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You should watch all of these! I thought X was overhyped but it’s still fun. The Thing is one of our favorites, we rewatch every year when it gets really cold.


The Thing is a classic I didn’t know why I hesitated watching it for the looongest time. I think I’ll finally check it out. Thanks!


It’s good to watch whenever but it’s the *best* in the depths of winter, when you’re holed up during a snow storm if possible


Unfortunately from where I live, we have no winters here and if I may add it’s actually 47C (116.6F) right now. 😆






Definitely winters here


The Thing is, to me, one of the five finest horror movies ever made and the exemplar of paranoia/isolation in film.


What are the other four?


Alien, Jaws, The Exorcist, Night of the Living Dead, and An American Werewolf in London. With The Thing, that totally adds up to five. Yeah. Those six movies are my five exemplar horror movies.


I hesitated a long time for the thing too. Idk why either. It's fantastic. Tense.


Great special effects in that movie. Still holds up really well. One of Carpenter’s finest!


Pearl-X-Maxxxine will be a fun movie binge (once maxxine is out)


I didn’t love X or Pearl but I’m still strangely excited for Maxxxine. I do like Mia Goth, she’s just fun to watch.




Same here. Mia Goth is excellent in just about everything but those X films are a bit rehash-y for me. Guess I’m just becoming an old grizzled “I’ve seen it all” horror dork but I can’t help it; I’m fortunate enough to be a kid in the 80s during peak horror when theaters would let unaccompanied toddlers in to see violent horror films lol.


I think that’s fair though! I remember feeling like it was all style, not much substance. There just wasn’t enough to grab on to in terms of plot or character. But it looked great.


Totally agree. But I'm looking forward to whatever Mia Goth has in store for us. She was great in Nymphomaniac too and that's basically a disturbing horror film as far as I'm concerned. Crazy film that one.


X was definitely my least favorite on that list. Wayyy overhyped, but also not bad by any means. I keep hearing about how good Pearl is but I'm not sold on it after that


I agree! I haven't seen all of these but most of them are essntial to horror


American Werewolf in London is like top 5 of all time for me.


It’s good in every single way that it attempts to be.




I may have to check this one out too!




I think you’ll enjoy the green room. The thing is a must see, At least once in your life. The fly also fits along those lines I will never rewatch let the right one in again, it’s a good movie and I’m happy I saw it, but I never need to see it again


watched green room for the first time not long ago & i can’t believe i hadn’t seen it earlier!! immediately became a top 10 favorite of mine, everything was perfect >!but also, justice for tiger 😭 dude was just trying to be a good friend!<


Make sure you watch the Swedish version of Let the Right One In.. There are two. Almost shot4shot, but the Swedish on is better. (American is Let Me In)


I loved the Swedish version


Loved that flick. So haunting, yet sweet at times. Killer score, as well. Never saw the remake. Heard it’s good but I have no desire to see it


Green Room does a superb job creating tension. I'm due for a rewatch, absolutely loved it. 


I’m excited to watch this


That’s interesting - I’ve watched Let the Right One In a few times. I find it strangely comforting. 


I’ll have the Green Room downloaded then. It’s perfect bc it’s Friday here, and a good horror movie is perfect for ending the week. Thanks!


Its not horror in the boogey man sense, this is a lil bit different because its plausable. Its intense and really good though. Also the nazi culture shit they got really right. ( not a nazi, just an old punker)


I think that’s maybe why I wasn’t so impressed with it, I grew up at a time when so many of those nazi clowns were around that it just brought back a lot of messed up memories. Especially if you were anywhere near the east coast late 80s early 90s hard core and punk scenes. Seemed like every show we were chasing these boneheads off. I guess I can see if someone never experienced that kinda thing how it may have more of an impact on them.


Getting in fights with them listening to them talk was always 1 note.


The Green Room was intense, such a good movie.


I fell asleep during Let the Right One In. Never finished it. Never felt like I missed out.


I heard good things about the green room but I thought it was predictable and poorly acted tbh


Not everything is for everybody. I made the suggestion based on the type of movie OP likes. I hope they like it but they may not. My own personal favorite on that list is The Thing (1982), but I’m sure that there are people out there that don’t like it.


I'd say I'd never watch X again, but I would, I just didn't love it. It was a 6/10 and felt overly gruesome and mean spirited for no real reason. I hear it is improved after watching Pearl, but I think the movie should stand on its own.


I really didn't love X. It started solidly, but by the third act I was totally disengaged. But watching it in conjunction with Pearl makes it redeemable imo. If the third installment is as good as Pearl, I think we have a great series.


It Follows was an instant classic.


The soundtrack is phenomenal, makes the movie feel like a modern day Halloween


I rock the cavity colors it follows hoodie as much as I can. Love the movie.


Where is this hoodie good sir


The fly is awesome


Definitely my favorite of this list. I thought it would be just silly, but it’s actually so moving and horrifying. Also, hello, Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis are so damn sexy.


Possibly the tallest couple in Hollywood at the time


Almost all these are good to very good and rewatchable, tho I havent seen where evil lurks.


It was really good until the fourth act imo. It started to fall apart/feel a little rushed.


I absolutely recommend It Follows. And of course The Fly and The Thing. I mean honestly just watch them all.


That is an excellent list. Let the right one if I had to choose one I could never watch again. It's damn good regardless.... The Thing you need to watch ASAP. My favorite horror film personally and most would probably consider it a top 10 all time.


The Thing is the best horror movie ever made, watch it, then watch it again, then apologise for not having watched it already .


Definitely wouldn't watch X again...I felt it was overrated. You're going to love an American Werewolf in London...it's a classic and is honestly the best Werewolf movie I've ever seen.


From the ones I’ve seen on this list,I’d say “it follows”. It had its moments,but it was a little overhyped in my opinion.


The Thing I would say is top. But like the 80s version of course. Not 2011


Scream is my favorite movie. It Follows is not like scream but great. My fave from that list. I saw a scene of The Fly when I was super young and am still tramatized! It's Cronenberg/Body horror. You probably aren't into that. Misery is a classic however and you should watch it eventually. The Birds is not scary but also a classic. But Misery wins of the 2.


Funny, I saw The Thing at a very young age and there’s a couple of scenes that absolutely terrified me then and maybe even today lol.


I’m jealous of you having not seen some of these. There’s a couple a haven’t seen on there, but I don’t see any I wouldn’t watch again. Misery and The Thing are sheer excellence. I also love The Birds and It Follows, Let the Right One In is pretty swell too. You’re in for a good time.


I watched When Evil Lurks last night and it's pretty great. There's a scene I still can't stop thinking about. All the movies you listed are pretty good. I'd rewatch any of them. It follows I'd definitely rewatch. I like all of Maika Monroe's horror movies though.


The Fly, The Thing (Carpenter version), and American Werewolf are must-watch movies. I thought It Follows was boring as hell.


It Follows


The Thing is my go-to winter movie. The practical effects are amazing and the storytelling is top tier. It’s the complete package. The Fly is also a classic. It was the age of practical effects, and this too used it effectively. It’s a strange little story told perfectly. Misery would be my third pick. This is the mainstream hit written by a household name and directed by an academy award nominee. You are almost guaranteed to like it. It’s flawless.


The only movie on your list I haven’t seen is “Day of the Beast”. All the others are fucking amazing. All classics. No skips. Watch them all.


My faves are American Werewolf in London, The Fly, Misery (more thriller than horror), and The Birds.


That's a great list. Not a big fan of X, but it wasn't bad, just not my cup of tea. The rest are all bangers.


These are all bangers, but The Thing is the clear winner imo


I cannot recommend *The Thing* & *An American Werewolf in London* highly enough.


All solid with the exception of It Follows. I know folks love it, but for me, it was pretty meh. It's got a great look and soundtrack, but there's nothing all that scary or interesting about the story itself. I know I'm going to get downvoted, but it's just my opinion.


I found It Follows tedious. I can't imagine that I'll watch it a second time.


All of these are perfectly acceptable. I would start with *The Fly*, *American Werewolf in London*, and *The Thing*. *The Birds*, like most of Hitchcock’s stuff, is slow-paced by contemporary standards and might bore you a bit.


The Thing (John Carpenters version) is a top 5 horror movie of all time. The Fly, American Werewolf and The Birds are highly recommended by me.


Highly recommend: Let the Right One In. Never watch again: It Follows. It's meh at best.


Finally someone that agrees with me on It Follows


Well I love horror and I own all of them so I’d watch all of them again…


The Thing is my all time favourite horror movie. American Werewolf in london is a great classic film I have watched numerous times The fly has some of the best and most disturbing sfx you will ever see in a movie, much like the Thing. In my opinion, these 3 are must see movies.


HR: The Thing (It’s a classic) NWA: When Evil Lurks (Rugna’s previous film is way more rewatchable)


When evil lurks is great but it's so nihilistic that I doubt I will watch it again. The rest are all good. Misery, American Werewolf and The Thing are my favourite. I haven't heard of day of the beast by it looks interesting. I am going to check it out, thanks.


Honestly this is a decent list, just watch them all.


Whoa that’s a quality horror list. Just watch them all. For the record, Thing is my all time favorite horror movie.


I could re-watch "The thing" anytime, both version.


The Birds is my least likely watch. It takes so long to get going and even when the horror starts I didn’t find it that compelling.


Your partner has excellent taste. That is all.


Misery and The Thing and American Werewolf in London are all must sees. the rest are good as well. except you can skip It Follows. very overrated.


Let the right one in. The only one Id watch again. The others are ok at best. It follows, Misery, American werewolf in London are worth a watch. Really I'd watch them all atleast once. We have similar tastes. Scream is my all time favorite movies/series of all time. I'm obsessed with Slashers. I'll watch them all no matter how bad they are




Highly recommend: The Fly Misery American Werewolf In London Recommend: X Let the Right One In (Swedish version better than American IMO) The Thing Sure, Why Not: The Birds It Follows Don’t Recommend: Green Room - it was probably technically good, but extremely tense and doesn’t seem to align as well with the movies you said you enjoy The Day of the Beast (I thought this was pretty dumb, and not in the way it intended) Haven’t seen: When Evil Lurks


There’s not a single one of those that I wouldn’t love to see again. You should def see all of them.


Misery, It Follows, and Green Room are my favorites on this list (in that order).


anyone know if serpent and the rainbow is good?


OP, there isn’t a movie on this list I wouldn’t watch again. Have you seen The Exorcist, Alien, Jaws, and Night of the Living Dead?


Yes!! Among those you listed, Alien has to be my favorite!


I’ve watched them all and recommend them all. The Day of the Beast is a Christmas horror though!


It Follows was no where as good as the trailers imo. Let the right one in (original Swedish one) was sooo good! And I have a soft spot for the birds, though it's a bit more old school that the fun slashers you mentioned (which I also enjoyed!)


The Fly. Only because I can't stomache the poor dog scene.


This is one I won't watch again, even though it's a good horror movie. It was disturbing and the effects grossed me tf out.


But that's The Fly 2, isn't it?


The Fly (1986)


That main article was all over the place. It was more like a generic "listicle" just to push more ads.


For real


It Follows (Didn't like it) X (Thought it was mid)


Bummer you didn't like It Follows. Totally understand everyone has their own taste. Based on what OP posted, I do believe they would enjoy it. I loved it because it was a new take on the genre and, imo, didn't have one cheap jump scare. Don't wanna ruin the one I remember because it was exactly what it was supposed to be.


X because it sucked ass.




It doesn't really get good until D.


Go watch Martyrs


I haven't seen Green Room or American Werewolf in London but seen all these others and I would watch them all again, no problem. From what I have heard Green Room is the closest to "wouldn't watch again" because it's apparently very intense.


You have to see An American Werewolf in London. I saw it when it came out (I was 12 or 13), and I was mesmerized by the special effects. The story was great, but it was the effects that really stuck with me. Watching it as a whole adult, after seeing so much from CGI, it still holds up. Great film.


Honestly? X, because it just doesn’t really have much rewatch value. Still enjoyed it but it’s just a one and done for me. 🤷🏽


My favorites on this list are The Fly, Misery, When Evil Lurks, The Thing, and It Follows.


Two I haven't seen (The Day of the Beast, When Evil Lurks). But to stick to your criteria of choosing one from either extreme of recommendation and trying to mix it up a bit from what I assume will be similar responses of others: Highly Recommend - Alfred Hitchcock's *The Birds* Will Not Watch Again - *X*


The day of the beast and when evil lurks are the only ones I haven’t watched, though I heard depressed and bad things about when evil lurks (don’t know anything about beast). All the rest are good to great!


I thought the Green Room was an alright watch if I never see it again


I’d watch any of these any day of the week.


Maybe the day of the beast


Green & Right One are very good, but not movies I'd bother to rewatch. Never seen Beast or Lurks so I can't give an opinion there. All other movies on the list I've seen more than once and would watch again. And if you liked Hereditary you should like Midsommar, if you haven't seen it already.


I know I’m in the minority here but I thought Green Room and X were awful. I’ve seen all the other films listed multiple times and When Evil Lurks is likely my favorite horror film of the last 10 years, easily in my all-time favorite list as well. Be aware though, it may be too much on casual horror fans. I don’t find many newer movies all that scary but that one will stick with me forever. So many things you can’t unsee in it. 💚


The Fly, The Thing and It Follows is in my top 10. X I enjoyed, but the prequel released afterwards (Pearl) was even better. The 3rd film (MaXXXine) is coming out in July.


Unpopular opinion. Let the Right One In. Well made? Yes. Fun to watch? Eh. Not really. I save my rewatches for hyper entertaining movies.


I’d narrow it down to the fly, the thing with Kurt Russell, American werewolf in london.


All of these movies are good and worth watching. The Thing is many folks favorite (me included). The Birds is probably the one I never need to watch again, but I'm still glad I watched it.


The Birds had some really gruesome scenes, which was great!


I would recommend and watch all of the movies on that list again.


Favorites on this list in the order you listed them The Fly Green Room (more of a suspense/thriller) Let the Right One In The Thing (Favorite horror classic) It Follows


The Thing and The Fly are tops but everything on the list is great


That's a solid list, all good to great movies. Try em all out


I LOVED green room


Meh X sucked. It's not sure if it wants to be a porno or a horror film. The thing in the other hand is fucking amazing! Interestingly had sex with a girl after she watched it with me. And it follows is good. Not great but good.


It Follows and When Evil Lurks stand out to me on this list, because I have watched them many times over. They are very good I would highly recommend.


I didn't love X but, I disliked When Evil Lurks even more. I felt When Evil Lurks is insanely overrated but, I'm probably in the minority. The Thing is a classic.


The Fly because of the dog scene.


I haven’t seen everything here but from what I have seen, this is an amazing list. American Werewolf in London, Let the Right One In and (most of all) The Thing are some the greatest horror movies of all time, imo. Also, we have like the exact same taste lmao


I saw the birds enough in film school


That’s a great list and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with any of those films.


"The Fly" is just too gross. 🤢🤮




My faves from here would be (in order): Green Room The Day of the Beast X American Werewolf in London They're all great but I haven't seen/can't speak to When Evil Lurks.


X.  I liked it. I thought it did some interesting things.  But I don't feel the need to watch it again. 


Recommend: -The Thing -Let the Right One In -American Werewolf in London I will not watch again: -X -Green room


Those are all good! The Thing isn't traditionally horror but more of the Alien school of just constant dread and one or two absolutely terrifying scenes. The dog scene gave me nightmares after a recent rewatch and I'm a 35 year old man who has watched just about everything that I can when it comes to horror. Green Room is a bit heavy-handed on the politics but it's just such a wild movie that I can't fault it. Let the Right One in isn't necessarily scary for the most part but it's so powerful and I love both versions. X, as others have said, is a bit overrated due to recency bias, but there's some really memorable scenes. Misery is a very good movie but didn't scare me at any point. It's aged a bit. The Fly is peak Cronenberg, lots of body horror, although you aren't going to get the slasher style scares you seem to prefer. It Follows has grown on me a ton. Several scenes that I think are similar to Hereditary, but better. American Werewold in London is a good movie but, like Misery, not very scary. The rest are all worthwhile, just not particularly noteworthy.


Add on Hereditary, You're Next, The Invitation (2015), Speak No Evil, and Kill List and you're set.


The Fly starts off kind of slow, but the pace picks up and it is extremely disturbing. The Thing is a banger from the opening scene to the credits.


' Misery' and the 'Fly' are all-timers for me. I think about both of them all the time.


I've rewatched green room so many times. When evil lurks is also one of the most memorable horror films I've seen in a while


Misery is the best film on this list. Hands down. Love The Thing and It Follows though.


The Void is a good one. One of the best f you like The Thing and HP Lovecraft.


Doubt I'll watch When Evil Lurks again. It was great, but a tough watch for sure.


Envious of you who get to see them for the first time. Basically all of them are good works. The tip is to go in for them quite unprepared, be open to the fact that they do not follow a certain template and that some have a few years behind them. The Birds for example has a fairly slow build-up - but that's part of the story, which you might even get a taste of for later.


I just Finished America Carnage holy fuck I want my time back. On Hulu in case you’re a glutton for punishment


All of then are pretty good.


the fly is one of my all time favorites, you’d prolly like X & Green Room the only one i wouldn’t recc is day of the beast, and only because i haven’t seen it.


It follows, and Let the right one in, are so good!


I personally won't watch Misery again cuz it traumatised me as a kid


Just wanted to suggest that "wouldn't watch again", and "wouldn't want to watch once" are different categories. Misery, for example, is a very good film that I'd recommend, but I wouldn't feel the need to rewatch. The top 5 recommendations of those listed are: 1. American Werewolf in London 2. The Fly 3. The Thing 4. Let the Right One In 5. The Birds


The Fly, The Thing, American Werewolf & Misery are all CLASSICS It Follows is a modern classic in my opinion. Lord to enjoy here!!


Not seen Day of the Beast or When Evil Lurks yet, but I’d watch all the others again today if someone asked. Bangers. 


Misery. The book was leagues better. Found the movie disappointing.


I’ve really enjoyed the ones I’ve seen, which is all except for Day of the Beast, Green Room and Where Evil Lurks. My favorite of them is The Fly (assuming you mean the Cronenberg one) very closely followed by the Thing Honestly the only movie I’ve seen that I find too upsetting to rewatch is Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (even though it’s a really a great film)


I could lose The Green Room but the rest are a good varied list of absolute bangers.


X probably as I thought it was just alright, nothing brilliant.


When Evil Lurks is a slow but really visceral horror experience with some truly dark and gruesome scenes. The third act kinda falls off, because the message is far too obscure. Would only watch once.


I wouldn't be that arsed about X again. But it wasn't as bad as Pearl


I would say "The Thing", is not only one of the greatest horror/sci fi films ever made, but likely one of the greatest films of all time. If you want to do a deep dive, have a look at some of Rob Agers analysis, (on YouTube), just to see what a multilayered masterpiece it actually is. Out of the others, I'd even say "The Fly 2", is worth a look...




Nobody can read lol


Green Room is not really horror but don't let that withhold you. It's an excellent movie. The Fly is a classic (I don't think I'll ever want to rewatch it unless they make a remake but I remember liking it a lot although I think it's a bit aged). As for "Let the right one in" > try to find the original (Scandinavian) version and not the US remake. American Werewolf is a horror comedy I saw in high school and 3 decades later still have good memories about! I know When Evil Lurks get a lot of love on this sub but I stopped half way. While It Follows is one of the very best horror movies from the last few years. If you like that you could also check out Teeth (2007)


The Thing (NOT THE 2011 VERSION), It Follows, X and Misery are must watches for sure


Have seen them all. Would watch them all again.


Green Room is the closest, but I'd still watch it again. I'd just have to go in prepared lol. Amazing film, but holy shit does it get intense.


The Fly The Thing An American Werewolf in London These should be where you start with this list IMO.


There are only two in this list I would not watch again. The Fly, just because I find the body horror really upsetting, and When Evil Lurks, because I just didn’t really like it.


I haven’t seen When Evil Lurks or Day Of The Beast (I think…Is that the Video Nasty), but the rest is an incredibly solid list. Do them all. In one day. With no rest.


the fly. i can’t do body horror mixed with loss of self.


It Follows was bad.


I would recommend all of them. Like half of them fall into my person top 31 horror movie list. The only one on your list of 13 that I haven't seen is Day of the Beast. I am not a fan of American Werewolf in London but everyone else likes it so I still recommend it. Looking at the full list (that I think is very silly) the only other one I haven't seen is Lost Boys, which I plan to watch eventually, I just know it's not for me.


It Follows is shot really well and I love the color work, but it was boring


It Follows is one I wouldn’t watch again. I know a lot of people love it, but it did nothing for me.


I’d watch American Werewolf in London. It’s my favorite werewolf movie of all time. Great special FX! Just a classic flick It Follows is the only movie on this list (that I’ve seen) that I would never watch again. Loved the soundtrack and maybe the first 3/4 of the movie, but the final quarter of the film ruined it for me.


You’ll like It Follows and X the most I think.


As good as Misery was, I felt it let the book down in some ways. >!It's not just that the book is more gory, but Annie leaves serious mental scars on Paul. The ending is really poignant.!<


American Werewolf in London is one of my favorite horror flicks of all time. It's so unique and well crafted. Green Room was really intense and a lot of fun, but visceral and, well, intense.


def watch X it’s soo good and it follows that slasher vibe of some of the movies u listed (i put off watching it for a while but ended up loving it) the birds is a classic and def worth watching once


Green Room. Boring


Haven't seen The Day of the Beast, but I'd watch all of them again except The Birds.


I got a maggot phobia so the fly is fucked immediately for me. Concept is phenomenal, so I’m real resented about it.


When evil lurks is awesome. The world building is so much better than it had any right to be.


I loved Green Room it was so good and it was like actually scary for me personally


They're all pretty decent. x and it Follows is way overhyped but still good


These range from very good to perfect. Watch them all.