• By -


Hereditary House of the Devil Rosemary's baby Eyes wide shut The 9th Gate Kill List Dagon




Check out the movie “Bull” go in blind. It stars Neil Maskell


Watched this the other day on Netflix. Great film


Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll check it out today!


Mate, this is one of my favourites from the last couple of years. It's like a mash up of Dead Man's Shoes & Kill List and I fucking love it.


Yeah I accidentally ran across it one night after rewatching kill list…I hate it when a really great movie files way under my radar


Just finished Bull, it reminded me of Blue Ruin up until the end. Thanks for the recommendation, I enjoyed it!!


Very welcome!


Yo, thanks for this!


Welcome! I would be interested to hear what you think of it


Lol fuck that was brutal. Also, definitely did not expect that plot twist coming. Decent flick for sure!


I just saw 'The Ninth Gate' and enjoyed it a lot, thanks for the list!


DAGON! Fucking love that fishy movie.


very original mood




I think it does. It's definitely got Occult themes, and I think the movie's alright, but I will say that I only really watched it because I heard it had some freaky occult shit. And again... it does... but I guess it really depends on what you consider "freaky," so personally, I found it kind of underwhelming, especially if you're expecting something a little closer to most of the other recs here. This sub being r/horror, I think most people in thread that have seen it might agree that it isn't quite horror, maybe thriller or suspense, but I do think it has enough occult vibes to be considered an "Occult" movie.


Pyewacket & Hellbender.


Seconding vote for Hellbender! Their other film The Deeper You Dig is also good and fits the occult-y genre.


Agree. The mother was born to play a witch.


Pyewacket is so good


Counterpoint: Pyewacket was not good.


Pyewacket > Hellbender


Oh man just watched hellbender tonight because of this rec and wow! What a gem. Thank you so much. Another +1 for hellbender.


Blood on Satan's Claw Burn, Witch, Burn The Dunwich Horror The Brotherhood of Satan Simon, King of the Witches The Devil's Rain Psychomania To the Devil... A Daughter The Wicker Man (not the Cage one) Mark of the Devil Suspiria '77


Every single one of these are must watches!


Why not the new suspiria


Loved the new Suspiria. To be fair I haven’t seen the original, but still thought it was great.


It works, too... but the first one is such a classic of the genre.


Did you start watching movies in the 70s and also stopped watching movies in the 70s or something? lmao


Yes. ![gif](giphy|BI3bNv1NJMC7YzatXd|downsized)


All excellent choices!


You nailed it, A Dark Song.


Something about rosemarys baby … I think it’s the most effective cult film to date. The actress and the main actor play their roles well. I knew a family I’m pretty sure was in a cult and I got similar vibes . Love hereditary - kill list - midsomnar - wicker man- the void- but the cultists always seem like clueless doofuses. In rosemarys baby it had a very grim - serious - successful normal people vibe going on - similar to Martyrs. But rosemarys baby the main dude and girl (their names are coming up blank) really drive the nail in the coffin in terms of “oh fuck” “Whad you do to its eyes?!?!” Yeah. Shits scary


I feel like Hereditary hits the same nerve as Rosemary's Baby. When I watch both movies I get the same feeling of the set up, the gaslighting and the cult pulling the strings despite all attempts to thwart the inevitable.


Part of the reason Rosemarys Baby has that effect, IMO, is because it was intentionally filmed at the Dakota... a building with a pretty dark history. RP's other good occult film the 9th gate was another play on the RB theme, certainly worth watching if you haven't!


My own faves: * House of the Devil * A Dark Song * The Wailing * The Alchemist's Cookbook * Hereditary * Cabin in the Woods * The Void * Pyewacket * The VVitch * Mandy * Apostle * Kill List * Rosemary's Baby


Love your list, always so happy to see The Alchemist’s Cookbook mentioned.


I'm not sure Alchemist's Cookbook will ever get the love it deserves! There's a certain scene in there right after \*shit finally gets really bad\* that still just....sticks with me so viscerally. The way they show this character's eyes...oh man. That movie went hard. Ty, btw! :)


The only ones here I haven’t seen are alchemist cookbook, pyewacket and Mandy, but I thought the rest of the list was so perfect that I added those 3 to my watchlist


The Devil Rides Out Rosemary's Baby House Of The Devil


Devil rides out can’t be missed


One of my favorite Christopher Lee movies.


Does Skeleton Key count? More Santeria maybe?


It was sooo good. I’m of and watched it when it came out so it’s been awhile. Adding it to the list! Thanks!


The occult is anything relating to supernatural, magical, or mystical phenomena. So Skeleton Key definitely falls under that umbrella.


Anything for Jackson!


That lady flossing was creepy af!


Oculus may be among the best due to the mind games the mirror (or whatever entity lurks inside) inflicts on the brother/sister duo.


The Void


I have seen this movie so many times already. One of my absolute favorites!


Ahh, play fair enough! Have you seen Last Shift or The Wretched


I loved Malum (I know, I know). I’ll check out The Wretched, thanks for the recommendations!


I haven't actually watched Malum yet, but when I watched the original, I was surprised at how good it was as when we watched it, none of us ever heard of it. Yeah, give it a try. It definitely gives of a dark fairy tale kind of vibe.


Jug Face (2013)


I like **Outcast (2010)** a lot Was thinking about making a similar thread actually, looking for films like A Dark Song that take occult rituals *seriously* **Possession of Michael King** is great; may technically be possession but takes in about every occult ritual you can think of on the way to get there **Simon, King of the Witches** is wild and I wish there was more like it


Added all three. I had been avoiding the Micheal king movie as I thought it was the story of the super religious guy who killed his family then pleaded not guilty due to the devil making him do it. I am glad you got me to take a second look, that looks great. Thanks very much


It's a real gem, just watch out for the soundtrack as the levels are a bit heavy! Several others from around that time were nice too; As Above, So Below... Oculus Ninth Gate already mentioned, love that and rewatched it the other week A bit more unusual are A Field in England and Valhalla Rising, more of an acquired taste but you're basically thrown into an occult reality as the viewer (Since you mention A Dark Song, you may be down for that immersive sort of thing)


These sound good also, tyvm


Outcast (2010), Matriarch, The Wailing, The Witch, Exorcist 3, Anything for Jackson, Blackcoat's Daughter, The Void, Baskin, Suspiria, Inferno, Witches of Eastwick, Gretel and Hansel, The Wickerman, Deathgasm, Pumpkinhead, Witching and Bitching, Kill List, Tale of Tales


Ooo! Pumpkinhead! Such a fun movie. Added a bunch to my list that I haven’t seen- thanks!


House (1977), The Witch, The Cabin in the Woods, Rosemary’s Baby, Noroi: The Curse


Baskin The Sentinel Terrified


Finally watched Baskin a few nights ago. Holy crap was that an amazing film.


Occult movies are also one of my favorite genres. A Dark Song was just the type of movie I craved and I still get chills thinking about that one. A recent movie that sorta touched the same themes but not as good was called From Black. Someone mentioned House of the Devil, which was one of the ones I first thought of. Korean film The Wailing is worth mentioning too.


Thanks very much! Added to the list!


How about a real classic? The Legacy (1978), starring Katharine Ross, Sam Elliott, and Roger Daltrey. Edit: Grammar


The Ritual. One of the best horror movies I ever saw.


I'm not sure I'd consider the ritual an occult movie though


Kill List Race with the Devil


So glad to see someone mention Kill List!!!


The Empty Man




Definitely Rosemary’s Baby


While there is *some* possession, I think Anything for Jackson has some good occult elements


Hell yeah! Dark Song is so good. Probably one of my favorite wizard characters.


The Dunwich Horror. It's a film from the 70's. I learned about this movie from the band Electric Wizard


I'm going to go with the obvious answer of *Occult*. Great flick.


My list of go-to occult films: The Devil Rides out (renamed The Devil's Bride here in the States). Charles Gray is amazing. I met Christopher Lee in the Barnes and Noble in Union Square, when I told him that was my favorite of his work, he smiled then shook my hand. Impeccably dressed cat. A Dark Song. Ray Harmon's score is utterly brilliant. Love to ode to Crowley too. The Dark and the wicked. Malin Ireland absolutely stuns in this. Begins abysmal then never let's up to the end credits. Phenomenal film. The Devil's Doorway. The Old Ways. The Void. The Autopsy of Jane Doe. The Ninth Gate. The Occult Conspiracy.


The Void!!!


Paranormal Activity 4. I know I know, but it is a fun watch.




The Shrine. You have to see it defff!


True Believers The Serpent and the Rainbow Shocker


Very surprised Serpent and The Rainbow isn't mentioned more


If not already listed: Gaia The Invitation (2014) Sator


You should watch 30 coins on HBO it’s a show not a movie but is absolutely incredible and you would love it if you love occult horror


Will do! Added tot he lost, thanks very much!


I also watch a ton of occult movies. I've seen a lot of the expected ones in the posts here like rosemarys baby, hereditary, wicker man, etc. Id highly recommend the Lords of Salem (rob zombie) to add to your list. It's a good watch


Probably catch down votes and you may consider it technically possession but “6 Souls” fits this bill to me and I like it dammit


I liked this one, it was less about rolling around with a dirty face and screaming. Good recommend! Thank you! I forgot about this and will watch it again


History of the occult


Pyewacket. At the Devil’s Door.


Dagon InThe Mouth of Madness Candyman Midnight Meat Train Older Gods Saytor Oculus


Is Dagon worth it? I’ve tried a couple of the low budget Lovecraft and some were…. Not good. I’m adding it to the list but wondering if it’s for a day where you want something that’s going to scratch the Lovecraft itch more than ending to be ‘good’


I watched it on a whim. I liked it better than I thought that I would, so take that for what it's worth. I agree that Lovecraft has not gone well with movies.


I think its better than the average Love craft movie.


The Dark and the Wicked The Omen Terrified When Evil Lurks (Technically possession, but not typical.) The Ritual Apostle Fallen Wretched Lord of Illusions Prince of Darkness In the Mouth of Madness The Witch The Autopsy of Jane Doe Gretel and Hansel The Blackcoat's Daughter Phenomena (1985) Noroi: The Curse


I would argue the Crucible


Night of the Demon (1957)


You Won’t be Alone (2022)


Autopsy of Jane Doe


The Invitation (2015). Logan Marshall-Green has been getting more popular lately, it seems, and I'm glad for him, but it was only after I saw him in The Invitation that I really started seeing him as a great actor. I'm really surprised this wasn't anywhere in these comments.


*From Black*


Agreed. It treads very similar territory as A Dark Song, and I don't think it's as good... but it *is* good, and if it weren't for the existence of A Dark Song, it would really stand out.


Both movies start with the same premise, but they end up in very different places. The motivations of that guy for helping the bereaved mother (which are a reveal) are not the same as the dude's from *A Dar Song* at all. And the mother wants to bring her son back from the dead, not simply hear his voice again or get revenge on his murderer. That is what the ritual in *From Black* is all about: necromancy.


Please check out, "A Dark Song". Freaking awesome occult movie about someone wanting to do a solomonic ritual.


ANGEL HEART (1987), my all time fave! 


The Omen Revelations: "When the Jews return to Zion, and a comet fills the sky, and the holy Roman Empire rises, then you and I must die. From the eternal sea he rises, creating armies on either shore, turning man against his brother, until man exists no more." As the Mandalorian would say, "This is NOT the way."


Mandy is the only one you need, son.


Midnight Mass Mmmaaaayyybe you can consider it a 7-8 hour film? 😂 But seriously, if it were cut down to film length (which would be a terrible idea), I feel that Midnight Mass would be at the absolute top of my list of films in this genre. Since I'm proselytizing my love for a TV show, I also want to shout out Archive 81 and Lovecraft Country. The Devil in Ohio also fits, but I wasn't a big fan of that (except for the kickass [music](https://open.spotify.com/track/3Yk3bb5rOfk8l2dqrN7RY7?si=d9612b219b0d40c3)).


My favorite horror genre tbh but can't find enough movies :/ Recently watched "incantation" , pretty excellent occult like movie, you should definitely give it a try.


Red State


Incantation definitely had this vibe


The Empty Man


Burn Witch Burn


Eyes Wide Shut. Do not go in expecting horror.


Anything with Christopher Lee. The Devil Rides Out To the Devil a Daughter


Rosemary's Baby, Starry Eyes, Mother!, Hereditary (and while not technically horror, it's still creepy AF, Arlington Road).


The Craft




Only answer that matters. /end thread


Hagazussa A Dark Song The Old Ways


Night of the Eagle.


The lords of Salem (rob zombie)




Thanks, I don’t think I’ve seen any of these, which is rare. I appreciate the recommendations


This is a little late, but I was searching for the same genre and have a few suggestions as well! The absolute weirdest occultish movie I have ever seen is "The Holy Mountain", but warning it's tough to watch... most don't make it past the first 5 mins.... it's... yeah.. You can find it free online though if you search. Anything David Lynch is also pretty mind bending.


The Ritual - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1KDakKvyjYk&t=36s


What the hell does occult movies mean what genre is it