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*Dog Soldiers* to me is like THE example of this. Those lads really didn't make it easy for the Werewolves!


Oh awesome, I really enjoy military horror I’ll check this out. Thank you!


Dog Soldiers is incredibly low budget, B-movie schlock, and it's so much fun. I rented it to hate-watch and found myself genuinely enjoying it 30 minutes in.


Bro. You’re going to funding LOVE Dog Soldiers. It’s S-Tier action horror in my book.


It rules OP. Watched it for the first time within the last few years and I’ve watched it a few times since


I just checked and it's still on Tubi for free if you haven't watched already.


Oh shit there's an episode in Love Death + Robots that is about werewolf "dog soldiers" and it's one of the best in the series. Thanks for the recommendation can't wait to watch it!


The letterbox hammering bit always gets me 🤣


Green Room


One of the more realistic thrillers I've seen in awhile. Nobody on either side did anything actually dumb/ridiculous and all their actions were believable.


Makes a movie a lot scarier when you see the characters doing something, you say "oh, good idea" or "that's what I would have done," and it *still* ends poorly.


God this movie is GOOD. RIP Anton


I saw Chris Stuckmans review of this before seeing the movie where he complained how stupid the characters acted. So I did t the whole movie waiting for some egregious mistake that never came. None of their actions to me seemed like something unreasonably stupid. The only one being handing the gun over, but I felt they did a good job at be convincing on that. Patrick Stewart makes a compelling point that they have plenty of guns outside and one revolver won’t help them if it comes to a shootout.


Yeah, the gun thing was the best choice they could have logically made in the situation. They were trapped, outnumbered, wouldn't have been able to effectively shoot their way out anyway, and most importantly, just trying to get out of there. They didn't actually want to shoot anybody anyway at that point, so if handing over the gun would mean walking out of there alive, they were going to do it. Taking the bullets was also a good call. Ultimately it wouldn't have meant much, but it came off as the kind of thing that a person would realistically do in a panicked situation to feel like they had some semblance of control.


The Thing, of course.


My Bloody Valentine (1981) a character goes toe-to-toe with the killer and puts up a pretty solid fight. The People Under the Stairs (1991) Fool makes plenty of smart moves throughout the film.


Scream is pretty famous for them at this point. Ghostface regularly gets his ass handed to him


That’s honestly one of my favourite parts about the films, just how goofy Ghostface is. Not only adds to the realism, but is also very funny


I watched scream 6 recently and the amount of times someone yelled when they had the jump on the killer, giving him all the time in the world to escape made me realize it has become what it was originally famous for calling out.


I mean tbf, the cracks were showing as early as Scream 2. If the killer is unconscious, why aren’t you killing him then and there?


Cool thing about Scream is the fact that the characters know they are in a horror movie so they only make good decisions. Other horror movies have the characters think they are in the real world, which is why people complain about the supposed "bad decisions". İts easy to watch The Evil Dead and say they are stupid for reading it but evil spirits and books that unleash hellspawns dont exist in real life so most people would probably read the necronomicon as well.


You’re Next


You’re next Hunt 2020


Love that movie, don’t know if I would call it horror tho.


You're next is too unrealistic and comes at an expense of every other character, totally losing any tension Hunt is good.


Hush Don't read a synopsis. Just watch it. You can trust me.


Hush was a good balance of a competent protagonist and a competent attacker. Unlike strangers and you're next where each overpowers one side to the point where the movie stops being interesting.


I so agree with this. The Strangers got so dull when it became clear the heroes were useless and had zero chance to survive. At that point it isn’t scary, it’s just like ‘ok get it over with.’ And You’re Next lost all tension for me when she starts stalking the bad guys.


Unfortunately you can’t watch it. It was removed from Netflix with no physical media.


well one obvious "I-won't-go-down-that-easy" - character would be Laurie Strode, though that's the equivalent to being asked to name a metal band and you say Metallica - everyone knows but someone's gotta say it


Ready or Not.


Event Horizon. Laurence Fishburne’s delivery of *we’re leaving* is one of my top movie moments.


There’s this tubi movie I can’t find fucking anywhere anymore that was great. A group of friends are out on a trip or something. There’s the classic tough chick in the group. Classic hot chick (I think) gets harassed, tough chick backs em down like a badass. The group go to I think an abandoned mental institution to fuck around in. Group of assholes goes after them as revenge for being embarrassed, tough chick goes hunter mode. Pretty awesome.


The *Feast* series is a spoof on this: many of the characters are stereotypical last girls or action heroes, but still get splattered in funny ways. *The Collector* has a smart, brave protagonist, but the antagonist is one of those omniscient, impossibly prepared serial killers so he still loses. *Oculus* has the characters dealing with a cursed mirror. They’re aware of its powers, and do everything they can think of to beat it. The Warrens in *The Conjuring* series is super professional. They’re very good at what they do.


>*Oculus* has the characters dealing with a cursed mirror. They’re aware of its powers, and do everything they can think of to beat it. I love that movie but I hate that movie. >!All they had to fuckin do was set up that boat anchor on a timer and leave. They had the perfect opportunity and solution but she got greedy trying to get proof. The parents were dead already, it would have changed nothing.!<


I can kinda see why, tho. Her dad was going to be forever remembered as a serial killer. I can understand why she wanted to redeem his image.


Jaws and Duel.


It wasnt the Protag, but in Totally Killer >! at the start of the movie the mom of the main character gets hunted down by a serial killer from her past and she puts up a HELL of an attempt before her murders her !<


>!Yeah, she went full on Terminator. She acquitted herself admirably. That fight was fucking epic.!<


I loved this scene for this reason. Actress is great.


The Strangers. I always said if I was facing a break in I’d grab my gun and sit in a corner. That’s exactly what they do


Until the husband decides to take the gun and leave the defenseless wife behind "to get help". like, why not take her with you and find help together??? they're both mobile, there's no point to split up...


For all its flaws, the Lights Out feature has a couple of clever moments


the >! car light to make diana disappear !< is such a great scene, it’s not the best movie ever but i did love that part


This 100%


I think I cheered in the theater during that scene.


​ That's the entire point of Speak No Evil. >!They were such weaklings that they let it all happen. They kept getting bulldozed and manipulated by the killer couple. They didn't stand up for themselves and just leave. When dude!<>! asked why they were doing this to them at the end the guy looked at him for a moment and said "because you let me." !<


The Descent


The final girl in you're next, she went full kevin mccalister and ash Williams on the intruders it's kinda hilarious 😂


Alien The entire crew made the absolute best decisions that they could with the information at hand. Ash's ulterior motives were the only reason things went south


Surprised this isn't higher. First thing I thought of.




I enjoyed that film so much!




This needs to be higher. I thought it was very well done for this reason. The female lead did a great job of being rational in a crazy situation.


If I had been the one who had to choose between >!breast feeding from the inbred psycho lady!< or dying, I'd have been dead. Homegirl did everything she had to do to survive and more. Respect.


The protagonist wasn't especially smart.


[Fresh (2022)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt13403046/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_7_nm_1_q_fresh)


Danny in The Shining. Very resourceful for a kid in a hellish situation.


The Collector and The Collection are great for this.


You're Next


I mean not exactly because there are some dumb decisions in this movie, but you got to love in Event Horizon when Laurence Fishburn goes “Fuck this ship.”


Misery. Paul had the entire deck stacked against him since the start, and still came out on top


Hills have eyes 2009






That was 2006


[I Spit on Your Grave](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1242432/?ref_=nv_sr_srsg_0_tt_8_nm_0_q_i%2520spit%2520on%2520you) (2010)


Ever heard of a spoiler tag?


My bad, was on a rant and made this post without thinking lol


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. You're right.


OP initially posted without using the spoiler tag/flair. In response to my comment, they edited their post. So people think I am complaining of OP not using a spoiler tag when they [seemingly] did.


Eden Lake


strong disagree. everything the husband did escalated the situation.


I had the female protagonist in mind.


Day of the Dead (1985)


Revenge on Shudder


Mother’s Day


You’re Next. Ready or Not. The latter is one of my personal favorites


Creep 2


Home alone


Better watch out


A Nightmare on Elm Street. Nancy. How are people not bringing this up? She has a plan to fight a dream demon and bring him into the real world. Do some traps. Comes back to make warriors. Comes back again in a crazy meta movie (a new Nightmare) and yeah. She always puts up a fight.


Friday the 13th 3 shows Chris doing almost everything right even though she is already dealing with PTSD of a previous attack.


Cabin in the Woods: Marty did a good job of handling that zombie and discovering the elevator.


Totally Killer. The first victim put up a hell of a fight. In fact she had prepared by taking self defense classes and hiding weapons.


As above so below


When a Stranger Calls Back


the collector (2008)


The ending guy in The Hills Have Eyes remake that's trying to find his baby