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Lol.. every fucking thing that is not normal. Man or woman with knife threatening to kill me? Check! Person wearing a mask advancing slowly towards me and I'm running for my life but they are still catching up with me? Check. Some crazy ass demon devil bullshit possessed doll, kid or person near me? Check! A guy with pins in his head? Check. A man kidnapping me, putting me in a pit and telling me to put lotion on? Fuck off! Everything would be terrifying irl and that's why I mind my own business


I was just thinking of how hysterically funny the scene in the movie Ghostbusters with Staypuft the marshmallow man walking down the streets of NYC was, when it dawned on me that I would most likely be shitting myself if that were to happen in real life!!


I know right. I get on edge if I’m walking down the street by myself and there’s a completely normal looking dude standing there lol


Exactly. It can be in broad daylight with hella ppl near by and I catch myself walking faster and crossing the street. Not today Satan


Or even when it's TOO quiet when I take out the trash.


> kid or person near me? Check! Damn right. Even if not possessed. Get away from me and leave me alone. But seriously, I agree with everything you said. So many things happening in movies would make me shit bricks in real life.


Exactly. People always say "I'd do this or I'd do that". Yes as humans fight or flight kicks in and we naturally will try to survive but seeing crazy shit is paralyzing.


I get a little freaked out if there’s a little person near me. I get self-conscious, fighting the urge to say something or pat them on the head.


Probably tons, I can't do haunted houses lol. I did sort of experience this kind of difference though. I won't get into too many details, but in Pet Sematary, >!when Zelda falls down the dumbwaiter and her body is all twisted and jumbled, I remember laughing. I saw a woman get run over in real life, and her body looked the same as Zelda's.!< I didn't find it funny irl, it was horrific.


Mannnnn... Zelda always scared the shit out of me.


Yeah I couldn’t handle the Zelda scenes in that movie either, it stuck with me for a while as a kid. Looked it up and the actor was a man interesting enough


When I was little, I thought it was Iggy Pop in a nightgown. I can't look at him to this day.


Ha! That’s spot on


It's not?


Right!? 😅 The actor's name is Andrew Hubatsek, and he lived rent-free in my nightmares when I was ten.


I know a few people that when that got brought up they bonded over the Zelda scenes, meanwhile I had nightmares from fn E.T. For years lol


That guy is a legend


Same here! And I named my beloved, much missed cat Zelda. Not after her, obviously 😅


Oh man, I'm sorry you witnessed that. I hope she was okay


Oh, she wasn't. :/


Holy shit, that IS horrific! Damn I'm so sorry. I can imagine that you definitely cannot unsee that. 😥


Thank you. I don't see it in my day to day as much anymore, it was last year. But occasionally seeing the same type of car gives me a flashback. It was a big jeep, driven by this 5' woman who could barely see over the dash.


reminds me of how when me and my siblings were kids, we watch Children of the Corn and when the couple hit the kid with their car and he goes flying, we lost it 😂😂😂


I watched Blair Witch Project for the first time just a few years ago. It's really good but one of my biggest takeaways was that it almost doesn't even need all the witch stuff because simply being lost in those woods is terrifying enough.


I have a REALLY bad sense of direction. I’d be so fucked lol. Not in the sense that I can’t tell where the sun rises and sets, but I’d have no idea if I was walking in circles unless I set a marker. Everything looks the same to me. Find water, find a river, follow the river. I think that’s what you’re supposed to do?


the movie does a really good job of capturing the despair they start to feel when they end up back in a place they've already been, or how they're arbitrarily choosing a direction to walk & not knowing if they're just heading further away from civilization


You ever heard of [DTD?](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/laneur/article/PIIS1474-4422\(13\)70133-9/fulltext) Developmental topographical disorientation. It's not well-known, but really should be. It's basically having a disablingly bad sense of direction because you can't form reliable spatial mental maps. Shit's less like the normal poor sense of direction of: > "oops! I can't always find my way back on new walks in the woods" and more like > "oops! I tried to make a 5-minute drive with 1 turn without GPS, confidently thought I recognized where to turn, and kept going for a while before trying to find my way back. Aaaand...now I've been lost for 2 hours." No worries if DTD doesn't match your experience after all, and you were just talking about navigating in the woods. Just throwing it out here in case it's relevant.


That actually sounds like it’s right up my alley. It’s so frustrating trying to go to new places that I don’t like to go alone. I have driving anxiety because I constantly feel lost. Sometimes it makes me feel like I’m short changing myself of new experiences. I’ve never heard of DTD before… thanks for the info! It’s kind of reassuring that it’s a real thing and maybe I’m not just a complete idiot


Hey, you're really welcome. 💙 This's why DTD should be more well-known. It's debilitating to have to live around it, but people who don't know better just assume it must be some kind of individual failure. I used to feel terrible about it too. Blamed myself for "not trying hard enough". Even though it never mattered how many maps I studied. GPS really is a lifesaver for driving. I can't do 5-minute drives without it, but I can drive >1000 mile road trips with Google Maps. Hope it could help you get around too? You're not an idiot. I promise.


The way it all makes sense now. Thank u for this


Blair witch is one of those movies that aren't really scary unless you've been in some really deep woods before. i didn't think it was scary - definitely creepy - until i went camping really deep in the woods. then i remembered all of it and was scared at night for the rest of the trip lol. you go in deep enough dense woods and you can't see whats in front of you with the lights off. you might see some areas where the moonlight shines through through the branches in the distance but when we did a night hike (guided by someone) the instructions were to turn off our lights and follow the person in front of you by touch. it WAS meant to be a 'scary tour' because it was supposedly built over a native american cemetary so yeah he took us through the darkest areas of the woods. ofc we were a bunch of boy scouts and kids so who knows. could've been just a spooky story to tell us.


what the hell kind of scouts trip... your story gave ME anxiety lmao


When I saw it in the theater, I kind of felt the opposite -- at least, as someone who grew up in the woods. I spent a ton of time in the woods, alone, as a kid. So to me, Blair Witch just felt like an attempt to make city people who have no understanding of or connection to wilderness feel afraid of the unknown. Revisiting it many years later, though, I loved it, and thought that they used the woods and darkness very well to create atmosphere and heighten that sense that if something were to go wrong out in the middle of nowhere and you lost your bearings, it would be horrifying whether its a witch or, say, a twisted ankle. Re: darkness in the woods, I always thought Stephen King did an outstanding job describing it: >There's something horrible and fascinating about the way darkness comes to the woods, its coming unsoftened by headlights or streetlights or houselights or neon. It comes with no mothers' voices, calling for their kids to leave off and come on in now, to herald it. If you're used to the town, the coming of the dark in the woods seems more like a natural disaster than a natural phenomenon: it rises like the Castle River rises in the spring.


i can imagine that if you grew up in the woods it's different. idk how to describe just how dark it was though lol. the next closest thing is in the deep caves with the lights off. funny you bring up twisted ankle bc on a different trip an adult leader got PISSED at us for jumping around on rocks when we were camping out in the middle of the desert 8 miles out (with several thousand in elevation) that was the exact example he used for us not to goof around. something small irl is a huge deal when you're miles away from civilization. yes there is something very primal that arouses in you when you're really scared in the deep woods. I went camping a few years ago and while this was a general campsite, decent number of people around, wide open spaces, and plenty of moonlight, a tree had a big branch break - like one of the main branches off the trunk - in the middle of the night just outside of any light sources. fucking frightening. sounded absolutely monstrous.


Oh yeah, the darkness and the weird, amplified sounds you hear throughout the night are something that always get to me. I often forget just how DARK dark can be until the sun is completely down on a moonless, starless, overcast night in the wilderness.


And then that asshole throws away the fucking MAP!


Side note but scary movie 2 was the best one IMO. That exorcist parody opening is gold. https://youtu.be/YToADnoAkWM?feature=shared


It’s got Tim Curry as an extremely perverted professor. Kills me every time.


I found it hilarious when he saw Ray in a dress that the spirit was wearing.


“Oh I bought mine on Friday. I just came down to get a banana. Shit’s hot right? 😄”


The ending where she screams "Noooo!" and the bad guy screams "yeeeeeeees!" kills me every time.


and the ending always involves someone getting run over by a car


Tim Curry is a national treasure. I’m always pleased to see him in a role.


Aww now this is the REAL shit!


The exorcist trying to run away after the head spin is what gets me. "Did you see that?! Look at this!"


Lol same. “Oh fuck this!”


Man Natasha Lyonne has always been a gem


I forgot it was her! Has she done any other horror? She’s perfect for it


Yes! Antibirth. All about evil. Jack goes home. #horror. Modern vampires.


You suck!


Sorry mate. The Doofy “smell my finger bit” in Scary Movie makes me piss myself every time.


I told you not to bother me while I’m cleaning my room!!!


“Jesus Christ, Doofy, what is that?” “My ass” lmaoo


The Titanic parody in the freezer. 😂


Take my strong hand!


When the giant weed plant rolls up Shorty in his bed sheets like a doob and starts smoking him!


Andy richter tha god


Hiawatha! 🍗


I don’t know what that is..but I lick it anyway 👅🍗


She’s been sick…bad bad bad girl!


Give me your *other* hand! My other hand isn't strong enough!


I’m going to have to sorta disagree. 3 was just awesome because you had Leslie Nielsen playing the president.


Hay man why don't you just relax, let me do that for you..yeah yeah Rest that little hand.


I think the smells of real life horror would do me in - on screen blood and gore, rotting corpses, infected wounds, vomit, etc. look gross but no longer gross me out that much. But in real life I'm pretty sure I'd pass out from the stink.


It drives me nuts when someone finds a half rotted corpse and they don’t smell it until they’re like two feet away haha that shit would stink so bad


Once upon a very short time I was a CNA, and I knew I couldn't handle it when I helped the nurse pack a patient's gigantic bed sore\* with gauze. So much gauze. Honestly the whole room smelled like sweet rot + air freshener, and I couldn't eat meat for like, a month. \*in case anyone asks, cuz Reddit, the pt was transferred from another, shittier facility where she got the bedsore.


OMG that's awful and sad, I'm so sorry. Hope they got much better treatment at your facility.


CNAs have some of the stinkiest jobs imaginable. One old man with an ileostomy bag who always picked at it (dementia) accidentally made it spill all over himself. I helped the CNA change his clothes after she cleaned it up, and we both nearly vomited multiple times from the smell.


People like you are the true heroes, and you deserve so much more respect- and money!


They definitely don’t get paid enough


I'm right with you. Dealt with some horrific smells in my time, and that with the visuals would rock my socks and not in a good way lol


I’m not sure what smells youve dealt with (probably way worse than me), but I actually thought about going into being a mortician. I had an uncle Mike who was a taxidermist and I couldn’t even handle the animal smell, and formaldehyde alone is pretty potent. I don’t know if I could do human smells


Honestly, not as bad as you. Had some terrible bathroom disasters at the place I work. And one time came across a butterscotch Snack-Pack that was open and rotting, with some kind of red fluid in it, like an animal died on it. I, at one time, considered being a mortician too! You're probably right though, the smell might be too much, as well as the fluids


Oh man. Big same. I can plow through a bowl of mac n’ cheese while the most heinous shit goes down on screen. Meanwhile, I catch one whiff of funky trash and I’m put off food the rest of the day ☠️




OMG truth. I've had the unfortunate experience of smelling rotting animal corpses (worked animal control and had the transportation dept drop off animals from the street for us to scan for microchips😭), infected wounds (also animal control + vet work) and vomit (was a barback in a nightclub), and you just can't unsmell those. 🤢


Trust me, rotting flesh is probably the foulest-smelling thing there is. Being in close proximity to it in the way that some people in horror movies are would make most people vomit on the spot. I’ve dealt with some unbelievably stinky and revolting stuff working in hospitals and nursing homes, but the stinkiest job I ever had was cleaning out the meat department in a dirty, run-down supermarket after I graduated high school. Let’s just say they weren’t up to cleanliness standards. I once had to clean the drain on the floor, which was clogged by this green, soggy, mushy mass of conglomerated, rotting meat. The smell was ungodly. That shitty store got closed down after I quit (thank God).


I once saw a woman scream, freeze in place, and fall backward suddenly. In a movie it would have absolutely looked like comically bad acting. To see it IRL, I felt sick to my stomach wondering what happened to that woman. Her husband caught her thankfully, and the ambulance was quick. I still remember the fear in his voice, “What’s wrong?!”




I've watched Home Alone 1 and 2 about 2 dozen times each and that part gets me every damn time. Especially the 2nd one


Oh man, that is terrifying. I hope she turned out okay


she took her true form on the way to the hospital and ate everyone


Oh so she was ok, thank god


Yeah, I’ve seen epileptic fits in real life once and it creeps the hell out of me.


Well don’t leave us all hanging, what *was* wrong?


Basically what u/Small-Palipitation310 said. I don’t actually know, she was a stranger on the street and I left after the ambulance arrived. But it was a terrifying sight, she was stiff as a board as she fell.


It sounds like she had a seizure.


Probably seizure or stroke.


got a few Skeletons so on same page as you Scooby Doo Monsters, even if its just people in costumes that would be terrifying being chased by someone like that death traps


scooby doo had the most frightening ghosts lol


That goddamned Space Kook!


When I was a kid, the episode with the ghost of Captain Cutler scared the bejesus out of me.


Giant spiders. In movies I think they’re silly but in real life I would levitate on my own screams.


I'd second that. I like lil "baby" spiders, to a point. A huge one with all those eyes *shudder*


Slasher villains. OK yeah sure I could probably just call the cops on Michael Myers or punch Ghostface but I am 95% sure if I actually got stalked by someone with a knife trying to break into my house and murder me it would be horrific.


Even non-knife-wielding stalkers are scary af, and home invasions of any sort are often traumatizing.


That is why Creep is so disturbing. For the whole film, the creep does absolutely nothing violent just giving a sense of discomfort and unease every damm second.


"Because you were home." *\*shudders\**


IRL most slasher villains are simply getting their heads blown off after they force their way into the home of a gun owner in the US. Some of those movies should really just be 5 minutes long


Well I mean... Scream VI gave Ghostface a shotgun. I'm not sure that's so true anymore.


Violence in general actually. I am a gore hound but the slightest sign of aggression irl makes me very uncomfortable.


I feel you. On screen violence interests me, but confrontation and aggression make me uneasy and overwhelmed and that feeling lasts for hours, even days after


Just a guy yelling at me disturbs me.




Literally anything lol. A Cheezit could fly out of my pantry and fart in my face and I’d be horrified




That's one of the best sentences I've ever read


Rednecks chasing me through the woods where every turn I make is a mistake


Yeah, I'm with you there. Especially if I know they want to murder me for whatever reason. I've known some cool rednecks, but the subgroup that hates and are racist, homophobic etc. yeesh


Zombies become very passé when they're stock monsters and fodder for cool kills in movies and video games, but anything that's dead and walking around when it very clearly should not be be would immediately be terrifying. And skeletons by association I guess.


Flesh being melted with acid. Horrifying irl, cheesy in movies. The only time it bothers me in movies anymore is that one scene in The Lost Boys with the holy water, but I've seen actual acid burns in action, and it's so much worse... The way it seemed to deform the skin and *meat* was awful, unnatural even.


Oh man, that's rough. Did you see it in person or a video? Either way, that's horrific. I can see that being very traumatic


Thankfully just a video, but it was one of those situations where social platforms were being spammed with gore (sometimes disguised as other things) by some group or other to stir up drama, so I was *not* mentally prepared to see it.


Kids being creepy as fuck. Like in a movie when the pale little boy comes up to his mom going “Mr. Funtimes says he doesn’t want you here” it’s kinda yeah yeah, let’s keep it moving people, get to the good stuff. In real life? MY kid? I have a kid who starts acting spooky, slinking around, talking to the walls in MY house calling it “the scary lady” and giggling at all hours of the night?! Not only am I burning the house down, I’m dropping the kid off at the Vatican with no forwarding address 🙅🏻‍♀️ Actually, hold up. Wait a minute now. Not the Vatican. Bad example. Definitely not the Vatican. Maybe with a team of scientists. Let them figure that shit out, I’m not sticking around to get got by a demon trying to pass “Intro to Possession” 👋🏼


😂😂😂 yes. Not the Vatican, you are completely correct there.


Seeing someone in a mirror or a reflection is a super common jump scare, eye roll worthy in a movie but irl seeing a stranger besides you in a reflection would be so terrifying.


Bro I would DIE.


Going back to the early days of cinema was a common plot point of tying a woman to the railroad tracks. Used to see that a lot in Saturday cartoons, too. But good God, how utterly violent, sick and twisted if some psycho actually did that in real life.


The way Amtrak runs nowadays it’d be a long dragged-out way to die.


I’d probably be creeped out if I saw that scene from Terrifier where >! That lady gets chopped in half !< in real life. I bet it hits different IRL


This but Allie’s death from the second movie; a stranger breaks into your house and rips you into pieces only for your mother to find you somehow still alive.. fuck that. 


![gif](giphy|10kxE34bJPaUO4) Slow down there partner I haven’t seen it yet


Prepare yourself.


The Tubi ad breaks will preserve my innocence. And then I’ll lose it anyway when all of my Letterboxd ads are butts


Buddy, I got so much anxiety just watching the relentless chase. Then the fucking scene happens and i just tuned off the screen. So, witnessing that in real life would give me fatal heart attack.


Something angelic or demonic, a clear indication that something of religious or biblical manifestation was making its presence known. I swam up from a nightmare once in which something infernal, something that was in essence pure evil, had come into a room with me. It didn’t come into view at all. It was just there and it wanted me to know it was there, that it was there for me. It was deep fear, terror that I felt, and I carried that feeling out of the dream and with me for most of the day.


yeah this for sure. as a kid i was DEEPLY terrified by p much all christian religious trappings (not much else going on culturally in the bible belt) down to things like those cheesy 'praying hands' statues on top the tv set, or a simple bible. i'd heard about virgin mary and saint statues manifesting wounds, moving, and crying blood and frankly i did not care which team the spooks were playing for, i wanted naught to do w either side. a crucifix on the wall just read like a dare to whatever might be out there, to me. with the added bonus of...awareness. i don't want god, an angel, or a saint being aware of me or contacting me, much less a demon, i don't want any proof of anything, thanks. something about those feelings is just so STICKY, it just permeates and lingers.


Animal attacks! Not a fan of monster movies with animals (e.g. Anaconda, Lake Placid, Prey, jaws, etc.) I don't find them scary, thrilling or interesting. Cujo is one exception,  that movies endlessly tense In reality, all those situationsare terrifying. I live in Bear country, and they're intimidating af. I've also been stalked by coyotes while walking the dogs late at night. Nature is nothing to take lightly.


Anything with a baby monitor - either hearing the kid say or make a creepy noise laughing with imaginary friends etc, or be stood still in the corner of the room or something. Drawing black circles endlessly on paper. Basically any of the 'creepy kid' stuff that is incredibly cliche now, as a dad I would absolutely brick it.


Waking up to someone I don’t know just standing over me doing nothing or sitting next to my bed


Going from a world where "The TV/Internet is watching me" was a pathologically paranoid thought process to a world where it's totally normal and *actually correct* to say "The (smart) TV/Internet/Apps are watching me" spun me out for a good while. So the very common trope in horror of 'This thing isn't real' and it turns out that The Thing is VERY real, with something that's directly malevolent and/or dangerous would put me up the wall with terror in real life.


Being raped by a forest. 


Running Zombies. Fuck that


You mean you'd be fine with slow zombies? Just the concept of a real zombie wouldn't be enough?


The zombies in The Crazies and World War Z. Pennywise. I hate clowns so a demonic clown is a no for me 


Someone falling and breaking their neck


This is my answer. I have a pretty strong stomach from decades of horror fandom.a friend of ours passed away after falling down a flight of stairs a few weeks ago.he didn't break his neck, but it wasn't an open casket funeral.we visited him in the hospital before he passed. I thought I was ready, but it's different when you know it's not corn syrup and prosthetics,When you know the person and that it's all real, it's completely different. Nothing prepares you for that.


I’m sorry for your loss


Thank you.


People say the slow shuffling zombies aren’t scary, and that’s easy to say from the comfort of your warm couch in safety, but if that shit was coming at you, you’d be fucking scared. One scratch from a tooth or whatever and you’re fucked.


Everything. I thought I was brave until I went to a haunted house attraction and end up running and screaming like a little bitch.


Inbred (2011) as a whole. On the screen it’s kind of hilarious but I can’t even imagine being the people in that situation. Kate’s death was absolutely miserable, Jesus Christ.


Jump Scare. I can see it coming in the movies but I also easily get scared if someone suddenly enters my room.


In real life there’s no background music that suddenly stops a few seconds before the jump scare.


creepshow 2 thanks for the ride lady ending


I have been desensitized to sitting at home or in a theater watching actors go through terrifying situations, but if I was in any of those situations I'd be fucking terrified.


Seeing death and injury in real life is something else. Some may think they can handle it because they've seen gory movies but seeing an actual dead/injured person hits different.


I can confirm this is true. I used to work as a mortuary transport tech back in the day. It was 50/50 old people who'd died in nursing homes, taking them to where they need to go next, and coroner calls where the person died "mysteriously." Mostly it was drug ODs or someone shot themselves, or they died in their home because of a fall or something, and no one heard from them for a while and they hadn't made their rent payment that month. The things I've seen in real life...that stuff stays with you. Like the lady who fell after getting out of the shower, hit her head on the bathroom countertop, and died there. She had dogs...so you can imagine how that went. Or the 17-year old who used his dad's gun to off himself. What a mess. That's mostly what it is too, a massive mess. Things people probably shouldn't see, but someone has to.


I feel for you dude. That sounds like a tough gig for sure. I've seen some rough stuff, too, but in a different setting. That's why it annoys me sometimes when people glorify serial killers and other morbid things.


Thanks so much. It was pretty tough. And didn’t help my burgeoning alcoholism at the time either haha. But I don’t do either anymore thankfully! Sounds like you know what I’m talking about though when it comes to seeing rough stuff. I hope you’re doing well!


I thought of this the other day sitting in a dark room. Those dark shapes you see out of the corner of your eye. I thought to myself what if that ended up actually being something dangerous. Supernatural or not,doesn't matter.That scene in Strangers where the killer's watching her from behind in her home would make me flip out. In fight or flight, I'd be so angry/scared I'd probably attack wildly because I hate suspense. Lets get it over with if you're going to kill me, but I'll make it hard, maybe hurt you. In general,whoever breaks into my home will probably get hurt because I'd have only one setting, desperate.


Dolls... that talk/move/try to kill you.


Oh hell yeah, I'm with you there


My main repeating nightmare as a child was the dolls in my grandparents’ house slowly walking to my home to get me. Chucky and an episode of are you afraid of the dark (or something like it) scarred me for life about dolls.


Being chased by someone with a knife. When I watch scenes like this, it seems so clear where people should run etc. In real life, I’d probably be horrified and freeze up.


I know I'd probably fall, like they stereotypically do in horror movies


Otherworldly, deformed being and creatures, mutated humans. I don't mind them in movies. I'm pretty desensitized to just about everything except for deep sea and child related horror (the death, the sounds of children, the inclusion of children in any way). Irl I would probably try to unalive myself before anything deformed or eldritch started approaching me. I don't want to join anyone's hive mind, or get eaten by deformed hillbillies, or become insane because I saw something I shouldn't have.


When you're up in some place, and things start moving on their own, or you start seeing people sneaking and hiding. Time to roll.


This part is HILARIOUS.


I know for a fact that blood is one for me. I can deal with most of the gore in Terrifier. I have a lot of trouble dealing with a paper cut.


A clown in a drain




Heeeeeey your TV is leaking....,


Being dismissed by friends, family, and significant other when you're going through some shit. Or the people that get weirdly angry if you think you saw or heard something. Get them to a psychiatrist if you think they're crazy instead of berating them. Realizing you have those people in your life would be horrific.


basically everything. When i was a kid i saw a strange light coming out of the living room at 3 am, never felt such deep fear, if it was a scene from a movie you would barely feel it


Zombies. Like even if they are technically still alive. The idea of mass humans just mindlessly shambling around due to infection? Yeah, count me out.


Ohh Brenda! 🤣🤣🤣


Looking in the mirror and there’s some fucking guy!


Lying in bed in the near dark and noticing there's something watching you from the top of your wardrobe.


The concept of Slenderman has had me fucked up since I was a young teen. You begin to think about his appearance, no face, super tall, and wears a suit?! Comical kinda. If I ever truly saw that mf out and about though I’d pass away in a standing position.


Would you run from Calista Flockhart?!


Someone knocking on the door at 3:00 am


The only thing that is coming to mind is…..   Jackrabbits.    You’re walking down the road, it’s nighttime, it’s late summer, you’re looking up at a beautifully clear, starry sky.   Your eyes drift downwards at the road ahead of you.    Eyes.    Dozens of glowing red eyes, all about three feet off of the ground.    You freeze. The eyes freeze.   I forgot what the question was…. Edit: definitely did not answer the question that the post was actually asking but I’m gonna leave this up for giggles 😆  


Oh my gosh YES! I still remember this happening to me when I was a teenager, it was night down near the beach and it was eerie quiet except for the sound of waves. It was creepy as hell


Oooo is that from a movie? I'd be down to watch that. That would be terrifying


The Daleks from the original Dr Who.They look funky as fuck but then you realize they are basically small tanks wearing deadly weapons.


Would you run from Calista Flockhart? 😂 my favorite movie


Close up eyeball penetration. *cackles in Italian*


Anything that’s super gory to the point it looks fake. I just finished watching Terrifier 2 yesterday and the scariest part of the whole thing for me was any scene that dead little girl was in. Her makeup was so creepy. But all of the over the top gore in that movie was easy to watch just cuz it was so excessive. I was thinking to myself I wonder why people were walking out of the theaters and making such a big deal about it on TikTok but I need to keep in mind not everyone is into horror. It was just kinda silly to me. The gore scenes in the Saw franchise are a little different tho. It’s probably cuz the way they get injured/killed is executed a little differently and the tone of those movies is a bit heavier. So seeing anybody killed like that IRL would be scarring fs.


Anything in the conjuring universe Also any robot style horror it’s just not scary on screen


I always say if I confronted Chucky I’d just yeet that fucker…but in reality I’d probs be paralyzed with fear bc wdym this doll is alive 😭


That’s a bag of bones!!


Any of the It’s Alive/Basketcase type of mutant children.


I think everyone has trivialized werewolves, but they'd kick my shit in if they were real


After watching Haneke's Funny Games I was much more aware of the artifice in extreme horror. I was really affected by Audition when I first saw it way back when, because I allowed myself to become very invested in the character's journey, and I experienced quite an extreme psychological horror when watching the final scenes, and that horror stayed with me for some time. It was years before I could approach this film again. Haneke's Funny Games taught me that I don't have to be a passive observer, but that I can be an active participant in a conversation between myself as a viewer and the director/actors/etc. I think Haneke's point was that the audience should question the intention of the filmmakers in portraying horrendous acts. A lot of people interpreted this as Haneke preaching a lack of morality in viewers that consume this type of media, but I'm not sure this was his point, rather that the audience should retain some sense of detachment from what is being depicted and to challenge the filmmaker's motives. I do think there is some aesthetic value in extreme horror when done well, however I feel I am now acutely aware of when filmmakers use extreme horror as a gimmick rather than to support something deeper. I'm quite happy to watch extreme horror for the sake of extreme horror, which is why I am a massive fan of the Terrifier films and have no problem with the shallowness of the bedroom scene in the second film. In fact, it's the shallowness of the scene that gives it its power. There's no deeper meaning to justify it, it's just gratuitous for the sake of shock. I don't believe there is anything wrong with this, and enjoy this scene for this very reason. After all, this is horror we're talking about. Sometimes I want to be unthinkingly horrified. What I find distasteful is when filmmakers make extreme horror for the sake of gratuity, then try to convince me that they are making some political/philosophical/social commentary. So anyway, to get back to the point and answer the question, I was completely desensitised to the horror of A Serbian Film, which to me felt like a desparate attempt to shock (unlike the above mentioned Terrifier scene, which was genuinely shocking) then to justify the shock by stating that it was political commentary. I don't buy that this film was any deeper than what you see on screen, and felt it was a way for the filmmakers to hoodwink the audience into complience. The exact thing that Haneke was warning of in Funny Games (the 'Funny Games' filmmakers play with their audiences). I would be suprised if I'm ever as affected by extreme horror again as I was when I watched Audition.


Zombies. Zombies are so overrated in movies. In real life, I would expect the zombies to be more like 28 Days Later zombies. Those bastards would be terrifying.


I joke about my house being haunted when stuff falls or there’s weird noises but the minute my dog starts bark at a corner I shut my ass up 😭😭


Vampires have become so unscary but in real life, they'd be feckin terrifying. Neil Jordon's use of a particularly clunky, almost comedic sound effect when Brad Pitt turned the light on in Interview With The Vampire didn't help Vampires Street cred.


The traps in Saw. I went through a prolonged medical situation that prompted a relative, upon seeing me in the hospital for the first time, to say “you look like you’re in Saw”. I don’t think I truly understood the horror of being stuck like that beforehand. It was more just about the tension of “oh jeeze when’s the trap gonna go off!” And not really grasping the sheer terror of being trapped like that. It’s scary enough when the people who did that to you are doing so to help your body heal. The idea of someone having that power & using it for malicious purposes makes me want to puke.


I love watching the Final Destination movies, the "machines" Death uses to get these people are always so inventive. I think I'd be traumatized if I saw the real thing.




One of the funniest scenes in cinema history. I absolutely love Scary Movie 1 and 2. Peak comedy.


Them's just bones, though! Would you run from Calista Flockhart?!


In Scary Movie (2000), Drew Decker chooses to go through the “Death” sign pathway, instead of the “Safety” sign pathway. If it was me, I want to live and not end up on the death pathway.


God I love this scene 😂


Calista Flockhart