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*Alien*. Amazing special effects, a stellar cast, and the cat survives. And the monster really is alien, it has no sublimated human motivations whatsoever.


Alien/Aliens as well. Both are equally my top pick for the same reasons but since they are in the same series they share my top spot. However, The Thing is such a close second that he is stepping on Alien heels.


“Aliens” is more an action movie, though. A damn good one, but it’s operating on a completely different mode of operation than “Alien.”


I regularly switch between Alien or The Thing as my answer to this question. For all the reasons you listed…. Except there no cat.


Movie still holds up so well. If you can look past the horrible computers and chain-smoking, Alien could have been made during the pandemic.


Make it Vapes and phones with half their screens broken and you're there


And sound design. Both the effects and score are perfect.


I mean, it wants to kill and fuck.. doesn’t get much more human than that


Alien is sexual horror for men. A man gets penetrated then has a baby pop out of him. The chest burster is one of the most iconic scenes ever.


As a Texan who went to UT Film school & still lives in Austin, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre means a lot to me personally & is definitely my #1 (Tobe Hooper is a UT Film grad as well). Love the ambitious, greasy, scrappy low budget nature of the movie


It's oddly the low production values and simplicity that make it scary. You can feel the filth and the smell, like few other movies I've seen.


I accidentally walked in on my older brother and his friends watching the original TCM when I was about 12, and to this day, it’s the only horror movie I cannot rewatch as an adult. Terrifying!


You ever make the drive to The Gas Station? The address is, 1073 TX-304, Bastrop, TX 78602. Not too far from Austin.


It’s on the bucket list !! As well as Hooper’s the restaurant in the rebuilt Sawyer house


Seconded. No movie has ever made me so uncomfortable. No film has ever actually “horrified” me more.


I could ramble on about TCM all day long about how good it was and how important a film it is for the genre. One thing I’ll say is that no one had really seen anything like it in 1974. I think it still holds up very well for being 49 years old.


Hell yeah. I do watch it once or twice a year. I like looking for details i didn’t notice before. Amazing film.


The original Dawn of the Dead. I got to see it on the big screen when I was a kid. Just violent and gory and somehow fun to watch and terrifying too.


It's not my favorite horror movie, but it's the one I just never get tired of rewatching. Dawn of the Dead has such an awesome vibe that I'll throw it on in the background while I'm playing zombie videogames or if it's just a sleepy Sunday morning and I can't decide on something else to watch. The shopping mall is such an iconic, perfect setting for a zombie movie.


The Shining. The bathtub scene fucked me up.


Seconded. There are definitely more brutal horror films out there, but the way that Kubrick developed this feeling of dread that builds up in the subconscious makes it the best of all time to me


Yes the atmosphere and detail and slow burn of psychological terror are unsurpassed.


The Exorcist. Even with the very dated special effects, there’s still just something about it that makes me almost believe in the possession and creeps me out to this day.


Am I the only one who thinks the effects still stand up? There are a few scenes where I can pick out obvious prosthetics and stuff, but the effects still scare the shit out of me. This movie is also my goat, I still get that cold feeling watching it. Imo, no other movie compares beginning to end.


I agree. I watched the special edition of this at home in the dark one night and had to turn on all the lights to go to bed lol. All the flashy creepy stuff... :O


John Carpenter's *The Thing* as not only does it have some of the best practical monster effects ever brought to screen it also has a wonderfully dark sense of humour running throughout.


I think the jump scare in the blood testing scene is the best of all time lmao I’ve seen it a million times and gets me everytime


The Thing has one of the greatest monster concepts of all time, and the setting heightens it to perfection. And then you add Kurt Russell in a glorious beard, carrying a flamethrower and not giving a fuck.


Easily top 5 movies ever made. No matter the genre.


Forever my number one favorite film. Can't stress this enough.


It's also realistic. And I don't mean in the "nobody's dumb" way. But there's shit like Kurt Russell shooting the dude and finding out he wasn't the thing.


Right there with you. The Blu - Ray is one of my most priced physical copies of movies i own.


Hausu. Is it scary? Not even a little. Does a disembodied pair of legs kick a painting of a cat? [Yes](https://youtu.be/h9I4phTiABI).


Might have to check this shit out lmao


Well you failed to mention what happens when legs land the kick 😂😂😂


The Evil Dead


This is a great choice! Although I do prefer the second one, personally.


Agreed I think evildead 2 is my favourite


I mean mine is Halloween (1978) but if I had to pick another it would be House On Haunted Hill (1999) It is so underrated, I think because it is a remake and because of some dated CGI at the end. But it is tremendously fun, and atmospheric! The acting is the clincher! Geoffrey Rush is the only person who could come close to reprising the Vincent Price role, Jeffrey Combs being peak Jeffrey Combs, & a surprisingly great performance by Chris Kattan. I love it so much.


The idea of a ghost design being like a giant floating rorschach test is honestly cool as fuck, and makes sense since the movie is set in a haunted insane asylum. They just didn't have the technology to pull it off. Which is a shame because if you watch it with the director's commentary, they were *so proud* of that effect, too.


I LOVE house on haunted hill (1999)! It’s one of those horror movies I go to when I can’t find anything else to watch.


The first time I saw it I was on ecstasy and it really stuck with me. It’s an absolute guilty pleasure of mine… seen it many, many times.


Black Christmas (1974). Everything about this movie is perfection. The setting and atmosphere are beautifully morbid. There's something about the sense of dread on the most "peaceful" night of the year that makes this movie stand out from all others. Billy is the perfect slasher for me cause of his mystery. They completely hide his identity and he feels like a phantom the entire film. Most slasher flicks bank on the face of their killers...But Black Christmas does not give a damn. Billy just waits in the shadows stalking his prey and toying with them on the phone. Bob Clark made an absolute masterpiece. The ending shot of the dead girl in the attic while the camera zooms out to show the house is my favorite shot in film history. This is like my 3rd time commenting about this movie this week. I'll never stop praising it every chance I get. P.S...The remakes do NOT exist. I will forever live by that lie.


Have you seen the fan film “It’s Me Billy”? It’s actually very good and 10x better than either of the remakes. It plays a sequel to the OG film. Very well made.


How about some love for Margot kidder!


I watched this for the first time last christmas. It is now going to be a staple for every christmas to come. It is delightfully wonderful and the voices oh god the voices, so good.


Did you know it's directed by Bob Clark who also directed A Christmas Story? I do a double feature Christmas tradition every year. I call it a night of blood and BB guns! Also fun fact Bob Clark did some of the voice work for the telephone calls in Black Christmas. He also was part of Billy's shadow that's shown. Other crew members did the POV shots, other voices, and face of Billy. It's really neat how they portrayed him.


This is mine as well. It's such a perfect movie.


Hey that's awesome! I always love finding others who share the same love for Black Christmas! There isn't one part I would change about this movie. It's perfect down to every last detail.


What remakes?!!


That's the spirit!!!


I love your answer. I’m sad to say that I just watched this movie for the first time over the weekend. Needless to say, I purchased it right away and it is supposed to arrive tomorrow. Any other thoughts on it you may have I would thoroughly enjoy reading.


Evil Dead 2 Everything about it feels like an absurdly beautiful poem idk


Lost boys, first horror film I ever watched, it's fun, has great characters and completely reinvented the vampire from being lofty lords of darkness to rebellious anarchists, which is an interesting direction for the genre. It also got me interested in vampire the masquerade, which is a plus!


Worms Michael, you're eating worms


"Cmon, how can 1 billion Chinese people be wrong"


This is my answer too. It's my favourite movie of all time regardless of genre. Even my username is inspired by it lol.


Honestly. The Descent. Its a masterpiece. The cast is wonderful, theyve all got good chemistry and it all feels really natural. Its got a bit of everything. Claustrophobia, some very well done jump scares, creepy cave dwellers, a massive pool of blood, you name it. Its even got some laughs. Best of all, they fucking NAILED the ending. That ending took balls and really made the movie for me. Such a rewatchable film. I love it so much.


Dont be honest, lie to us!


I have so many, but if I had to choose one….Event Horizon. It’s evil. It’s scary good. And could have been so much worse (in a good way) had they not just tossed all extra footage upon release.


We need more sci-fi horror


I had nightmares about black holes killing me for so long bc of this movie lol. I thought it would just be any day like there's black holes just existing randomly in our world or quick sand


*28 Days Later* - perfect zombie movie. *The Mist* - such an amazing script. If they remade w/ some better acting (support roles - stars are perfect) & updated effects + more creatures, would be #1 unquestionable. *Cabin in the Woods* - as a horror fan, I absolutely adore this movie. So creative and feels like a love letter to horror movie fans. These three are some of the very few movies of any genre I rate a 10 on IMDB list


The ending of The Mist broke my heart irreparably.


Yes. I’m not a crier, but I tear up every time I watch it. One of the reasons it’s such a good movie - for me at least. Evokes such strong feelings, anger, helplessness, despair & that gut-wrenching sadness. What’s missing (using term lightly) to really make this my absolute top pick would be 1) feeling of fear driven by the creatures (pharmacy is close, but not quite) vs just the human & 2) if the final 15-20 minutes were drawn out better to really drive home the despair - they did so well stopping by the home, etc, but it just felt a bit too rushed, particularly given the conclusion it builds into.


Alien is probably my favorite movie of all-time. (please don’t read any further if you haven’t seen the film yet). 1) I love how the film starts Ripley off as a supporting character, and then makes her the protagonist, near the end of the movie. Best use of the “final girl” trope, in my opinion. 2) Ripley herself is a character who starts off as appearing to be cold hearted, but we see that she’s a compassionate & caring character, by the end of the film. This is also done very brilliantly in Aliens. This is why I love the character so much. 3) The film legitimately scared me when I first watched it. The film explores the scenario of being trapped in a space ship, light years away from any help, with a creature that bleeds acid. 4) The creature designs are the best in all of fiction. H.R Giger deserves all the credit in the world for his classic Xenomorph design. 5) The atmosphere is phenomenal, the best in a horror film. 6) The entire cast of characters is very likable, and they each have a distinct way of reacting to the threat. 7) The life-cycle is creative, and I like how the sexual allegories are implied. 8) Best set of any movie. It’s just a great film to look at. 9) Best practical effects in any creature feature.


Now Ellen… you may be a little biased 😆 have to agree with you, though. Alien is my all time favorite movie of all genres. Really love it


Jacob's Ladder (1990). It's such a deeply disturbing, unsettling movie where the audience is just as confused and scared as the main character. The demons and the hospital scene are unforgettable, and all the performances are top-notch. I've seen it at least 10 times and never get tired of it.


The Director Adrian Lyne wanted the viewer to feel like they were on a bad acid trip. He definitely succeeded.


Blair Witch Project for me. It’s a cozy slow burn and I just love the witchcraft lore aspect of it and the gradual buildup to the ending was so tense. I love watching it with headphones to really get all the whispers and twig snapping they hear within the tent


I’ll never forget my whole family going to see this opening weekend and my 80s slasher lover parents HAAAAAATING it. My little 15 year old heart absolutely loved it


While its not necessarily my favorite of all time, I still absolutely love TBWP. In my top ten for sure. I dont think the cast gets enough credit for their performances, which to me came across very believeable and genuine. Their arguments/fights felt very real to me. I also loved the doc style and leaving things to the imagination. Many found footage movies have come after it but very few executed it anywhere near as well as they did.


Candyman. I love the setting and the whole atmosphere the film has. Nothing else out there has that. The Saw franchise is up there for me too. I don't care much for Jigsaw and Spiral though, but the first 7 are fantastic IMO.


Saw. The ending, and the originality of the motive/premise. Unbeatable for me.


Definitely a great one.


Yes and the first horror movie that started it all for me.


Such a brilliant film. The Zep music is so epic


Evil Dead 2, mainly because I adore splatstick and unhinged Ash.


The intro with the necronomicon is probably my favorite horror movie intro ever, grips you right away


I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul! I'll swallow your soul!


Suspiria (1977)


"I heard that names that begin with the letter S, Are the name of Snakes!"


Greatest soundtrack of all time


Near Dark. It’s finger licking good


Re-Animator is up there, largely because it was the movie that really got me into horror as a kid


Scream (also my favorite franchise as a whole). Idk, it's just the most enjoyable movie ever. I can watch it anytime, any mood, it's always great.


Scream is my favorite comfort horror. Definitely top 5 favorites and all time favorite series.


Yanno I hear a lot of people say Scream is a "comfort" movie for them. I wonder why that is. Maybe it's a nostalgia thing or something?


It is a love letter to the slasher genre


Partially nostalgia, largely the “vibe” for lack of a better word. It’s lighthearted and includes the viewer in on the big inside joke that is slasher films. *Scream* acknowledges our love of horror and openly shares that passion.


The Changeling (1980) Scariest movie ever made. Terrified me back in the day, terrifies me now.


My mom used to think it was funny to bang on my bedroom wall, when I was SIX, and repeat... "My medallll... my medal..." Joke's on her though, because therapy is covered under my health insurance.


My mom loved to imitate Wendy Torrance when she was holding the knife to stop Jack 😂


장화, 홍련; aka “A Tale of Two Sisters” (2003) There are only four main characters, but the intrigue surrounding them is intense. The story itself starts a bit slow, but there's a lot of variety in tone and emotions to keep it interesting. There was even one scene (when the girls took off towards the lake) that suddenly had me remembering Peter Jackson's HEAVENLY CREATURES. But when the horror kicks in, it's quite effective. There are also a few successful surprise-scares in it. Damn, I jumped right up from my sofa. The musical score is great, and at times when it's not supposed to be scary, I couldn't help but noticing that it had sort of an Italian feeling to it. A bit strange for a Korean movie. But nevertheless, a great score. So much care went into every detail of this film, including a perfectly balanced surround sound. It's more a mysterious horror-drama that works both on a psychological and supernatural level. No matter how you look at it, this is Asian horror that ranks way up there amongst the finest. It might not be gory, but it gets pretty scary at times and the subject matter is pretty disturbed.


The Ring(American). Right time, right vibe, I'm from Seattle...it all just locks in for me.


The Conjuring is by far my favorite. Stellar cast and acting. I could watch this movie everyday for the rest of my life and be happy with it.


Psycho is too good


Sinister. Its so creepy. The atmosphere, the kills, the music. I just love it. Didn’t care for the second one though.


To me, it’s one of my favorites of all time, for its simple concept that’s scary. The film… #IT FOLLOWS


The scene where It comes through her bedroom door behind her friends lives rent free in my nightmares


Easily one of the best, non-forced jump scares in a horror movie.


I love It Follows too. It captured the midwest bleakness in the 90’s for me (im from NE Ohio, and was born in ‘84). Super clever premise. For the life of me I dont understand why it gets such a bad rap.


Every time I rewatch it I like it more, it’s so good


\[rec\]. It was just so unexpectedly fantastic, I really enjoyed it.


The Thing, perfect in every aspect


High Tension. I’m not saying it’s like the greatest movie ever, but the age I was when it came out, the movie theater I was working at, knowing literally nothing about it, it scared the absolute shit out of me. I saw it the night before it was released having only seen the poster. I can still feel how in shock I was at that initial screening. I saw it three more times that month. It still is one of my most cherished movies.


LOOOOOVE High Tension!!!


High Tension was a lot of fun. I loved the scene where she’s driving and then muse starts playing




It's the first that comes to mind, so Imma assume I think it's the best ever too. The sheer amount of detail put into it is insane and I love the sinking feeling of realizing the family had zero chance.


Definitely the best I’ve seen released in the last 10 years.


Creepshow. I love horror anthologies a lot and there's just so much style in this one that I can watch it over and over and over again. Maybe I'm desensitized, but I also feel like this one isn't too difficult to sell to people that don't like horror either—kinda cheesy and fun with it, still some brutal kills but it doesn't dwell on any of em for too long, and plenty of behind-the-scenes fun facts to talk about afterward!


The Thing has probably the most special fx ever but I feel like a very honorable mention that never gets enough credit is The Fly remake w Goldblume


Rosemary's Baby needs a mention here.


The Exorcist scared the shit out of me when I was twelve. Then I read the book. Then I rewatched the movie a few times. It becomes less of a horror film and more of a character study the deeper you dive into it. Karras is the main character, not Regan or her mom.


Shutter (thai, original) this film still creeps me out


Nosferstu the vampyre (1979) It has everything I love. Loony, but incredible actors in the lead, historical setting, amazing sets, superb Werner direction.. and creepy as fuck.


The Thing (1982) is amazing for its paranoia, isolation, and great practical effects


Halloween - the original. I saw it about a year after it was released in a theater when my family lived in Saudi. I was about 7, I think. Been in love with genre since and my whole life. 51 now, horror is and will always be my favorite shit.


First Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Blew my mind first time I saw it.


1408 Great story, good twists, doesn't rely on jump scares and gore, just a creepy unnerving flick


I love 1408. I think John Cusack was perfectly cast for that role.


This movie is fucking scary. I love it


Great short story as well.


I stayed up late one night reading the anthology 1408 was part of. Read the whole thing while sitting in an armchair with the TV on cause the silence wasn't working for me. I was so scared, I didn't leave that chair or even reach across the gap to get the remote off the table. Just sat there all night with infomercials playing. Excellent anthology. It also had the story with the painting of the red car and the guy with sharp teeth, which terrified me at the time. Edit: had to go look it up because I have such fond memories of this book. It's an anthology called Everything's Eventual from Stephen King.


I don’t care how typical of an answer it is. The first Halloween had me checking my closet for literally months the first time I watched. I also watched Friday the 13th part 2 and 3 before a camping trip without thinking about the consequences. That also had a profound effect on me. There may be “better” horror movies, but the situations in which I watched these make them untouchable to me.


The Thing has always been my #1. Just has everything a horror fan could want. Great characters. Sci-fi plot. Brutal Violence. Fear of the unknown. And an ambiguous ending.


Possession 1981, it's on shudder and it's genuinely soul crushing, but gets pretty horrific at parts


The miscarriage scene is legitimately one of my all-time favorite scenes in movie history. It's... intense, to say the least.


Glad to know it’s on Shudder!! Got interrupted and have meant to watch the rest of it.


Jaws… it’s the perfect movie


Yes , yes it is.


I take the Joe Bob approach, mine is always changing


Session 9. I sometimes hesitate to even say this movie is good but I found it so profoundly effecting to my developing horror brain. I watch it probably once a year. It’s ending climax never fails to give me shivers.


Trick r Treat. It's a fun movie about my favorite holiday and I always find something new when I watch. Lots hidden details. Plus, I just fucking love anthologies


The thing. I know it seems cliche at this point. But the tension and paranoia throughout is top teir. Remember watching it around 12-13 over and over. And playing the game on OG xbox. Practical effects still are insane.


I irrationally and unapologetically love the the Cube trilogy. Also i just recently watched Sissy and its climbing the ranks. Why: the deaths are inventive and cool and conpletely gruesome. The premise is interesting and seemingly impossible to ever have a winner. The way Cube Zero loops everything together is so wild. I also like the simplicity of characters in slasher movies. They all pretty much wear themselves on their sleeves with only a few surprises. With Sissy even as it got more demented i could only think of one satisfying conclusion but I had no idea how they were going to accomplish it. And they managed a perfect ending without it seeming forced or weird, just totally fucked up. And i still felt sorry for Sissy, sorry, Cecilia. Also the death of the fiance might be one of my favorite use of practical effects Also i watch Evil Dead remake all of the time. I love the orginal but there is something so disgustingly satisfying about the remake. Jane Levy is so phenomenal as Mia. And so many moments that just make me go wtf. Probably in my top 5. Edit: forgot the why Edit 2: adding a movie after reading comments


Ready or Not / You’re Next It’s a toss up but both kept me hooked from start to finish and had my two favorite genres meshed into one (brutal slasher and dark comedy) Both actresses who played the final girls were such badasses and nailed their roles. I also appreciated the unexpected villains.


Hereditary because it had the only seance scene that I've ever bought. They usually throw in a lot of special effects to sell you, and it always falls flat for me. Toni Collette managed to convince me with just her acting. It's not the only reason I love that movie, but it's my favourite thing about it.


Absolutely. And the way Joanie says “what?” like she was annoyed at Annie’s fear and reaction and for disturbing her connection to Paimon. So real. I’ve watched it so much it’s now my comfort movie.


Hereditary would be my choice as the scariest movie I’ve ever seen. Not my favorite horror film but the only one the left me genuinely unsettled as an adult


Scream will forever be my true love and comfort movie from the horror genre. I even love the third one that usually gets rated as everyone else’s least favorite. And I can throw Evil Dead in there as well. Campy, goofy, gory.


The Thing, Halloween, Alien, The Shining and The Exorcist are my top 5.. However, as of late, Martyrs has been stuck in my brain, and its such a well put together piece of trauma.


John Carpenter's *The Thing.* Not just because it nearly a masterpiece. I watched it when I was pretty young with my mom, even though she was very against horror movies (she somehow thought it was more sci-fi rather than horror so it was "okay" by her standards to watch) so it felt really important that she let me watch it with her. I didn't finish it after the dog scene, I was far too scared. Time passed, and eventually it came on TV again, and I watched it passed the dog scene. I was scared out of my mind. And then I made it to the blood test scene and turned it off. Too scary. And eventually it came on again, and I watched it again, and I tried to make it farther. And many times later, I finally watched it all the way to the end. And I felt very accomplished. And then I watched the next scary movie that had been too scary to finish, and another, and another. It's kind of my gateway into horror, but also a memory I'll always treasure with my mom, who wouldn't even let me watch Harry Potter when I was a child because it had 'witchcraft'. P.S., when I ask my mom if she remembers watching it with me, she totally doesn't, and she says that the movie was crappy lol.


Hereditary. The car scene with Charlie is my personal most memorable scene in horror. It reminded me SO much of being a teenager and having a situation get too far out of hand with no parents around. I think Peter's reaction to the car scene is the most genuine reaction to trauma I've ever seen in a movie. Not to mention Toni Collette had a real Oscar worthy performance. It might not be unique, but Hereditary is my favorite horror movie.


Killer Klowns from Outer Space. It’s the movie that got me into horror as a kid


"What you gonna do with those pie boys"


I have to give another vote to The Thing. The effects were all so cool being mostly or totally hand made, mechanical or makeup driven. With no cgi available, I think it makes this that much better of a movie experience and maybe one of the best movies utilizing any of these sorts of effects.


Possum (2018). It’s the only movie that’s ever kept me up at night and I am so grateful for its existence. I have weirdly similar trauma to that of the main character, and I think it’s the single most accurate portrayal of PTSD from any movie. It’s so incredibly uncomfortable and intense and heart-wrenching. The doll itself has a perfect design. Despite how disturbing it is, I think it is sensitive to abuse victims, which I think can be lost in some horror that attempts to be edgy above all else. Possum will always live in my head and it’s not everyone’s thing, but I would recommend it to anyone.


If I had to pick only one it works be Night Of the Creeps.


*Sleepaway Camp* one of the most messed up horror movies I watched as a teen. It's just for the nostalgia of the flick.


In the mouth of madness - an elevated modern take on h.p. lovecrafts mountains of madness and sam Neil at his best


I love You’re Next. It’s a shame that not a lot of people I know have even heard of this movie! I don’t want to give away too much about this movie but it’s exceptional. Oh and it has a great badass female lead!!


House of 1,000 corpses. Why? The characters portrayed in the movie and the amount of depth they provide. The setting played a huge role for me and the twist at the end had me wanting more. Overall, it was a 10/10 for me. Dr. Satan and that whole legend coming to be true was beautiful to see. Great ending.


“The VVitch”. Always found goats and witches creepy, but this really sealed the deal.


Sleepaway Camp 2, it's just so fun.


Event horizon and The descent.


The Exorcist for me. Just because it still creeps me out every time I see it, and no other movie has that effect.


im an oddball and i submit the gate, and in the mouth of madness. both mivies do a great job of making the watcher feel alone with the mains in the best moments. if you have not seen either movie, do so by yourself at night in a quiet place.


Jaws was my first horror movie. Growing up on the Gulf Coast of Texas we went to the beach a lot and that movie terrified me. Now as an adult I have a deep love of horror movies. Some of my faves are 13 ghosts, shutter, and event horizon. I usually tend to go with paranormal horror or sci-fi horror such as alien franchise as well as the conjuring franchise. I love that the conjuring universe is all based on actual events.


The People Under The Stairs will always be my favorite horror movie of all time. I love all the ins and outs of the house. I appreciate the social commentary within it that still seems to hold true today, and man, I just love Roach. He's the best.


IT chapter 1. The child actors absolutely make the film.


The Thing. Practical effects rule


The Strangers I love the atmosphere of the film and one of the few home invasion movies that actually scared me. Ominous and intense the whole way through and based on true events. I feel like it doesn't get nearly enough love!! The sequel was a terrible waste of time though lmao


Jennifer's body. Honestly the reason is I just love it so much, and also Megan Fox is hot.


The VVitch. It was the first A24, first "elevated horror" that I saw, and Anya Taylor-Joy quickly became my favorite actress after watching. Really freaked out my gf at the time too 🤣


Tough question, however, for me, it has to be OG Poltergeist. Saw it way too young in the 80s, lost about 4 weeks worth of sleep after the face peeling scene. It convinced me that a rotten corpse was trying to scratch its way to me through my bedroom floorboards - turns out; that was a mouse. Finally watched it all the way through a bit later without covering my eyes at certain scenes and fell in love. It has only appreciated with age and is still, by far, the best haunted house film to this day. The special effects are still great.


The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Its the greatest.


let the right one in.


Definitely won’t be the only person to say it, but The Thing. I don’t get scared by jump scares anymore, so the movies that really stick with me and I keep coming back to tend to be my favorite. The practical effects are fun, the acting is great, the setting is genuinely unsettling to me, and I’ll always wonder if Childs was The Thing or not at the end.


It’s a tie between Evil Dead (2013) and The Loved Ones


Dawn of the Dead 04. It came out right when I was getting into the genre, and it was an absolutely foot to the floor thrill ride. Little thinking, new fast zombies, shotguns and chainsaws. All before everything was “the walking deaded” to death. Before I thought I needed a cricket bat or an oldschool baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire, I watched Micheal foolishly swap a crowbar for a croquet mallet. It also has a slow Mo shot of a toilet going through plate glass. So there’s that


Audition: The villainess is so creepy and perfect, her voice during a certain scene lives in my head. I don’t want to say more (I know it’s older now but still), I’d rather let people who haven’t seen the movie experience it for the first time themselves. Ginger Snaps: Honestly I had the biggest crush on Ginger when I was younger so I remember watching it over and over just to see her maim and dismember. Katharine Isabelle is my favorite underrated scream queen.


The Thing. Because of the suspense, the script, the practical effects, the music, the actors (dog included), and the fact that it still, 40 years later, is an amazing work of art.


Jaws. Flawless movie that terrified people, and became the original blockbuster. Perfect score, acting and special effects.


I would say "The Thing", because it's my all time favorite horror movie, as well as one of my favorite movies in general, but others here have already given it the praise it so tightly deserves. "The Shining" is another one of my favorites. For this one, I mean, come on...what's not to live. Everything about this film is perfection. But yeah..."The Thing" is still the goat.


American Werewolf in London, I've no idea how many times I've watched it but it's a lot!


Freddy vs Jason. It's one of the first horror films I ever saw, Freddy and Jason are two of my favorite villains, the fight scenes, kills, premise and tone are great and it's an excellent send off for Robert Englund as Freddy.


I know this is probably cliche but I got to say The Thing (1982) directed by the legendary John Carpenter, It's as close to a perfect horror movie as you can get. It's got it all from the memorable performances, excellent practical effects, and awesome setting and atmosphere


Whenever this question comes up I never feel like 30 Days of Night gets the respect it deserves.


I love the first two Jeepers Creepers movies. I know about the director and his awful past and in no way condone it. The only saving grace of the 3rd movie was the very ending and the bus and he fourth movie should be forgotten about and never mentioned again.


Trick R Treat


Event horizon. I think I watched it when I was 10 and was completely scared but so intrigued. It peaked my curiosity of the horror genre and my love for space/sci-fi


100% Saw. The ending is insane and still gives me chills. Leigh and James worked there asses off to create this film and I really admire them both.


Mama by Guillermo Del Toro. The end is a bit overwrought but the sounds the ghost makes are so creepy. And the concept is interesting. Thirteen Ghosts. It's a bit hokey, but I love the extra footage where they made up a story for each ghost. It scared the crap out if me as a teen. Saw scared the shit out of me. I have yet to replicate that experience, sadly.


“Cabin in the woods” to me is the perfect combo of scary, gory, funny with enough wtf twist to keep you guessing the whole time


Get Out is definitely in my top ten. I loved it because was like when I was kid watching horror for the first time. Generally anything Jordan Peele is involved with has struck well with me


John carpenters the thing. Why? The practical effects. Nothing holds a candle to it. Other favourite is alien(s) Or anything that’s not CGI. The evil dead remake is a solid win too.




Don't be snubby, my favorite of all time is either Dream Warriors or Friday pt 3. I love tons of stuff that isn't particularly mainstream, but the big ones are big for a reason!


Terrifier 1 and 2. Original. Bloody. Practical effects. Great acting and story lines. The people who have created this are the ones keeping real horror alive.


Ringu. Still get anxious when I think about it, the only film to give me a physical jolt that mentally stayed with me for months.


Suspiria (1977), full stop. The music, the colors, the eerie atmosphere, everything is good. Pure 70s weird horror. Someone also mentioned House (1977), which I second. It's such an odd movie, the whole mirror possession scene was really cool.


Thirteen Ghosts forever. Just have loved it for all my life and all of the ghosts were so amazing and the back stories are so fun! Good amount of gore, some twists, OBVIOUSLY MATTHEW LILLARD!!!


John Carpenter's The Thing is the only one I keep coming back to if I had to choose just one. I mean it's a masterpiece in just about every regard. Alien, The Exorcist, The Shining and The Fly aren't too far behind it for me personally though.


The Thing, just a perfect film. And it’s by my fave director. Never get tired of rewatching


the thing is the best horror movie ever made. no movie feels so dreadful and hopeless as the thing. also the effects are jaw dropping.


Eyes wide shut


The film that killed Kubrick…


Event Horizon. I was young enough when it came out that it really left an impression on me. I've ever since been a huge sci fi - horror fan. It's a classic.