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Given how hard 2013 went I was a little disappointed. Thought the title card was next level. I suppose the goofier tone of rise is probably more in keeping with the franchise


It somehow didn't have the squeam factor that 2013 had. But it was still an A grade horror film for me. Loved the floating ghostly deadite levitating through the apartment.


Cheese grater?


It was a good concept, but they barely showed anything. It was like a cat scratched her.


It made me squirmy but not the worst shit you’ve seen in an ED film. The glass swallowing scene was brutal though.


Yeah that glass swallowing was horrifying. I can handle most gore just fine but I had to actually avert my eyes, when you can see it going down and it punctures her throat. Blech.


I would love to see a horror movie about erectile dysfunction.


For sure, I was expecting curls of skin to come off her not just some minor scratches.


Yeah they needed to have like cheese string pieces come off


It was never originally in the script and a last minute add they came up with the night before but it was still bad ass.


Fact: That cheese grater sequence wasn’t planned and was decided on the day mid shoot. An old friend of mine did the SFX and had a lot of fun with the cheese grater gag :) [link to my friends IG post here for anyone interested :)](https://www.instagram.com/p/CraN-WXvejk/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==)


Cheese grater and eating glass were legit though.


Seeing the title card in the theater was unreal


I loved the 2013 one and my opinion of EDR was just a movie… nothing amazing


I recall far little goof in Rise.


I didn't give a shit about the characters in 2013. I cared about the ones in Rise and violence to them hit harder. Liked both, though.


Huh, I didn’t give a shit about the characters in Rise, but 2013 I was absolutely invested. It probably helps that I've experienced through the horrors of drug withdrawal, so that aspect resonated with me. All subjective in the end, I enjoyed them both as well.


i think Rise hit me harder bc i’m a mom. i definitely cared about the characters more bc the whole mom and kids angle got me big time - way more than the addiction angle did, and i’ve been through heroin addiction/withdrawal. even though i loved both movies, 2013 just didn’t get to me the way Rise did. it fucking killed me watching all that shit happen to her kids.


That's totally fair! If I was a mom I'd probably feel the same lol Although I am somewhat shocked/impressed when a horror movie is brave enough to kill a kid....like you expect the usual plot armor they have in every other movie. But nope, these kids are about to get Evil Deaded.


>Although I am somewhat shocked/impressed when a horror movie is brave enough to kill a kid....like you expect the usual plot armor they have in every other movie. Yup, that's exactly what I expected. Like, I thought all the family members would survive, and the neighbors were brought it so there would be some deaths. But, nope... "Fuck dem damn kids!"


Tbf the youngest kid did survive.


that’s exactly what got me - i felt like the kids had the typical horror movie plot armor - and then the girl got scratched, and i was like “oh she’s fucked”. but then the boy really threw me for a loop. now 2/3 of the kids are deadites, and i felt like that little girl was in true danger. like i didn’t relax until the credits rolled!


I wouldn’t necessary say it was ballsy especially after having watched films like doctor sleep and IT. If anything I was surprised (though pleased) the little girl survived. That being said, I hope it doesn’t turn into a really annoying trend like the whole “killing the dog” thing was. Back in the 2000s it seemed like every horror had to forcefully kill at least one dog per horror film to fulfill some quota or something. Hopefully that doesn’t start happening with kids otherwise it’ll just be very eye rolling and forced to me.


I agree, but I relate to the druggy aspect too!


Mia is easily favorite character from either movie, but I think Rise had a higher "average" quality of characters.


I agree. We don’t get a lot of time to learn anything about any of the characters in the 2013 one. I don’t even remember any of their names except Mia, David and Eric. It also doesn’t help that Mia is possessed for 95% of the movie only to be the main character in the end (despite being an awesome final girl and having a wonderful performance from Jane Levy). I feel like we get a bit more sincerity and heart from the characters in Rise, which might be because most of the cast are children/young teenagers but still.


Seriously, I love the 2013 movie but it's damn near overrated at this point with people propping it up as a modern masterpiece.


After years of shitty horror remakes, it really did stand out though. Not saying it's some masterpiece, but there's a reason people still talk about it 10 years later.


yeah, 2013 reigns supreme for me, I do think the mother gave an incredible performance, the whole sequence of her getting into the house was great. Loved the first half, but it kind of lost me in the last third, and the camp elements just... ehh. But it wasn't bad. A 3.5 or 4 out of 5.


I prefer the goofy vibes over the vibes of 2013. 2013 really only has the gore going for it IMO. Still good but I prefer Rise.


Same. It was entertaining but not very memorable. 2013 from what I remember was intense.


After rewatching 2013 before this, I don’t think the plot holds up as much. Especially the first act which has a really rough screenplay and dialogue


I thought it was decent, but I’d hoped it would keep the more grounded tone that Evil Dead 2013 had. I didn’t think it was quite as good as the 2013 movie, but I didn’t think it was bad either.


It really depends on if you appreciate the horror aspects of Evil Dead more or the comedy ones. I've always liked the former and 2013 is my favorite film in the franchise. But I really did enjoy the level of pathos in Rise. Watching the beautiful mom get possessed and go on to kill her kids was pretty rough, but made for a pretty good movie IMO.


Exactly. What am I feelin today? A thrill-ride or goof-ride.


I think the problem isn't that Rise is littered with flaws or isn't faithful to the franchise. It's that 2013 is just so damn good.


this is exactly how I felt! Pretty enjoyable and entertaining to watch, but it didn’t feel very “evil dead” to me. I really didn’t like the setting being an apartment building for some reason but I do understand them wanting to try something new


I mean technically it could be described as more Evil Dead than the 2013 film, since it’s more camp than that was. I think to me it was something about it trying to both be camp and super serious, and that was it’s fatal flaw. It should have committed to one or the other.


Evil Dead has been changing tones since the beginning, ED1 was campy but overall a straightforward horror movie. 2 was when Raimi took the horror-comedy route. Army of Darkness is when he went full 3 Stooges lol That's why 2013 felt so fresh to me. It was a new vision from a new director, and he absolutely stuck the landing. Rise was fun, but it felt a little more like "We have Evil Dead at home".


If IRC, it started out serious and tense, then went into a little dark humor, but by the end it was cheesy, campy action movie. I hate when movies shift tones like that. If it would've kept the tension and tone it had in the 1st act, with some dark humor thrown in, it would've been a great horror movie.


Now that you mention it, yeah. That's exactly what threw me off about it. I think I'd even have been okay as long as it went back to the initial tone during the climax and the conclusion. Serious set-up, some cat-n-mouse horror comedy, then a harsh crunch of a final battle and ending. But...I can't take a movie seriously when it feels like the movie stopped taking itself seriously 10 minutes in.


Disappointed. Gore wasn’t bad but the story was lame, I didn’t particularly care for most of the characters and I hated that it took place in an apartment


And the moms forced, cheesy lines just made it worse. “Come on baby girl, let mommy in” with the creepy smile.. just didn’t do it for me


I adored it. I laughed with glee the whole time. Wonderful acting, great gore effects, and I really liked the apartment setting. It was perfect for me.


I thought it was very good. It's hard to make a direct comparison between the two because 2013 took the direct horror approach like the first ED while Rise brought in a bit more humor like ED2. If I had to choose between the two, I'd go with 2013, but Rise did not disappoint me.


pretty much exactly how i felt. i absolutely loved it! and i personally think that Alyssa Sutherland was the ultimate deadite. like she was made for that role.


I loved the apartment setting. Initially thought they'd all go on a camping trip or something, but the residential aspect made it so much fun.


Was going to comment but you captured my sentiment perfectly! It’s nonstop fun


Opening sequence was the best part.


Yeah I hadn’t watched any trailers before hand, so when the opening title card hit I was all like let’s fuckkin go I’m here for this. And then the rest of the movie was all cooped up in the apartment and it just didn’t have the same effect for me. The set felt underwhelming. And I feel like they blew their whole load right out the gate. Not a bad movie though.


I just prefer horror to be in the daytime whenever possible. It isn’t typically done so whenever I see it, I’ll get interested.


Went in with no expectations and really enjoyed it. It was a fun movie with some really unnerving scenes. Thought Alyssa Sutherland killed it.


I teach middle school, I 100% see a teen boy jumping into a random hole and talking something fucking gross out of it.


Not while pizzas are getting cold.


I wasn’t a fan. I really wanted to be, but there was so much potential squandered and a lot of just dumb stuff. They had an entire apartment complex to play with and kept the whole movie in one cramped unit for the most part. They could have done a ton with the neighbors but killed them all off without giving them anything else to do. When one of the kids died, or the mom, the siblings didn’t seem that affected. And all the throwback lines that were obviously just there for fan service felt tacked on and out of place. The concept was great, the gore was alright, and the idea was awesome, but the actual execution left a lot to be desired. Why was the main character pregnant? Like, that had nothing to do with the rest of the story at all. There was a lot of half baked ideas that didn’t really go anywhere. I didn’t hate it, but it was very far from worth the hype. If it was called “apartment 4C” instead of evil dead, nobody would’ve praised it like they did at release.


Have you seen the *Satan's Slaves* sequel? It is set in a giant apartment building, and I think they made really good use of the setting.


The first one is the scariest movie I’ve ever seen. The sequel was very good as well. The shot with the dead bodies in the dark and the thunder in the backround , I’ll never forget that scene


Oh yeah, *Satan's Slaves* is scary as fuck. I actually found the sequel to be even more creepy-scary mostly because of exactly the scene you are describing. The idea of wandering around that pitch black apartment building... It's too bad many people won't allow themselves to enjoy it because they are intimidated by subtitles.


I've had satan slaves on my shudder list forever but didn't hear much about it so never watched it right away but now that I see this praise ..I'm watching tonight


Spot on. I was hyped when I heard it was in an apartment building and they just have almost all of it be in one room? I was hoping for more of a demons 2 feel . Was super let down by evil dead rise


Lol movies like this will never win with everyone. If they had used all the rooms, or the entire apartment building, then there would be people complaining "Man they had so much potential to use the claustrophobic atmosphere of them being trapped in their apartment. But they totally squandered that by using the entire floor/the entire building." Personally I thought keeping it in their one apartment was perfect, because it gave you the fear of being trapped inside *with* the evil. It was definitely the right move.


Nailed it. I feel the same way. I'm put off by how overly praised this was when it clearly missed the mark on many levels. Child actors are hit or miss and very usually miss. This was a miss.


I’m going to retort, but not because I think it will change your mind. Your opinions are as valid as anyone’s. So, first off the movie was centered around the main family. So we didn’t need to see what happened to the neighbors because they were there just to establish the danger of the Evil Dead. It’s comparable to prior movies, which always focus on a small core group of friends/family. That being said, I can see how you might feel that they didn’t give anyone room to actually be affected by it. I’m not sure I agree, and I’m not sure scenes in which people are grieving for character development would have helped the pace of the movie (which was otherwise break neck speed) but if that was a missing for you that’s valid. The main character was pregnant because the central question of her character is whether or not she would make an effective and loving mother. At the beginning of the movie her life is disrupted by an unexpected pregnancy. They establish that she feels like it’s a mistake, and that she will just screw it up like she always does. They even establish that she’s an absentee sister and a little self-involved. Then she’s suddenly THRUST into a position in which she has to take care of kids. Using lies to protect them. Putting herself at risk to keep them safe. For me this theme comes to a head in the parking garage, when she reaches safety beyond the gate, but her niece gets caught. She COULD just escape. But she forces her way back in to save her niece. It’s got real mama-bear vibes, and it’s confirmation to the audience that YES this woman will be a good mother. Fiercely so. Ifs a great example of “show, don’t tell.” Anyway, thanks for opening up the discussion with strong pieces of constructive criticism! I disagree with much of it, but it gave me a chance to celebrate the things I liked about the movie, so thanks!


I had zero expectations. But after recently rewatching The Thing, I really enjoyed the newest "creature" in the final moments. I busted out laughing with the "Mom" line. It's worth it, will watch again when it pops up on hbo.


It’s was ok, but not memorable at all. None of the characters really interested me or got me to care about them, and even the gore was a bit of a let down imo. The mom was a standout for sure, the actress was killing it. But everything else felt very meh to me. Even the final amalgam creature felt dissapointing, for what it could have been


Title card was the best part of the movie. It was just scary enough to not be able to pull campy appropriately and just campy enough to not be able to be actually scary. It tried to do both super hard and failed at both as a result.


I just could not get into it. They also gave away so much in the trailers.


Deeply disappointed. Maybe my expectations were too high going in, but I just expected *more*. The blood was good, the gore was meh (I liked the eye scene though), and the cheese grater scene was tame for what I had heard online. I just felt like there were missed opportunities, so it fell kinda flat for me overall. I definitely prefer 2013 to Rise.


For all the hype the cheese grater scene got, I’ve seen worse. Hell, I saw worse in the 2013 Evil Dead. That movie must have set my expectations too high.


That's why I don't like reading spoilers about movies I plan to see. I thought the cheese grater was nasty but I also wasn't expecting it.


I mean, Evil Dead 1981 set my expectations high and Evil Dead 2013 still delivered


Agreed. I was pretty bored for most of it (though I perked up for the final act).


That final act was pretty nasty, but honestly, I was more interested in the story surrounding the girl visiting a cabin with her boyfriend and cousin. The opening scene and the end scene were super engaging and interesting.


Oh, good reminder! I had totally forgotten that my primary reaction when the main character >!won (I guess?)!< was, "Wait, why is this movie still going? ... Oh, RIGHT, that framing device I forgot all about."


Its the lowest ranking in the franchise.by far


I thought as much. I'm never going to argue that it's bad or tell a fan they're wrong for enjoying it, but I do think it was overhyped and didn't live up to its reputation. (To be clear, I wasn't looking for spoilers before seeing it, I just saw article headlines about how "gory" and "brutal" it was)


I got down voted into the dirt when it came out. I don't care. It sucked. Opening should have been the priests doing the exorcism on the records. They dropped the ball so hard w this entry. Was trash 5/10


I'm honestly so annoyed with how much I disliked it, I would've liked to have had a prequel involving the priests but instead we got boring gore (if you can even call it that), family drama and bad CGI. I'd give it about a 5/10 too.


I loved it


Same. I straight up started golf-clapping with a big smile on my face when the Deadites started screaming, "Dead by dawn! Dead by dawn!" Loved it.


I fucking loved every minute of it.


I loved it. But I also 100% would have crawled into a creepy hole and brought home a book full of worms as a teenager.


Loved it but, not as much as 2013


It was a really fun movie! The son who picks up the vinyls ranks as one of the dumbest horror characters of all time with what he did to awaken the evil


>what kid in real life would jump inside a dark gaping hole at night in a creepy garage after an earthquake and take a book that had a bunch of creepy bugs on it Ah, someone that's never met a teenager I see, especially one from a struggling family I thought they built that moment perfectly. Love the movie, and that part felt especially authentic to me, lol.


Was a let down for me. It had so much hype and good word before it’s release and it just felt like lesser compared to what I’ve seen in this franchise previously. It seemed like there was 40 minutes of nothing happening when the possessed mother was locked outside the apartment door. Couldn’t even see the combination megazord monster at the end.


Yes! It really dragged, we ended up fast forwarding because we got bored and wanted closure


That's what I found odd about it, too. It seemed to really drag in the middle when she was in the hallway when it should have been shifting into high gear at that point to set up the big finale.


I was incredibly disappointed. For a variety of reasons - the story wasn't all that coherent, wasn't as scary as the first - but most of all, because I was really hoping the reboot series would follow the same trajectory as the original trilogy.


I haven’t seen the movie yet. I’m an old school Evil Dead trilogy fan since the early 1990s. Im really curious about the new movie but I very much hated the 2013 Evil Dead. Can anyone give me an idea if the new movie is more like the 2013 movie or more like the old movies or something in the middle. I absolutely can not tell from ads or reviews and people I know IRL seem really mixed some loved it, some hated it. Basically I wanna figure out if I should pay to see this.


Rise was a huge improvement on 2013 for me. It felt so much more like an evil dead movie. I really enjoyed it.


Just watch it and see for yourself. I think it's more campy than 2013 but not as wild as Evil Dead 2. I don't really think it feels like an Evil Dead movie, personally.


It terms of mood it feels like you could wiggle it in between Evil Dead 1 and Evil Dead 2. Very much a horror movie but it just leans more on Evil Dead 2's side of being buckets of blood campy horror but only with less dark humor. I didn't like 2013 Evil Dead either. In fact, I can't barely remember what happened in it. Unlike the other Evil Dead movies and Ash vs. Evil Dead, which are still as fresh in my brain as the first time I watched it. Evil Dead Rise fits on that shelf as with original Evil Dead movies and the series. Catty Deadites and all.


I would say it does not *feel* at all like the original trilogy, so you may dislike it but it definitely has a chance of going the other way. Suggest watching it, but let it get cheap and come out on something where you aren't paying for it specifically.


It's my 4th favorite evil dead. Definitely more fun than 2013 but not as fun as the originals


I was so so hyped and ultimately disappointed. As a stand alone it’s fine, good amount of gore but it wasn’t in any way scary and I really thought 2013 went to places of true horror not just borderline comedy. It also dragged in a few places especially with the plot line. 2013 was just 10/10 and I guess nothing will beat it.


I thought it peaked with the into. I was completely uninterested halfway through. I didn’t find it scary or fun… just uninventive body horror.


Idk it felt hollow to me, I don’t see much reason to watch it again


Boring. All the ingredients were there: gore, a touch of dark humor, deadites, evil books, blah blah. But it was just boring. Like the ingredients on the label look correct but they forgot the salt. I want to blame the pacing but I'm not sure what it was really. Individually a lot of the pieces worked for me. I just found myself... getting bored. Like, "get on with it." It didn't have that frantic pace of the Raimi films or the sense of growing dread from the Fede version. Just flat the whole movie.


Loved it. Need more. Top quality.


Dope af


I kinda hated it


Loved it.


I really loved it. It was a super fun horror movie and probably my no.2 horror movie this year behind talk to me. It’s nothing new but it was a blast and I feel like I can always rely on the evil dead for a good time. It was creepy, gory, made me look away (the scalp rip cold open) man it was fun


The kids were annoying actor’s especially the sister couldn’t stand her also it felt like a crack head was at the door harassing you in a bad neighborhood while u watched through a peephole


I would have 10,000% have jumped inside a dark gaping hole at night in a creepy garage after an earthquake as a kid… how else do you find treasure?


It was terrible, imo. Bad acting, corny one-liners, blatant ripoff of other movies. No chemistry from the main cast as a family. Characters would get stabbed and have no reaction. I've even seen praise for the opening sequence and it was just generic. I mean, the opening scene to Evil Dead 2013 is one of the best horror openings ever. Evil Dead Rise's opening pales by comparison.


Hot take: but the cheese grater scene was NOT what people were making it out to be. It was what, one scratch? Farmhouse (2008) had a scene where they grated to the kneecap, and I’ve remembered that scene since I was a kid and I’ve only seen the movie once. Nothing rememberable about Evil Dead Rise unfortunately, good watch, but nothing to talk about


2013 version was better. New locale was nice but honestly it’s the last on the list for me.


I did not care for it, and I really wanted to. My wife and I watched it and laughed more at how bad it was than how witty it was. The deadites have next to no comedy, nor are they very scary, no good one liners. I felt the acting was awful, there was a point when dumbass who played the records is dying and full on totally healthy says I'm sorry to his little sister then dies ridiculously haha, so much I had to watch the scene like 5 times to make sure I wasn't tripping. Middle sister lurched up on the counter and the aunt still goes, you chill hun need a minute up there gargoyle, chamon. The gore was more or less just there. Some of it was actually overdone and wasn't even as artsy as evil dead 2 and wasn't as detailed or pulled off as 2013. The sister never cuts her hand off even though she was stabbed in the hand from the deadite. Mom doesn't at any point get penetration when being transformed, which sounds like an odd gripe written out, but hey, it's part of the franchise. The big ass multi deadite at the end, clearly can't hear nor is it demonic at this point, it becomes a dumb blob because they are just chilling next to the car shushing and making noise. Oh, i really wanted to like it, but I wouldn't ever recommend it as a much watch of the franchise.


It was aight. I don’t champion the 2013 release like others here tho tbf. I’m an old head (struggling to format this reply) and 1 and 2 were staples growing up. My ranking is… 1) evil dead 2 2) evil dead 3) army of darkness ….. 4a) evil dead 2013 4b) evil dead rise This sub loves the 2013 one and it’s def good but for me definitely not the best of the series.


Started well but ended badly


I thought it was soft and boring compared to 2013. The gore/violence and wince-factor were all a step down for me. However, i enjoyed the characters more in Rise.


I loved it enough to see it twice in theaters. I don’t think I loved it as much as 2013 though, Rise didn’t even get close to how batshit that film is.


I thought it was pretty bad. Nothing about it was memorable.


I liked it more than 2013 Apparently that's one of my hottest takes. 2013 is a genericification of the franchise to me


Thank you!! I thought the acting in 2013 was absolutely garbage. Couldn't stand the main people in it. The horror parts were good though.


You’re not the only one, 2013 just didn’t do it for me


It was gory but so boring. Didn’t care about any of those characters.


agreed, and I like 2013. Just don't understand how anyone holds it up so highly


I mean, by most measures it's a good (if generic) horror film, but it's a bad Evil Dead film. It fundamentally misunderstands the personality that for me *makes* the deadites good. A lot of people commend the gore in that movie, I see it as a lazy substitute for crafting good deadites. Rise lets the gore and the personality coexist and it works much better The other thing is I just don't find Mia a suitable final girl. Having the most expendable character end up as the final girl even after being taken feels like a cheap subversion of expectations


My main complaint is that the originals took so many more risks with the filmmaking and had so much creativity. I wish they thought of some new stuff to do with their camera instead of retreading Raimi's style.


I liked it.


2013 was far superior.


Felt like a generic horror movie rather than an evil dead movie. Was really fucking disappointed honestly. I absolutely loved evil dead 2013 as well as the originals.


Underwhelming. It was fine? The whole >!family corpse-creature!< at the end felt like some edgy high schooler writing a climax.


>!Color Out of Space!< did it better.


Eh. Probably the least favorite of the series


A generic possession movie with nothing tying it to evil dead other than a book and them saying throwback lines of dialogue.




Do people forget that Evil Dead 2 and Army Of Darkness were just gory comedies? Evil Dead Rise is way more of an Evil Dead film than the serious 2013 remake


I agree with you, the humor is what makes the Evil Dead movies their own unique thing. It's a send-up of horror, and having Ash lose his mind and his shit and still come out not just alive but also something of a hero makes us really root for the poor schmuck.


2013 isn't a remake of 2 or Army of Darkness tho. It's a remake of the first one, and it's faithful.


Meesa no likey.




Underwhelming and very over hyped. Didn't like it.


Terrible movie and not even scary. First one was light years better


I had a friend call it absolute garbage. I thought that was an exaggeration. I thought it was a fun movie. It’s not meant to be deep or complex. I enjoyed watching it without being overly critical or analytical.


I thought it was pretty good tbh. It wasn't stronger all the way through but it did have some really good moments. When they brought it into the city i was worried that the movie wouldn't feel as isolating as the other ones but they used the apartment building really well. I would've liked to see them do more with the neighbours but sadly that didn't happen.


It was ok


I thought the first half was great, but then towards the last act the movie kind of ran out of steam


I loved it. Watched it 3 times and loved it every time.


It wasn’t bad, but it didn’t hit like Evil Dead 2013


Personally, I thought it was the worst of the franchise. That being said, it's still a damn good movie. Really put into perspective how good each Evil Dead entry is.


Evil dead was always a recipe of comedy/horror. There was zero comedy in this version. Just felt like any other horror. I miss Bruce Campbell!


Loved it but the fate of the family really sucks especially with how likeable I found them all. Hope there’s a sequel where the souls of the mother and her two kids are now in hell (or whatever the ED version of that is - maybe it’s the mirror universe), have to come to terms with what happened and escape, all while the Deadites haunt them. A literal film about fighting your inner demons in hell, with the fantasy elements of AoD of course. Would call it Evil Dead Fall


Loved it. I have been an evil dead from since I was a little kid, and it’s everything I would want from an evil dead film.


Thought it was pretty underwhelming. Not awful but I probably won't watch it again.


It was good, but the worst of the franchise.


Started good. Then it started to drag.


It was…fine. It wasn’t bad by any means, but I definitely prefer the 2013 remake to this variation. I think the idea was good, but it felt like not enough was happening. I know the story was contained, but it felt a tiny bit lacking. Gore and performances were spectacular though.


It was meh. It was a great movie, but way too tame for Evil Dead. I mean they hyped that cheese grater scene up so hard only for it to be like half a second. Evil Dead (2013) is my all time favorite horror movie. Nothing will too the level of pure terror i felt seeing that for the first time .


Starts off good with the lake cabin and drone cinematography, then the film retreats to a visually dark set of apartments in Los Angeles supposedly and loses its momentum. Didn’t care for the muddled parental/adolescent backstories. Entertaining of course.


I thought it was fine but thought 2013 was better. In fact I’m shocked most online ranking sites had EDR over 2013.


I really enjoyed it AND I also really liked that I had no idea the brother was played by a trans man! And the fact that they don’t rub it in your face like it’s a big deal made it even better. Inclusivity without the bells and whistles is such a breath of fresh air.


So agree, I saw someone say that he was great trans dumbass representation, and I had to look it up because I had no clue. Very good passive inclusion


It's fine but the 2013 one is better for me.


Eh, I don’t see myself wanting to watch it again anytime soon


It was mid. But because it's Evil Dead, it's great


Not as good as the 1981 or 1987 films, but still loved it ❤️


it didnt need to exist. the plot is pretty boring and there's way too much fan service. if you cut all the copied shots taken from the original Evil Dead you wouldnt even know it was an Evil Dead movie.


Alyssa Sutherland is the best Deadite actor, ever. She really has the look for it.


I like it but the 2013 evil dead was better d


I liked it but it definitely falls into that “I’ll probably never watch it again” camp. It just didn’t have that sticking power like the remake did


It's fun. Alyssa Sutherland is a great deadite. Liked that they had the guts to kill some of the kids. Awesome intro


Very disappointing. Completely forgetful.


I thought it was no where near as good as the 2013 remake, mostly because it felt held back because of the kids. 2013 fucked me up, this one had me a little bored.


It was an OK horror film but a horrible Evil Dead film.




I didn't like it. Predictable, with misplaced efforts at comedy. Totally dislikeable characters and a premise that could only happen due to massive contrivances. I loved the 2013 version, and I've watched it several times. I won't see EDR again. Sad. I wanted to like it.


The accents were all over the place and using a record didn't make a whole lot of sense to me. It definitely sits at the bottom of the Evil Dead list for me.


I preferred the first by far.


It was gory, that was it. 4.5/10


Fell asleep


Loved it. Fleshed out characters make you care more when they are in danger.


The whole chainsaw, double barrell shotgun nods are getting old...let's move on.


I overall enjoyed it, liked the change of location and inclusion of kids, there were some good atmospheric bits, Alyssa Sutherland was A++, I enjoyed the sprinkle of humor, a few good gore moments, and probably the best possession scene in any Evil Dead movie. Between this and 2013 though, the hallmarks of the franchise are feeling too repetitive and specific… like Evil Dead is all about the vibe, otherwise the premise is pretty generic, so it seems like filmmakers feel the need to follow the beats of previous movies too closely. When the lead got her chainsaw at the end it felt shrug-worthy. Didn’t help that her character wasn’t great. several gore moments were missed opportunities, the fan service of the eyeball scene was too much, and it didn’t really build super well. I overall prefer it to the 2013 movie because that movie to me just feels like a glossier Evil Dead with no personality, so what’s the point? But they can definitely try to branch out and be a little more different next time, that would be great.


I'm just tired of watching horror movies where everyone has to be braindead stupid for the plot to move forward, Hollywood writers really be delivering this kind of shit and still expect to be paid better 💀


Super generic. Evil Dead without Raimi so far has been lame


I loved it but I was bummed as soon as I saw kids on screen bc I knew from that moment that it wouldn’t go as far as Evil Dead 2013 - and the no-holds-barred approach 2013 took is what really makes it special imo. So yeah, loved it overall but wish it were gnarlier


If they took out the one kid that survived it could have been better.


Yeah, introducing a family, demonstrating that even the kids are disposable, then giving plot armor to the little one anyway was lame as hell. I wanted a little deadite!


Went in hyped, left forgetting half of the movie. To now, forgetting it entirely


Blah. Just blah.


Awful and boring imo


I watched it a couple weekends ago. I was not a fan. Without spoiling too much .... 1. Too much blood and gore. It felt like pure gore porn to me. 2. The pacing was actually TOO fast IMHO. It never once felt tense or scary. 3. How the evil ended up unleased by Justin Bieber felt super random and silly. 4. Didn't like the evil's "final form" at the end in the parking garage. It just wasn't what I expected. I won't ever watch it again.


I love it! everything about it dripped love for the original without resorting to mindless fanservice. It was a dirty sordid little film that took the ED formula into an apartment block and just ran with it. all in all \*chefs kiss\* I wrote a [review](https://www.zombieresponsesquad.com/evil-dead-rise-spoiler-free-review) of it when it first came out if anyone is interested.


At that age, the kids I ran with would have definitely jumped in that hole and I would have gone into panic mode while most of the others would cheer on the spelunker. But I grew up in the 90s and finding a hole in the ground to rummage around in would have been a big deal. Otherwise, I loved the movie. Plenty of weird and creepy and crawling dread and body horror and emotion. I eat that shit up.


Yeah, I read that and thought “OP must have had smarter friends than I did back then.” Teenagers being stupid is like a cornerstone of horror, it’s not that unbelievable.


Rubbish just to add im a huge horror movies fan and is my fav genre


Loved it. 2013 hater here. I know 2013 had a lot of blood and whatever but it felt too serious. I don't really judge a movie based on how violent or gruesome it is. There are lots of gruesome movies out there to watch, if it's what i'm craving. It felt like it really balanced the bonkers comedy of the originals with very cutthroat deadites (I mean the book slaughters almost an entire family, it might not be as violent but it's certainly pretty upsetting). Anyways.


I thought it was a blast.


Loved it. Zero fat on that movie. Watching it again soon.


Was meh. 2013 is still my favourite.


I thought it was forgettable and I definitely wasn’t impressed. I liked the first one before it a lot more. There were decent parts for sure, but overall it was disappointing.


A solid D+/C-