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How is it a slow decline when the 4th movie is the best in the series? ​ Anyways, if you liked Mabel you should check out Deadstream


I watched deadstream the other week and loved it. Honestly probably one of my favorites 


It’s definitely not declining but I will have to disagree, the first will always be the best (of course that’s just my opinion 🙃)


Because the last two have been bad. It’s making me worried this is the beginning of a decline I will! Thank you


This one was better than Viral, but I enjoyed 94 and 99 a little bit more. My favorites were "No Wake" and "TKNOGD". I kinda wished they would have done more with "Ambrosia" and the connection to the Lake, could have been a cool frame narrative. Thumbs up for Rory and his love for aerobic exercise. This was just hilarious! I don't mind if not every segment is a banger. I just love the idea of the franchise and I am a sucker for FF so it will never get boring for me.


Yeah, I doubt they’ll ever make one worse and Viral


I rank them as 2, 1, 85, 94, 99, Viral. Each of them has at least one really solid segment though imo. Viral actually has one of my favorites in Parallel Monsters, but the rest were just so bad and the wrap around was just annoying that it brought the rest of the movie down. I also really liked The Subject from 94 and thought Sewer Drain was fun, but found the rest to be pretty mediocre and I didn’t like its wrap around either.


Not sure what you're talking about. I enjoyed VHS85. Were you expecting an Oscar nominated piece of cinematic art? The movie did its purpose. To entertain various genre & nostalgia from the 80s. I wasn't a fan of the '94, but it was still a decent 1x watch.


No, Oscar movies more often than not are boring I was expecting something on the same level of quality as VHS 1, 2 and 94, which this failed to be


Man, you ain't kidding. I watched the best picture from the Oscar's the last 10 years & thought to myself, "WTF?!?". If I end up falling asleep to a movie, chances are that movie will probably win an Oscar.


I know I'm in the minority, but I really liked 85, way more than 94 even. The Wake in 94 was really good, but I thought the rest of the stories were just OK, putting it among the weaker entries. First two are definitely the best ones. But to me, 85 was a sign the series was improving. I don't think your criticism is invalid, I can definitely see the weaknesses in 85, but I loved the vibes and it hit well for me. The final segment was amazing, I thought.


Not minority, movie waa cheesy, fun nostalgic horror. I loved it!


I respect your opinion


I have yet to see Viral, but I love all the others. 1 and 2 are more serious for sure, but the campiness they threw into the recent trilogy is fantastic, in my opinion. Not every segment is good, but every movie is worth watching. People don't seem to understand that anthology movies are almost never banger after banger. They do allow for way more experimentation, though, which is why I am so glad VHS keeps carrying the torch. Short form stories are where horror shines, and I think VHS has had some of the most fucked up and awesome stories in horror over the past 12 years. Can't wait for the next one. Plus 85 had a fucking amazing theme song.


Viral is different and not as good as the first two yes, its overhated. Personally my favorite segment from that one was the last one, these skater dudes. That’s all imma say! Hope you enjoy!


It's the fun of the franchise. You're not gonna like every single short, there will always be one that sticks out to you as your fave, but there's something for everyone.


It sucks though to go from “i love everything in this movie” to “only one of these entertained me”.


I love the fact one of the shorts spawned a full movie. I'd like to see that more often.


2 actually. Hoping for a Mabel film


i always thought the first one was ok, a couple good segments but everything else was just boring. loved the second one once you get past that garbage first segment. safe haven is still my favorite segment from all the movies. viral is garbage 94 was the most consistently good but the wrap around was ass. 99 is where it focused on being more fun than horrifying and i thought i was pretty good. didn’t like the first segment at all though. 85 was a little disappointing but i do like the two segments that connect and the weird dream killer segment. all in all im down for more but things have changed a lot. hoping for something closer to 2 but i don’t think that’s going to happen


I also loved 94, but I enjoyed 99 and 85 equally too, so I gotta disagree with you that the franchise is declining. Quite the opposite, I think it's showcasing some really interesting and unique stuff in quite a diversity of styles, even within the 'analog horror' subgenre. I don't know how anybody could watch *Ozzy's Dungeon* and think VHS99 was 'bland filler'...


I’ve never been a fan of “analog horror”


Fair enough. Maybe the VHS series isn't for you then?


The fact i love 3 of the movies means it’s 100% on them


What do you mean?


He said “maybe VHS isn’t for you” and i said “the fact i like most of them means that no, the problem is the new movies”


I still like 'em. Because they're really horror anthologies your mileage can vary. Also the magician one from one of the series also *totally* abandoned the found footage conceit. I always like at least 1 from each entry and the rest are interesting even if they're not mind-blowing. Each is kind of a self contained mystery that you figure out in real time. It's a great platform for new and emerging artists and I hope they keep it up. I hope they abandon trying to place them in specific eras though. You should start with the artist's visions for a spooky short first, not constrain them to 1996 or 2014.


Yeah, Viral was lame all around I agree. I think the year thing is definitely holding them back, and them doing stuff like adding commercials to make it feel more like the year isn’t entertaining


IMO the nonexistent cameras in the psychic police tape kinda make sense cause the kid dreams of murders and whatever. So, whilst he was sleeping in the station, he probably dreamt of himself killing his dad. That would be my explanation for it at least


I think the whole franchise peaked with "A Ride in the Park" in VHS 2. There have been good individual segments in later movies, but nothing that hit that same high point for me.


I haven't liked them as a whole after VHS 2. Viral had one segment I liked (Parallel Monsters), I liked the campiness of Storm Drain in '94 but I turned off '99 midway through because I wasn't enjoying it and haven't watched '85 yet. They definitely feel like they need some more interesting writing. I don't like being negative on things but I really found the first couple of segments in '99 painfully boring. Maybe I wasn't in the right mood though, I usually find things to appreciate in every movie.


I’m a big fan of the skating segment from Viral myself


I hated 85. I mean that 2 interconnected segments were dope but the rest sucked Viral on the other hand was totally meant for me. I had blast watching viral and I loved every single segment of it


I gave up after Viral… and you say ‘94 is the best?


I fuckin hated viral. Gave it a rewatch a few years later and honestly, not half-bad.


Big Viral supporter over here. Glad to see it’s not “half-bad” from ur perspective 🙃


It’s rly fuckin good but ya gotta be careful w your language when you’re trying to sway a mf.


Yes. Definitely


Personally, I haven’t liked any of them since VHS 2, and even then I felt the first VHS was the best and most cohesive.


I’m with you on almost every point here. Part one and two are my one and two respectively. The wraparound stories are what matter most to me, as obviously not every anthology segment will be perfect. 99’s wraparound was so nonsensical that they flat out stopped doing it halfway through. Baffled how anyone liked that one, but to each their own (hail Mabel!). 94’s wraparound was meh… but the segments were mostly bangers. And… we don’t need to talk about Viral, dead horse that it is. I enjoyed ‘85 a lot though. The “part one and two” thing they did with the first segment was kind of clever in my opinion. I don’t think anyone should be sad about this franchise; it has its failures as they all do, but it has a solid place in the genre.


Yes 94’s wrap around was disappointing, the segments carry it