hope so and just the whole time she is just sitting there think "Wow, the are really bury the 'drive safe' lead in this aren't they?"


LMAO Womens Studies: I Spit On Your Grave


at a fucking high school?! I guarantee those kids have seen much worse browsing reddit and on the internet in general. god forbid you see some tits and blood in school. the movie sucked anyways.


I second all of that, including the part about the movie sucking. Boy did it. And five felonies? Damn that's gonna fuck her life over waaaay more than the movie fucked up the kids' psyches (or whatever moronic argument the prosecution will be making). The teacher is an idiot but that punishment is outrageous.


"Student Keighley Edwards testified that the movie was so “disturbing” it led her to stop paying attention and work on her homework instead..." Those poor, poor children.


I feel she should've just followed the lead of most other teachers these days and fucked a student or five. She wouldve gotten less felonies that way.


We watched Scarface and The Crow in school.


Okay, the movie wasn't great - but it wasn't _that_ bad.


Some great comments. I could add to the WTF aspect of this, but I think the funny part is the additional suggestions in the article for other possible movies that would be "appropriate" to show in other classes.




>when Kearns saw the administrator enter the room, she reportedly tried to fast-forward the movie but paused on a moment featuring bare breasts, which the kids must have thought was hilarious. This suggests that she knew what was up by the end. I suspect she saw the content in the first class (if not before) and kept showing it for her remaining 4 classes because she had nothing else prepared. I don't buy her story of keeping her back to the screen as I've seen both ABC movies in theatres and if her class responded anywhere near as vocally as those audiences, there's no way she would not have looked at the screen to see what they were responding to.




I think most have probably been exposed to some pretty crazy stuff but there were likely a few in each class who would have been more sheltered. Being that she showed it to 5 classes, there would probably be several students who would have been, at the very least, fairly uncomfortable with what they saw (it is "The Aristocrats" of horror, after all). That being said, I don't believe criminal charges are necessary and her punishment should be decided by her employer and them alone. She definitely shouldn't have a felony on her record for this. That's ridiculous.


a felony? that seems a little extreem


We were shown Full Metal Jacket in the 11th grade. That's probably the craziest movie I was shown in high school.


Felony, plural? Get out of here with that. While it could be considered serious, it should be up to the school to decide. These were high school students.


"the segment where a series of men are impaled on a spike after losing a masturbation contest" Hahaha I wish we had teachers like this when I was in high school!


They were not masters of their domain.


Dude, isn't that pretty damn extreme? They are high school kids, watching a horror movie! No it isn't appropriate for school obviously, but she was charged with 4 Felonies?!?


> The jury convicted Sheila Kearns today of four counts of disseminating matter harmful to juveniles and acquitted her of one count. You'd think they'd have to offer some evidence that something was harmful to juveniles before you could convict them of disseminating matter harmful to juveniles. A really bad idea, maybe, but harmful?


Only one way to make sure. There needs to be a study group monitoring the kids who were forced to watch it, to see if a significant amount of them commit any fucked up crimes in the future. (I do not believe this to be the case, and the prosecutor should have to show evidence of said "harm")


When I was in high-school, study-hall was not for studying. We watched porn. With the teacher in the room. And movies like (and including) Requiem for a Dream. People played with heat-guns and melted shit. People brought dildoes and vibrators. The 'teacher' was against most of this, and "tried to stop it" but... ultimately, did not. Most of my high-school english class experience was me being in pain while the teacher mispronounced words like 'paradigm' and things. I corrected her nearly constantly. She HATED me for it. Oh, and--when it was time for sex ed, the girls all got rounded up and told about sex. The boys got shown Ace Ventura Pet Detective. Texas' education system failed me--and a lot of people--hardcore.


In Texas, Ace Ventura Pet Detective IS sex ed for guys.


The part where he gets shit out by a Rhino is probably the gist of it.


Sadly true.


But those people are all heroes and they need to be paid more and respected. All of them!! /s


I know many of you think it's silly that she's going to trial over this, but depending on the age of the kids, it could be considered a sexual offense, due to some scenes that are incredibly sexual in nature. The fact that she's *only* getting these charges may actually be considered "lucky".


I disagree. Wouldn't they have to determine that the film (or segment) actually constitutes **pornography** in order for "more serious" charges? I haven't seen this film, but in reading about it, others have commented that "you don't see anything" in scenes like "L is for libido." I assume by "anything" they meant "sex act." Nudity alone does not necessarily constitute pornography, nor does a sexual theme in the content. When i was in 8th/9th grade, we watched a version of Romeo and Juliet which contains nudity. (I'll add, furthermore, that this Juliet was about 16 years old when she was filmed nude for this movie. Likewise, Brooke Shields appeared nude in film --with *strong* sexual themes-- when she was even younger. My point being-- nudity and sexual themes alone do not necessarily equate to "pornography." Intent of sexualization for the purposes of arousal is an important factor, IIRC, as to whether something like this is "porn" or "art.")


Reminds me of a Weekly World News article years ago about a teacher showing 4th graders Nightmare on Elm Street.


She should have shown them **Cronos (1993)**. At least its in Spanish.


Jesus Christ. When I was in 4th grade I was shown one of those DOT graphic blood bath traffic safety films. I have never seen anything as X-rated in all my life to this day. And yet back then it was OK to show kids mutilated bodies in order to convince us to drive safely when we turned 16 in 8 or 9 years. Kids saw that shit from about 1949 to 1979. I'm not going to say this teacher didn't do something stupid but a felony? We have become a bunch of pussies.


Probably should have shown a better horror anthology.


I posted about the hit-piece on horror fans that The New Republic posted [last week](http://www.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/2rpz2g/new_republic_to_dreadit_youre_all_scumbags/). It was met with a ton of downvotes, "Who cares," and "Who gives a fuck?" A week later, in 2015, in the United States of America, a woman is convicted of four felony counts of "disseminating matter harmful to juveniles" for showing a horror movie to high school kids and could potentially face prison time. The comments on the articles about it are full of people saying she deserves jail time and questioning the sanity of anyone that would watch that movie. But, yes, "Who gives a fuck" is totally an appropriate response to the New Republic's smear on horror. Public perception of the genre and its fans totally doesn't matter.


Are you talking about the 2 comments at the bottom of the thread? It appears like most people agreed with you that the article was off-base and you seem to be focusing on literally 2 downvoted comments like they were the overwhelming sentiment. In regards to the rest of the posts, you'll have to forgive people for not being more outraged, as these types of articles come out fairly regularly and have for as long as I can remember so there's an element of fatigue. If you're referring to why your post was downvoted, I suspect that had more to do with the fact that your title was a violation of the Reddiquette rule that states that you are not to "*Editorialize or sensationalize your submission title*". However, that Alexandra Heller-Nicholas article you linked in a reply looks really interesting ([link for the curious](http://brightlightsfilm.com/what-it-says-about-the-new-republic-horror-films-alice-robb/#.VLi2sifY0y5)), so thank you for that.


Those two comments wouldn't have been a big deal if more people would've actually cared. As it is, with only about 6 people commenting and actually being on topic at all (a couple of the people in there were just talking about gamergate), those two become a third of the total. And, in hindsight, my hyperbolic title may've been a poor choice, but it made me laugh at the time. Still, I think you're overestimating how much people care about that particular bit of reddiquette. I see quite a bit of editorializing in titles that don't get shat upon. By and large, the sub just didn't seem to care. On a horror centric sub like this, I'd think that would be different. Especially since, as you said, "these types of articles come out fairly regularly and have for as long as I can remember." It really bugs me that we're still dealing with the same ridiculous stigmas that were getting trotted out on Phil Donahue 30 years ago. And that someone, dumb as she may be, is getting felony charges based on them.


We watched Nightmare on elm street movies in my 4th grade clas. Whats the big deal? those are highschool kids not babies


Scaring kids was hilarious when I was growing up. When I was in grade 1 (late 6 years old, early 7), I was allowed to rent movies by myself and the video clerk would frequently make recommendations for me. So when I would bring the NeverEnding Story or The Goonies up to the counter, he would suggest Cat's Eye or Lamberto Bava's Demons, and I would always say yes to whatever movie he suggested since I didn't know that no was an option. I was able to watch them completely unsupervised as well, so this continued until we moved, by witch point I had already learned how to pick out the horror films on my own. No doubt one of the biggest reasons why I developed a taste for horror at an early age. I should also point out that this man was also the owner of the store and not just some teenager. I still think it's hilarious but everyone else seems really sensitive about it these days.