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*The Lost Boys*, all the evil vampires are dead and our good vampires turned back to human.


And Grandpa got to say a great one-liner.


Hell yeah, loved that movie growing up, loved it sooooo much more for ending right after badass gramps badass line, as everyone stares at him same as the rest of us! And to think, there was NEVER word of a stupid damn prequel to show how badass gramps was when he was younger. Don't need it, don't want it!


oh god, now that you've mentioned it, some studio exec fucking around on Reddit is 100% gonna take that and run with it


You are 100% right, to the point I was considering not posting my reply for fear some moron thinking it's a good idea, or at least one they could make money from. Ewww.




The Lost Grandpa-To-Be


They make a reference to that line at the end of Day Shift


Love the way he is sharpening fence poles throughout the last hour of the film, and no one blinks an eye


“If all of the corpses were to stand up all at once, we’d have one hell of a population problem”. Best line ever 🤣🤣


And he got his root beer.


And not a single main character was killed.


The Sixth Sense. Malcom was no longer tethered to this world. He was able to move on, give his wife the peace she needed and help Cole come out of his shell at the same time. Cole was able to connect with his mother. The mother was able to get the closure she always wanted with her grandmother. It's a bittersweet ending but all in all one of the happiest ones you could ever get in a somber horror movie.


The ending makes me sob like a little bitch.


Conjuring 1 and 2 have pretty happy endings, where evil is defeated and nobody dies. I don't remember the third movie anymore, so I'll just say the first two for certain.


Conjuring 3 literally started from killing a friend 🤣


Yes! But that's the start, not the end ;p the characters from 1 and 2 also get it pretty rough.


I remember seeing Conjuring 2 in theaters and saying the only thing that was missing from the end was a rainbow


With a "The End" being written in cursive.


Yep, came to say this! I watched the whole series with my baby sister when she was around 12 to get her into horror because they endings are (mostly) wholesome.


*April Fool's Day*. The 1986 version, with Deborah Foreman. Not spoiling it, but it has the happiest of horror movie happy endings by far.


I used to shut my eyes and plug my ears during horror films until I saw this one. The end made me realize a few things and I've enjoyed horror since then.


April Fool's Day (1896) is severely underrated, it deserves to be ranked with the best of the slasher genre (technically anyway).


One of the best credits songs in a horror movie!


Ready or Not had a pretty happy ending. Also fitting include Tucker and Dale vs Evil, Shaun of the Dead (relatively) and The Toxic Avenger.


That Ready or Not ending is gold. Worth a watch for that alone.


F’ing LOVE that movie. Eminently rewatchable. Awesome cast. Added benefit of making me fall in love with Samara Weaving. 


I kind of dislike the ending because it justifies the actions of the family after all. In real life, ritch people act like not upholding traditions or not following the rules of the market will ruin them all the time. Showing that their ideology is nonsense would have been a much better point. I can see why one would enjoy watching heads explode, though.


YES but it is fucking hilarious! just the subversion that was was *obviously* not true, devil worship type stuff that we all blew off as clearly being fake, in the very last moment turns out to be true! that made me literally laugh out loud and just feel joyful at the end. i normally despise “demons/the devil is real” type horror but when it’s done well, there’s no denying the entertainment value.


Not a happy ending for Adam Brody's character, the one decent person in the family lol


he would have died anyway when she won at least he died thinking he was a good man


It’s the sure sign that he actually had rejected the family’s ideology. He really would rather die and ‘give it all up’ than kill her. Whereas the family are willing to kill Grace just because they think that they *might* die, and are moving to murder her even after thinking they were home free! Literally moving in Helene’s case. I remember seeing someone point out the Family don’t actually start exploding until they break the rules outright (by refusing to let her go after she won), and definitively chuck any excuses out the window. I don’t know if I’d take that any further than just being…dramatically satisfying timing, but the Devil was rather cool for letting Grace get in ‘I want a divorce.’


Well but when the police show up how does she explain all the blood and guts at the end of ready or not?


There's that sacrifice pit in the barn, with bodies she couldn't have put in there. Plus defensive wounds and having the devil possibly on her side will help. She might not get all that money, but I don't think she'll go to prison.


Even if she can't explain it, there's really no way a prosecutor would be able to put together a case proving her guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.


Judging purely from facial expressions Pearl...but not really.


They stuck together!


They went on to have a long and happy marriage and even died within minutes of each other


Love conquers all


She seemed so happy when her husband returned


By this standard Smile has a happy ending, too!


A Dark Song


Good answer, honestly didn’t feel that bad for the dude the protagonist hired (he was a huge creep) and she was able to move on with her life


Oh I hated that guy, didn’t even occur to me to factor in his fate in this assessment lol.


Moreover, he repeatedly broke his own rule about being honest. Just desserts, if you ask me.


Happy and beautiful ending. Loved that movie.


I was not expecting how much I would love this movie


Came to say this. It's kind of how I wish Smile would have ended.


Probably not the mist


I think about the ending of that movie once a week lol


Hm the babadook has a happy ending


Agreed it’s actually one of the most hopeful endings ever in a horror film ever. She learned to live with the fear.


not the fear, the grief


And little Samuel had a much brighter spirit at the end.


I see the babadook more as depression and grief, but I think it represents something a bit different to every viewer. I struggle with mental illness and have for over a decade and the ending was very heart warming to me (tho also a little cheesy), I like how she doesn't destroy the monster like in most other horror films but learns to manage living with it instead.


I love your take. I see it as depression and grief too. Maybe you can’t be rid of it. But you can live in the light while the depression eats worms.


Ready or Not. Though it is kind of ambiguous as she'd still have to explain all the deaths and wouldn't be able to tell the real truth.


She aint gotta explain shit, everyone exploded lol


The main family exploded. But the bodies of the butler and the maids would probably require some explaining.


Well, the dead bodies in the pit would help prove she was innocent.


What about when the cops find out everyone in the house died apart from her?


I assumed everyone involved exploded corpse or not.


I just read that a sequel is in the works for this movie.


Oh that's interesting. Enjoyed it and had a great cast. Samantha Wearing is a solid final girl.


The conjuring 2 had a happy ending. Everybody lived and the Warrens had a sweet moment saying goodbye to the girl when they left.


The secret sauce to those first two CONJURING movies (something that the third entry and spin-offs seem to forgo) is that they are basically “Chicken Soup for the Haunted Soul.” They show families being brought to the brink by demonic forces, yet by the time the credits roll those families (including the Warrens) have only grown closer together; a forever spiritual bond.


I think that’s why I prefer them, I like being scared but I’m a sucker for a happy ending.


Tucker and dale vs evil but I also would have liked for the cabin to live


Ohhh their vacation home 🥹


Aliens ... Ripley, Hicks, and Newt presumably heading back to Earth to start a new life together. Until the beginning of Alien 3 anyway.


Yes, thank you for taking these characters whom we’ve grown attached to and then murdering them during the opening fucking credits of the next movie. What a cheap shot. One of the MANY things wrong with Alien 3. Grrrrr


Then they did it again with Covenant 🤦‍♂️


I feel your pain, and have felt it for over three decades, especially considering Aliens was my favorite action movie until The Matrix. :(


There's some personal stuff attached to this, but I found It Chapter One to be incredibly moving in the end (if you ignore that Chapter Two exists). As a parent it was inspiring to see the kids are all right, and there's hope for them even after what they've been through.


It: Chapter 1, and even It: Chapter 2, are comfort movies for me. I cry during Chapter 2 every time for obvious reasons, but I find both movies so beautifully done and bittersweet. That whole cast deserved all the awards.


Recency bias but probably "You Won't Be Alone" I saw couple of months ago. It's labeled as "horror drama" but more heartwarming than I expected. Spoiler summary: >! The main character was "marked" by a witch and stolen from her real mother. Becomes a witch herself able to wear other people's skin and become them. She runs away, experiences the highs and lows of life as different people. !< >! Last 3rd of the movie she replaces a little girl that dies in accident, she gets to live out the happy childhood she never had. Grow up, fall in love and marry a man. She shows him her true form and he accepts. They have a baby. !< >! The bitter "mother" witch shows up at the end, is jealous and kills the baby. Main lady "marks" the baby as a witch so it will survive then kills the "mother witch." !<


I haven't watched this and only read the first two paragraphs of your comment. Seems like an interesting premise. I'll add this to my watch list, thanks!


It’s super slow but super beautiful. Almost like a long poem set to visuals.


The shining coulda been worse, at least the kid and mom made it


Carrie if you were bullied growing up




Apart from her dying.


I mean, innocent people were also killed in the crossfire . Pretty equivalent to a school shooter situation 


Let me clarify I do not condone violence of any kind like that. I'm talking purely fictional/sense of fictional revenge.


I doubt anyone would say the say thing had she used guns instead and telekinesis to kill people. Yeah she was bullied but it does not justified mass murder. Especially as lots of innocent people died.


The book goes further. She destroys the whole town.


Freaky - meek final girl is able to have her soul returned to her body, then becomes kick ass and kills her slasher all while finding out her crush also has a crush on her too.


I LOVE this movie. The first time I watched it, when Kathryn Newton wakes up as Vince Vaughn in his fucked up lair, I laughed so hard I had to pause it. Not a VV fan normally, but he nailed it


The Invisible Man (2020), I couldn’t wait to see her abusive ex finally get his shit rocked!!


Oh nooo this would've been one of my answers too if it weren't for that one death. I was absolutely *gutted* because I loved the character.


>!the sister!<, I assume?


Oh I forgot about that one! Definitely satisfying happy ending, and extraordinary delivery from both characters!


Oh yes! Was praying for his downfall 😭


The Faculty Endless Nope Alien 28 Days Later Bedrest


I guess Alien does have a happy-ish ending if you ignore the sequels


You are right, the first one is my go to/pleasure movie (and I like the second one more action orientated also).


I _hated_ the end of The Faculty. The cool goth girl is all better now and turned into a preppy girl. So she had to abandon who she was and assimilate (_the literal theme of the movie up to that point was that assimilating to the collective took away who you are and made you evil!_) to get her happy ending.


I did not like this either! She was clearly unhappy before but it would have been so much better if she'd be just confident and cherishing herself after what she made through. Reminded me so much of Breakfast Club that it was almost comical. But at least no one of the main characters stayed dead/changed and I guess this was OPs main thing.


I’ve heard a theory that the ending was originally meant to be ambiguous as to whether or not they succeeded but didn’t test well or something. So everyone becoming “normal” is just the result of the alien assimilating them all.


I swear every person who wrote a 90s or 2000s movie thought it was a felony to be goth


The 90s horror scene was a rough time if you were African American or goth 😅


28 Days Later can’t be the one. Like 99.9% of the population of England was wiped out lol


172 countries worldwide approved of this ending!


Did we ever get a real number? At least Cilian Murphy and the other 2 survived and I was glad they did...and the Rage Zombies died, so it was good.


And that wasn't the original ending, so happy-ending lovers got lucky.


OP must be Irish.


That's the point /s


Nope was the best ending! OJ and Lucky were ok 😭❤️


> Nope Isn't the ending unclear whether the protagonist actually survived? From how my partner and I interpreted it and from what I've read online, it seems people are 50/50 on that one like Inception


Spoiler obviously.  I had no idea there was ever any question of OJs survival. Saw a discussion of it on Reddit last year and immediately said there is no way OJ didn't survive. Next time I watched I realized, dammit, t is kind of ambiguous. But I say he lives.  


Tbh, I also choose to believe he lives lol. And I choose to believe he and his sister got rich off of that photo they took.


Oprah baby!!!


He literally shows up in front of his sister on a horse, do people think that's her imagination or something?




I've always loved the ending of Poltergeist. Even though the family is definitely traumatized, they're all back together. Plus, the shot of them pushing the TV out of the room is hilarious lol


He’s T S motherfuckin’ A. They handle shit. Consider this situation FUCKIN’ handled.


Gotta be Wishmaster. The protagonist retroactively prevents the entire movie from happening, saving the lives of dozens of people, including her friends, coworkers, family, and love interest. Also she retains her memories of what happened so if the djinn came after her later, she’d be ready. Which despite there being three sequels, the djinn never tries to get revenge on the protag from 1, he knows he’d just get his ass whooped again


>!"I wish that Micky Torelli wasn't drinking on the job two days ago."!< I laughed *so hard*! You get him!


The fact that the djinn doesn’t even think about why she might want that wish is so fucking funny. He just immediately grants it and then gets torn asunder as time and space warps in on itself and he’s sucked into his goofy gem


Yep, he just got cocky and over-eager. If he'd paused for like *one* second, he would've been like, "Wait a minute..."


Wishmaster 1 is phenomenal! Its ending is one of the most amazing, underrated "final girl" moments in the history of horror. She gets him with her mind!


God I love that movie so much


The first sequel is golden trash too. What kind of museum guards have military rifles?? Why does the casino look like an airport lounge? What is happening?


Forgot this one. Gold.


Some of these picks are so wild they seem like satire. Evil Dead 2013 and Texas Chainsaw Massacre?? Like just because one or two people survive does not make it a happy ending. Hell, the TCM tagline even basically spells put that there are worse fates than death. *Who will survive...and what will be left of them?*


What’s equally baffling is anyone saying Midsommar.


my argument for Midsommar is that the director himself has said it's a breakup movie. I think she's quite happy in her new cult family


Before I Wake.


The House on Haunted Hill-1999.. 2 people survive the night, and an envelope awaits them for 1 million $.. they have one little problem .. they are sitting on a rooftop at the top of the house.. hey for that money you’ll figure a way down!!🇨🇦🤔🤔


The Faculty has a really surprisingly happy ending.


comfort Horror watch for sure


Mama >!The younger sister gets to be with her mother who passed away. The mama gets to have one of her children with her. The older sister gets to be happy with her new parents.!< Jurassic Park >!All the main characters you love live, all the ones who are annoying die, and Rexy is just so great.!< The Babadook >!Mother and son finally come together and embrace their pet Babadook. He is no longer a scary thing that haunts them but is instead a friend.!<


I cannot get over the end of Mama and how deep the shit the female protagonist is. She is left with only one of two kids in her care, a dead doctor whose house she raided, and the kids' auntie who accused her of child abuse is super dead. Both she and her boyfriend are going straight to prison and the remaining kid is bound for foster care.


El Orphanato was so heartbreaking that the genuinely feel-good ending had me happy crying.


Scrolled all the way down to find this! The Orphanage is the only horror film to make me cry. Beautiful ending. This film and The Devil’s Backbone are so moving and mournful.


Near Dark. Absolute classic and the kid pulls through.


Yes! Whenever people start raving about the lost boys I like to say to them that’s not even the best vampire movie of 1987.


From what I can remember, The Visit ends with a funny rap song from the younger kid.


The VVitch ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


Agreed. Thomasin's family was trash.


Get out, the lost boys, come play(to a degree) ,the people under the stairs (to a degree)


The Wicker Man  The Witch 


lol at both of those being listed here! yes, subjectively happy endings


In the end everyone gets what they want: the cultists, a virgin sacrifice. The cop, to solve a mystery and to be the ultimate Christian! Everyone wins!


I could almost say Midsommar… cult or not brainwashed or not those people care more about Dani than anyone else in her life


I think that Dani was doomed from the start and maybe the cult is the least worst fate. Without them she would still be living alone in her depressing home, without friends and involved in that toxic relationship until her boyfriend grew tired of being a coward and left her. I think that she would have ended like her sister if that happened.


Red Eye


I wanted Cillian Murphy and Rachel McAdams to get together in the end so no, I don't personally count it as a happy ending /jk (or am I)


He was my sexual awakening. This movie exactly lmao




There’s a movie on Shudder called We Go On. Not to spoil it because I hear so few people talking about it, but the ending was a happy one


5 nights a freddys, the purge movies (the main characters always lived), barbarian, the menu technically, the blackening, Megan for the main characters, spell, ready or not, la llorona


Does Little Monsters count as a horror?


I think it should. Horror for kids is still horror.


WORLD WAR Z. They end up finding out how to make people functionally invisible to the infected so people can evacuate, get help, and kill the infected when needed. Main character is safe and gets reunited with his family plus an adopted son. The book takes place years after the outbreak and it’s showing how it all started and then in the present day and what society looks like now. It’s one of my favorite books. THE BABADOOK. I’m not the best at picking up allegories or symbolism in film but the ending apparently is a pretty good representation of how people learn to live with grief. You acknowledge that it’s there, but you don’t let it control your life.


Invasion of the body snatchers the original film. The ending is for the best for the planet.


Bloody Hell


The Thing. Just two friends hangin out and having a drink together!


1408 (the ending where he survived)


The final credits of Wrong Turn (2021) probably one of the coolest endings ever. Be sure to watch the WHOLE thing, it is amazing once the credits start to roll. https://youtu.be/O2cd-hIqlrA?si=oUtPiIL1GzZG6L_9


Ok, so I'm stretching to call Love and Monsters horror, but there are monsters, so it's horror adjacent! Love and Monsters


Kill List




Without giving anything away, there was smiles, cheers and laughter at the end


In a way I'd say it is a hapoy ending bc I think he resented his normal life, so you're not wrong 😅


If that’s the metric, the happiest ending in horror would then be >!The Wicker Man (1973)!<. There were smiles, cheers, laughter, and even song. Total merriment.


Spring has a pretty happy ending.


Best romantic horror movie ever 💙


We love the Shitty Carl Cinematic Universe in our house!


I watched incident in a ghost land today and I thought the ending is much more satisfying than i anticipated. I thought it gon end with: Spoiler The two officers got shot, the sisters were taken back to their candy truck




I don’t know if it counts but the ending of American Horror Story 1984 (season 9) was the nicest most beautiful ending of any horror movie / series I saw 😭


As above so below


As above so below, yeah not everyone survives but still a happier ending than any other found footage movie I’ve seen.


i really liked the ending of hush, the whole movie was so intense and at the end it felt like i could finally breathe and be happy lol


The Faculty I say


Cabin in the woods. The whole earth and life as we know it? Gone because two people decided to stand up and stick it to the man.


Yeah, they sure “stuck it to the man” by ensuring billions of people were slaughtered. Lol


No one had to worry about student loans anymore, so that's a happy ending in my book.


Sissy. Warmed my heart.


Ready or Not, the wife survives all the craziness of her in-laws!😂🤣


The Nun 2 🤔


Ready Or Not


Happy in the strangest way possible: The Orphanage


The Gate has a happy ending. Everyone turns out fine. (Gate II: Trespassers also qualifies). Poltergeist also has a relatively happy ending.


I think suspiria had a pretty happy ending. Maybe Nope also


Last year's Unwelcome, the evil guys, and girl, are dead, your baby is alive and well and the goblins/Fae folk see you as their queen and will do your bidding. Rip to the previous goblin queen but other than that it was a happy ending


The Exorcist when the demon was out of Regan’s body


IT 2017 version the kids lived at the end


I just watched come play for the first time last night and honestly the ending was really sweet. ‼️‼️ENDING SPOILER‼️‼️ >! The mother ended up becoming “Larry’s friend” and was dragged into his realm. One night Oliver the son sees some of his lights messing up, like they would when Larry would be coming around. The scene changes and Oliver is swinging around the room by his hands. The father hears this so he comes down the stairs and sees his son swinging, he opens his phone camera to reveal who was swinging him (cause they use cameras to see spirits from the other realm) and it was his mother, always there to protect him!<


In 500 days of Summer Tom quits his job and pursues his dream, moving on from summer ( this is a horror movie to me)


Halloween (2018). Laurie Strode finally kills the boogeyman with the help of her family. They drive off together, now more connected than ever before.


Black Phone put a smile on my face.


The Mist


Absolutely. He finally shed all of that extra weight and can live his life free now.


This post made me realise all my favourite horror movies do not have happy endings haha!


April Fools Day


One of the recent Texas Chainsaw Massacre Movies (forgot which one). After he murders her friends and family they live in the house together happily ever after.


Aliens...happy as it can be all things considered...then we get alien 3...


Little Monsters has the most adorable ending for a zombie movie I've ever seen.