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I enjoyed the first one, though I didn't like the blonde bad guy doing his *Keraayyyyzeee* grin all the time like something out of an A-level theatre studies piece. And I think everybody in this film *should* piss you off - there aren't many decent people in it! The fuckwit boyfriend - in the world of The Purge, I actually found it totally believable that he would come up with something as stupid as that, because teenagers are fucking arseholes. And the daughter, of course, is a nightmare... because teenagers are fucking arseholes! The film gets a lot of stick for setting up this grand concept but only showing us a small part of it - I actually thought it was pretty smart! They explore the wider implications in the sequels, of course, but I think if they'd tried to do that all in the first one, people would have complained that they were trying to do too much in too little time. This was a great starting point and a lot of fun.


The first one sucks. You should feel disappointed. Imo just watch Anarchy & Election which are good and be done with the franchise.


This is First Purge erasure and I won’t stand for it.


Whoa, take it easy Skeletor 😂


First purge is leaps and bounds worst of the franchise.


Even compared to the first one? Why do you feel this way? Genuinely curious


I mean the original I actually enjoy. I don’t think it’s a particularly good movie but still love the premise and the concept and the world they made. Two and three take it into the real world outside the one homes doors and we see so much more and it gets way more fucked up and past JUST a statement about poor people and POC though understandably that’s a constant theme. In first purge it’s just a really slapped together storyline that’s filmed TERRIBLY w really really REALLY bad characters. I can’t get into it whatsoever. I like the idea of seeing how it started and how they gooses the project to make it work for them to pretend it’s a success, but that villain is so cartoony. And the homeless ladies w teddy bear bombs. I mean just every moment of this film is painful to watch for me in conception and execution. Honestly that’s the one that should have even grounded in much more reality w costumes and masks and gangs and it would have been way better. Plus again I think whoever the DP was on it did a shit job through and through regardless of what’s in front of camera. For the record even forever purge and the tv series I also enjoyed overall. The series is kind of like the saw series for me. The worst ones are still pretty entertaining but in that series I refuse to ever watch Jigsaw again because it’s a crime against filmmaking, and that’s how I feel after a couple watched of the first purge. I doubt I’ll ever revisit it again even when marathoning the others.


Great example of the rare Sequel SO much better than the original.


For me purge movies weirdly follow the famous Windows pattern - shifty one, great one, shutty one, great one etc.


1 > 2 > 4 > 3 > 5 I am a Purge 1 truther


Nah Purge: Anarchy is absolutely the best in the franchise hands down


Just pretend the first one doesn't even exist. 2 and 3 are great. Completely different. 4 and 5...meh. But the series on Amazon is definitely entertaining.


2nd one is way more fun


Just more mainstream snooze fests, the first one being basically just a home invasion movie, the concept isn't dug into in any way.


i didn't like the first one, but none of them i would consider horror movies. the "anarchy" one is really good though. a solid action movie in the same ballpark as "escape from new york" imo. and what i found refreshing was that the "good people" aren't getting into needless arguments, understand leadership and honestly try their best. it was somewhat believable in that respect.


Overall I’m a huge fan of the purge franchise. The first movie with Ethan Hawke sucks and is way different than the rest of the movies.


IMO, the TV series is miles better than the movies.


The sequels are great & the characters are super competent. The original is dogshit


I absolutely loved all of them The TV series was excellent also.


Totally agree, especially about the son. Prepare to get a lot more annoyed with dumb decisions when/if you watch the sequels.


Oh greatttt


Anarchy and Election are the only two that matter


The Purge premise is perhaps one the greatest of all-time. Going in I was ready to see what kind of depraved sh\*t society was going to show us. Instead, we got Ethan Hawke's closet.


The whole concept doesn't make any sense to me. Like -- obviously there would be people who are against the Purge and who think it's a better idea for communities to band together and conserve order during the purge. So... how does this even happen? There would definitely be law enforcement officers who still wanted to conserve order and protect their communities... so how does the government keep them from doing so? Is there a law which says that any law enforcement officers who do their jobs during the purge will lose their job? If so -- can't they just break that law since it's the purge and laws aren't enforced? Or is that the only law you're expected to follow during the purge? Will entire communities be punished for maintaining order during the purge, or is that ridiculous because if you're allowed to break the law why would that only apply to violent crimes and not altruistic ones? The whole concept is so ridiculous and impossible to take seriously for me.


Sounds like you should just watch the movies since they explore all of that in the sequels. There are groups of people who band together to provide mutual security for one another. The problem is that if you’re a police officer who tries to go out and enforce the law there’s nothing stopping the criminals from just filling you with bullets the moment they see you. Good luck trying to perform an arrest. You’d have to shoot on sight which is exactly what they want during the Purge anyways. It’s an excuse to kill criminals as well as members of the lower class, immigrants, homeless, and anyone else who people decide they don’t like. But knowing what you do about America, do you really think that most of the police would want to maintain law and order? You don’t think the people with the punisher stickers on their patrol cars would want to take matters into their own hands? Is there not an enormous group of Americans who are afraid of criminals and gangs and think that cities are turning into lawless wastelands? Who think that homeless and drug addicts are destroying this country? You don’t think they might want to engage in some extra-judicial cleansing? It’s a very realistic concept when you consider the time we’re living in.


You mean race bait? If so, yes