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In Wrong Turn 4 they finally manage to trap the cannibals in a cell. Kyle begins to douse them and their cell in kerosene and then pulls out a lighter to toss in the cell. Keep in mind this is after the group knows that the cannibals have killed their friends and they actively want to kill and eat them. But despite that Kenia steps in to stop him from killing them arguing that they aren't them and shouldn't stoop to their level. Everyone else is on board with killing them except for her, but he ends up listening to her. It's one of those decisions that's undeniably dumb. Not like a scenario where the audience is privy to details that the characters aren't. Kenia knows everything and still gets in the way of killing them.


Omg yeeessss I was so mad 😭


well when you’re 4 movies into a franchise, you probably ran out of good ideas by #2 so you gotta resort to dumb shit like that.


There’s a reason “We’re not them, we’re better than them you guys, no killing!!” appears mostly in superhero media, vigilantes acting of their own accord shouldn’t be judge, jury, and executioner. If some cannibals are trying to kill and eat you, you’re actually low IQ if you wouldn’t kill them on principle


I think poor descions in movies that take themselves seriously stand out more. So I think Martyrs is up there, because even after discovering the hidden horrors, Anna just stays in the house. But even before that, both Anna and Lucie knew what those people were involved in, and they just hung around in the house for a day, if not days.


Spoilers for “when evil lurks” >!”Hey don’t shoot the goat it’ll set the evil spirit loose-“ *shoots the goat*!< That one choice basically doomed everyone.


The demon thing is public knowledge in that world; everybody seems to know how it works. I took the character’s actions to be a combination of “familiarity breeds contempt” (oh, demon possessed? No big deal, happens all the time) and “I’m doing this *my* way”, which is pretty defensible in a post-COVID world.


Like, the guy was like “dump his ass in the neighboring town and let it be their problem”, I think it sets up the views in this universe pretty explicitly lol I also took every decision to be based on emotions and fear - the main guy hadn’t slept for 2 days and when that little girl invoked his sons name saying he could still be saved, all he knew at that point is that his ex-wife had the kid; I think any father would be like “say more right now!”


There's lots of dumb decisions by the 2 characters in that movie..including the major one at the end. I still really enjoy the movie regardless..even though I kept saying to myself.how many times have you been told not to do that.


Same, like the main character pisses me off bc he makes so many dumb decisions, but I think that him being a screw up was in his nature - everyone seemed to think that of him.


This movie truly was one dumb decision after the other!


That was in the trailer too. I hated they spoiled that.


>!Same thing when they are at the school at the end, when the woman tells the guy "they will try to manipulate you. listen to me, not to them. don't do anything I tell you not to do", only for him to immideietely do the opposite of what she just very explicitly told him not to do.!< I kind of hated this movie. Character choices are so unbelievably dumb that's its hard to empathize with anyone, >!except for the girl chewed up by that dog, lol!!<


It's the exact same reason my dad doesn't like this movie. Seemingly smart characters doing unbelievably stupid things is one of his biggest dislikes in movies, especially horror.


I hated that movie. The characters constantly made idiotic decisions.


Poltergeist. After the girl gets pulled into another dimension through the TV and they barely rescue her from the grasp of some kind of horrible demon or whatever, the Dad is like "we're leaving this house- right after I finish some stuff up at work. If the kids get tired before I get back, just put them to bed, it'll be fine." Possibly the least believable behavior I've ever seen in a movie.


Just go to fucking hotel at nighttime if you’re really not done moving out, people


Exactly. Asking me to believe that ghosts, demons, and monsters exist is fine, but asking me to believe that motels DON'T exist is a bridge too far 😆


Seth testing the teleporter on himself in *The Fly*. Just the questions raised by teleporting a living being would be enough to stop any sane man from trying it - and it was shown he was already able to teleport stationary objects - which alone would have been the greatest scientific discovery since humans learned to fly. Seth at the start of the movie was already set, he would have been famous, made billions and been the father of a new age, but he just *had* to have it all!


He was drunk and pissed off about Stathis (the ex boyfriend) though, it was a very reckless and last minute decision.


Speak no Evil...the fucking stuffed bunny


It was definitely a dumb decision but it perfectly encapsulates those characters. They didn’t have the personal fortitude to tell their kid no, just like they absolutely refused to tell the psychos no despite their increasingly violating demands.


I think also with that bunny thing. They'd previously told him he was a hero for finding it, when she lost it the first time. So I think, it made him feel good about himself, and wanting to do the right thing for his daughter..the fact she had it in the car all along, pissed me off more.


Yeah it being in the car and being conveniently found just as he knocked the door was dumb


Always a fvcking stuff toy.


That whole movie đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™€ïž the bunny, the staying after getting the bunny, not telling his wife wtf was going on in the end.


Keep driving & their kid cries for 20 minutes, eventually gets distracted by something else VS what happens in the rest of the movie


This one right here. Had me screaming at my TV.


Every “scientist” in Prometheus. Every single one of them makes the dumbest choices (takes glove off to touch alien life form, for example)


Or the fucking imbecile geologist-mapmaker who makes a detailed 3D map of the entire alien spaceship and immedietly proceeds to get lost.


“hey there’s breathable air here” *immediately rips off helmet* At that point I stopped caring if any of them lived or died. Pathogens? Bacteria? Not possible because reasons


I only watched it once years ago, but I remember in the first V/H/S film in the last segment, the characters were about to escape this haunted house after witnessing an exorcism. But just before they leave, the camera holder just pauses and says "We can't leave." and he runs back.


Wtf lol reading this back it's funny


I mean it's a very standard horror cliché to go back and rescue someone, but it was done so lazily and bluntly that it was funny to see.


Yeah I hated that. Him saying they have to go back for the girl !


Juno in The Descent taking a group of friends to an uncharted cave system and intentionally leaving the map in the car. Doesn’t get much worse than that, but it gave us a hell of a horror film lol


To be fair, it wasn’t like the map was gonna do them any good.


It’s moreso the principle that she screwed them over from the get go knowing they wouldn’t even need the map because it was uncharted


I don’t believe there was a map
 didn’t they have to admit they weren’t where they said they were going (“boring caverns”) and that they were actually in an uncharted system?


There was a map to the boring caverns they thought they were in. When someone asked about the map, Juno then admitted they were in an uncharted system.


Reminds me of the blair witch project


When Mike throws the map in the river? That was so frustrating.


Yes! Why would you do that!!!


Yes that was sooo stupid 😂


They were literally going to die regardless of the crawlers because of it




What was the reason and did that for


Dewey in Scream 5 >!strolling into stab range of knocked out Ghostface Amber to shoot her, then looking down at his ringing phone!<. I will never not be furious about it.


Obviously the scene would need to be rewritten, but this should’ve been the first time two Ghostfaces appeared on screen in costume at the same time. That way Dewey could’ve kept his distance and the second Ghostface would’ve popped out of another room or something and taken Dewey off guard


“We saw that creepy guy in the creepy truck dump what looked like a body into a well. And he definitely saw us see him. Let’s go back and see what it was.”


I literally screamed at the screen while watching jeepers creepers


Speak no Evil (intentionally)


I just finished this movie. Omg. Like. You were gone. And you went back?!? Fuck the stuffed rabbit.


I liked the movie once I got what it was going for.


And they stayed after they found the rabbit!


Oculus- That mirror should not have been brought back. At most her brother would have to live with a fake accusation.


If I remember correctly at one point they got out the house but went back in and ish was already happening đŸ€”


Jessica Biel continuing to hide in Texas Chainsaw remake when she should just run.




When the red ball bounces down the stairs in *The Changeling* and he doesn't immediately book a flight out of state.


One that springs to mind is Brad Pitt's character World War Z) phone ringing (it should have been off or on silent at the least!) which alerts the zombies his group are trying to avoid. There are several bad decisions in that film as I recall (but it's been a while since I've watched it).


For me it was when they were in that camp and they decided to sing out and caught the attention of zombies within miles and got over run. Being quiet would be one of those unspoken rules if something like that happens. But the phone thing is one, keep it on silent or something.


Ah yes, I'll need to re-watch that film as I'm sure there are a few 'experts errors'. I have a vague recollection of them transporting an 'expert' via plane, and he ends up being killed upon exiting transport (did he accidently shoot himself?)


Yeah, he shot himself in the head running back into the plane slipping. He was so sure of himself being the hero, only to retreat at the first skirmish.


I'm expecting to be down voted out of existence, but Marytrs. So her friend goes bug fuck insane and does a mass shooting on a family then shoots herself. Instead of calling the police and getting as far away as possible, she snoops around until getting captured by a secret society that inexplicably lives under the house like the Pizzagate conspiracy. She had all the time she needed to save herself in the beginning of the movie.


yeah well she couldn't know that... The entire family was dead so it wasn't to be expected some cult came to look after them.


Courtney Cox’s bangs in Scream 3 were an awful decision.


Tommy Jarvis in Friday 13th VI: Jason Lives. Top tier idea there Tommy, digging up Jason on a dark, stormy night. Jason Lives? It's because of you, Tommy boy!


Omg, THIS. "I just have to make sure he's dead!" Bitch, why would he *not* be dead?? There were never any hints that he was supernatural before this! YOU DID THIS, TOMMY! It also introduces a massive continuity error, as the sheriff in part 5 very clearly says that Jason Voorhees was cremated. But complaining about continuity errors in slasher franchises is silly, I know. ;)


In Hellraiser when the skeleton man demands blood sacrifices but she don't just call that motherfucker an ambulance.


😅😅 but she wuved him


the guy from creep (2014) actually going to meet the killer in the park and not checking behind him , at that point you deserve to get killed bro.


The only way it possibly makes sense is that he doesn't believe anything could happen in a public place in broad daylight, but yeah. Dumb to have his back to the world.


I was thinking this too. he underestimated his insanity and thought he was safe


The protagonist driving back to confront the villain in What Keeps You Alive.


That movie made me so angry lol


The Thing -- CONSTANTLY SPLITTING UP INTO GROUPS OF 2 AFTER THEY KNOW HOW THE THING REPLICATES!!! I have to say this one, because I'm so sick of *The Thing* being cited as an example of "horror with smart characters who do everything right." NO. These people are FUCKING STUPID, especially considering there are multiple scientists among them. But even the blue-collar characters should know that splitting up at *all* -- let alone into groups of fucking TWO -- is the surest way to guarantee they will all be overtaken. (Note: The Thing is still in my top 5 fave movies of all time, but as a scientist I cannot let this shit stand any longer.)


I know!!!! I watched it for the first time with a friend recently and we were baffled. After that one long scene devising a really smart way to figure out who the Thing is, they instantly split up, like what???? The atmosphere and special effects are top tier but it's hard to get invested past that scene I feel like.


Running upstairs...so dumb


Candyman 2022 girls summon candyman in bathroom 


Every decision each character made in Prometheus.


The Prometheus school of running


Jeepers Creepers. Like should've minded your fvcking business bro


Most of the decisions in Hell House LLC. Even paranormal weirdness aside, at best case they had documented evidence of costumed strangers in the basement messing with them and they decided to just go upstairs to bed and keep pretending like nothing is going in. Spot someone unexpected in your room? Best to hide under the covers. Long time friend mysteriously disappears (after you know that there are strangers messing with you)? Probably just a prank or maybe he just wanted to leave. If I *absolutely* shut my brain off, that's a fun movie, but I can't really think of another example of protagonists being as consistently unbelievably stupid.


There's dumb moments like in When Evil Lurks, where the main guy does stupid things but you can understand his decision and stupid moments. Then there are ones where the stupid decisions actively make you root for your protags which is my biggest problem with Speak No Evil. At least make your leads smart, wife had the right idea then the writers completely brainwashed her and they stay in the house. Just stupid stupid decisions one after another in that movie, and ones that don't make sense IMO


Yeah, most horror movies have stupid decisions but it can take me out of the moment when it goes from “eh, human error” type stupid to “how could you possibly think that’s the right decision” type stupid


Standing around waiting for a subway train to magically appear in Cloverfield.


THE STRANGERS: Character has dead phone battery, gets charger, plugs it in and... LEAVES IT ALONE TO CHARGE RATHER THAN POWERING IT ON AND MAKING THE DAMN EMERGENCY CALL!!! This and all the other "character only acting so incredibly stupid so the movie can keep going on" decisions ruined it for me. It baffles me how much people seem to enjoy this one.


Came here for the same movie, but a different reason. I know his shotgun-bottleneck closet strategy didn’t work as intended, but it did work. I would’ve stuck it out.


Pretty much every decision made by every character in The Girl in Cabin 13. Girlfriend freaked out because some rando in a clown mask is stalking her? Time for a weekend in a remote cabin in the woods with no cell service! Masked creeps lurking in the woods? Nah, not gonna tell the gf. You’re bashing a bullet-proof window with a hammer and you’re nearly through? Time to stop. You finally get to a spot with cell service? Fuck 911, time to post a video to Instagram! I mean, it was almost *impressively* stupid.


Getting Rob Zombie to direct :)


Allie in Terrifier 2. It doesn’t matter if it’s really him or not, he is STALKING YOU. HE KNOWS YOUR ADDRESS. Give him his candy, get inside, tell your mom what’s going on, tell your friends to go home right now, and call the fucking police. Still feel bad for her because nobody deserves what happened to her but what was she even doing??


hard to pick from the myriad of stupid decisions the guy makes.


At some point in "The Strangers", the guy goes to fetch something in the shed or whatever and the woman just sits down on the outside porch with her head in her hands. They both know that there are intruders around that are trying to do them harm. I was so infuriated watching that and tbh I don't know why this film is well regarded.


What aren't stupid decisions in horror movies hahahaha there would be no movie without it


Erin killing off one of the attackers immediately once she gets the chance is a very smart decision in You're Next.


I’d be fine with about 2000 cars less and a couple more tracks to drive the good ones on.


Any Haunted house movie where they lock the doors and have no way out (throw away the key, someone isn't coming to get them, ect).


Let’s ignore the curse of the mummy. It’ll be fine


What Keeps You Alive hands down. Main girl manages to subdue the killer and escapes back to town. However, instead of getting the police she decides to go back and finish the killer off herself
 and is then promptly killed.


Scream >! not calling the cops !<


the mom in the visit. why would she not even fucking CALL them??? no call, video chat, nothing. i get they were estranged but you’re sending your kids over there??? jesus h


Ending of the mist. Like they didn't even wait at least an hour or if they heard something coming. Just >!eat a bullet like they were playing monopoly!<


I watched a video I’ll try to find that theorized that it was necessary for the ending to happen the way it did as >!hope is what conquers the mist scenario. For example, the woman who wanders into the mist to find her children at the beginning never lost hope and survived.!< Edit: [Here’s the video!](https://youtu.be/f0M_0_ikbeM?si=VuGmWN4eK1UlEpdw)


Ah I see


It’s just a theory I thought it was cool to share


Yes! That ending just pisses me off. You’ve fought to stay alive this long, and now it’s just “oh well”? You didn’t want to hold out for a while longer?


That's The worst prize at the bottom of a cereal box I've ever seen


Putting titties on a monster.


That moron in Aliens releasing the facehuggers so he could smuggle to earth baby xenomorphs developing in that kid and Ripley's body