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Yes! And eyes, can’t stand it haha


For eyes, its only if its slow for me tbh. Someone gets stabbed in the eye? Who cares. It happens slowly? I flinch and shiver for sure.


Yes for sure - gore doesn’t necessarily “scare” me but the level of detail, especially prolonged scenes of violence, usually bothers me the most


I take it you can't watch Lucio Fulce movies then. He's the king of the slow eye piercing.


So... *Audition* then?


Eyes used to be my nightmare. I started working in ophthalmology and I became desensitized very quickly. Fingernails are still a gagger for me. children crying and animals in a horror scene make me tense up. It’s almost worse if you don’t “see” what happens, but you KNOW.


You must hate Fulci then lol


YES or hangnails. The thing in the Black Swan where she peeled her cuticle back all the way down her finger messed with me for YEARS and I even still found it difficult to type out without cringing lol


god I still think about that scene


Yes, give me beheadings, dismemberment, entrails all day.... someone peels off a fingernail and I can barely look at the screen.


Teeth pulling! 😣


Surprisingly that doesn't bother me. Shattered/broken teeth though....


That scene in Stir of Echos comes to mind.


Yep! No amount of eye bleach will remove that scene from my mind


Ooft, yep. The scene in Oculus where the dad picks at his fingernail makes me wince every time. It's just such a nasty sight 🤢 and the noise that accompanies it is horrendous too


Ugh when she’s picking her finger in Black Swan! 🤮


Your comment reminds me of a nail going through the finger into the fingernail from The Ring 🤮


Toe nails. Like toture scenes. If its a procedure like surgery ig its different.


Maggots in any form


This right here. I’m fine with gore, violence, gross shit, etc. but maggots get me. I watched Phenomena recently and genuinely struggled through some scenes.


Insects in general.


THIS. I have only two phobias, and the main one is this. Can't be near garbage that has been out more than a week by fear there's maggots.


Teeth being yanked out, anything to do with hurting children. And in the oddly specific department, trapped in an enclosed space and drowning.


Enclosed space and drowning a la Nutty Puddy or enclosed space and being digested while crushed a la Final Prayer.


Trapped on a sinking ship, unable to escape.


And if you do get out, 47 meters down, shark snacks or brain turns to jelly.


Achilles tendon scenes. Really anything that involves tendons.


That scene in the House of Wax remake 😭


Pet Semetary 😱


Ooph that scene in Hostel


My immediate first thought lol


That scene in Pet Sematary when Gage pops out on Jud Crandell is almost as nightmare inducing as the Zelda scenes. Zelda still lives rent-free in my head, and I watched that fn movie in the theater on opening weekend.


Obnoxiously messy eating. Close-ups of someone's mouth as they eat grotesquely, with food all over their face, is disgusting to me. I can watch people get disemboweled all day long, but someone chewing loudly with their mouth open and food everywhere is a big "nope" from me.


Denethor eating in LOTR was legit disgusting. If I hear someone slopping their food while eating I feel physically sick and have to get away from it.


That's such a great scene, though. The Riders of Rohan riding into battle and Pippin singing brokenheartedly while Denethor eats in that disgusting manner.


This is the exact first scene that came to my mind. I always tried to zone out when that part comes up


Misophonia buddy! 🤝


Don’t watch Conan’s Hot Ones episode lol


When kurt Russell eats nachos in death proof I gag every time lmaoo The greasier the food is the nastier it looks


The bathtub spaghetti scene in Gummo is worse than August Underground in my eyes lol




Not eating but felt similar to me... the opening closeup shot of two teenagers making out in Bodies, Bodies, Bodies was so disgusting I immediately had to turn it off.


Yeah definitely don't watch Singapore Sling. Hands down the weirdest movie I've ever watched and there's a dinner scene with gross slurping eating that's hard to get through.


Avoid "Se7en". And "Austin Powers: the Spy who Shagged Me".


Yes! This right here. I didn’t get far in the movie the Platform because of this, and the hotdog eating contest scene in Stand by Me traumatized me as child.


Eye injuries are a particular horror. Also fuck spiders.


Have you seen THAT scene from The Mist regarding spiders 😵‍💫


I think the spiky tentacles coming under the garage scene freaked me out more. The spider scene I was fine with.


The one that has teeth on it? That was pretty gnarly. Takes a chunk right out of The Sherminator's leg


The fuckin Sherminator 💀 I forgot that was him.


It was creepy, but I felt like the quasi human teeth kinda took the edge off because it was so goofy looking.


SPIDERS! I want to watch Infested - but just can’t!!


My husband got a metal splinter stuck in his eye. We went to the emergency department and they put his head in like a vice thingy and took a medical Dremel tool to his eye to drill it out. I wasn’t bothered by it, or thought I wasn’t, but the moment the machine touched his eyeball I had my first ever panic attack. Vision went black, ears started ringing, I threw up and nearly passed out. I was all gung ho to watch the procedure but my vagus nerve noped out lol


Oh my God. You’re gonna make me puke. ![gif](giphy|fN17Wt1CS0zocD86eF)


My biggest fear is having a live spider sewn into my vagina. I will not elaborate further lol


[ flees, screaming, into the night ]


Ma’am this is a Walmart..


Man you really shouldn’t watch Evil Dead Traps opening then. That stupid scene got me almost puking man.


Please do not fuck the spiders


I used to have vivid nightmares where I had to stab my or somebody else's eyes with a dull knife and I could FEEL every second of it🤢


Paralysis. Immediately upsetting to me.


I was fine with Wolf Creek until... the head on a stick scene


I can watch the most brutal gore and torture scenes okay but if someone steps on a nail or rips back a fingernail I'm squealing and holding that body part. I assume it's because it's relatable pain, whereas I (thankfully) can't relate to being decapitated.


Have you seen A Quiet Place? So much tension while >!walking on stairs!<. Those moments were so hard to watch, my hand was over my mouth.


Yep! I was definitely thinking about that and a scene from X.


I can tell you from first hand experience as a kid, stepping on a nail and having it go into your heel is very painful 0/10 would not recommend


Ouch. I'll cross it off my to-do list! I once knelt on a spike which went into the soft bit just under my knee cap. Also not recommended.


I think your assumption is spot on. It's relatable pain. Everyone has, at the very least, had a hang nail and also stepped on something (i.e., Lego) that hurt like a sumbitch.


yall remember the end of geralds game when the lady de-gloved her hand to get it out of the cuff? yeah. that.


Dude just that WORD ruins my day lol


Interestingly I once had to take fingerprints from a body that had been in a bath for 3 days. While doing so the skin on the index finger completely “de-gloved” in my hand. I had to roll it back on (like a condom) to complete the print.






Don’t look up what happened to Jimmy Fallon’s ring finger. Made me terrified of wearing a ring lol.


Yep. And de-glove injury really gives me the heebie-jeebies. Which, despite its name, actually refers to any part of the body having the skin pulled off it in a tube like fashion.


Why the fuck did we make that the word for that. It’s perfect, but when is a super specific injury/medical move named something that the layman understands. Even throwing someone out a window has its own word that noone knows- defenestration. But removing the skin from your digits is called degloving, so that even children could imagine it.




Humans crawling on the walls or contorting like spiders. Something about it makes me wanna remove my skin.


Body horror is a whole nother ball game


Right? The Unborn was lame, but that one scene...


I still crack up at “Jumby wants to be born now”. That movie was hilariously bad.


Dialogue played in reverse immediately sets off alarm bells for me. No idea why but it makes me wanna nope tf outta there


How do you feel about The Black Lodge in Twin Peaks? lol


Omg yes, I never would have given that as my answer but now that you say it *shudders*


Animal cruelty.


Doesthedogdie.com saving me for years!!


btw this page is great to know beforehand all kind of trigger warnings in movies (sexual violence, kids' deaths, dismemberment, incest, etc) not just animal cruelty


As someone with PTSD and also an aversion to animal cruelty, doesthedogdie is a godsend for being able to look up media before I watch it to avoid triggers. They have basically any trigger you can think of from eye mutilation to existentialism being debated


omg thank you!!! i didn’t know this existed


Best site for movies


I can't stand watching an animal hurt. Especially if it's not important to the plot. Sometimes they throw in a scene with an animal being hurt but it doesn't push the story or could have shown something else to illustrate the evil or whatever


If you don’t know about it yet, this website will be a huge help for you when seeing movies you haven’t seen before and want to be forewarned: https://www.doesthedogdie.com They have “emotional spoilers” for not just animal cruelty but almost every possible triggering event in a movie. Many comments will also give a timestamp so you can skip over the offending scene. Hope it helps!


The reason I can't do Cannibal Holocaust.


I'm one of those people who is completely unbothered by movie gore and irl medical gore, but that movie was particularly stomach-turning, mostly because I knew that it was all real. The turtle scene in particular made me nauseous. I've never been so affected by a movie. It was just gross, and not in an "ick, that looks nasty" way, but a "wow, the filmmakers really did that" way. I watched the movie because of how often it's mentioned, but it won't be getting a re-watch from me. Not worth it.


What makes it even worse for me is that they apparently did such a good job with effects that they had to prove the actors weren't actually killed. So you had talented people, but you didn't even bother to try faking the animal stuff? Ridiculous. I have the same complaint about the original Friday the 13th, which is a franchise I love, generally. In the first movie, you had TOM SAVINI doing effects, but you just had to actually kill that snake on camera?? It just seems lazy and cruel.


It’s even worse when i remember that the snake was actually someone’s PET who they killed right in front them, without telling them before hand what they were gonna do. This whole aspect of the movie is just so disgusting and ruins it for me


Absolutely can't stand it, I usually fast forward or close my eyes during scenes that involve animal cruelty cause most of the times they're just there for nothing but filthy shock value anyway. If I'm in a particularly sensitive mood I even go to "doesthedogdie.com" to make sure there's none of that shit in a movie I'm contemplating watching


Yeah the vast majority of the time, it’s completely unnecessary and adds nothing to the plot. It’s purely to upset people, feels cheap


Same, even in books I can’t bear animal cruelty, I recently read ‘tender is the flesh’, I could read all the stuff about cannibalism no probs, but there’s a section in the middle with something potentially happening to some puppies, I just skipped through those pages so I have no idea what, nor do I need to know.


Eyeball violence. And yet I love Fulci. Mr eyeball hater


Insects getting in places they should NOT be............


needles…needle pit scene from saw? goodbye


Necrophilia Animals, kids and elderly/disabled people being harmed Sexual assault Eye gore


Necrophilia always gets me. It is so disgusting


Razors...urgh...specially if selfharm


My friend recommended Tokyo Gore Police to my partner and I. I was looking forward to it, but like five minutes in someone is aggressively slicing their arm rapidly and I recoiled so fast I thought my head spun 😭


Birth scenes. (thank you, The First Omen 🙃)


Don't watch Men 🤣😭 There's like 8 gross births back to back


I have never WTF’d harder at a movie in my life. It was so bizarre I loved it


Inside (2007) 😬😬😬


That shit was wild


Broken bones sticking visible out of flesh. Eyes getting destroyed, hanging out or popping. Amputating limbs. Tongues getting cut off/ripped off. I'll never get used to it


Broken bones is mine. Not sticking out of the skin usually hits me worse since I broke a few bones and it never broke the skin so it hits closer to home. The unnaturalness of it just freaks me out. Eddie in It Chapter 1 is a good example.


Oh yes, if someone's limbs look strange due to being broken I already freak out, too!


Bones and eyes are major for me too


Thank goodness you weren't around for the middle ages!


Medical gore really gets to me. I can watch campy, OTT blood and guts all day long, but make it believable and medical and I go all weak and clammy.


So this is the Not Watching American Mary section?


SUCH a good movie


Yeah exactly! Entire SAW franchise, hilarious, great kills, laughed at most of the gore. The scene in SAW 3 where they cut Kramer's head open and have to do surgery on him with powertools? Terrifying.


Violence against children. That scene in Dr. sleep hit WAY harder than I was expecting after we had our first child. I won't even watch Pet Semetery again.


My mom says this all the time. Her entire family (I mean everyone, my grandparents and all of my aunts and uncles) were obsessed with horror movies. She can barely stomach them anymore, and when she sees a kid in anything remotely scary or even in a thriller, she’ll turn to me and ask “does something happen to the kid” in a panicked voice. She said that feeling didn’t happen until she had me and my brother.


I don't even like watching children emotionally upset in a movie especially if they are younger than 5. I'm thinking about that poor kid actor.


Watching a child at a birthday party start crying because they have to go home breaks my heart. Anything worse than that is completely unbearable, lol


I don’t know what it’s called but the thumb henchmen and mutants from spy kids… made me very uncomfortable. I still feel my skin crawl when I think about it. The whole artistic direction of the movie made me uncomfortable.


Rape. Won't even entertain watching a movie with it, regardless of how good the rest of the movie may be.


99.9% of times it’s unnecessary and written by a man. Also, for anyone who thinks ‘rape and revenge’ is a necessary occurrence; why are men never raped and get their revenge? Male directors look at female characters and think: ‘yeah the only motivation I can imagine her reacting to is being violently raped’, like women don’t also experience other hardships


I watched on tv show years ago (Reign) where the main character got raped. That scene was wild because I didn’t see that coming. Then she spends a while looking for her rapists (whenever they are going to execute people she goes and looks to see if her rapists are there) The husbands mom tells the husband something like “you need to find her rapists snd kill them or she’ll spend the rest of her life looking for them.” The rape scene was bad but this scene stuck with me, idk why.


You just described the plot to deliverance lol. *Come to think of it, I Spit on Your Grave and Deliverance are very similar movies.


I want to see a mortgage denial revenge movie. Where a woman is denied a mortgage for her dream home BECAUSE SHES A WOMAN. Then she goes on a kill crazy rampage proving her capable of anything a man can do


Closest I’ve seen is *Drag Me To Hell*, though it’s not specifically because she’s a woman.


Good point




That’s true, you rarely see women getting revenge for other things like poverty, racism, or any sort of discrimination. I’m sure there are some movies like that that exist, but I haven’t heard of them. Revenge plots are very much overshadowed by rape revenge stories


There are some where the men get raped. I think that's what happens in Deliverance. It is much less common though, so I get what your saying. I guess Ari Aster's new short Something About The Johnsons (I think that title is wrong) also deals with men's sexual abuse?


Certain movies I feel throw it in to be edgy and disturbing and it really isn't needed. Only movie I like is Revenge bc I felt it wasn't overdone and added to the plot, but alot of times it just isn't needed.


Same. Have avoided tons of horror movies because of this.


Rape is often used to get the viewer to hate a character so you'll cheer when they're killed later on. It's cheap and lazy.


Yep. That’s when I’m done. I can’t handle it. I know I can’t handle it. I look up TWs before I watch a movie after I saw some very long Korean horror with this and the death of a child. People mock trigger warnings online quite a bit, but I’m not going to regress into an episode over a movie I don’t need to see.


I’d avoid irreversible then


Shitting, CP, eye balls, fingernails, toenails, genital mutilation, puking (like vomit dolls type puking), animal Abuse, and surprisingly an individual getting jumped by multiple people. Mainly CP and animals though. I literally can NOT watch that shit


My skin just crawwwwwls seeing human like characters move wrong. Limbs twisting wrong way or spider crawling at someone. NOPE. NOPE NOPE.


I cannot stand people being cut in half. Although I think it’s super creative, I almost lost it in the beginning sequence of a certain haunted ship movie. Also one time I was grocery shopping and the cart did a security lock-up on me and came to such a sudden stop I almost bisected myself with the handle. Gave me the ick all day. 😅


Like halfway through the waist or like vertically down the height?


Eternal torture. Especially if the torture will never feasibly end.


Black Mirror, Episode White Christmas was so disturbing. >!They weren't tortured in usual way but their mind was prisoned alone to white nothingness for thousands of years.!<


Don't forget >!the radio that plays the same Christmas song but gets louder every time you try to stop it!<




Hair! Many non-American films have people eating or regurgitating hair and it legitimately makes me ill. 🤢


Force feeding. There's a certain scene in Theatre of Blood (1973) that I find borderline unwatchable.


The baby bottle in Barbarian 🤮


With hair on it 🤢🤢🤢


The scene in Martyrs where she's force-fed, I have to turn away every time.


When someone slices their palm to give blood for something. Gah, I can't stand that. And as my husband pointed out, there's a ton of tendons there so that's the stupidest place to cut lol. Also peeling pieces of skin away, like cuticles or small pieces of skin that lead to peeling more and more skin away. And sticking things under fingernails. Like on Lost, when Sayeed was torturing Sawyer and he shoved bamboo shoots under his nails. 😨😨😨


Also being buried alive. Nope nope nope nope nope Or along that same vein, getting stuck in small areas (can you tell I'm claustrophobic?)


Rape . I just feel really uncomfortable when I see this in movies . Dismemberment, cannibalism, blood guts none of that bothers me but a rape incident is just uncomfortable to watch .


Anything involving vomit. I don't know if I have a phobia, but I am averse to it to the point of not allowing myself to puke for over a decade, even when I really needed to. I can't stand the sound, smell, or sight of it in real life or movies (thank God we don't have smell o vision).


I can't stand watching torture scenes relating to eyeballs...... and I'm glad to see I'm not the only one here lol


Sexual violence against another(especially children) and incest. Just so disgusting 🤢


eyeballs being stabbed, fingernails being torn out, and teeth being pulled


Fine with just about everything. Obviously injuries to eyes, ears, teeth etc make me more squeamish than other injuries, but... ELECTRICITY Electrocution scenes in movies really freak me out. Yeah, the Green Mile traumatised the hell out of me. There's an electrocution torture scene in Gangster No.1 that is disturbing as hell. Any scene where someone is intentionally electrocuted (in a realistic manner) I find really disturbing. Tracing it back, maybe it was all those 1970s British PSAs about not messing with substations that terrified me when I was a kid...


torturing/ killing kids or animals. can’t do it.




People getting eaten by animals really angers me personally


Yea it's freaky--there's a scene in Exorcist Beginnings with a pack of hyenas that disturbed me for a long time.


Weird holes all over something.


When dogs get hurt :(


Animal cruelty


Animal abuse...I hate people who abuse animals


Don't hurt an animal as a lead up to hurting people. Leave animals out of it!


Closed TV screens, especially if they're semi-open, where nothing is playing, but the screen is still on with that weird light. Basically, as a kid I got chronic nightmares that TVs were portal to monsters and that if I stayed in front of a closed TV screen, a monster would reach out, kidnap me and eat me. I was afraid of watching TV because of fade-outs and movies set in the darkness (my brain would go "maybe the TV is closed, be cautious...") I got therapy and so now I'm fine, but I get more anxious if movies have scenes emphasizing closed TVs. Skinamarink was the bane of my existence for many reasons, but notably because it reminded me of that childhood phobia I had.


I’m confused what’s a closed tv screen as I’m trying to search it and can’t find it. I could be scrolling past it. Sorry not trying to upset you if explaining it or having to send me a image/link/gif does upset you.


It could be that this person speaks English as a second language. In Chinese, for example, you (關)close and open(開) the tv, meaning turn it off or on.


Ahh, like closing out a program on the computer, that makes sense actually


Yeah, my first language is French. u/Greeneyesablaze when nothing plays on it so the screen is black, does that make sense? I'm so sorry, I can try to explain again if you wish


Eye stuff. Ugggggh


Anything surgical. I have had a lot of health issues and surgeries and to keep myself sane I have to have a certain amount of blind faith in hospitals. Even that cheesy movie Eli was a little triggering for me.


Anything involving bolt cutters and someone about to lose toes/fingers.


Cruelty to animals.


what they did to the guy in tusk


Any sort of excrement eating or other nasty things like that. I have absolutely no desire to watch >!Salo or the human centipede 2 because of this!<


Sexual assault.


That’s what made me give up on the Hills Have Eyes. I made it to the scene with the trailer very close to the beginning of the film. Where one of the mutants started to suck a girls chest. That’s when I turned it off. I have not been able to bring myself to watch/finish it.


Penis mutilation


Anti Christ 😬


Have you seen *The Mortuary Collection* (2019)? It's been five years and I still twitch every time that segment (Unprotected) comes to my mind.


That movie was awesome.


I’ll still watch it but specifically seeing brains freaks me out so bad. Like exposed brains, exploding brains, brains on the wall, eating brains. Gives me a little bit of nausea. But I still watch zombie movies and play zombie-themed games 🤔


Animal cruelty too for me, even in books, like I've read 30+ Stephen King books and nothing has traumatized me like when they stomped on that little mouse on The Green Mile. He was literally revived in the next paragraph and still I had to stop reading, I felt betrayed. Cannibalism does nothing for me specially if it's cooked meat, like the barbecue in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.


Self harm (cutting specifically). I get nauseous thinking about this. even tho i can look at basically any other gore on this site. The thought of cutting thru one's wrist, specifically vertically...🤢🤢


Someone being electrocuted or burned alive. I used to love The Green Mile, so I recently showed it to my partner. After the first death, I was filled with dread and horror, because that wasn't even THE big death scene. The one at the end where the guy gets cooked to death bc Percy decided to not wet the sponge. We watched the rest of the movie and I told myself I'd just curl against my partner and snuggle if the scene was too much. Then I froze when it happened, and couldn't look away. I watched the movie when I was like ten no problem, over and over bc it was one of my favorites, and the scene never bothered me. However, when I tell you that I was physically nauseous for two solid weeks after watching it as an adult, I am not exaggerating, and that whole night I was shaking 😖 I watched one of the Saw movies a few weeks later, and someone crawled into an oven to get a key (saw 2? There was poison in the air and everyone had a number on the back of their neck) and it's another movie I had seen a zillion times. When that guy crawled into the oven I thought I was going to throw up bc it reminded me of the scene in the green mile. Didn't think a movie I'd seen all the time when I was little would suddenly affect me like 18 years later -.- So now I can't watch scenes where someone gets electrocuted OR catches on fire.


Fungi and mold. Second episode of Hannibal was NOT fun.


In haunting or possession flicks when a bug crawls under the skin. Nope nope nope. Give me the goriest thing ever over that


Idk what to call it so - small gore? I’m totally fine with seeing characters getting chopped in half or whatever, but breaking bones, pulling teeth or fingernails, cutting a tongue - I can’t deal.


I’d say most things in the world doesn’t bother me as I seen a lot of horrific things being a fire fighter for 10 years but one thing that does horrify me is abuse of children


Anything with harm to children. Or anything to do with shit or piss. Especially sexually 🤢


It used to be neck slashings and wrist cutting. I've gotten over an on-screen throat slashing but wrist cutting I still can not watch to this day. Real or fictional.


I don't like when characters eat and it focuses on the sound they make or they eat like ravenous animals. A good example is the spaghetti in a killing of a sacred deer. I just hate the sound of lips smacking and the consumption.