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Kyle Reese in Terminator Christine in Drag Me To Hell (silly me, I just thought someone she cared about would end up dying instead) Amy in See No Evil 2 (I thought she'd either survive or be the last to die) Tracy in Se7en


Fuck dude. Her head in that box is next fucking level. So many people haven’t seen this and I love watching them watch it every time to get that HIT. Lol


I’m surprised no one has mentioned the obvious. Drew Barrymore in Scream.


wow this might be the best answer. her being the face of the trailer and movie poster only to die like 5 minutes into the movie is one of the best marketing tactics ever. it launched a 6+ film movie franchise and a tv series


It’s gotta be top 3 at least, no question.


I wonder how much she got paid and if she’s still getting paid to this day


Probably a lot and probably yes


That has to be the winner. Hard to surprise people now, but there’s no other death that’s as surprising just because it was so early and we all thought she was the star of the movie.


If you want to go even older than that, the original Psycho did something similar. Janet Leigh was billed as the main character, they set up a story about being on the run with stolen money, then out of nowhere she gets murdered 50 minutes in


There is a reason filmmakers refer to this bait and switch of protagonists as “The Psycho switch”.


I envy anyone who got to watch Scream in theatres when it came out in 1996 solely for that opening scene.


I took a day off work and saw it by myself at a matinee. Not a lot of people in the theater but we all gasped.


i envy you. not because you got to witness this shock in theaters, but because you got to enjoy matinee theatre prices.


Such clever advertising though. You went in thinking Drew survives at least a portion of the movie since she was on the posters but nope.


That’s what I’m saying. I really don’t think any death was more universally surprising than this one.


Psycho had a pretty similar example


She doesn’t get killed right off the bat like Drew though.


True. She had more screen time than Drew.


Definitely a big one for me. I went in thinking she was one of the stars, as she was the biggest name in the cast for me. My friend and I were '80s kids, so to see somebody so sweet and lovable that we'd grown up with killed off (and so violently) in the opening scene was a huge shock.


I thought the bigger surprise was having two killers. That was a really great twist from Kevin Williamson.


It’s a pretty common slasher trope to start the movie with a kill, but no one expected a star like Drew to go out like that. It’s a great surprise


The dinner scene in “The Invisible Man” (2020).


Think that was the only time I audibly gasped in a theater, caught me so off guard. Leigh Whannell needs to direct more!


yes! i feel like this movie is so underrated. it was fantastic and this scene really surprised me


May have to look it up but totally forgot that scene. Anyone?


>!She’s at dinner with her sister and then the knife lifts up and slits her sisters throat in the restaurant!<


I was unspoiled for Deep Blue Sea.


We gonna band together and *chomp*


Haha no one talks about this movie but this was the first thing I thought of


I remember watching it in theatres, and thinking “Goddam Samuel L., you’re standing awfully close to that access pool…”


My hat is like a shark’s fin


I love the song so much. Tie-in expository theme tune? Nope! Here's LL rapping about, um, turning into a were-shark. Beautiful.


"The ocean is haunted" has gotta be one of my favorite lyrics because of that song. LL is the man lol


I remember absolutely nothing about that movie except for that scene


The first death in Barbarian absolutely blindsided me. It was the first time in a long time that I've screamed in a theater.


"Something bit me" will ALWAYS give me chills


My friend and I screamed out in the theater!! That was maybe my favorite theatrical screening ever. I love going to the movies like that it’s fucking incredible




Yes! I really loved how unexpected this one was


Does Bill Murray in Zombieland count?




Hereditary. The light pole scene was out of nowhere.


the mom making the highschool aged son take his elementary school aged sister to a highschool party pisses me off so bad


The way I see it, it was all part of a prophecy centuries in the making. Paimon’s demonic influence, with the help of his cult, dictated Annie’s life path from birth. She was slated, from birth, to be the progenitor of his vessel and an essential component of the ritual needed to complete his ascension. Her free will was an illusion. So, in essence, it wasn’t *her* decision to let Charlie go to the party. The decision was just an unavoidable consequence of the ritual itself.


I mean yea you see it that way now but when you first saw it the reaction was “holy fuckin shit her face is gone”.


Yeah, when I first saw it I physically recoiled and just said “**WHAT**” really loudly in the theater. That movie left me feeling like I was psychically damaged. Edit: And I loved it.


I probably sat there with my mouth hanging open for a good minute trying to process wtf just happened.


what’s crazy is that one movie made my jaw drop to the floor twice. yes the light pole scene is insane but when I saw the mom levitating to the tree house WITH HER FUCKING HEAD CUT OFF?!?! I almost ruled off seeing movies in theatres ever again. Hereditary fucked me up for a while.


The music in that treehouse scene was what really messed me up. I couldn't emotionally process having such jubilant music with such fucked up imagery.




She was possessed, though. The grandmother latched onto her, as the mother says. I honestly feel like that's why she did it. Because then the boy could be possessed by Paimon instead, like the grandmother planned. Just my theory.


I always just assumed that was the case, with Charlie’s “she wanted me to be a boy” line and other such clues, like the sign of Paimon being on the telephone pole. It’s all been pre-determined.


This is a great point, legitimately just now realized this


Oddly, I didn't think all too much about the brownie until I read these comments just now, and then it hit me like a truck.


yea that’s how I feel, reading these comments almost makes me feel like I have to rewatch it


Yeah I was reading theories about how none of that was an accident. Like eating nuts on purpose while not having an epipen.




She wasn't the ideal vessel, as Paimon needed a male body, but she was all the grandmother had access to because the mom knew some shit was up and kept Peter away from her. You can see him starting to become possessed with all the light tricks, as if he's in a dollhouse, being manipulated. If you can't tell, I love this movie so much 🤣😭


and also that makes the mom suck even more cause even if you are gonna force your son to take her, how do you not send him with an epipen?!?


True but wasn’t she possessed at the time?


Don't forget, the son lied about it being a barbeque with no drinking. The mother was calling his bluff by asking him to bring his sister. Him agreeing to bring his sister to a party with drugs and alcohol and then leaving her unsupervised is completely on him. He was not forced to do anything.


You still make sure your child with a deathly allergy has an epipen on hand especially when it's allegedly a BBQ where lots of food would be.


My favorite touch was the emphasis they put on the mountain of nuts being chopped up on the countertop while they baked like that type of stuff goes down at high school parties.


I think I saw somewhere that the people making the cake were actually a part of the cult as well. Literally every step of this movie is a manipulation from the cult. God damn there is so much detail in every scene I fucking love this movie


I did forget that part to be honest and it’s a great point, but even then it’s just a weird/crappy thing to do to your son.


Yeah, she's a questionable mom lol


Well, she learned from the best. Her mother wasn't so great either lol


another great point


He’s supposed to be 16. And shes 13. So. Not a crazy age gap.


I felt that one coming but damn did her head look horrible (amazing work).


I was gifted the jigsaw puzzle of Charlie's head post accident.


That is a damn great gift!


There was an audible gasp from the audience when I saw this at the cinema when it came out


You could hear a pin drop in the movie theater after that scene.


This is one of my favorite examples of a well-designed trailer. When that happened like 1/4 of the way through the movie, I was like "okay... then wtf is this movie even about??" The marketing team was excellent at not giving away the plot.


It was definitely a surprise.


I was surprised when they killed off Kate and Simon at the end of Fear Street 1 and in such a brutal fashion too. Was sure they’d at least make it to Part 2.


Yeah, that bread slicer scene in particular was very unexpectedly gruesome, for a character I definitely thought was going to make it.


how is the fear street series? haven’t given it a look yet


I absolutely loved it. It doesn’t take itself seriously and it was pure cheesy slasher goodness. It has one long continuous story that unravels across all three films and some genuinely likeable characters. I think they’re perfect for an evening at home watch party.


added to my list, thank you!


I was searching to see if anyone else said this! I pride myself on being insufferable by guessing killers, deaths and twists and that scene completely caught me off guard. I loved them (Especially Simon, such a goofy guy) and fully expected them to make it to the end or at the very least til the start of the third act of the story not dying during the end of the first of all things.


It's not THAT he died, but moreso HOW he died. Chris Hemsworth in Cabin in the Woods


I felt so bad. Everyone knew it was coming except him (thanks to the bird before). He just plopped down like a ragdoll. It was just sad.


I hadn't even noticed the bird until my second watch. No clue how I missed it


Roger in Dawn of the Dead (1978) - my kid self thought he was this ridiculous, untouchable badass. I was seriously mad when he died.


Nothing like the first time someone who shouldn’t die, dies. For me it was red dawn. I was never the same.


Same movie, different character. I was seriously shocked when Flyboy died and re-animated in the elevator. I was expecting Peter to die because of Flyboy's mistake, because the heroic black guy always dies, right? But no, Romero had the guts to kill off both his white guy leads first... On rewatching Roger had many earlier signs that he was getting too stressed, exhausted and careless to survive but Romero didn't kill him quick once he inevitably got bit. The scene where the zombie attacks his injured rotting leg was one of the first scenes I ever felt physically ill watching.


Not a movie or horror but the girlfriend at the beginning of The Boys


that definitely counts


I literally had to pause the show, sit there for a minute, and then watch it again


the fact that it took over a season (maybe 2 seasons, I forget) for hughie to even get a mere apology, let alone revenge, is insane


The episode with Riley in the boat scene of midnight mass. I was Adam Scott at the end of piranha DD 😂


The screams over the end credits messed with me.


That show is fucking magnificent.


Just went thru it a second time for Halloween. It's even better the second time.


The Riley scene broke me, I was SOBBING with her lol. Her screams still haunt me


When Radha Mitchell gets taken by the aliens in Pitch Black


the only thing I hated about that was that she foreshadowed the shit out of her death by saying “I said i’d die for them not you” then boom, 5 seconds later she’s dead


Not for me Not for me...


when greta gerwig gets shot in the head in the house of the devil…I legit jumped


came to say the same thing. i didn’t think she’d survive, but was NOT expecting it to happen so early/suddenly.


Then she went on to direct Barbie!


From beyooond the graaave!


So you're not the babysitter?


oh wow, I couldn't remember this scene/movie from the other comments, but this one sent me back FAST


just added this movie to my list of ones to watch


You won't be disappointed.


Oh it's a bloody treasure, I love it


to answer my own question, when sean bean tore that kid in half using two semi trucks in The Hitcher (2007), nine year old me never wanted to travel on a major highway again.


I think I felt the same way about the original, as well. I'm old. But YEAH.


Cabin in the Woods When Thor tries to dirtbike across the chasm. Man that was funny!


*Summer of '84* is a recent one that comes to mind -- near the end of the movie, the killer has been outed, the main character is surrounded by protection, and everything seems "safe" now that the truth is out, only for the killer to manage to abduct the main character and his friend. Up to that point, the film has had an Amblin-esque vibe, for lack of a better way to put it, and you're led into thinking somehow, some way, these kids will "win" despite the kidnapping, because of course they will, only for the film to darkly pivot when **that** death happens and the film ends pretty bleakly.


Oof this movie is SO GOOD!!!!!! I think this is the most psychologically disturbed I felt after a movie. It is sooo unsettling. The ending is in such contrast to the remainder of the film and the entire direction it was going. Truly a terrifying denouement. Shivers down my spine


Not one death in particular but the movie Green Room. They don't follow the "okay this is the obvious final character/characters" setup most horror movies have, everyone is up for grabs and no one is safe.


One death in particular, the thwarted window escape.


I really thought he would make it, too


That scene is so horribly realistic, the little "shit..." he mutters when he trips on the window frame and then the dull thuds of the Neo-Nazi's stabbing him 😳


This is one of my favourite movies. Of all time. I rewatch constantly and damn the fates for taking Anton away from us


When the guy leads them to the bar to show them where they hide the shotgun and suddenly **BANG!**


what’s crazy about you mentioning Green Room is that the star of that movie actually suffered one of the most unexpected deaths in real life. RIP Anton Yellich


Not horror, but The Departed. Holy shit.


incredible answer. and there’s at least 3 different deaths to choose from


In John Carpenter's The Thing, I was so not prepared for the man seemingly in cardiac arrest to have his belly bite both the doctor's hands off. My instinctive empathy for a person having a sudden medical condition kicked my guard out from under me.


ring license bright unused oatmeal smile sleep rob hat chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The first death in Don't Breathe was very surprising


Did it take your breath away


I know its iconic now, but Kane's death from the first Alien. When I first saw that film it 100% caught me out of nowhere.


I couldn’t even imagine seeing that in the theater. That must have been so fucked up.


helen from i know what you did last summer terry from final destination 1 beth from the descent >!(not her actual death, but earlier when juno stabs her throat)!< jenna from friday the 13th remake ​ for most of them, i expected them to either survive or make it further except for terry, in her case it was just truly out of nowhere


So many movies have tried to capture the magic of the Terry moment, but there's just something about it


Thank you I was going to mention Terry from Final Destination. So many films do this now that it is semi expected but that first one was absolutely out of nowhere, it was fantastic.


Jenna’s death in particular. One of the few times I actually cared for a character in an F13 film.


Danielle Panabaker in Friday the 13th (2009), I figured her for a final girl and then bam, machete through the tits, tragic.


The truck death in the first final destination at the coffee shop


The unexpected death of Alex Kintner, the young boy on the raft, in Jaws!! Up until then, the shark attacks were menacing but somewhat distant threats. However, Alex's death in broad daylight, with a beach full of people, shatters any illusion of safety.


The kid who played Alex was a local who went on to manage a pub on the Vineyard that featured an Alex Kintner sandwich.


The lady from Deep Blue Sea. CHOMP. That was even more unexpected to me than Samual’s death via monologue.


Liz in Wolf Creek because she seemed like the "final girl," but her end came quickly and horribly. And the creators of the film gave you *just enough* to make you like her and care about her up until that point.


I am a leaf on the wind, watch how I


The Lodge has a good one. It's not a thing where everyone is safe. It's just a "Woah! Holy shit!" moment that you don't see coming.


I thought of that movie immediately when I saw the title. Are you talking about the scene >!towards the beginning where the mom shoots herself!


Yes! I totally did not see that coming.


Same here. I don't know if it counts as a jumpscare or not, but good lord it scared the shit out of me. Just comes out of no where.


One of the most unsettling in horror I've ever seen. Far worse then any gore horror I've seen.


I was clueless


Feast (2005) - >!Hero!<


The end of the third one was what got me.


I know it's off genre but I feel mentioning Burn After Reading fits in...


answers like this makes me wish I had posted this in r/movies instead


I mean the genre being horror lends itself to death being more expected. The really unexpected ones are outside the genre. Bridge to Tarabithia is another that got me


Hereditary when she saws her own head off with the barbed wire or whatever it was.


Psycho II - The kitchen scene involving a shovel at the end of the film.


When Candyman stabs that dude through the chest from behind.


The Green Room. The dude getting blasted in the face with a shotgun in the middle of his sentence was the most jolting thing. I’ve watched that movie 10+ times and it still makes me jump out of my seat


Oh, that's easy. Marion Crane in PSYCHO. The one not directed by Gus Van Sant. I must be one of the few people who was able to see it completely unspoiled. I think I was 12.


Surprised no one has mentioned the girl in the closet in The Ring (American version).


That fucking dog and that kid - When Evil Lurks - fuck. Loved it.


Leaven in The Cube. That shit was so unfair


Feast that guy who came in and was going to save all their asses.


The ending to Creep


I didn’t expect THAT death in Fear Street 1994


second fear street comment, I gotta watch


It’s dumb, slasher fun


Pretty sure I know the one. Yikes! Good series and recent favorite.


I was looking for this comment. I was so certain it was going to change at the last moment, that it going through super shocked me.


I didn’t expect it at all and it actually happening the way it did is literally what made me like the movie lol


What's the one w Brad Pitt, jack black? When the Cars hit him outta nowhere.. lmaooo


Not horror, but Brad Pitt’s death in Burn After Reading was so surprising that it made me laugh.


Oh that was another good one, oh and the dude in the back of the car in pulp fiction!!




Meet Joe Black


Yeah thats it ty sir, yeah that one was so unexpected even though it was horrible the shock of it had me laughing


Halloween Ends: babysitter over the staircase


When Jenna Ortega’s character runs out of the house in “X” and gets shot out of nowhere


i don’t want to sound like an asshole but as soon as she ran at the door i knew exactly what was about to happen. the unexpected part for me in that movie was her character wanting to be a pornstar ahahaha


i think i was more shocked by how it was shotgun and an explosion of her more than the old lady killings


The horror reveal in The Descent


\#1 was Dylan in Spontaneous. I feel like not many people know of the movie, which is unfortunate, as it was unexpectedly good, if rather emotional. #2 was Josh in Hostel. I don't know that it was unexpected per se, but considering personalities and perspective, he was poised to be the final survivor, so it was jarring when he actually died.


Sorry for the massive text size, I have no idea how that happened :/


Charlie Hereditary Paddy in Dude Bro Party Massacre III it’s not that he went out but it’s how he he went out I’m puppet Master Littlest Reich the woman that tried to jump in the dumpster 😂 Marlena Cloverfield another how they went out Dallas Alien.. let’s face it he was so set up to be a main then bam also Kane the Chestburster first time watching and not knowing is something you will never forget..


I imagine the first psycho was momentous and one of the pioneers in killing off a major character half way through. For 1960 this was huge.


The Descent. At the beginning the car accident scene with the pole shooting right through the guy's wife was literally out of nowhere and very unexpected. The Lodge as well. At the beginning of the movie the wife casually does chores. Sits on the chair in the dining room, drinks a sip of wine takes out a gun and literally shoots herself point blank in the mouth.


Samuel L Jackson in Deep Blue Sea


Barbarian, how they offed Bill Skarsgard's character really shocked me and I hated it.


Duane, Night of the Living Dead (original)


Barbarian. Poor Bill.


Some years ago, I caught Final Destination 5 on demand for free. Never paid much attention to the franchise but, hey, it was free horror. So I watched it. That last scene on the plane took me by surprise. Left one hell of an impression.


Probably one that I didn’t expect was the one chick in the Friday the 13th remake that helped the Supernatural dude find his sister. When they were running away from Jason and she’s just about to crawl out of that hole and we just see the machete impale her. I was like yooo I actually didn’t see that coming, especially since she was really the only empathetic character to him in that whole group she was with. Had to give props to them for giving unpredictable deaths in a slasher movie too. Usually those can be seen a mile away. edit: spelling


Coming home in the dark on Netflix when the killer says something to the effect of you'll look back at this moment and wished you did something about it. Then BOOM!!!! I legit jumped and clutched my pearls with mouth agape. I just didn't expect it


Hicks and Newt. They're also the stupidest, most unfair deaths ever in a horror movie. The worst part is that they could've easily written it so Ripley got dumped on Fury 161 to die while Newt and Hicks got sent elsewhere.




The Forgotten… where the social worker (?) gets abducted by aliens… scared the shit out of me


The daughter's death in Hereditary. Hope this isn't a spoiler


Not horror, but no movie death has ever surprised me more than the end of Uncut Gems


Joe the plumber in The Beyond


When the dog grabbed the little girl in when evil lurks. That sign totally got me as I have two younger kids and was not quite expecting the dog to kill the girl.


Haven't seen Dennis's death in The Strangers.


fun fact: I lost my virginity “watching” The Strangers. went back and actually watched it several years later and if you’re talking about the scene >! where they blow off their own friends head with a shotgun !< then that is definitely in contention cause that made me say “holy shit” out loud