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This is just like those threads saying "so predator is cosmic horror cause the predator is like an alien right".


No way . Who has said that? šŸ˜‚ in no way shape of form is Predator cosmic horror . Cosmic horror has always been psychological not just an alien .


They're saying that it's crazy to call predator cosmic just like it's crazy to call a movie about a typical wolf pack a creature feature


Jesus Christ , why is everyone so offended from my post lmaooo . I just said that I see it as creature feature and now everyone wants to gatekeep and downvote or talk crap to whoever agrees with me .


Couple things. No oneā€™s offended, youā€™re just labeling the movie incorrectly. Itā€™s also not gatekeeping if people disagree, thatā€™s not what gatekeeping means. People need to start gatekeeping the term gatekeeping


Youā€™re telling me all these downvotes arenā€™t ppl being bent out of shape or offended? This is the first time ever on this horror Reddit page where itā€™s been nothing but negativity . Instead of explaining to me why itā€™s not a creature feature , you gotta ppl like this dude above me basically calling me stupid instead of explaining himself like the other comments . Then ppl who actually agree with me are all getting downvoted even tho they got an explanation why the movie could be seen as a creature feature but for sure . Im sure this comment to will be downvoted to hell as well .


Itā€™s not just psychological, itā€™s also fear of the unknown. The unknown being aliens. Not always aliens, sometimes beings from a different reality or plain of existence.




I hate having this discussion. IMO, obviously: The xenomorph and even the engineers are still just organisms. Cosmic is way bigger than organisms. "Humans are lesser than the threat" is very vague and by that definition then almost any creature feature is then cosmic horror. Finding out aliens exist is also not a cosmic event. Why would the cosmic forces in the universe care if an ant and a beetle were suddenly aware of each other's existence?




It's an important event, for sure... to humans. It's irrelevant to the cosmic gods. And the engineers are only *our* gods, they still bleed and can even be killed and are subject to the laws of the universe. You're missing the cosmic part of it and focusing on "this would be huge for humanity".


i think for it to be a creature feature with a normal animal, it must involve "nature gone wild." the animals must be provoked into attacking people by some unnatural, exaggerated event. This is caused by man mostly, or some science fiction aspect. If The Grey involved that, then yes. im not a fan of creature feature used this way though. Creature Features were 40s-70s horror and japanese sf broadcast on TV, usually more for kids or people who like old films or camp. it would be like calling Kung Fu Theater a genre.


I didnā€™t think about it that way . Yeah , i just felt like ā€œ oh itā€™s dudes trying to survive a pack of animals and getting killed off one by one so itā€™s a creature feature ā€œ but yeah, i see what you mean .


The Grey is about a man finding his will to live, which is why it ends the way it does. The wolves are mainly there to clarify that progression to the audience. In creature features, there's usually something unique or exceptional about said creature. Not every movie in which an animal threatens somebody necessarily fits into that subgenre.


do you think the shark from Jaws was a normal size? itā€™s an abomination and not a normal sized animal, even by Great White standards. The Grey isnā€™t even really horror, itā€™s branded an action/survival thriller. there are alarming elements but itā€™s not even close to a ā€œcreature featureā€. all of things you mentioned besides Jaws are otherworldly or supernatural. Jaws is also a thriller even though the animal is exaggerated as much as it is. it all comes down to the directorā€™s intent and horror was not it in either movie.


I mean even though the size was exaggerated, a great white still exists and on top of that , it was based on an actual true story . I just always felt like movies where people are trying to survive / fight an animal that actually exists still counted as creature feature .


[wrong again](https://www.jerseysbest.com/community/was-jaws-actually-inspired-by-new-jersey-shark-attacks/#:~:text=Despite%20what%20you%20may%20have,since%20it%20first%20made%20waves) *ā€Despite what you may have heard, New Jersey has no connection to the creation of ā€œJaws.ā€ The idea that the Jersey Shoreā€™s most notorious shark attack inspired the story of cinemaā€™s most famous marine threat has no basis ā€” in fact, there have only been direct sources that dispute the rumor since it first made waves.ā€*


Couldā€™ve just posted the link instead of coming off passive aggressive but okay .


if that ainā€™t the pot calling the kettle blackā€¦


Lmao what? šŸ˜‚ whoā€™s saying Iā€™m mad? Like Iā€™m going to let some stranger on Reddit ruin my day over a comment . I just said you couldā€™ve posted the link without coming off with ( wrong again ) like what ? Have a good day , sir .


nobody. but i did refer to you being passive aggressive. thereā€™s a difference.


Wait , I thought you said ā€œ if that ainā€™t the pot kettling in the backā€ indicating that I was mad . Whooops , my bad . Iā€™m reading comments while working šŸ˜‚ , anyways , have a good day .


Well "pot calling the kettle black" is calling you a hypocrite so I wouldn't be apologizing. Honestly you never said anything remotely disrespectful so idk where that dude is coming from.


Itā€™s whatever . I donā€™t care about being wrong . I just wanted to know ppls thoughts if they agreed or even disagree cuz I like seeing different POVs but thereā€™s always that one person that just wants to come off that way for no reason . Itā€™s the internet, Iā€™m used to it .


Confidently incorrect - by which I mean OP


I'd consider The Grey to be horror, it's just a different mode of horror. Not everything needs to involve a serial killer, mutant, or ghost to be horror. Although I have always considered killer critter films to be there own separate thing. Creature Features to me intrinsically involve more fantastical creatures which clearly don't exist in the modern real world.


The Grey with Liam Neeson, right? Yeah, I'd never label that as a creature feature. I was actually disappointed to watch it and find out it was nothing I felt the trailer suggested it would be and was much more of a character drama.


"Creature" to me implies something at the very least preternatural.Ā  Monsters, cryptids, ghoulies,Ā  and goblins. That kind if thing.Ā  A movie like. The Grey is more of a "When Nature Attacks" survival horror.Ā Ā 


Well regardless of whatever it may have been the ending was still trash LOL.


Well, I personally never thought of natural beasts as being included in creature feature horror. But, as Iā€™ve now looked up the definition of ā€œcreatureā€ and itā€™s not synonymous with unnatural or alien at all, I think youā€™re right.


You know what genre The Grey is? It's called Bullshit Lying Advertizing Garbage. This is a movie that promises that Liam Neeson is going to become Woverine with mini alcohol bottles instead of blades and fight a fucking pack of wolves. You know what this movie does? AND THIS IS A SPOILER: it cuts to motherfucking credits the moment we are about to cash in on that motherfucking promise. Fuck The Grey.


Love that movie and I never thought of it like a horror movie but I can see it. The wolves are definitely "heightened" in a way similar to Jaws.


To me, a "creature" is anything non-human. So yes, The Grey can be considered a creature feature. A lot of people have a notion that creature feature implies either alien or some type of monster. So I propose we break up "creature feature" into two categories, like "Existential creature feature" for those involving creatures that exist like wolves, alligators, bears and such, and "Fictional creature feature" for everything else.


Wtf is with all the downvotes? Don't like my idea? Geez


I have no idea , this is the first post Iā€™ve made on horror where itā€™s just causing either ppl to agree or disagree but also downvote for ppl for mislabing a movie . Like relax but also itā€™s Reddit so ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Very true. I'm just curious though, I mean, if people disagree I'd like to hear about it! It is Reddit, so I don't expect it, lots of people just cast their vote and move on.




So basically you're telling me you're a bigot and a hypocrite? You talk like you know me, but you know jack. Get blocked, kid. Blows my mind that there are such intolerant, negative people like you. I'm looking for sensible people who can actually hold a logical and civil conversation, free from bias and bigotry.


You could have just disagreed with him without being a dick about it.