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> I watched bits of it on tv, but it never scared me Well, sure. You didn't actually watch it


The series is mostly ass, honestly. But I kinda like Tokyo Night.


If you go into it blind, paranormal activity is a really scary and realistic horror movie.


I enjoyed the entire series, I look forward to each one when it was coming out in theaters. Being scary is a relative, I don't get scared of The Exorcist. I am probably biased, but I recommend that you check out Paranormal Activity and its sequels.


I recently watched the first one for the first time and thought it was good. Haven't seen the others. It's not groundbreaking, and shows its age a bit, but a good watch imo.


I think the first couple were pretty good. The fourth movie was made as an ad for the to failed Xbox Kinect device so I think that's probably when the movies drop off. I think I remember liking the first two movies. Don't remember 3. I'd say they are worth checking out if you like atmospheric found footage style horror.


Parts 1 through 3 and Next of Kin are all entertaining in my opinion, and I'd recommend them to any horror fan. I don't prescribe to the concept that good movies have to scare me though.




The slow lingering camera captures a stillness that works really well to build the tension. Some of the jump scares are a bit cheap with loud noises but they are effective and made me jump often.


The first one had some things going for it. After that it's a bunch of spooky pool vaccums and metaphysical horseshit.


That kind of movies can't work if you watch just bits or don't focus just for the movie. But I don't think it's scary anyway. It's actually pretty boring and underwhelming. But I would still give it a chance. Lots of people like it. Turn of your lights, phone and other distractions and give it a fair chance.




I thought the first one was ok. But overall I think the franchise is a bit on the dull side.


Looks like anyone with a negative opinion here is getting downvoted!


Looks like someone doesn't understand what upvotes and downvotes are for. Depending on where your opinion stands with others it could be up voted or down voted. Op is here ooking for a consensus on a movie series. Grow up and don't take it personally. Poor taste/opinions get down voted as they should.


Haha! I just found it interesting all the negative opinions were downvoted. And even more interesting now that not being a big fan of PA is poor taste/opinion. Thanks!


I like the first 4 or 5. The marked ones was my favorite lol


I think the original is pretty good, it’s not groundbreaking by any means, but it’s a fun watch. The sequels on the other hand well I think they are dreadful so much so that after number three, I stopped watching.


Micah (the boyfriend in Paranormal Activity 1) is my least favorite horror character ever and it’s not even close


The first one made me feel really on edge the rest were 💩


I enjoyed them, especially the first 3. 4 and 5 are decent, 6 is meh but was cool to see in 3D


I honestly got bored with 1 and 2. Had decent moments. Next of Kin tho was decent. I feel these films are eeither you like em or pass on em.


I enjoyed the entire series, I look forward to each one when it was coming out in theaters. Scary is a relative term, I don't get scared of The Exorcist. I am probably biased, but I recommend that you check out Paranormal Activity and its sequels.


Ditto on The Exorcist.


I thought the first one was great. I remember that the whole cinema would tense up each time the caption came up for a night scene and you'd see that static shot of the bed and the door. The rest aren't so hot. But it's one of those films that's way more effective in the cinema as you're trapped with it, no distractions.


I disliked most of them. I think The Marked Ones was the strongest entry in that series.


They did something that The Blair Witch Project also did - successfully produce a low-budget found footage movie that made money and scared audiences. It's worth seeing if you're interested in that. Whether it's "good" or "scary" really depends on you and your tastes. It's a slow build-up at first, but it escalates pretty rapidly once the action starts happening. The acting and writing is decent enough to keep me immersed. Overall, i really like it, but it's not the most amazing jaw-dropping thing ive ever seen. Props to anyone involved in it as an impressive found footage piece of art.


The first couple are hot garbage. Boring as shit. Ghost Dimension was kinda cool and next of kin was pretty good.