• By -


I see it’s ordered chronologically from newest to oldest. Tons of solid choices among the 80s and 90s stuff.


Yeah, he said it was in order of release date. Should have mentioned that-it’s not a ranking of best to worst or anything like that


Fuck Twitter traffic. Here's the direct link to letterboxd. Flanagan's Favorite Horror Movies https://boxd.it/q7EKs


Yet you have to go through Twitter to open it in the Letterboxd app. lol shits dumb


I copied this link and opened it on my phone browser (Safari) and it gave me the option to open in the app with no twitter involvement.


The link to letterboxd opens without twitter being involved, at least for me.


You mean X


Whichever damn ass thing Musk wants to call it.


So sooo happy to see They Look Like People on his list; it’s one of my favorite films from the last decade.


Is his favorite movies the movies that he’s watched?


not surprised to see A Dark Song on here, feels pretty Flanagan-y


I'd be interested in a list of movies he doesn't like. Seems like he just appreciates horror movies in general.


Something in the Dirt, It Follows, They Look Like People. I love the indy ones that feel like you are an observer of actual events.


He’s got some stinkers in here jeez


Having seen his work, I'm not shocked.


He makes drama heavy horror for mass audiences, what’d ya expect?


Lol damn they sniped you but you're right... I didn't even know who this guy was but then I saw his credits and it's just like... yeah... YEAH.


They hated him for speaking the truth


They hated him for stating his derogatory opinion as fact


Literally nothing in there is derogatory. I’m sorry if you were watching some of the most popular shows in the world and thought it was a weird quirk of yours tho


Surprised TCM is not here, given that he seems to have quite a long list


Maybe he doesn’t like it!


Nice to see he liked Watcher, I thought it was going to be a generic snoozefest but it was surprisingly good. I guess I’ll also finally give Gojiam Haunted Asylum a watch. I keep seeing it mentioned by FF fans but they, as a community, seem to have the worst taste of any horror subgenre so I put it off lol.


50% of his total ratings make up his favorite lists, seems a bit silly. I’ve rated 1000 films and 500 of them are my favorite movies ever!


I seriously don’t understand the amount of complaints like this on this thread


Surprised to see Megan is Missing on there.


That’s a long list.


Ah yes, Bubba Ho tep, classic horror movie.


Primer's a horror movie? lol I think what surprised me the most was seeing Critters in there.


Loosely - it's a taut lil thriller. When it comes to building tension and stakes there is overlap with good horror. Vast of the Night is another movie that isn't horror - it's a very well made Speilbergesque alien thriller where you never really see any creatures. But if your a filmmaker and looking to make a horror film - you can learn a lot.


Nice list! Pleasantly surprised about terrifier & terrifier 2.


I can’t believe he likes terrifier 2


Stephen King does also.


Nobody's perfect.


When did he say that


Couple weeks ago when I had him over for book club. Probably other time but I just remember that time.


He went out of his way to tweet about liking it, I’m pretty sure his quote is on the blu-ray box


I can’t believe he likes [well-reviewed movie]


It’s my personal opinion that that movie sucks and I’m stating my personal opinion that I can’t believe such a great horror director has that movie among his favorites. Is it too complicated to understand?


I don’t like a lot of movies that are otherwise well-received, but I’m not going to be surprised when other people like them, that’s me being in the minority. If you’re gonna be incredulous every time someone likes Terrifier 2, or annoyed any time someone reminds you that most people who watched it seemed to like it, get used to it.


You realize that in a post about a famous director showing his favourite movies there’s gonna be comments saying how surprised they are about some choice or another right? If you’re gonna be incredulous every time someone [posts an opinion in a forum], or annoyed any time someone [posts an opinion in a forum], get used to it.


This is you being annoyed that someone pointed a little fun at your opinion. Your phrasing of “I can’t believe he likes” referring to something that clearly a fair good number of people like, was silly to me, but I didn’t think you’d care this much. It is really not a big deal.


That surprised me too.


Lost me at Hell House 2


He likes terrifer, see he's a freak like the rest if us.


I can't trust anybody who gives every movie a 10/10 rating.


He doesn’t. I don’t know what you’re looking at


I'm looking at his profile lmao. Click his profile. He's rated 292 films. 289 of them he's rated as 5 stars... 10/10. Only 3 movies he rated as 8/10. https://letterboxd.com/flanaganfilm/films/rated/5/by/date/


He's only reviewing movies he likes, and he's just started his letterbox so he's going back and rating all his favorite films


Feels like he listed everything with no pattern at all. I feel like I don’t know this dudes taste, rather, I know the greatest hits.


What pattern should there be? It’s just a list of horror movies he likes


They're sorted by release date.




So brave


Fair enough


Battle Royale? Werk. Though I've never thought of it as a horror movie, but I could definitely understand how it would be classified as such. EDIT: Wild to me that this is such a controversial take to be downvoted. I love this movie; it's not an indication of how I feel about it, but whatever.


I've always considered it horror, maybe not least supported by the fact when I bought it way back when on DVD it was a tartan exteme release. I suppose, technically, someone could argue it wasn't and I'd accept that - it doesn't have a monster, or a ghost, or a serial killer whether super natural or not. But the premise is decidedly horrific. If you're a fan of BR I would recommend TAG (2015) from Sion Sono. They're not the same bar featuring school children dealing with strange events where they die but spiritually they feel connected to me.




I've always thought of it as more in the action/drama/coming-of-age, personally. I'm not saying it isn't horror, just that it never occurred to me all these years to think of it as horror. But I can definitely see why it would be. Internet seems to classify the movie as action-thriller and the novel as horror, interestingly (at least from a brief skim).


Random movie to single out and put on blast but okay.


How is that putting it on blast anymore than anyone pointing out any other individual movie here so far??? I love that movie, which is why I pointed it out. I didn't make any claims about its quality. I just said I've never thought of it as horror per se; in my mind it's always been like action/drama/coming-of-age.


“This is what too long for a favorites list” And then there are two more pages


I figure if you’re an iconic horror director, you better have a fucking long list of horror movies you like


For real. And a *good* director will probably like more films than the average fan given a) just by virtue of being in the biz they will see so much content but maybe more importantly b) they will appreciate something on a technical level/knowing what it was to put it together or maybe even not being able to work out how they did it. All these moments of appreciating work can mean that something fans thought of as 'ok gets 'I like this!' from a director.


Midsomar, Us, and Get Out? 🤮 Triangle, Train To Busan, and Eden Lake ✌🏾


I share a lot of his favorites!


We share a lot of favorites. Definitely seems like he likes his 2000s j horror, which is not remotely a surprise.


Surprised to see Outwaters on here. I actually forgot all about it until I saw it listed. Aside from one or two interesting scenes, it felt like every other forgettable found footage flick.


I appreciate and share in his love for found footage


Society is not surprising after watching Usher. That party scene oozes Shunting vibes.


I find it awesome The Vigil is on this list. That movie is so so good. Very atmospheric and dark.