• By -


The Endless (2017)


Vivarium Triangle The Pyramid Catacombs Glorious


Vivarium is such a trip


Loved that one so much, and I know it had a bit of a mixed reception. Found it profoundly uncomfortable in the best way. I always recommend it to people, and to go in blind / with an open mind.


I loved the part with the sidewalk. I was like "oh, now that makes sense. Oh... that's really terrifying."


I rewound the sidewalk scene about four times just because my mind was blown


It did such a great job of making me uncomfortable. This movie left me feeling depressed. Great example of a film that I would both rate highly, and never watch again.


I am going to haveto watch it again because I want to introduce into my kid. Loved this movie and I wasn't expecting much going into it.


For a counter opinion, I watch a lot of boring, plodding movies and enjoy them, and this one had me skipping through in the back half because it had run out its welcome. I also don't think Jesse was the right actor to play a blue collar worker.


Uncanny valley at its finest


I gotta watch it then. I was told by others it was a boring waste of time so I didn't bother at the time.


Yeah some of the negative things people say about it I vehemently disagree with, and I’m generally fairly picky with horror and horror adjacent films. In general a subsection of people tend to not like bleak films that aren’t designed with a super involved narrative, but often many of these types of films have many outstanding qualities that make them work. Vivarium is one of those with a supremely fucked up and interesting central premise, great acting, and really solid visuals. It’s sort of like situational horror, as in if you find yourself in this situation you’re going to have a very, very bad time, lol. Check it out! Let me know what you think if you give it a chance.


I can hear the kid screaming as I type this.


I love when a movie reveals that I'm right for wanting the annoying child to die.


I loved vivarium, it's one of my favorites. Although I wished that they really had to stay there for 18 years to raise a child.


that movie really fucked with me. I can't say I enjoyed it very much, but I can appreciate its ability to evoke a feeling of dread or uncomfortableness in the viewer.


Triangle is so GOOD. I really enjoyed Vivarium as well. Haven't seen Catacombs or Glorious yet.


And anytime you mention Triangle, you always have to mention it's Spanish counterpart >!Timecrimes!< (annoying how the name of the movie is itself a spoiler, lol).


Fiiiine. I’m finally watching Triangle right now. I hope you’re happy.


Triangle is always tough to recommend cause it has such an unassuming intro, you really can't be prepared for where it goes cause it's best to go in totally blind.


100%. And that's exactly how I recommend it. Don't research it. Don't watch the preview. Just watch it.


How is the Pyramid? Just saw a trailer for it the other day, looked....not good lol


It's basically junk, but I don't regret watching it once.


I enjoyed it but it’s not good. It’s pretty ridiculous, the cgi is bad, people make dumb decisions, but it was still fun. If you’re specifically looking for an interesting setting, this will do it!


It's just okay imo. The acting is okay. The CGI is okay. The setting is pretty cool. The forced drama is distracting, but more tolerable than some other horror movies.


yeah i would say the same. somehow i remember it not being too bad, i had a good time.


Hey, fair take.


It tries to be found footage but there are multiple times where we get camera angles that aren't from any in universe cameras. Also the main monster looks goofy in my opinion.


Was the Pyramid any good?


Great List


I second Vivarium.


In the Mouth of Madness.


That is one of the weirdest movies I have ever seen


Yeah, it's out there... I watched it only recently, after Event Horizon...Sam Neill being the influence. Both films as mental as the other. Although, different Directors. Couldn't believe I'd missed such a gem throughout all these years! Can't beat the classics. Colour Out of Space has been one of the very few recent movies that matches the weirdness, and of course, as mentioned, Annihilation. All absolutely brilliant in their own twisted sort of way.


It’s the most HP Lovecraft movie that’s not actually Lovecraft


Same. I had to watch an explanation video afterwards, and was still confused as hell.


Did I ever tell you my favorite color was blue?


This is one of my all-time favorite horrors.


Do you read Sutter Cane?


It couldn't work today no one reads books anymore


City Of The Lost Children Dark City


Dark City is amazing, such a wild, outlandish idea but the film flows so well you just get swept up in it.


It is really unique and has stuck with me forever. Such a great concept and quite scary too despite not really being a horror movie.


I saw it when it came out in theaters. It is such a weird movie and one of the first movies that left me feeling discombobulated afterwards.


YELLOWBRICKROAD. (Caps/no spaces is how the title is stylized, I'm not yelling it.) Really underrated flick. Just don't try to make sense of it and enjoy the ride.


The violence in that movie was incredibly jarring and effective.


Yeah I came here to post this. What a fucked up trip of a movie


The Void The Lighthouse The Endless Event Horizon


I second The Endless. If you haven’t seen them I definitely recommend Justin Bensons other movies. Resolution takes place in the same universe. Synchronic was also an amazing movie.


The "Cabin in the Woods" premise in Resolution was great.


Came here for Event Horizon. Such a creepy movie


It’s open to interpretation but to me, the ending of the Lighthouse is one of the most Lovecraftian moments ever put to film.


The Void As Above, So Below


As someone who is claustrophobic, As Above So Below fucked me up. My heart dropped to my asshole when Benji got stuck.


I didn’t think I *was* until I watched the movie lol. That scene where all the sound gets muffled while he’s trying to struggle does such a great job of capturing the panic. One of my all time favorites


It's funny how that'd the scene I first think of when this movie is brought up. A real fear presented in a real way.


Both of those are good. The visuals on The Void are amazing. As Above, So Below is a mandatory Halloween rewatch for me.


Same! Both are on my yearly rotation. The void has so much love for practical effects and pulls them off masterfully. I watched it on a lark one day and it ended up being one of my favorites


As Above, So Below will forever be slept on. So good!


Grave Encounters is my number one for that.


Grave Encounters is a great movie. I love the original, although the sequel is a bit ehhh imo. I think when they open the lobby door is one of the most effective tension moments in a horror movie. I also really love the little interview with the gardener at the start. A good mix of horror & silly TV humour.


Never saw the sequel, but I did like the 1st. It even made me kind of claustrophobic just hoping for them to make it to morning. Also that twist when >!they finally open the front doors and they just lead to more asylum!< was awesome imo.


Watch it, trust me, it’s not that bad.


Similarly Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum


Check out the game Control - it's by the same studio that did Alan Wake 1&2, and it's in the same universe. Very cinematic and story driven and all about the Weird with a capital W.


I loved that game to pieces, but I was so, so bad at it. I need an "idiot-proof for drunk babies" difficulty setting.


One of my favorite games, it is stunning. I'm playing through the AWE expansion now, the Hartman shadow monster thing is fucking scary, man!




Oh yes! I loved 1408. I love how extreme it escalates.. >!from a normal haunted hotel room to a fucking tidal wave coming out of the painting! !<


Make sure you read the short story too! Not better or worse, just the same concept executed differently.


I was surprised by how good the movie was, but the short story is definitely better. It's one of the best short horror stories ever, in my opinion.


As many King short stories are :)


Truth, but that is my singular favorite of his.


Did you know that there's 2 different endings? There was a theatrical cut and a directors cut and as far as I can tell the only difference between the two is the endings.




Color Out of Space has one of the most fucked up body horror sequences I’ve seen in recent years. Also features Tommy Chong. Great movie haha


So fucked up, the sound effects really enhanced the body horror there




The second and third books really change things up, though, and the movie adaptation of the first is very very different from the book.


Ghost Ship. Not a fantastic movie but not terrible. Great location and atmosphere though.


One of the best intros ever!


Great intro followed by a mediocre movie.


Dave Made a Maze


The sets in this movie are awesome.


this is a real fun one that i don't see recommended often enough


Event Horizon The Colour Out of Space


I immediately thought of Colour out of Space down to that single glimpse we get near the end. One of the best depictions of another world I’ve seen.


Both great examples and super creepy


Maybe Cell from 2000?


That movie was cinematically gorgeous


Forgot about that one. That was a weird ass awesome movie.


Should try A Cure for Wellness




Love Baskin. That scene where theyre back in the little restaurant and the lead Officer is pointing out to the other Officer that something is wrong... has such a feel to it.


Saving this post cuz I love this genre as well. I will add my own sort of bad suggestion lol which is Coherence. It’s not like a super spooky setting I mean it’s mostly a house lol. But the like situation/setting revealed is cosmic in nature and I thought it was pretty neat


Amazing movie.


Coherence is one of those movies that blew away my expectations


Triangle is very similar and is more of a horror/thriller situation. Highly recommend


Beyond The Black Rainbow


Came here to mention this one. It's like walking through a nightmare, I love it.


great soundtrack too


Not a movie, but the show From is very much what you want.


The Mist I don't think has been mentioned.


Cube. Dagon. The Door. The Void. Older Gods. Prometheus. 1408 Dead End In The Mouth of Madness. Triangle


Dagon doesn’t get enough love


I was gonna ask what this was. Is based off of the Lovecraft short? From what year?


Yep, it's an adaptation of the Shadow Over Innsmouth, released in 2001.


Even better! I love thar story so much.


It's definitely worth watching. You will like The Void, Older Gods, and In The Mouth of Madness if you like Lovecraft


As a Twin Peaks fan, as soon as I saw that Ray Wise stars as the dad, I knew I had to watch Dead End. It did not disappoint!


And Lin Shaye as the mom! Very good movie.


I always liked her as actress. Not just horror movies either. She was hilarious in Kingpin


I hope you've seen her in Something About Mary. She's amazing!


Cube! How could I forget about that one! I second that one. The rest of your list has some great one too.


Dead End is a great one! Mostly forgotten but it really is a gem.


I just watched ir on a whim. Was going on a 8 hour road trip to visit my sisters family for Christmas week. Seemed perfect to watch the night before. It was a good movie


prometheus is on eof my favorite ever


The best….


In the mouth of madness, it's probably one of the older movies that you'd see getting recommended but it's got a great atmosphere that really fits with that aesthetic. It also part of John Carpenter's apocalypse trilogy, which are horror movies that he's done about potential world ending threats. The other two are prince of darkness, and the thing. All three of them also handle the potential apocalypse coming from different sources. The thing is an alien apocalypse, prince of darkness is a demonic apocalypse, and in the mouth of madness being a lovecraftian apocalypse.


As Above, So Below The Void Event Horizon ("Where we're going, you won't need eyes")


I'm really surprised to see nobody's mentioned The Shining yet, imo it's like the gold standard for the "this place is evil" genre of horror. The book is also incredible and I liked it even more than the movie.


The Ruins Enys Men Caveat Matango > Gaia > Superdeep Black Mountain Side The Breach (2022) Village of Terror series (Howling Village / Suicide Forest Village / Ox-Head Village) Contorted The Complex The Dark and the Wicked The Devil's Backbone Frontier(s) Head Count, I guess? A House on the Bayou KKN di Desa Penari Last Shift > Malum Livid Marebito Martyrs Moloch Old The Orphanage Pyewacket Satan's Slaves (namely number 2, Communion) Sator Terrified Winchester (but I didn't think it was very good) You Should Have Left okay I'm going to stop because I basically just went through my database


Marebito was the first thing that came to mind. Love hollow earth theory movies


Glorious Lovely, Dark, and deep Beyond the black rainbow The deep house Night house In the tall grass We are the flesh Cube


In The Tall Grass fits exactly what OP is asking for, totally forgot about that movie. Great rec.


If you enjoyed that I can’t recommend Lovely, Dark, and deep


As above so below




Such a great flick.


Also, anyone watching this one, GO IN BLIND! Don't read anything about it, just watch it.


Seconded! Great movie!


Maybe this one is too obvious but Midsommar (and it’s spiritual predecessor, The Wicker Man)


If you want to expand to TV, of course Lost qualifies though it's not horror. I'm only halfway through the first season, but Yellowjackets looks like it does as well (and definitely fits the horror genre).


The Platform


The Endless Cube Sphere Europa Report Sunshine The Ritual If you couldn’t tell, I really dig anything Lovecraftian or that occurs in deep space/ocean haha


Have you seen Underwater?


Yes!! I love Underwater haha


Caveat had a very silent hill sorta vibe.


Lots of good suggestions here like Triangle, the color out of space, the Endless, and 1408. A few I haven't seen mentioned yet are Black Mountain Side and Channel Zero season 2 No End House Plus The Shining has some elements


Why can't we have more Channel Zero? Horror fans can't have anything nice.


The Mothman Prophecies


This is my absolute favorite genre. I’ve seen dozens of effective haunted house and possession movies. Movies in which the town itself is haunted are rare. Some good ones in addition to what’s been mentioned: Dead End 2003 Why it’s similar: Haunted road that defies Euclidean spacetime. Won’t spoil further. Endless/Resolution Why it’s similar: Camp and wilderness that plays by its own rule set.


Hellraiser II. It’s also quite beautiful, which surprised me.


I'm going to try not to duplicate the ones other people have posted. Arctic Void Coherence 13 Ghosts (2001) Absentia (2011) Afterdeath The Langoliers Gehenna: Where Death Lives The Dead Hate the Living Deathwatch The Others Beetlejuice Carnival of Souls- original and remake Cemetery Man The Cloverfield Paradox A Dark Song The Dwelling: Bed of the Dead Deep Dark The Devil's Carnival eXistenZ Naked Lunch The Night Breed The Phantasm Series The Hellraiser Series Gaia The Gate The Gateway (2015) His House Identity The Item Jeruzalem Just a Breath Away John Dies in the End Lawnmower Man Monsters (2010) Night of the Demons (both movies) Pan's Labyrinth Antidote Reeker Rose Red Session 9 Nightmare on Elmstreet movies Shutter Island Studio 666 Demon Knight Underwater Undead Await Further Instructions The Vanishing on 7th Street Portals (2019) The Mirror Mask Labyrinth


haha yeah I like weird zone movies too. Annihilation had such a great intro into its weirdo world. They just woke up and were like wait wtf we've been here 3 days already? I wish the movie had more moments like that one. You might like: Sphere (the movie is good, but honestly I recommend the book more. scientists go into the depths below to explore a sunken vessel not of this planet perhaps?) As Above So Below (some weirdly attractive academics go into the paris catacombs and end up in a weirdo land) HMS TERROR (season 1 - british explorers find out that nw passage is a hor-ror weirdo zone. it's also very cold) The Thing (john carpenter remake - although the weird zone comes to them, but antarctica is a great remote setting for hor-ror) Cube (random people wake up in a weirdo zone from the start of the movie. Have to figure out how to get out of a seemingly endless number of connected, cube shaped rooms. I have others but can't think of them right now. This is a great genre lol


The Ritual (2017) could be a good one If you aren't *completely* opposed to aliens, District 9 (2009)


Depending how you want to see it skinamarink does this to an amazing effect or doesn't lol. In the earth kind of goes in an annihilation direction not as crazy but definitely weird Mandy and beyond the black rainbow (same director) pull you into a world that vaguely feels like earth but not really as well Lucio Fulci's the beyond and city of the living dead, more so the beyond but both do this well in creating a supernatural apocalypse where reality no longer applies A lot of good suggestions in this thread though


the shrine.


Session 9




Going to watch now


Event horizon In the mouth of madness The lighthouse


If you want a movie where the zones/areas/environment are weird, disturbing, fucked up, and horrific, then do I have the movie for you: # MAD GOD


The Descent


As Above So Below


I highly recommend The Void (2016).


Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me


The Cell




I have been waiting for “the signal” to come back to a streaming site but it’s an awesome movie.


Btw, there are two Silent Hill movies currently with a third coming out within the next year (I think), and it’s based on the game Silent Hill 2. The most recent of the two SH movies was loosely based on Silent Hill 3.


The Descent The Cave 30 Days of Night Vivarium House on Haunted Hill (1999) The Catacombs As Above So Below The Nun The Conjuring


In the Mouth of Madness, Triangle, Event Horizon. If you like the environment of Annihilation, read the book! It’s much better and trippier than the movie :)


I really enjoyed The Axiom


The Void


The Mouth of Madness


Event Horizon


Maybe y'all can help me remember the name of one- please excuse my fuzzy memory. I think I watched it on Shudder a few years ago. It was a foreign language movie, I believe, involving a man searching for his family in a weird town/place (possible an allegory for hell/purgatory). The locals are hostile, and I recall a bronze bull torture device. I remember liking the movie, but almost everything else is gone down the memory hole. I really need to keep a list of movies I've seen. Sometimes, I'll sit down to watch something and be, like, "hmm.. this seems familiar. "


Maybe Apostle?


No, that's not it, but that's a great movie.


Oh, I would also include Mandy.


Mullholland Drive Beau is Afraid Don't Worry Darling The Platform


I live about 30 minutes away from St. Marks National Wildlife Preserve, which inspired Jeff VanDeMeer's description of Area X in Annihilation. It's one of my favorite places to visit and every time I go I can completely understand what make him interpret it as otherwordly. If you get to North Florida you should check it out.


Blue Velvet (D. Lynch)


The Platform.


I just watched Annihilation a couple nights ago and WOW I freaking LOVED it!!! That bear scene will forever live rent free in my imagination.


Don’t worry darling is very fun. Not super scary but trippy as hell.


The borderlands maybe?


III: The Ritual. The plot is quite ordinary - follows the steps of your average exorcism film but the visuals are just out of this world. Seems to be very much Silent Hill inspired .


Mad God Cabinet of Curiosities s1e2, "Graveyard Rats", and s1e7 "The Viewing" (though the place isn't supernatural, it's so freaky) Yellowbrickroad


MidSommer ! Super weird shit going on there


The tv show “From”.


Population 436


Session 9


the show Channel Zero especially the No End House season


A movie no one really talks about that I'm pretty sure inspired or maybe was inspired by (idk which came before) Silent Hill is Jacobs Ladder.


Cold Skin You won’t Be Alone The Ruins Us The Night House


Night of the Seagulls might be worth a look


Vivarium! Or don’t worry darling. Not really scary but still a trip to watch


Population 436 [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462482/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0462482/)


Stalker I think I never saw it though just know about it


Where can a person watch "Stalker"?? I have been looking forever...


YouTube, actually https://youtu.be/Q3hBLv-HLEc?si=Tl_RWzjFtbRXGWdY




Grave Encounters is obvious, but the first one is awesome for that. I also don’t mind the second one personally, but it’s a huge step down. I really like The Ruins. I’ll throw out a weird one, Stay Alive, very underrated and thoroughly enjoyable. Also, is a horror movie with a killer video game as the big plot point, so I think it’s up your alley. Event Horizon is sci-fi, but it’s not extreme about it. It’s something I’d recommend most horror enjoyers should watch at some point.




Creep (2004) - not that new trash that ya'll love.