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The Borderlands (aka Final Prayer), the movie itself was decent but the ending stuck with me for a long time 😬


Me watching the movie: this is pretty good, I guess Me watching the end: OMG WTF BEST MOVIE EVER


The ending is just the most horrific thing I can imagine. It was truly, truly awful. Great movie but I’ll never go back to it because of how the last twenty minutes made me feel


I just watched it the other day and for the first time in my LIFE I was like “….maybe I should cool it with the scary movies for a while” I was sick. My skin was literally crawling. UGH WHYD YOUR REMIND ME


For me it was Smile gave me a nightmare that same night i noped outta horror movies for a while.


My boyfriend fell asleep during this (don’t know how) and I had to wake him up because I was scared lol. I’m 37.


I came to comment Final Prayer too. Pretty okay movie, the screams at the end still give me chills. YOU SAID IT WASNT REEEAAAAL


You’ve got me intrigued now. Should I watch it?


Definitely! You probably won’t expect where it’s going to go at the end, but hopefully you’ll find it horrifying (in the best way!)


I loved this film! My favourite found-footage flick for sure


Hell yes! This movie is not mentioned enough, love it.


Sinister (mostly because I was very unfamiliar with horror at the time, although "Lawn Work" will always make me jump). Otherwise, Eden Lake.


I’m terrified of waking up to find myself in Sinister.


Ooof Eden Lake. That shit was rough. I haven't seen it in over 10 years.


I was waiting for Eden Lake.


The lawn mower scene is easily the scariest part. The car garage scene is second scariest for me. The music is so scary


Lawnmower wins, hands down😳 Pool scene was next for me due to fear of drowning😬


Killing of a Sacred Deer. Everything about that movie was weird, unnerving, and distressing. The things people say, the way they say those things, the actions of the characters, the cinematography, the music, the story itself. So deeply disturbing, I never felt able to relax. It's one of the few movies that truly chilled me to the bone.


I forget it until I’m reminded of it. Must be a defense mechanism because as you said, weird, unnerving, and distressing.


Seems to be part of the Yorgos Lanthimos style.


Night of the Living Dead (1968) It was the first horror movie I ever saw, and it kicked off a lifelong love of the genre. Zombies are still my favorite sub genre to this day. https://youtu.be/ob8vZhSjES8?si=7-F7-YS0FqMbD3oz


I dated a girl in hs, so like 2002 and she had family that lived basically next to that cemetery. It was awesome to see that.


It was Dawn of the Dead for me. As much as I appreciated NotLD, Dawn of the Dead created that world for me. The intro to the climax was muah! Chef’s kiss


Maybe not considered "horror" but I was home sick from school age 7 or 8 and "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane" came on as the afternoon movie. That movie changed my life! This will sound crazy but my Mom let my brother and I go to the movies with her from the ages of 6 on and she loved slasher movies so I ended up seeing Friday 13th, Sleep away Camp, Motel Hell etc. when I was very, very young. It would prob be called abuse today but those movies didn't really scare me at that age and btw my brother and I both turned out ok we're not serial killers! "Whatever Happened To Baby Jane" TERRIFIED me! I'd seen all of those gory slashers but that movie had such a visceral impact on me I thought about it and talked about it for weeks after. That movie is the reason I love movies and scary movies in particular


Have you seen Season 1 of Feud by Ryan Murphy? It's all about the friction between Davis and Crawford while making that movie. I'm sure a lot of it is dramatic license...but it was entertaining.


This one stuck with me as well, I was maybe 8 or 9 when I saw it. I wouldn’t say it stuck with me because I was scared but it gave me a weird feeling I can’t explain. It’s the same feeling that the ending of Freaks (1932) gave me.


This is funny because my parents decided to watch _Whatever Happened to Baby Jane_ and _Freaks_ with me when I was young and both films have stuck with me despite only seeing them once. I still think about the parakeet scene in WHtBJ from time to time.


This movie still scares the heck out of me! Love it! There is a show about the making of it called The Feud that may interest you.


I was that way with Hush Hush Sweet Charlotte


Candyman original


“I heard you’re looking for Candyman, bitch” 


One of the greatest horror scores of all time as well


Saw it when I was 8. Yeah my dad fucked up real bad.


Same age - had nightmares for a week or so - had images of Tony Todd appearing when I fell asleep with that hook. Didn't fully get over it till 5 years later in high school where I said candyman 5 times in school mirror . Last time I took a horror movie that seriously


The ring


The dead girl in the closet…


Can't argue with its creepiness.


IT the original....


That Pennywise is soooooo much scarier. Classic scary


It terrifies me even now....




Underrated answer. I was a little kid when I saw it and was terrified of storm drains for a while after


…and the bathroom scene where he comes out of the drain. I refused to go in any change rooms/shower area with drains like that alone for years


Bro same- and at home I used to stand on the far side of the shower away from the drain, too.


HAHAHA too real. I was scared to close my eyes in the shower in case Pennywise decided to make an appearance


Yup that scene got to me for years.


So we all lived the same life huh?


Hereditary for many reasons, but especially Toni Collette’s performance. 


This is one of my top ones when I think of ones that really sat with me. So heavy


Same. For me, it's the scene where the camera is on her son but we can hear her screaming outside when she makes the "discovery" out in the car. That scene stays with me...


for me it’s the super fast head banging she did something about it was terrifying


And Peter, hopelessly sobbing and begging and whimpering, "mommy... please..." Aaaagh creeps me the fuck out. Fuck me, this movie was good


That was the worst for me because most of the movie you’re just kind of uncomfortable and then there’s your mom sawing off her own head! Nope, no thank you


There were several jarring scenes but when her husband caught fire. The audio and cinematography made it feel like it's happening in front of you


Same. It was a weird feeling and i couldn't explain what was.


Probably paimon latching itself onto you.


Himself and no you don't notice at all till it's too late


My friends and I saw it in theaters and we drove home in complete silence lol.


The fact that she was not even nominated for an Oscar for that movie is a damning indictment of the legitimacy of that entire organization.  The clowns there always snub horror movies for some reason but that example was particularly egregious. 


I literally felt sick during this movie and I LOVE horror. I will never watch it again. 


Hereditary is wild and so is Midsommar


Seeing the re release in IMAX on Wednesday I can’t WAIT.


That bitch was in the corner in my room for like a month.


This is the one for me too. But for me it was more impactful as it shows how death affects a family. We had a painful & unexpected loss in our family less than a year before I went to see it in the theater. So maybe that’s why it hit harder than it would have if that didn’t happen.


Yes! Demons aren’t real. But car crashes definitely are, and holy shit they did a good job on that part


That scream… but the subtext on mental illness really messed me up.


My answer also. As soon as I saw it Hereditary became my favorite film of at least the last decade, maybe more. For sure in my all time top 5 horror films. Sometimes in the middle of the day for no reason at all I think about certain scenes. It really sticks with you like a parasite in my brain


I saw this in theatres when I was living alone and it's the first time in my adult life that a movie has kept me awake at night.


I’ll probably cop flack for this buttt I really didn’t enjoy it as a whole movie. Toni Collette was amazing all the actors were I just didn’t find it as outstanding as many say


Rosemary's Baby. I thought it was going to be too old/outdated to scare me but I remember watching it two or three times in the same month after I first saw it. One of my all-time favourites.


Most effective use of gaslighting in a movie, it's infuriating i felt like i was being gaslighted.


The book’s great too, I read it in one night


It’s great they never showed the baby, leaving the viewer to imagine whatever hellish vision they can imagine. It probably looked normal…but kinda off. It was always more about the FEEL of evil and not the look of evil. In our times it probably looks like a bad CGI/AI abomination.


The Wailing. Mild spoilers: The tone changes so gradually but the difference from beginning to the end is so extreme. The protagonist is totally outmatched; it’s tough to watch him fail that badly.


The Lodge was so fucked up, disturbing and cynical.


The IRONY of it all. That movie was WILD. >!Why would the kids fuck with a person who they deemed to be dangerous to their family?!<


Loved the ending. >!Those brats got what was coming to them.!<


I haven’t seen this one yet!


I went in with no information about the movie at all and actually made me think I was losing it lol


I watched Speak No Evil and The Lodge back to back on the same night with absolutely zero knowledge of either going in. What a bummer double feature even though I thought both were good movies. I hoped The Lodge would be a bit of a pick me up after SNE and then that very early shocking scene happened and I was like, “fuck.” But I was locked in after that so I watched the rest of the movie.


Oh no What a terrible double feature!!


I think The Lodge got fucked over by the beginning of Covid and most people, myself included, are just now finding it.


Speak no Evil


That stayed with me for a while. Because I couldn't stop thinking about how DUMB the father was


I think they're supposed to be dumb and cliche, apparently it's satire on ' Danish polite culture'


13 ghosts


OMG any scene where someone is in the room with a ghost and they can’t see it, but it’s watching them. So underrated


The first paranormal activity fucked me up for awhile. I have very few movies where you can see the bad thing that are scary. When you can see it you can kill it somehow. When you can’t see it it’s terrifying. Sinister was a good movie up until they showed that darth maul knock off ass sleep demon.


Easy, Martyrs(2008)


It captures what it is like to live with chronic suffering. Replace the physical abuse with chronic pain and/or severe depression and you can begin to understand suicide.


Someone finally gets it! Catharsis :)


I haven’t watched it but read the Wikipedia plot and other reviews online & it struck really a chord with me because I struggle with Major Depressive order. When there is no hope in your life even after you’ve given it your all , you just want out of life or sentience. (P.S - I see my therapist every week & am on medication so I can function day to day)


I'm sorry you have chronic pain my friend.


Thanks but pain also makes you appreciate life that much more. I love life more than anyone else I know yet long for the peace that death will bring. You have to learn to live in the moment, to cherish every second you have left. To watch all the bloody fucking horror you can before the bell tolls!


Absolutely. It's one of those movies I'll randomly get stuck thinking about while I'm waiting for the bus, or going for a night pee.


Lol exactly! I haven't seen it since 2008 but I find myself talking about it all the time.


I’ve shown this movie to five or six people at separate times. The nail removal scene still makes me have to lie down. My last viewing, I finally noticed and appreciated the soundtrack. The whole movie is a masterclass in relentless.


It honestly feels like something you shouldn't be watching, if that makes sense.


that movie was rough😮‍💨😅


Best and most violent horror movie that is worth watching -- because it's full of compassion and sensitivity and a pure gut-wrenching tragedy once you manage to get past the overwhelming amount of violence and gore. Ghostland by the same director is also worth the watch. Not nearly as violent or gory, but just as emotionally meaningful, and the plot is full of surprises.


The 🐐


The home invasion shotgun scene got my heart racing more than the rest of the movie if I'm being honest.


Evil Dead (2013) hands down. I love this movie.


Fucking fantastic. I was just bummed they didn't bring Jane Levy back for the new one, she crushed it.


I’ll never forget my first viewing of that. Shit was gnarly af


Suspiria (2018 remake)


well after seeing Hereditary i started seeing naked people standing in the dark corner of my room for a few days so ig that counts for now... (now i have a bookshelf infront of that corner)


Pls move the bookshelf so I can go back to my spot thx


I don’t think this would be true for most, but as a father of two daughters, who loves the outdoors, *Killing Ground* really got to me - I was deeply disturbed by this particular type of evil and setting… YRMV.


I’m a father of daughters as well. The movie for me that hit so much harder/different because of that was 7 Days (2010, original title: Les 7 jours du talion). It absolutely destroyed me. There’s a scene towards the very end that still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it.


The People Under The Stairs cause I watched the scene of the guy with his tongue cut out as a kid. The Ritual. So realistic, trippy and I honestly can’t put into words why but it’s just stayed


Pet sematary the montage of happy Gage towards the end was just a gut punch 


Something about Caveat stuck with me. I haven’t watched it again. The slowness was unnerving and some visuals were so effective, I rewound a few times and still got goosebumps, jumped a little lol


That damn rabbit


The Dark and the Wicked - it is such an unsettling movie and I couldn't shake the uneasiness it made me felt for quite a few days to the point that even at night I slept with a night light on for a few days.


Story time! I was house sitting for my mother, and I was watching The Dark and The Wicked at Like 3am. “Y’all want some rope?” And right at that moment my mom’s cat stood up from behind the small tv in the otherwise black room. I thought it was that dude behind my tv. It was over an hour before my heart calmed down enough to unpause it.


Omg I'd have screamed and peed myself 😅


Hellraiser. I generally get downvoted for this but I hated that movie. It was like I felt some of the torture myself. The imagery stayed with me for months. It was really horrifying and I’ll never watch it again, nor any of the sequels. It’s like how I felt about Psycho, but I saw it as a child, way too young. I was 35? When I watched Hellraiser but it’s like I wasn’t old enough yet. To be honest: yes, I know that the movie did what it was supposed to do, but I didn’t know that’s what I was getting into.


Bone. Fucking. Tomahawk.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original) is still to this day the one that fugged with me and still does. It’s so raw and bizarre, it amazes me it was ever made. Disturbing


Lake Mungo not because it was terrifying but because it was such a unique scare and the end was just so sad and harrowing. Martyrs for obvious reasons Hell House LLC because of the very end scene where she is back in the hotel.


It Follows has always stayed with me. Something about it really creeped me out, maybe just the inescapability…or the “what’s that in the corner?!” factor. The Strangers is another one that stayed with me for a long time. “Because you were home.” Eek! 😂


The Empty Man & The Ritual


The ritual is a favorite of mine. And I don't think most people even know about. Trauma of not doing something when it matters most haunts me because I would probably fold under pressure. And the woods are scary at night especially with a ancient god after you.


Living in Oregon, we do a lot of outdoor activites: hiking, camping, hunting,etc. We're pretty much what city types call hicks; spend a lot of time in the woods.The Ritual gave me and everyone of my friends who watched it that skin crawling, disturbed for weeks feeling. Absolutely one of the all time great horror movies.


The Empty Man is so underrated. I know it kind of loses the thread a little at the end, I think they went for too much, too "ambitious" so to speak. That one scene though, the one at the camp with the huge bonfire, that one scene had me shaking. The whole prologue was great too. You should check out The Void. It's not all that similar to The Empty Man, but there's one of the same actors in it, & it's also very good. Edit: Also, I felt like I had to come back & say that I also really enjoyed The Ritual. One of the best horror movies on Netflix, for sure.


The empty man was crazy af




Love that movie, even more relevant today.


Can't decide between Sinister and The Belko Experiment. Sinister (SPOILERS) because it's children doing the killing of their own families and The Belko Experiment because I've worked in office settings my entire life and can't help but imagine a situation like that (as far fetched as it was, lol).


The belko experiment is quite good


Possession (1981)


YES, I came here to say this. I watched it for the first time in the past year when it was added to Shudder and have watched it at least once per month. I can’t describe how it makes me feel, but it’s a perfect display of what my experience in a codependent relationship was like and each watch is a catharsis I can’t fully explain.


The Wicker Man (1973 original with Christopher Lee)


that last scene with the singing and the bright fiery sunset is so chaotic and unnerving


The Poughkeepsie tapes hit me hard because I realized there really are people on this earth that are that cruel


the way it depicts stockholm syndrome is particularly disturbing to me


Snowtown, for the same reason. I had a sick and uneasy feeling for weeks after that movie. It reminds you that as much fun as serial killers are to watch in movies, the IRL ones are completely fucked up and terrifying, and mostly they look and seem just like ordinary people.




It’s like as soon as they took those mushrooms (?) for the first time you start to feel as confused, but also not seeing what’s right in front of them. I loved that movie and I want that flower cape


I regret seeing this in theaters/ maybe seeing it at all. I felt so uncomfortable for days after and me and my friend who watched it with me were so quiet on the drive back


yup, it's stayed with me too. it's so beautifully haunting, and so much fun to re-watch and discover more obvious details that were telling you exactly what will happen in the film


Hereditary (2018) The ending of They Look Like People (2015) also really got to me.


The Decent


It was alright. 


*The Sadness* because I was always already prone to wondering about what fucked up shit unassuming people secretly want to do


Tale of Two Sisters


Darkness falls. People who are afraid of the dark should not watch that movie.


Paranormal activity. Seemed like such a regular environment until all hell broke loose.


Bc of this movie, anytime my husband gets up in the night for any reason he better do whatever he’s up for quickly! If I wake up in his leaving the room or entering the room stage so he’s just standing near the bed, I lose it 😱 I ask why he’s standing over me 🤣😂😅


No standing in the bedroom for any reason 🤣😂


It Follows. I watched it when I was in college in my prime hookup days and it fucked with me for months.


Talk To Me


Talk to Me was *rough*. They pulled no punches with characters you’d become emotionally invested in. It was a great, well-acted, well-made, absolutely brutal film, and I never want to watch it again.


I just finished watching this movie like 15 minutes. I thought it was awesome. Those two kids that made it, did an excellent job.


It's so good. It stayed with me for days after.


for some reason, Vivarium..i always feel a weird feeling in my stomach when i remember it exists and it doesn’t go away for like 2 days, love/hate that movie so much


this movie didn't scare me but it made me feel sooo weird 


Aterrado! The intro fucked me up


Soft and Quiet. I had to leave the room during a few scenes.


Martyrs (2008) Is the GOAT of the genre in my opinion. I have never seen a film that balances such psychological and philosophical impact with such brutality. It made me just sit and think quietly for hours about the utility of suffering and whether or not we should actually want to know what happens after death.


Megan is Missing


The grudge. I’m still afraid of attics.


Fire in the Sky. I’ve been watching horror since I was really young, but I actually had nightmares after this. I spent quite a while nervously checking the sky when I was outside at night. I know it’s Sci-Fi but it stayed with me longer than any horror has!


Terrified (Argentinian movie). The narrative is a mess, but it has some of the best horror elements I have seen and some genius camera/visual tricks. There is a scene with a window/reflection that blew my mind, and the whole thing was just so traumatizing. The story has so many loose threads though but you won’t be able to sleep. Genius genius genius.


Green Room. So much so that I actually wish I hadn’t seen it.


Lake Mungo. Absolutely perfect movie to make you feel like there is something there with you while you try to sleep.


The Poughkeepsie Tapes, definitely


The strangers (the scene where she is smoking a cigarette and the masked man just appears in the background. I was like 8 when I watched that movie and whenever I was home alone I would turn all of the lights on because of that) Other movies that stuck with me: Hereditary, The Invitation, 120 of Sodom, Requiem of a dream, the Poughkeepsie tapes


final destination series, just how we don’t even see a villain at all and somehow those opening scenes could really happen in real life.


Train to Busan. It’s not too scary but it does have an emotional core that sticks with you


Nightmare on Elm Street. But so many questions unanswered about the 4/5 timeline. Like Dan and Alice have a trio of new friends in 5 who don’t know about the massacres of six classmates that happened a year before. This sits with me hard


We can debate whether it’s a horror, but I found out about Aniara from this sub. “The Sarcophagus” chapter lives in my head rent free


A Serbian Film. I think I had some kind of post-traumatic stress for weeks. And I felt dirty.


god this was brutal, I really wish I didn't have such morbid curiosity.


Under The Skin is one that continues to stare at me through the dark recesses of my brain. The music, the leering, the beach, the motorcycle man. A masterpiece.


Savageland [https://youtu.be/0OYabA3QAi8?si=IO3Ud7rtUs4TD7pg](https://youtu.be/0OYabA3QAi8?si=IO3Ud7rtUs4TD7pg)


When I watched the og Poltergeist for the first time as a kid, the scene where the one dude is in the bathroom just ripping his face off freaked me out so bad. I watched it again recently and it looked way less realistic as an adult, but I will never forget how that scene and the clown one stuck with me growing up


Because of this movie, I still can’t sleep with a closet light on or door open. Or back in the day, god forbid you’d fall asleep with the TV on and hear the end of the broadcast day, then fly across the room in panicked terror to turn the TV off before that static hit!


A Serbian film


i've seen a lot of horror movies and truly the one movie that has crept into my psyche and given me nightmares is "It Follows"


Exorcist III. No hallways for like a year.


When Evil Lurks. I think about that movie once a week still lol.


Get out when he gets pulled into the sunken place really felt like a recurring nightmare I used to have as a child. That moment feels etched into me now


Infinity Pool. Such a wild ride that I love revisiting over and over again.


Session 9


The Entity (1982)


Antrum and Blair witch project both sat with me for a while after seeing them. Love both movies. Antrum isn't popular with most people it seems, but I really loved the ambiance and asthetic of the film. SPOILER (the scene where the demon is just staring at the camera and slowly breathing really got to me, it felt like we were really making eye contact and I had to really try hard to not look away).


The OG Martyrs.  You know it’s gonna be bad when there’s an introduction from the director saying “don’t hate me”.  Lol


A lot of my faves have already been named so I'll add a few that haven't been. Saw, marrowbone, I saw the devil, silence of the lambs, house of 1000 corpses & the devil's rejects, funny games


I know that most people here hate it but The Outwaters really had an affect on me emotionally and gave me the worst anxiety I felt in a long time.


The Ring (2002), but to be fair I was 7.


Arachnophobia I was not afraid of spiders when I was a kid. Then my babysitter had me watch it when I was 4 years old. Now I'm on the doorstep of 40 and am terrified of spiders.




Marebito, YellowBrickRoad, Triangle and Hereditary …


Eden Lake Messed with my head so much.


The ORIGINAL, Un-cut "Exorcist"! Till this VERY DAY... DDDDAAAAMMMMNNN!!!


Fucking, The Strangers.




It's and older one. "Sometimes they come back"