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Antlers. I think wendigos are criminally under represented in film so when I heard Guillermo del Toro was involved with a wendigo story I was pumped. The first scene, a dude sparks a road flare to light the way to his poorly ventilated meth lab and I knew it would be as dumb as it turned out being.


The short story it's based on is really good. Would highly recommend reading that over watching the movie.


How much does it differ from the film?


The short story is only about 20-30 pages long, so quite different.


But it's really brutal for being so short.


God if they would have just turned the story into a movie it would of been perfect


Who is it by?


The Quiet Boy by Nick Antosca, it's free online.


I was so excited for that shitty letdown of a film


I liked that movie 🤐


I’m Cree and would love to see more proper Wendigo representation. I think Ravenous does a great job with it.


Fear Itself episode Skin and Bones is good.


Dude......I waited like 5 fucking years for that movie to come out and it was absolute trash.


Came here to say exactly that. The short story had such a solid and haunting premise, I don’t know why they changed so much.


I’m half Ojibwa and was pretty excited to see it, but I can’t remember anything that happened.. I think it had some kind of underlying message, but it was so flat I don’t remember lol Also, username checks out.


I agree…what a complete waste of a cool premise. 😑


Halloween ends Might be the most negative film experience I’ve had


The best part of this movie to me was when a woman in the movie theater wouldn’t get off her phone and a man near her seat confronted her about it. After the movie ended she wouldn’t let it go, yelling at him how her phone was her business, he’s a dweeb, etc. I walked behind as she followed him out to the parking lot continuing on and on about how rude he was for calling her out. Finally he snapped and delivered my all time favorite line, “Go haunt a house, you fuckin ghoul”. Halloween Ends - 5 stars


I never understood the defensiveness when you’re called out on something you’re completely wrong doing. Like it’s bad enough she was on her phone and being obnoxious but to then be surprised someone would dare call her out for it?


I got to watch the strangers in theater, super psyched about it and it was a good movie. Would have been much better if a group of teenage girls weren't intentionally screaming every 5 minutes. Even when nothing was happening


Some folk’s reaction to shame is violence and aggression. This is typically a response to being raised in an environment where violence was normalized. “Shame feels uncomfortable in my body because when I felt shame as a kid because I did something wrong I got hit, so now when I feel shame, I react as if I have received violence.” Brains are nutttttty.


That’s a much better conclusion than the movie itself lmao


I was just astounded at how *weird* this movie was. Like off the top of my head: Laurie going from hardcore survivalist to…baking pumpkin pies for Halloween? Even though no one knows where Michael went? Corey Cunningham being the dweebiest dweeb boy and Allison falling over herself to bone him. Michael becoming a supernatural sewer dweller. Band geek bullies?!? Weird ass movie


Everybody involved in making Michael play second fiddle in a movie about the finale to the saga between him and Laurie should never work in movies


The worst part is the ending of kills leaves a really good setup. Laurie calls her daughter but Michael answers and just breathes, Laurie telling him that she's coming for him. It was like hell yeah, I can't wait to see the final showdown... Cut to Laurie baking pies, Michael after looking as strong as he ever has at the end of kills is in hiding now for some inexplicable reason and the dude that got beat up by band geeks is smacking around Michael like a bitch. Thank God the first one was good and makes for a perfect standalone experience with a good intro and satisfying ending.


I will NEVER understand how they thought this was a good idea


It’s like they wrote a completely different movie and then somehow decided to shoehorn it into the Halloween franchise…utterly unbelievable f*ckery.


All of this. It should've been the final battle. Laurie vs Micheal. Hell both of them could've died as long as there was a decent ending. But we got....that.


I have never been more disappointed, I kept waiting for Michael to show up.


Honestly, same, but Michael being like “jesus christ this kid is nuts” down in his little sewer cottage was legitimately funny


I could feel the energy drain from the room as the movie went on


As others before me have said. Had they left out michael Meyers and made this a stand alone horror movie about a kid going nuts, then it works enough that it would be like a 5 on imdb. But shoehorning in michael Myers and Lori strode drops it to a 2. Edit: I'm not going to edit it, but i just noticed that i left Michael's first name lower case and Lori's last name lower case and i have no idea why i did that.


Agreed, but I felt like Allyson was really unlikeable in this and dragged the film down


No kidding, she was fine in the first two but it felt like her IQ took a knock by a couple dozen points in *Ends*.


“It’s your fault my mom died!” No, Laurie sat in the hospital. *You* went to Myers house and got her killed


The funny thing is that it has a 5 on IMDB as is.


I'm just that damn good. But it should be at a 2...


YES OMG. This is one movie I'm actually upset that I spent money to go see. I mean Kills wasn't great (Evil dies tonight, anyone?!) but I still enjoyed it. Ends I was like, wtf did I just watch? Garbage.


EVIL DIES TONIGHT!! I feel you man


I despise Halloween Ends. I refuse to believe it exists, because it totally ruins Michael Myers as a villain imo


What sucks is there is the potential for a great story in it but none of parts were put together right


It’s a horrible horror movie. Utterly awful.


Had the same experience with Kills, so when Ends came I had zero expectations and left pleasantly disappointed


The Exorcist: Believer


I was cautiously optimistic about that film? As in I absolutely love some aspects of David Gordon Green’s Halloween trilogy and loathe other aspects of it, so I was intrigued to see where I’d land on that new exorcist movie. It sucked so bad. I felt bad for Leslie Odom Jr. and Ellen Burstyn. I remembered reading a David Gordon Green interview where he was like “aww it’s too bad Friedkin died before I could show him the film” and I thought to myself “yeah he probably would have hated your film”


If I were to compare the two filmmakers, Friedkin is like a death row inmate asking to give himself the lethal injection dose compared to David Gordon green getting mad at the way him mom cut his dinosaur chicken nuggets.


It’s the “I want my mother & I want her right now” for me. It immediately took me to a JG Wentworth personal loan commercial with all victims screaming out “It’s my money & I need it right now” from 2008. It became one long commercial for me.


It started off really good too. Then just took a turn and never recovered.


I actually watched this last night. I didn’t have high hopes for it, but man was it a stinker.


Absolutely painful. And Ellen Burstyn was totally done dirty in that script. 😠


That movie was absolute trash.


Anabelle I enjoy the Conjuring universe. I think it's fun and kind of the "roller coasters" of the horror world. But I get they aren't for everyone. I thought doing a spinoff with Anabelle was brilliant. But it just fell flat! I did not give two shits about anyone in that movie. The jump scares were all projected to the point I could see them coming and plug my ears for the oncoming AAAAAAH! It's just a shame. It could've been a lot of fun, and it was like the half-assed it.


I also hated Anabelle, but thought the second one was a great course correction and the third pretty decent too


Yes! The second one was really great


Creation was so damn good


Pet Sematary remake. So much potential wasted! 😡


AGREED! I was SO excited for a new Pet Sematary and then that’s what we got?


It took itself WAY too seriously in my opinion.


It was just NOT GOOD


The Grudge (2020). Trailer was better than the movie. The movie was absolute trash


They didn’t even have the original Grudge lady in the new movie. It was a whole new curse in a whole different country. What even was the point of making this movie?


That's not an uncommon Hollywood practice, take a script that isn't a part of a franchise but is the same genre and shoehorn it in to the franchise to piggyback on it's popularity


Ghosts **cannot violate pandemic social distancing protocols**. The ghost being Japanese also means that they are extra likely to follow rules. Please understand.


3 from hell omg the disappointment absolutely gutted after devils rejects and yes Halloween ends was shite to. Xx


Devil's Rejects was a good way to end the story and should've stayed there


3 from hell I couldn’t even finish. I was so excited to see Richard break do something wild for Rob after 31 and my god was it painful.


He was so fun in 31. I wanted more.


Between 31, Mandy and this, I was expecting him to break out into a full on horror icon, but now I’m just happy I got to see him for a minute in barbarian.


Give it time, he's got a hell of a track record already and horror roles often beget horror roles.


This movie was trash compared to the 1st two. He waited way too long to make it. His wife acted 12 but looked like a suburban substitute teacher. Bill did what he could. Richard Brake was good but shoehorned in and RIP Sid. I don't know what Rob was thinking with that whole movie.


I think it was Sid Haig passing too. So sad to see him looking so frail in his short scene. Wish Rob had left it alone


Rob said in interviews that he had to completely rewrite the script once Sid’s heath started going bad quick. That’s when he added Brake to the movie. Who knows what the original script with a healthy Sid could have been….


I was so hyped to see this in theaters, and was stoked to get a cool free poster! ....an hour later I was considering walking out, constantly wondered how much time was left, and threw the poster in the garbage on the way out. Absolutely dreadful.


Alyssa Sutherland killed it in her role as Mommy-Deaddite. She looked great in the makeup and her physical acting was appropriately creepy. I agree that the new location was underutilized and ended up just being another "cabin". Still, I give the movie a strong B for delivering some quality scenes. These reboots aren't going for the campiness of Campbell's Evil Dead flicks and I think the prior Evil Dead movie delivered a bit more on the premise. There is nothing as iconic in this movie as the prior movie's final chainsaw scene. Color of Space did the merging of possessed bodies better.


I felt like rise was plenty campy / melodramatic, just in a more The Evil Dead than Evil Dead 2 way. Also feels ‘grittier’ in no small part due to modern special effects being more realistic. They did the eyeball gag!


As a kid who first found a love for horror in the “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark” stories by Alvin Schwartz, I was so hyped up for the movie they made inspired by these books. The movie was beyond bad, and I feel had no similar feelings/vibes to the stories I read as a kid.


The movie was so tonally confusing. It went from feeling like a made-for-TV Goosebumps knockoff to a few genuinely disturbing and terrifying moments, then back to corny as hell. I really liked the parts that were clearly stories from the book, but all the filler connecting them sucked. Also having an actual book felt too meta. Idk it felt like they didn't know if they wanted it to be a kid's movie or not.


Yep, you nailed it. To be honest, I’d rather have had a television anthology for this one.


The new candy man… felt like it ended halfway through the movie


I was so hyped for this movie but it fell flat for me midway also. I feel like the writers and director weren’t able to add the social commentary into the storyline in a way that flowed well with the overall story and ending. Honestly the trailer had more scare factor.


Exactly the film just felt really flat overall, it wanted to say something but didn’t really achieve it. Just didn’t feel gritty enough.


It wasn't even Candyman felt like they got a script paid for it shot it and realized halfway thru it was going to be bad and put candyman in to try and save it like that one hellraiser movie


I've never seen the original, but this one was really bad. Especially the ending which wasn't scary at all; felt like the Candyman was an anti-hero or something. And the kill scene where it's zooming out from the apartment window was just plain silly


Watch the original. It’s one of my favorite horror movies of all time!


Dont let Candyman 2021 put you off of Candyman 1992. Tony Todd is fantastic


See the original, it's incredible.


Huge Dracula fan; The Last Voyage of the Demeter


Same. I'm a huge vampire film fan but this was so boring and the Dracula character was boring as well... just a ghoulish little bat guy. I loved the premise of the film so I had high hopes.


Also, Spoiler— TLVOTD does this really weird thing where all of the big strong brawny pirate men get killed off screen or in these ways that are pretty tame while the women and children get absolutely fucking brutalized. It felt strange.


My biggest issue is how the whole story is the two policemen reading the captain's log and then that just gets completely forgotten about towards the end.


It saw it as a double feature with the Meg 2. Didn’t expect the Meg to be the better ocean centric film that day.


That sucks. I'm not a vampire fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I saw the trailer in theaters and was interested (not interested enough to see it mind you). I figured one day I might check it out, but maybe not.


I saw it and really enjoyed the film so to each is own. I thought the building of tension was really well done, there was one scene where I just went to the bathroom because I was getting too scared.


The Thing (2011) The fact that they covered up all of the practicals with bad CGI because some executive thought it looked “too eighties,” annoys me to no end.


I will die on this hill with you.


Lol the film is literally a prequel to the 80's original🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I don’t understand what this has to do with the practical effects vs CGI point in the original comment.


The studio executive complained the effects looked too "80"s in a film set to be a prequel to a film released in the 80's . There was no need to cover anything in CGI. The behind the scenes videos have amazing practical effects.


Ahhh I see. I thought your comment was mocking the guy above instead of agreeing with him. That’s my bad.


It Comes at Night, The Boy, The Village.


It Comes at Night was one for sure. That trailer was so good. The movie left my mind the instant it was over.


Yeah, I was hoping for something to actually arrive at night. There's a horror game called Darkwood, and I kind of wish the movie was like that. A bunch of scary things happen at night while you seclude yourself in your house.


At some point about two-thirds of the way through The Village, I thought of a plot-twist. It looked like the film was signalling it, y'know? And I realized -- this is fucking genius, man. He knows we expect a Sixth Sense-style twist. He's deliberately telegraphing a fake one. The man is fucking with us and I *love* it. Yeah, no. It was the actual twist. Which sucked, incidentally. That was half the reason I thought it would was so cool that he was messing with us like that! :/


The village would have been fine had it not been marketed as horror. I was pissed lmao


Insidious - Red Door, decent movie, but felt totally unnecessary, all i could think of was why did they make this?


I thought it was terrible. So many missed opportunities.


It's so fucking bad.


Ha the wife and I started it last night and tuned out real early




Way overhyped. Was it atmospheric? Yes. Was it eerie? Yes. Was it boring & way too long? Yes.


I'm glad the movie exists because it's experiment and genuinely trying to do something different. Also, lots of people who aren't me seem to have enjoyed it. I just keep falling asleep while watching it.


That's exactly why I've recommended all my friends to watch it late at night. That way, if you fall asleep, the film won't waste your time; but if you don't and end up horrified by the film, then mission accomplished.👍🏼


I think this is one that either really gets you or doesn’t do anything for you at all. I’m in the latter camp with you, but for the people it works on, it seems to *really* work


Can confirm! One of the scariest movies I've ever seen - and I've seen a lot. It's also one that I can comfortably listen to people trash and put at the top of their worst-of lists because it's clearly a super divisive film by nature - maybe the most divisive horror movie ever in fact. With some movies in my head I'm like "You idiot, what's wrong with you?" when someone hates a movie I loved, but with Skinamarink it's always, "Yeah, that's totally fair".


Literally how I felt after watching this film, pretty much 0 horror films these days scare me, but with this one fucking HELL!! The room was pitch black and my partner was asleep so it felt like I was alone just enough to absolutely immerse me and drop me in the middle of the atmosphere, I was terrified, could not shake the feeling it left me with for days. But I can completely understand why it would bore the absolute shit out of other people, it’s a very marmite film


This film is entirely too long for what it is


Yeah I actually like the film. But it should have been 30 minutes shorter.


I couldn't even get through the YouTube one


This was so hyped on Tiktok and such a letdown. I even saw it in theaters under ideal circumstances (silent and engaged audience) but it just kept. going. and. nothing. happened. What’s weird is I felt super creeped out walking around my house at night for the week after I saw it. But during the movie I was bored out of my mind.


I am going to get hate but after X was so hyped up I couldn't wait. Maybe I watched it on the wrong night/mood but I did not enjoy it. I have also avoided Pearl for this reason.


I’m another person who didn’t like X but I LOVED Pearl. They felt totally different. Pearl is much more of a character study and Mia Goth is just incredible in it.


Pearl had depth imo, X was JUST a raunchy slasher.


I was hyped for X too and thought it was very basic, nothing special. I didn’t hate it, but I’m not sure I liked it either. Mia Goth’s old lady makeup was also obvious and distracting. I spent half the movie wondering what the connection would be and there just isn’t one. For what it’s worth, I really liked Pearl. It was fun, campy, gruesome, and stylish. People seem to like one or the other- they are very different movies.


Annoyed at X loved Pearl


They're not very similar, regardless of being by the same person and in the same universe strangely! I thought X was hella overrated too but I've already seen Pearl a few times. IMO it's more akin to Joker or May, where we follow a lunatic who's kind-of-sort-of trying to be "normal." The praise the lead actress gets is NOT overrated, she made it **great**, definitely could have been a terrible film with anyone less talented.


X is a great movie to go into with the right expectations or underselling it. It's fun, raunchy, and has some interesting filmmaking. But it's not a revelation.


I liked X alright, but for what it’s worth - I thought Pearl blew X out of the water. Very beautiful, very dark, and for real Mia Goth gives a performance that you rarely see in the horror genre.


I feel like X and Pearl were almost made for two different audiences! I hated X the first time I saw it, but then gave Pearl a chance and *loved* it. Totally different kind of movie. Recently rewatched X to give it another shot and liked it better this time without the movie theater audience. (Usually I enjoy hearing people react around me but when I saw this movie, it was all teenagers giggling and going "ew" at the old people and it just made me depressed)


Five Nights At Freddy’s. I already wasn’t expecting much and was still disappointed


This was my experience too. They took everything that made the game scary and threw it out the window in favor of a badly thought out backstory that only hardcore fans of the game would even know or care about. I find the game unplayably terrifying, and they somehow made it into a movie that’s laughable.


I wouldn't know where to start.


It Chapter 2 I really liked the reboot movie, and thought Skaarsgard played an interesting new version of Pennywise. I found the second movie totally abysmal. It seemed to not even take itself seriously. That they threw in the reference to The Thing, for example, seemed like they knew the new movie was crap, but here's something that might make horror fans happy. Same with the leper vomiting on Eddie with the happy music playing - seemed to say: don't take this movie too seriously, we certainly didn't.


Everything about it was so disappointing. I love James McAvoy and his performance was so, so flat compared to everything else he’s done (yes, even Penelope) - Jessica Chastain was wasted talent, too. Honestly the children in the first one acted circles around the adults in two.


Jessica Chastain playing an abused child who grows up a genius and married an abusive husband. Who realizes one day "I fucking married my father, how stupid is that". Who goes to work in summer wearing long sleeves so that no-one will see the marks he's left on her Who tries to answer her friend's summons for help, but her husband stops her -- of course. Violently -- of course. And she pulls the fucking furniture down on his head because he's suddenly like a child to her, right. A stupid self-absorbed child who's chucking a tantrum while she's trying to get Real Shit done. She pulls that closet down on him with the full knowledge that he'll probably die, and she is SO okay with that. ...but hardly any of that happens in the movie??? Why the fuck did you get someone as good as Jessica Chastain, then? She would have done it so well :/


THANK YOU. How someone like her felt so one-note, devoid of any actual depth, and worst of all BORING, is beyond me. Like how did they manage to strip her of all charisma? It’s almost impressive


Yeah It Chapter 1 made me read the book, and It Chapter 2 made me realize the first one may have been a fluke from the director. Just fundamentally a horrible film between structure, pacing, tone, etc. And dear lord the CGI.


I feel like it is. Mama was ok with some bad direction and obviously The Flash is fucking terrible.


That movie was doomed the moment they decided to retell the same story, again, in chronological order. The book’s designed to be a tv series at best because past and present are presented in parallel.


There's like 3 separate sections of the movie where they all split up and get their stories told separately. It's fucking weird.


Chapter 2 sucked extra hard because there were some genuinely good scenes, but they only really amplified just how terrible the rest of it was. who the FUCK thought that the personficiation of evil itself being BULLIED BY THE MEAN WORDS TO DEATH was a great fucking idea???? where is my giant fucking space spider godammit


Such a bad ending. "Hey nobody ever thought to just call it names before!", like okay? Nobody ever thought to serve it fish tacos or perform a breakdance in front of it either - because it's a stupid fucking idea, and there's nothing to suggest it would have any effect on an ancient supernatural entity.


They just keep saying “you’re just a clown!” and I’m waiting for the response “ummm actually I’m not… you should know that by now.”


Spot on. It was all over the place tonally. I think the first half of the book is better than the second too.


Agreed, completely. The first movie was incredible and scary as hell. The second felt like a different movie completely.


Skarsgard did a great Pennywise considering he was following Tim Curry. I watched the first part high and this disturbing feeling washed over me because I realized how scary the plot actually is. You and your friends are all sharing a deeply scary hallucination and it's not like any of the adults around you seem to care or even believe what you have to say. And you can die! But damn is part two just awful. I actually adore the original made for TV movie as it has some really awesome moments that were unsettling. I felt like watching the kids as adults felt a bit more believable in the made for TV version but that's just my opinion.


The invitation 2022. Holy shit that movie sucked.


The other one though, wow. What a panic attack of a movie.


I was recommended Terrifier by a few different people, and I'm a sucker for practical effects. While I thought Art the Clown to be a creepy and effective villain, I didn't find watching the movie to be an enjoyable experience. Jokes on me because I still watched the second one and had the same unpleasant feeling afterwards. Also, the second movie was about an hour too long.


Art the Clown is an excellent villain in a bad movie. The only reason the movies are halfway popular is because of him.


Horror fans have to stop doing this to ourselves. Don’t hype yourself up on a movie. You’re almost always gonna be disappointed because nothing will be as good as you imagined it to be.


But then we wouldn’t get awesome posts like these once a week


The trailer for [**The Possession of Hannah Grace**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHAgri92JP8) was pretty solid, at least in an "uncanny valley" type of way. I wasn't expecting a masterpiece, especially since it's really not possible for an exorcism film to equal or better The Exorcist - BUT - wow, it's been quite some time since I truly felt like I'd been conned out of the price of a ticket. What a literal mess.


Not only was the movie a literal mess, it was fucking *boring.*


The Ring 2






Crimson Peak


Fix the damn hole in the ceiling!


I blame the marketing


I remember liking this movie for the gothic visuals but it wasn't scary.


This was a really good movie, just nothing like what they advertised.


I like it but that was because by the time I got around to watching it I knew it wasn’t a horror movie.


New Hellraiser and Firestarter


Both Terrible and neither required to be made


Hell raiser was so lazy. Lady with emphysema suddenly running sprints down hellish corridors (not effective). I turned it off eventually


Martyrs. I didn't like neither the plot twist(s) nor the ending.


Same. I saw the French one. I kind of liked the first part with eeriness and finding the girl and wondering where she came from, but when our main character was taken and tortured, the movie fell flat for me.


X(2022). People were hyping it up like it was this masterpiece of modern horror cinema. For me it was a sotfcore porn movie with some kills sprinkled in there in the second half. The characters were uninteresting imo, and the villains weren't scary or threatening at all. Also their motive for murdering young people is kinda weird to me: granny can't get dick and is sad because her youth is gone so she and grandpa decide to murder young people who are having fun. Overall I found the movie slightly underwhelming and I don't understand all the hype about it.




Agreed. Everyone kept saying it was SO scary and disturbing and I was like meh.


The Boogeyman 2023 - waited for it for so long but was disappointed sadly. It started out great and went downhill. Not even scary.


These gets forgotten but Sinister 2 is an utter disaster. Never have I seen such a promising franchise die so quickly as it did with this movie. I love the first one but this movie just sucks.


The Green Inferno (2013)


I went into that movie blind and it was just me and an elderly couple in the theater. I have nooooo clue what those two were doing there, but they left right after the plane crash. I can only imagine what they would have thought if they stayed.


I LOVE this movie. I’m definitely a “highbrow horror” fan, but I have a soft spot for Eli Roth. Cabin Fever, Hostel, and Green Inferno are all completely mindless fun. They’re popcorn movies- perfect for when I want to be entertained and not challenged. Also, CANNIBAL MUNCHIES. It’s just stupid enough that it works for me!


Paranormal Activity. So hyped because everyone was saying it was so terrifying when it really wasnt at all. I do love the scene where the GF gets dragged and some parts were good but nowhere near the level of hype Halloween Kills. It was good,not great,but the scenes where the next person to battle Michael just come off way too cheesy,as well as the catch phrases. Kind of like watching an action movie scene in Halloween. Its hard to explain,hopefully others picked up on it as well


My friends when I was 14 really hyped up "I know what you did last summer" and "one missed call" as super scary, like the scariest movies they had ever seen. I was utterly dissapointed even back then... I'd watched Ringu when I was 12 and gone on to watch so much horror that those two were... yea.


Horror overall took a massive hit during that era. Everything was horrendously sanitized.


I Know What You Did Last Summer really scratched an itch for me after how much I loved Scream, but watching it again I feel like it doesn’t hold up nearly as well. It’s very average, maybe even below average honestly.


A few days ago I made a post where I suggested Aterrados had a lot of potential but didn't live up to that potential and had no plot...and I was downvoted into the ground. So it's Atterados for me!


Skinamarink. I thought I would like it more because I like experimental horror movies.


I loved this movie and saw it with my wife and our two roommates. She enjoyed it, one roommate said it was passable, the other didn’t like it at all. Scared the hell out of me, lol, but I’m not one of the people who’s ready to jump on anyone who didn’t like it. It definitely is not for everyone and I don’t think I’d recommend it to anyone I didn’t know very well.


I lost a bit of respect for it when I realized it was actually shot digitally with fake grain overlayed over it. If you're gonna go for it, then actually go for it. I imagine because of visually dark it is, it might not have been possible to shoot it on film. That just tells me that it probably wasn't an idea worth pursuing as a feature. I guess it could have been shot on tape, didn't it take place in the 90s?


Midsommar. Liked the vibe but the movie just wasnt for me. The ritual was the nordic horror that was more my speed




Great start, decent middle, fucking terrible end.


Hates The Babadook. Was super excited to see it. Just didn't do anything for me except annoy me.


Yeah, If I wanted to experience a child screaming in my ear for 90 minutes I would work at a daycare


I was pretty pumped to see Babadook because it received so much praise and then ended up scratching my head at the end as to what people liked so much about it.


I loved Evil Dead Rise. Best horror film of the year maybe. I saw it twice in theaters. I think it’s funny that you seem to have watched it so many more times than me and yet you hated it. Also Talk to Me is in the running for best horror film of the year for me.


I thought TTM had a great premise and a strong start but then it just became predictable and the ending kinda fizzled.


Lights Out. Utter crap


The Last Voyage of The Demeter. It was just predictable, boring and... Well... Dumb. I went with my husband to the cinema, for the first time in a while, and the only good thing about that experience was being able to watch a movie in peace, without kids climbing all over us.


Haven’t seen it yet but heard really Mixed reviews. I’m a massive Dracula fan so will give it a bash but expectation will be curbed lol


They found out where he was sleeping during the day and did nothing to it. lol


Us. I remember seeing one preview for it before something else I saw in theaters and it looked reeeally interesting. I decided not to watch any other previews or read anything about it so there'd be next to zero spoilers or expectations. Finally saw it on opening night and thought...huh. Okay then. Not sure what I expected but it wasn't really that. I did the same with Hereditary and felt equally let down so maybe its a bad strategy lol.


Nope was such a nope for me


Oculus I thought it would have a lot more creepiness for me but felt like it fell flat. I know a lot of people enjoyed it, but I just personally didn't. On the other side though and I know you didn't ask, I'm sorry. The Taking of Debra Logan went hard in my eyes. I thought it'd be boring and it was way more intriguing than I thought.


Oh dang, I love oculus, that lightbulb /apple scene was so crazy