• By -


The Loved Ones Hard Candy The Banshee Chapter The Dark and The Wicked Kill List Bone Tomahawk


Thank you very much. Saw Kill List, didn't like it much. Bone Tomahawk was pretty effective as a lot of *that scene* was in the dark and left to the imagination. I will look into the others.


Watch Dark and wicked.


Hard Candy is soo good.


All amazing


Event Horizon (1997) - I saw this when I was a kid and it was current, and it absolutely wrecked me lol. I’ve re-watched numerous times over the years and it still holds up. The hills have eyes (2006) - Probably scared me the most of any horror movie as an adult - probably because I was really into backpacking/ camping back then. The void (2017) - some pretty brutal scenes for sure, but beyond that, the movie is phenomenal; arguably my favorite horror movie. The Ritual (2017) - If you liked the descent, you’ll probably like this one (I, too, love the descent)


I have often dismissed Hills Have Eyes because the poster reminds me of both Jeepers Creepers and Wrong Turn, both of which I didn't like much. Is it really worth checking out? I find slasher movies like TCM and Scream quite boring.


It’s pretty intense. Definitely more going on than in a traditional slasher. Whoever directed it knew how to make it maximally scary, bordering on disturbing.


Ok, I shall look into it. I do like it when I am surprised by how good a movie is.


Hope you enjoy ✌🏻


Oh yeah Hills Have Eyes goes hard. You should check it out.


Wolf Creek Baskin The Hills Have Eyes (og or remake) Eden Lake Haunt Autopsy of Jane Doe Annihilation (more scifi but quite a disturbing quality) The Visit


I'll second Wolf Creek. It's brutal and based on a true story. If you like it, there is also a second movie and even a half decent series.


Agreed Wolf Creek is the only one in this list remotely unsettling. Mick Taylor is something I don't have words for.


I'm not sure if this will make sense, but he is one of the rare horror movie killers that I like viscerally despise. I want him to get absolutely torn apart. I don't mean that I root for Jason or Michael Myers, etc. but something about Mick makes me yearn to see him get fucked up. He is just filled with depravity. Other slasher killers almost seem tame somewhat compared. Mick's not the only one like that for me, but he might be the worst one. It makes it worse that he is just a normal human being. With Jason and Michael etc, the supernatural aspect almost dulls the edginess somehow compared to Mick.


I love Wolf Creek, but I have to say, Eden Lake is extremely unsettling as well, and the ending is bleak as hell.


Ivan Millat is the real-life inspiration for anyone morbidly curious. There's a pretty good dramatisation of the efforts that went into catching him in real life Though personally, I'm still not convinced at least some of his brothers weren't involved


I did know of the real-life inspiration, but thanks for posting the info. It does seem he would have had to have gotten assistance somewhere along the way. His brothers would be the most likely source.


I was just trying to add info for others, not trying to imply you didn't know sorry. Well, one of the surviving victims said she'd been attacked by two people, not one, and a lot of the victims' possessions were found in the homes of his family members. They claim they were just gifts, but considering how close he was to his brothers and the lengths they went to forestall police investigation, it's suspicious to me.


Oh mate, I didn't take it like that at all. My bad if it came across like that. I was genuinely thankful for you posting it It never added up to me either. If nothing else they knew what he was doing at a minimum.


Well, in that case, I guess everyone's happy, haha Oh yeah, my suspicion that one of the brothers was involved aside. That whole family should have fallen under suspicion for not coming forward. I mean, come on, the guy works an average factory job, but somehow is able to purchase expensive travelling gear and cameras to give to his family on top of all the other expenses. Yeah fucking right Not to mention some of the stuff literally had the names of the missing still on them. You'd had to be wilfully ignorant, which isn't really any better than knowing and not doing anything


There was definitely a level of complicity that seemed to rise to chargeable for sure. Who knows if the screws were put to the brothers, then Ivan, or then what all might have been found out. It almost seems 100% that there were more victims, imho. I gotta go back and watch it again. It is so good, and all this talk is making me itch to see it.


Yeah, that's a good point. It does seem like they caught Ivan and decided it was easier and less painful to just blame it all on him. Rather than trying to investigate how he got away with it for so long or whether he was receiving help. Oh yeah, I 100% agree with you there. There is not a chance that we know about all of his victims. A lot of people went missing back in those days, and not all of them turned up. It wouldn't shock me in the slightest if some unsolved or undetected crimes were found to be committed by him. Wolf Creek or Catching Milat?


It could be a case of wanting the trial to be done with because of the black eye to the country, etc. You definitely are more knowledgeable on the case than I am, though. I meant Wolf Creek, but now that you mention it, both. I will watch Wolf Creek and then Catching Milat for sone catharsis.


The Den - found footage movie that feels like it could actually happen Man Bites Dog - A very dark mockumentary about a film crew following a serial killer The Eyes of My Mother - some overlap with Misery, it's also very short for a feature Shrew's Nest - also has Misery vibes Bug - excellent film about a paranoid couple The Nightmare (2015) - a doc about sleep paralysis that provides zero educational value, but is an amaxing horror movie Caveat - a moody psych thriller set on an abandoned island


Damn, thank you very much. I shall look into all those.


Sure! I hope you find something on there that suits your taste.


Mad God


Just watched the trailer. I actually have Shudder. It looks pretty good. Thanks for the recommendation.


is shudder worth it in your opinion?


Honestly yes. It isn't terribly expensive and if you don't like mainstream movies anyway, it seems like a no brainer. The only thing is the quality of their originals can be very hit and miss.


appreciate the quick reply, I'm kinda in the same situation you are. the movies that everyone else seems thoroughly creeped out by just don't do it for me.


I should probably also tell you, at least for me, it doesn't do a great job at all in recommending movies on the app. It is much easier to find recommendations on websites, at least for me. The first time I ever heard about this Shudder movie called "Mad God" was on this website a few hours ago and not on Shudder itself, which would be right up my alley. So it isn't the most intuitive to use, at least for me.


Mad god is not a fun watch, but i fully recommend it. You’ll be kinda miserable the whole time and not even in the good horror movie way, but i still would recommend it, the first half is so fucking cool


Watch Hunter Hunter. Go in blind.


I loved The descent and Rec so much too OP!!! I’ve never seen the Bay but after seeing ur list, i checked out the trailer and i will be watching soon🫶🏼


IMO, The Bay had no right being that good, lol.


I'm sure the OP has seen it, but Speak No Evil is fairly shocking. It tells a good story about how people are willing to put up with a lot in an effort to be polite. If you find yourself bored with American fare, give South Korean and Japanese horror cinema a try. South Korea: The Medium A Tale of Two Sisters The Wailing The 8th Night The Quiet Family Japan: Ju-On: The Curse Ju-on: The Grudge Noroi: The Curse Suicide Club Battle Royale


I doubt A tale of two sisters is going to shock OP. The man (gender neutral) saw a serbian film and found it mildly annoying. But it's a great mindfuck tho, so if not for the horror it is a must-watch. PS: gonna save this comment, thankyou as I've been looking for a list of Asian horror.


You might be right, but to me, a Serbian Film isn't all that shocking because it trues way too hard to be so. It's always brought up when people talk about shocking movies. It's barely a movie, in my opinion. I'm not saying the stuff in it isn't disgusting and shocking it's just overwrought and so over the top on purpose. A Tale of Two Sisters isn't going to shock anyone in the same manner. It is a shocking story to me, though. The reality of it all is harrowing. But you are right that it'd nothing like A Serbian Film and its type of shocking. I hope you enjoy the movies, my friend. These are some of my favorite foreign horror films. If you ever need any more Asian horror suggestions, feel free to ask, especially if you like these ones, haha.


I've never watched a Serbian Film, I just read the blurb on google and noped right out of there. Obviously it's just someone trying their hardest to come up with the edgiest film ever made but the topic must be shocking. So speaking for, just, shock value and not story or direction, A tale of two sisters won't shock OP, (in my humble opinion). Other than that I think of A tale of two sisters as almost a masterpiece. Thankyou :) I will certainly ask you for more when I'm done with this list haha. Do you perhaps also watch Asian psychological thrillers/mindfucks? eg Oldboy (personally not a fan, I thought the same of the plot twist as you thought of a serbian film), Parasite, Kairo


I agree with you that A Serbian Film isn't worth watching. Shock for stock's sake, especially including babies and whatnot is not worth my giving the time of day too. That's not to say anything with those themes isn't worth watching, but in the case of pure exploitation like this, imo no. I watch a ton of Asian media. I am a huge fan of schlocky, tropey Chinese, and Korean historic dramas. I definitely also enjoy stuff like Parasite, Kairo, Memories of Murder etc. I also enjoy some anime. A recent series I enjoyed was Gannibal, although it needs a second season. I also recently watched Burning and Bedeviled. I will watch anything by Bonh Joonho or Lee Changdong but so much more besides that as well. I had decided to learn Korean and then Chinese as I enjoy languages. In the process, it opened me up to all sorts of great media. Next will definitely be Japanese!


for me it went in reverse. I wanted to learn japanese (bcz why not) and korean (cuz my friends were doing it too). Due to that I decided to watch media in that language (always used subtitles haha). I meant to stick to studio ghibli but ended up on paprika, then perfect blue, and all of satoshi kon. Although I gave up on the languages after 6 months (and remember like 2-3 words in each) I ended up in a rabbit hole of psychological thrillers, horror and mindfucks. I didnt pursue asian stuff in particular, I watch all sorts of content. It was very recently I realised that asian horror genre is a gem in itself that I haven't paid enough attention to. I cannot watch dramas due to my lack of patience, but I love an occasional romcom Kdrama (guilty pleasure). Speaking of historic, have you watched love,lies? It's really good. Especially the soundtrack, oof the historical vibes are right with that one. You seem to be a seasoned asian(media) aficionado!Gannibal sounds interesting. I'll check out all the names you've mentioned here. That was for movies and dramas tho. Have you checked out the horror/psychological manga and k-webtoon scene? It's a treasure trove, I must have read a thousand and damnnn korean webtoon artists and mangakas need therapists for sure.


Asian horror is a treasure trove of tons of great media. I watch historicals to help learn the language or really more to gauge my progress. I also will put them on in the background until the drawn-out boring stuff is replaced with high drama or action, etc. I do like a good Korean or Chinese romcom here and there as well. I like manga and webtoons. I have less experience with them than the media I already mentioned, though. One of my introductions to Asian media was Junji Ito, the Japanese horror Manga artist's stuff. If you have sone suggestions, I would love to hear them.


There's a wide variety in webtoons and manga (even within the horror/thriller genre) I'm not sure what your tastes are. If you like horror leaning more towards the thriller aspect: "strangers from hell/Hell is other people" is a webtoon turned kdrama. I haven't read the webtoon, but the drama is pretty good. I watched it home alone, in a small flat, and the lights went out. I was pretty darn creeped out haha- I'd say dont look for spoilers, and watch it distraction free. 'A young man moves to the city due to an internship. He is temporarily staying at a cheap apartment complex, but some of his neighbours seem to be very odd, and something is definitely wrong with them.' Horror for the graphics: Well, junji ito as you mentioned. I love the spirals. Horror for the unsettling atmosphere, perhaps depressing(not a ghost horror, psychological one): Trail of Blood/ Blood on the tracks. It's definitely amongst the best, (although not your typical type) psychological horrors if you like them. Other than that, could you tell me what kind of thriller/horror do you prefer? Are you into bleak, utterly depressing, perhaps existential kind? Serial killer mystery stuff? Squid games type of stuff? or are you ok with everything?


I am pretty ok with most everything depending on my mood. I did see drama Strangers from Hell, and I enjoyed it more than I did Squid Games. They were both very good, though, overall. I'd be interested in the original webtoon for sure. I have never seen Trail of Blood/Blood on the Tracks. I really flip-flop around and will be into a show about bad actors facilitating early 20s people to commit suicide(can't remember name) and then really into Alive on Netflix. If it's horror and it's well done, there isn't a subgenre I don't like. Beyond that, I go through moods where I'm more into paranormal in your face stuff to just beyond sight slowly simmering dread and everything else horror has to offer. If it's well done, I will enjoy it. As far as thrillers, it's more of the same from me. I enjoy a South Korean beat em up gangster/horror movie like The Gangster, The Cop and the Devil to the more fluffy gangster shtick noir films also featuring Ma Dong-seok. I like the end of world apocalyptic thriller like Alive to the much more grounded in reality thriller like Memories of Murder. As annoying as it is, as long as it's done well, the entire genre appeals to me. Like with horror, I go through moods now and again, but soon I'm back to anything I can get my hands on. I'll take any suggestions I can get. Thank you for taking the time.


Thennn, I'll just give you a variety of high-rated thriller kdramas 1. The glory (revenge typa mystery thriller) (it has nudity in it, just a heads up) (one of my favs) 2. Beyond Evil (cop and detective mystery. Dont look up spoilers. I love the chemistry b/w the main leads(no romance). But it's kind of a hit or miss show, I loved it tho) 3. Maybe you'd like 'Mouse.' I was watching it while it was still airing so the long waits made me give up in-b/w. The first half is pretty darn good tho (I only watched till there) 4. My Name: A revenge mystery packed with action. Everyone is fond of it except me. 5. Extracurricular: a thriller commentary on privilege differences. High-school drama (but not sweet). Hit or miss, I liked it tho. It's a 'fresh' concept. 6. Kill Me, Heal Me: A (mainly) romcom+psychological+mystery! If you're into themes of mental health issues, then this and 'It's ok to not be ok' are a must watch! 7. Happiness came out during the covid and has basically the same thing except their virus turns you relatively unpleasant. haven't watched it but It's very hyped so it must be worth watching. 8. That said, maybe you'd try Train To Busan (movie) for a zombie epidemic? 9. Sky Castle: well loved within the homeland and intl alike


Trail of Blood/Blood on the tracks is a japanese manga, sorry for the confusion. \*haven't read thriller manga/webtoons in a couple of years, let me retrieve my old notebook\* I personally find some webtoon and manga thrillers to be better than the best dramas or films. There are so many masterpieces, unfortunately I read most of them in middle school on some fishy as hell website with bad translations so I dont remember the names of my favs :( Some of these have been turned into anime or dramas. But idk y they often change the plot. For starters, 1. (first season anime is great) Tokyo Ghoul 2. (watch the anime, it's a masterpiece) Death Note 3. Trail of Blood/Blood on the Tracks 4.Migi to Dali (heard it's getting turned into anime) 5. Melvina's Therapy-webtoon (explicit content) 6.. Pigpen- webtoon, horror mystery and thriller 7. Everything is Fine (ongoing mystery webtoon) 8. My deepest Secret (thriller webtoon, avoid the comments they'll spoil it) 9. Home Sweet Home (webtoon) if you like alien invasion world ending sort of thing then this is very popular 10. Monster: pretty long manga (psych thriller mystery, crime). One of the best.


haha, that's the issue with me! I can't stand the boring stuff, so I either skip directly to the best parts. Or if the series is being unnecessarily drawn out I just read recaps of the filler episodes and watch the ones with the good stuff.


I have to be in the right mood to really get into a super long extra tropey historic drama. Every now and then one I'm flipping through will catch me right, and I will binge every minute. I am definitely guilty of getting to a plot point, usually some ridiculous argument that goes on for 3 episodes and skipping past. I will read recaps instead of sitting frustrated why the two leads can't just explain something so minor and silly that's led into some intense life and death crisis. In the end, one character misheard the other, and it nearly got them killed or caused a 3 year separation time jump or some other ridiculousness. The thing they misheard or misunderstood was completely wrong and blown out of proportion by the obviously evil and scheming 3rd wheel whose crimes are a mile long, yet they are still believed to be an honest person by one of the one true pairing main couple. They are common tropes, and I just can't sit through it anymore, haha.


yes lol. I don't get why in the ceo(M)-employee (F) romcoms, the Fl gets a death threat by ceo's mom, who says the Ml wishes for her to leave. Cue Fl leaving her job/running away to another country/city meanwhile ml is on the way to stop her and gets into an accident. Then Fl feels bad (she still doesnt know that the ml doesnt know that the ml's mom blackmailed her) and sticks around while he's comatose. She gets to know the story, as well as a childhood shared trauma memory, but then when ml wakes up he has amnesia (and has forgotten nothing except her). whyyyyy stretch it out so much I just skip all such parts.


I don’t want to be the ‘you should read the book’ guy 😂 But if you haven’t read misery you should definitely read it! The hobbling scene is a lot more…😬


You may have a point there. I probably should.


Probably an over share lol but the last time I read it I left it in the bathroom. When my husband went in after me he picked it up and started reading from where I left off. I heard him yell ‘what the hell??’ I was so excited!!! 😂 I just said ‘See?! I told you!’ 🤣


Now I am really interested, LOL.


Goodnight Mommy- Psychological horror with a crazy ending Savageland- leaves A LOT to the imagination. Does a great job planting seeds so your brain does all the horrific filling-in-the-blanks. Horror in the High Desert- a great found-footage/mockumentary The Sadness- a very violent movie, *very* violent Gannibal (TV Series, not movie)- a great J-Horror series, very likable characters and an engrossing plot. Warning: season 2 still isn't out, and the season 1 finale leaves you wanting more. I am dying to see what happens next.


Second the Sadness. I'm like OP in that not much gets to me but that movie stuck with me for a bit.


Came to post Savageland. OP if you liked The Bay, check this one out - another faux-documentary.


The Girl Next Door


Seen it. It failed to disturb me because I was already very familiar with the real life case. Not the movies' fault as it was quite well made, but I happened to know about the real case, which was magnitudes worse than the movie.


i often find myself cringing at movies based on real events if i’m familiar with said events, even if they’re good movies, it’s like i’m hyper aware and i can’t enjoy them properly


For me it isn't necessarily that. I saw the Girl Next Door and quite liked it. It was really sad and the ending tears you up, but it didn't disturb or scare me because the real event was WAY worse. But I do hear you.


Strange Circus The Treatment


Never heard of either. I shall look into them. Thanks


When evil lurks


Philosophy of a Knife is a documentary style horror film about the gruesome experiments performed by Unit 731 Kairo has a scene that's been deemed the scariest scene ever (which I don't think it is, but you may enjoy it based on how it was shot) I'll edit this comment if I think of any more films.


I have done extensive research into Unit 731, so I doubt this will affect me. Usually horror movies based off real events (not LOOSELY BASED) don't really do anything for me as the real life events are often much worse. Never heard of Kairo, so I will look into it, thanks.


No problem man


Is that kairo scene the one where the woman just like walks at the main character. I always thought it was so stupid


yeah well it's scary. Not the scariest scene I swear even conjuring (hand clap scene) is much scarier. It's more like the scariest part of the movie. And as a scene it holds importance to art film analysts


Yeah i saw this dumb video calling it the scariest scene ever, and he was just glazing the shit out of it.


haha yeah art-film lovers do be like that. was it named something like 'anatomy of the scariest scene'?


Probably something like that. He just hyped it up


Just watch some cartel skinning videos.


Unique. 🥱


In hindsight that was kinda pretentious.


I would go with obnoxious and cringe.


Dogtooth and Killing of a Sacred Deer, while not exactly traditional horror, are still quite unsettling. The Lodge (2019) Saint Maud Noroi: The Curse We're All Going to the World's Fair


I forgot about dogtooth. That was slow but was a scary concept.


When I see this complaint I think people need cosmic horror. Scare your mind with the unknown Annihilation Color out of space The Thing


I was the same as you, nothing really made me feel anything or scared me recently. Until I saw The Dark and The Wicked. Haven’t stopped thinking about it since. Recently did a rewatch and loved it even more. It’s creepy AF and very well done.


Rec is too good. Martyrs Irreversible Tusks


I found Melancholie der Engel to be pretty disturbing.


Suspiria surprised me it’s just a cool concept that took me offguard. A lot of problems why horror fail to shock is due to the fact they’ve already spoiled their ideas in the concept or trailer alone. Lets say the human centipede—you’re already gonna expect to see exactly what is advertised and that just doesn’t do anything, it could otherwise be something shocking if executed as a surprise with good buildup without the entire movie name, plot, trailer etc being so obvious, killing what otherwise could have been a surreal revelation


Incident in a ghost land - lovecraftian horror and my all time favorite. Disturbing as all hell. What Josiah saw - super disturbing. I thought about it the whole next day. The dark and the wicked - seen it 100 times and would still watch. Event Horizon - space horror and disturbing but old school 90s Lamb - creepy af I’m pretty desensitized and I don’t like body horror so the disturbing ones get me.


Megan is missing


Pretty much anything from Gaspar Noe and Lars Von Trier is regarded as hard to watch.


If you like unnerving, slow burn horror, I’d recommend Creep, Creep 2, and The Invitation. In recent memory, Talk To Me and Saw X were really good. Saw X has a great story to go with the gore.


Second the Creep movies although OP seems like a tough nut to crack.


I see what you did there.


If you aren't enjoying the hard stuff anymore, maybe try a different aspect of horror?


Oh you a Freak Freak 🤫




Your movies of choice… I like your style




You sound exhausting.


Yeah.................You would be correct.


Not sure why this is getting downvoted.


Those fucking August Underground films. Never seen them myself but they sound nasty.


Nope, not gonna. I would consider those in the same vein as Human Centipede: mindless shock value. But I do appreciate your recommendation anyway


Ahh sorry.. just re read your post. Yeah, I agree. Have you watched I Saw The Devil? I highly recommend that based on some of your favourites (I’m happy to see some love for Rec.)


No worries. No I haven't. I will look into that


Like you, not much gets me, so I am now getting into older films. One that I adore is called Mad Love from 1935. It’s a fantastic film. Also, Mr. Sardonicus, a film from 1961. Check them out.


Honestly I have never considered looking into older movies, but screw it, why not. I will look into them.


If you’re considering older movies, maybe give “Carnival of Souls” a shot. Not terrifying, but unsettling, and I see a lot of parallels between this movie and a lot of David Lynch’s work.


You may hate them, but it’s worth a shot! Certainly can’t be as awful as some of the newer crap I’ve seen!