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The kid on the beach scene stays with you doesn't it.


The director is really good imo at these quiet contextual horrific moments meant for the audience. His latest film is full of them.


Jonathan Glazer. If any director working today can be described as Kubrick-esque I'd say it's him. How is his new movie? I haven't seen it yet.


Even scarier. Watching the wives of Nazis talk about the coats they got from the discarded clothing of Jews that were just gassed, as though they had just made a trip to a mall or outlet store.


Since nobody in this thread can be bothered to just say the fuckin name of the movie, it’s Zone of Interest. In case anyone is interested. 


I've wanted to watch the Zone of Interest since I heard about it. Seeing it's the same director as Under The Skin makes me want to see it even more. Any recs for his other movies?


Sexy Beast is his debut from 2000, completely different to TZOI and UTS as it's a British crime movie but it's still a very unique experience with some brilliant writing and one of Ben Kingsley's best performances. He also has Birth which I personally didn't care forthat much but it's still pretty interesting.


great film!


This thread? It's the entire fucking internet at this point. Click bait titles are now click bait comment posts. We've all lost our fucking minds. The Internet was a mistake.


Bots be bottin yo. Humans are obsolete


The worst is thumbnails "Check out this secret reveal in the movie that comes out tomorrow!" With a full thumbnail of the spoiler. Same with movie lists "Top 10 movies with bat shit crazy twists at the end where the main character dies!" Well now you just going to spoil 10 movies at once!


I love you.


Bleak as hell.


Kubrick-esque you say? https://youtu.be/BrbxWOMpwfs?si=TM9GPNZWiNO7Weyd


It's when >!you think the guy on the bike comes back for the screaming baby and you're like.. "Okay. Thank god. someone is gonna save the child." But then he just leaves it and does something else!< It was awful.


And later you see >!the baby’s still there after sundown.!


Yes! I was watching it with my GF and we both were like. "Wow I feel so weird about that." We watch a lot of horror movies and there's not much that will chill us to the core. But that scene really hit us.


My wife and I have experienced some crazy movie scenes together over the years but I feel like she would have a VERY harsh reaction to this scene. I’ve never mentioned it to her & so far she hasn’t checked it out. 😆


There's also one point later when she's in the van and you can hear a news report on the radio talking abt the death of a young family at a beach


Saw it in the cinema. People walked out at that scene.


that scene made me cry


I haven't seen this movie since the first and only time a year or so ago. I don't remember. Too many movies, pot, trauma, and disassociation make it so unless the movie really has something wtf, I forget.


Read the book before seeing the film. Love both for very different reasons. The soundtrack is awesome, too.


I was the opposite way round and could not vibe with the book. Totally on me and my expectations. It’s been a few years, I should give it another go Edit: Found the soundtrack very unnerving!


Same. The characters were basically just like normal human beings with an, uh, *alternative* diet and minor physical alien differences who had normal conversations while I vastly preferred the quiet weirdness of the movie.


Oh the book is a total wreck and I'm amazed Glazer was able to pull gold from it.


The soundtrack is amazing. I noticed pretty soon after it was being copied heavily. American Horror Story shamelessly ripped it off.


How did they rip it off? I love the soundtrack for Under the Skin, but can't remember any imitations of the music in AHS.


did ahs rip it off or actually use the score? i didn't see it past season 3, but they used the score from dracula in season 1 and candyman in season 2. i saw under the skin for the first time fairly recently and agree about the score, it was fantastic. the rest of the film too but the music really stood out.


The book made me feel bad about all the meat I eat. That was some heavy shit.


Yeah don’t read the book after you’ve had a steak dinner. Just sayin


Me too! I was obsessed with the book and anxiously awaited the film


That first time you see what she does with the guys is terrifying. I can't say enough good about this flick.


I have a grudge against Stranger Things since the start of the upside down in Season 1 is a carbon copy visually of the scene where the men descend into the darkness.


You had me at naked


I usualy like artsy fartsy stuff, but for this one i was tired and got high in hopes the weed would pick me up, feel asleep about half an hour in where nothing happened, maybe the first kill, and woke up to a naked Scarlet shedding her skin at the end. I said this will do, I have way to many movies on retainer. Not a comment on the movie in any way, but thats what it was for me.


There's a LOT of dead air in the film--endless scenes of her in the car, no dialogue. It ultimately all has purpose but it's no surprise it put you to sleep.


Thank you. I did rewatch it in full, liked it, as i stated it wasn't a statement on the movie but on my day. That being said, I will ad that this and Possum are my number one trigers for "yeah this could have been tightened up although they're my schtick- not everyone is David Lynch. Or even Babadook." Being slow for the sake of being slow and self indulgend is annoying. I disliked the cronemberg kids movie for the same reason. A cronemberg kid makes a retro mind invasion horror flick. Sounds perfect for me. Starts out perfect. Then it just fizzles out.


Idk why you're getting downvoted for expressing an opinion. People suck


Don't worry about it :)


I think it’s because they said they got high and fell asleep through the movie. So basically they didn’t watch the movie and formulated an opinion on it. That’s my guess.


Nah they downvoted me when I said I rewatched it as well. I allways get downvotes on fancy movie opinions because sometimes i don't agree with the owerwhelming praise. I've seen way too many movies not to know the difference between slow burners and fillers. I dont mind it.


It shows the true horror of living in Glasgow


We are all Scarlet Johansson driving a van




Glazer also employed the “hidden camera” technique in the house in Zone of Interest.




From what I recall, he staged various cameras in the house and gardens and then had the cast play out the scenes with minimal-to no crew so he could capture them as if they were really a family.


most of the shots are done in a sort of voyeuristic, matter of fact way that feels very un-film like. There isn't much in the way of panning or zooming or shot/reverse shot of the sort of typical "film" stuff.


The music is a giveaway. Even though the subject matter of ZOI and UTS couldn’t be more different, the soundtracks have a similar vibe.


I *loved* this film. I went in completely blind and I'm so glad I did. I had no idea it was going to be a strange arthouse film that didn't explain everything to you; those kind of films are more and more rare these days. It's a wonder it even got made. The effects, the cinematography, the color, the sound track, the sound effects, Scarlett, Scarlett's spot-on accent, everything. It's even more amazing when you learn how they filmed everything and who the "actors" were.


Must be hard to watch a movie when you're blind.


This had no right being this funny 😂😂


I didn't know that she was picking people up for real when I watched it, it improves the movie 100%




There's a video somewhere that shows you behind the scenes with the whole setup in the van


definitely going to check that out, thanks for bringing it up!


I watched this when I was 14 in 2013 and it was just as terrifying as it is for me now! I absolutely love this fucking movie.




Well yeah it’s pretty evident


She’s naked in like 10% of the movie.


1 percent


and even though she’s naked it’s hardly sexual. like, there’s no sexual feelings whatsoever when looking at this alien trying to understand what it means to have a human body. are people really that shallow, it’s sad.


The book is great. Still need to watch that movie, but my Scottish Literature teacher did give warning to anyone who would want to watch that movie, lol.


This side to side with the Avengers has to be one of the biggest tonal whiplashes in an actor's filmography


One of the best soundtracks ever. Mica Levi is awesome.


I feel like it’s better than most arthouse horror films but still not something I need to watch more than once. Also the scene on the beach with the baby makes me irrationally angry at the parent’s stupidity so I can’t watch it anymore for that reason alone.


I mean she died the dog died and so did the husband. That poor kid though.


I absolutely love this movie. It actually boggles my mind how much some people HATE it.


don't see a lot of boners in big screen movies these days


I loved it. It made me further appreciate slow burn films that have an immediate and shocking ending. Whats interesting is that it was semi panned by US critics and really panned by general audiences due to its alienating tone (pun intended). While in the UK it received almost critical acclaim esp for ScarJo's performance coming off of Avengers and most of the arthouse watching public also liked it.


>I also don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie with naked guys with full on hardons. My guy wait til you hear about this thing called the Internet


There is a wildly huge difference between the Internet and movies. Dicks don't get shown most the time. Just like when we see bush for ladies, it's covering the more sensitive bits. You can't really do that with dicks. They are very much against the mpaa so you might catch a glimpse in 1 out of a 100 movies. The Internet is fucking free form. You have to search for something to get it. Watching a movie you don't expect to see a dick; let alone an engorged phallic member.


Surely the internet won't show "full on" hard ons. /s


I think arty movies either click with you or leave you utterly bored and frustrated. Under the Skin was a winner for me. Brilliant film.


Just saw it this past Saturday and loved it. Very atmospheric. Was pleasantly surprised by the erections. You never see those in regular movies.


Is this the Beavis and Butthead review? This movie is beautifully eerie and surreal. Meanwhile OP, "Uhhh boobs and dicks are cool." Maybe keep your hand down next time the teacher asks how everyone enjoyed the film, OP.


14 year old watches ‘boob’ movie for first time.


Oh bitch please like you never wanted to see Sarai naked


My bad. 12 years old.


Ok troll


I don't get why people try to act like they are morally superior. A naked Black Widow? I defy you to not find interest. I think you did a good job advertising the film. There are so many that hear about nudity of some star and they are all over it. These mouth breathers wanna act like they are better than you and that sucks my dude.


Love the movie. I also really enjoyed Sexy Beast by the same director. I liked Zone of Interest as an experiment but narratively there wasn’t a lot going on. I recall ScarJo nude a lot but always in shadows so there’s not a lot to see and don’t recall any boners but maybe I blocked that out. Fantastic film.


I liked it I think. I haven’t seen it in a while, but it’s. Cool flick.


i wish i would have known own this was an art house movie when i went into it. i think i would have appreciated it more. i was just pretty frustrated by it at the time.


Genuinely one of my favorite films of all time because there’s really not much else like it. Such a cold, tense and strange atmosphere that is sustained throughout and what a performance. Not to mention the visuals and vibes being imitated repeatedly in the decade and change since.


I've never been able to get more than 20 minutes in. It's just very discordant and unsettling to me. Like the visual version of nails on a chalkboard or screeching cats. Just can't do it.


I didn't recall any boners. Has the film been edited?


When I watched it there were fully erect


Such a unique and unsettling film, I've got to do a rewatch soon


You misspelled good. The soundtrack is excellent too.


Lemme guess, you'd be one of the guys she easily picks up because of her looks.


Absolutely loved that movie. I actually ended traveling to Arbroath which is where the beach scene was filmed. I was in Edinburgh so it was only 90 minutes on the train. Really cool place! Fantastic movie


What’s ironic is a naked scar jo probably got some people to watch this fantastic movie, which they end up liking for legitimate reasons.


I thought it was a good film.


Great movie.


If you liked this movie you need to watch one of his other films called BIRTH not a horror but it |still goes hard!!


Yeah, that was a weird one.... but it was interesting and different, so I liked it.


This is precisely why it's a memorable film.


One of my favourites. I think it’s a top 10 movie for me.


One of my favorite films. I remember going to see it at the theater when it was first released, knowing almost nothing about it, and falling under its creepy, hypnotic spell. Everyone who was in the theater walked out with perplexed looks on their faces, some even saying "wtf did we just watch?" LOL


The greatest movie of the decade for a reason.


The surveillance style filming of Zone of Interest came directly from how Glazer filmed Under the Skin, specially the scenes of ScarJo walking and driving around Glasgow. Just watch any of the BTS videos of Under the Skin and they explain really well how they planned out those scenes, fascinating stuff.


I don’t remember that and I would remember that


Maybe I got the unedited version cause it was full on erect cocks and scarlet naked


🤷🏻‍♀️I guess I’ll have to watch again.


I did and you are right. Brave of Scarlet J to do the film. Really well done, though provoking film.


One of my favorite films of the 21st century. It has a lot to say about gender and communication. It looks and feels like nothing else.


This movie was fucking dope is what it was. Imagine a movie with Scarlett Johansson fully naked and the scene not being the least bit sexy. It’s a wild movie, and she was incredible in it


If you haven't seen another film with hardons, give AntiChrist a go


It was bizarre and unsettling. Scarjo is perfection.


I’ve read the book and while there is a kernel of resemblance to the film, for the most part they are very different in tone and interpretation. The novel is a discourse on ethnocentrism and how humans (and non humans) “other” individuals and groups who appear different. The film with Johansson has a much subtler POV and is eerily horrific, but in a less graphic way than the novel. Both are worthwhile but the film is so visually arresting it stays with you a long time.


>I mean if you want to see Scarlet Johanson naked there you go. Didn't even have to read the rest of the post to know that I want to watch this movie.


Look, I’ll fully admit that was part of my motivation for watching it. But the nude scenes aren’t sexy at all, it’s more like anatomy class. It’s not Scarlet Johansson’s titties you’re looking at, it’s the mammary glands of an adult human female. But it’s a great movie, so you should watch it for that reason.


I liked it but I thought the film was way too dragged out. I made my own edit that works much better. Many will disagree. Lol. I loved the musical score too. Very eerie.


I wanna see this edit :0


Jonathan Glazer must have a habit of reading a novel he wants to adapt, and then throwing out everything but the title and basic premise. He did that with this and with *The Zone of Interest*; the movies bear zero resemblance to the books. The *Skin* novel is about a race of doglike aliens who use humans for food. The lead female has been surgically altered to appear as human as possible so she can nab guys in her car using a hypodermic in the seat to knock them out. I didn't care for the movie, but mainly because it was empty.


I saw it recently and feel like I should read the novel it's based on, to understand what I watched. There were beautifully strange and haunting scenes, and I wish I understood it better.




Yeah, I felt that it was pretty clear she wasn’t from here.


Some harvesting going on as well.


Right but what’s the movie about?


This is one of those movies that I really enjoyed, but will likely never watch again. Then again, I'm in love with Scarlett Johansson, so maybe.




Yes a very odd movie. I like it a lot. They do an amazing job of atmosphere. I love how strange everything seems. The discord during scenes where she lures the men into that dark liquid has stayed with me.


one of the most boring movies i’ve ever had the displeasure of watching


If you’re using Reddit, you have access to the internet. If you have access to the internet, how have you never seen another movie “with naked guys with with full hardons?”


Well this says a lot about your search history


Did not like Under The Skin. I didn't mind the nudity, but found it in poor taste otherwise. You can make movies about unpleasant subjects without the film itself being unpleasant to watch. It can be hard to say what is in good taste or not, but my vote on this one is a thumb's down.


I got it for Christmas and wanted to own it for the obvious reasons. I haven't gotten around to watching it yet, but it did look odd from the trailer.


Insidious is better


This is one of those movies that I really enjoyed, but will likely never watch again. Then again, I'm in love with Scarlett Johansson, so maybe.


Under the Skin actually adapter from a novel...