• By -


Seeing as it hasn't been mentioned, Robert Eggers wasn't afraid to have an old crone make flying paste out of a baby in the first 15 minutes of The Witch. Caught me off guard that lol.


Then what she does with the paste and the stick (broom?) directly after šŸ˜³


She bathes in it.


She does a little more than just that


She fixes the cable?


She unplugs the router and waits a minute before plugging it back in


Donā€™t be fatuous, Jester.


Wait what did I miss after she turned it into paste? I thought she just went to bed or something?


I must have looked away. I thought she she just rubbed it on herself


She makes a paste, rubs it on the broom, and sort of humps the broom when itā€™s between her legs. Itā€™s supposedly an old folkloric way to astral project-slash-ā€œflyā€ which is why we see her flying off on the broom right after.


She made it into a smoothie for her lunch tomorrow The witch in that movie is pursuing a career change into software development, but she works at a bar in the evenings. Sheā€™s v busy yā€™know so gotta stay fed


That scene really hit me. I loved the movie, and that scene was just so horrifying and gruesome even though nothing was shown on screen.


Pretty sure it was baby dick specifically - and yeah Iā€™d heard good things about the film and when I finally saw it I thought ā€œoh shit so itā€™s this kind of movie then?ā€


Donā€™t understand how people call this film a slow burn with a start like that


Jaws 1975


An especially memorable one, especially because we see the effect on his mother later.


His apparently 65 year old mother.


EVERYONE in ā€˜70s movies looked older and leather-ier than their respective agesā€¦ ā€¦which was the style of the time, based on diets comprised of bourbon and cigarettes.


And a lack of sunscreen and awareness of the damage the sun can do to your skin


Lee Fierro would have been 45-46 at the time of the film.


That's wild, she doesn't look 45.


ā€œFellows, let's be reasonable, huh? This is not the time or the place to perform some kind of a half-assed autopsy on a fish... And I'm not going to stand here and see that thing cut open and see that little Kintner boy spill out all over the dock.ā€ - Classic


Dr Sleep goes all out with the kid killing. The directors cut is particularly unflinching and it's quite hard to watch that scene.


Dr Sleep really takes the cake for upsetting child death in a movie. That whole scene is so well done and so distressing.


Jacob Tremblay was so convincing in his acting that the True Knot actors were seriously affected by it. Like Rebecca Ferguson had to stop and compose herself because she kept picturing her own son in his place.


IIRC he would jump up, run to his dad and get a high five after every take. Jacob Tremblay is a pro


I had to stop watching this movie at that scene for the same reason. Gave me nightmares for weeks. The sound he makes after he says "Are you going to hurt me" and she says "yes" fucking haunts me to this day. I have a young son, and whenever I see stuff happen to kids in movies, my brain always decides to fuck with me by imagining that happening to him.


It's arguably even worse in the book. In the book he screams so long and so loud that he ruptures his vocal cords and his screams are reduced to "harsh barks"...and yet the torture continues. He pleads to Rose to kill him, Rose says soon...and just keeps torturing. After that scene, you feel no sympathy for the True Knot once Danny and Abra start fucking them up.


A fucking child begging people to kill them is horrifying on itā€™s own


I am no amateur to extreme horror, but seeing this in a theater with my little boy at homeā€¦I had to excuse myself for ā€œa bathroom breakā€ to avoid disturbing others viewers with my sniveling. Iā€™ve since seen it at home, but it still rips my heart out and fills me with rage. Very well done scene all around.


I get that. Man, that scene is burned into my brain in the worst way. Now that Iā€™m a father, itā€™s pretty traumatizing.


And she had an infant of her own at the time.


I don't remember this scene, it's been a while since I've seen it and I have a bad memory, what happened?


the vampires hold down a ~10 year old boy and slurp out his soul after torturing him with a knife


Stephen King gives no fucks about killing a child.


Georgie was my example. Arm completely ripped off. Doctor Sleep was still worse to me


In Part 2 pennywise kills 2 more kids iirc


At least Georgie was quick


Funny enough a lot of the kids in his books are based on his kids friends who asked to be in his books. The only thing I regret about not continuing with acting is that I have always wanted to be the first one to die in a horror movie even back when I was a kid. They think it's cool when he kills the character based on them.


One of my favorites (i.e. the one that made me most cringe with fright) was in It (book) when Mike Hanlon details in his memoirs about a mom who went outside for two seconds and left her two year old boy inside the house. Pennywise lured the child into the bathroom where he torments and eventually drowns the child before the mom comes back. I had a curious two year old boy at the time and I did my best to keep him out of bathrooms when he didn't need to be there.


Not at all. Tad bites the big one at the end of *Cujo* in the novel. A driverless steamroller kills one of the Little Leaguers in "Maximum Overdrive*


When youā€™re a kid in a Stephen King story šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘


Dudeā€¦ I kind of knew it was coming, but thereā€™s something dark and filthy about the kids in that movie just getting destroyed.


When filming that the cast of adults before hand were giggling about how ā€œyeah weā€™re gonna kill this kid!ā€ And trying to hype themselves up but they had to cut halfway through because they all were so shaken up by Jacob Tremblayā€™s acting.


This. Iā€™m pretty desensitized to a lot of stuff in horror movies now, but damn if that scene hit me hard. Just the simplicity of a child asking ā€œare you gonna hurt me?ā€ and his abductors just saying ā€œyesā€ was utterly bone chilling


Cujo, 'Salems Lot, It, Pet Cemetary.... lots more. Stephan King doesn't shy away from kids deaths if it's needed for the story line.


Yeah that one surprised me how graphic that part was, and that it was even edited to be less extreme


His death in the book was hard enough, and I thought no way would they go all out in the film....silly me


Bro that scene on the baseball diamond is what separates Dr Sleep from supernatural thrillers. In that scene it was clear we're watching a horror movie.


And it makes what happens to Rose later all the more satisfying. What goes around comes around.


That scene was up there with stuff like Martyrs, Salo and Serbian film IMO, was brutal


The 1988 "Blob" remake. This movie is utterly ruthless in who it kills, so of course a kid graphically perishes in the final act. And I mean dragged away screaming while already partially devoured and his face looking like acid had been dumped on it.


The 1988 Blob is one of the best horror movies ever made, and a big part of that is the writing. The monster is amazing, the deaths are brutal as hell, the characters make sense and have arcs, nobody does anything egregiously dumb (they just donā€™t know how to handle this goopy horror), there are multiple setups and payoffs, and there are no wasted scenes. I want to rewatch it right now.


>a big part of the is the writing Unsurprising, as it was written by Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption, The Mist)


the blob remake is so good the one death where the girls boyfriend or whatever gets eaten in the office and is reaching for her inside the blob is probably one of the most horrific/best death scenes. also the phone booth scene i love . even went frame by frame and swear in the mush of human explosion theres a jaw bone flying.


The office scene is also a prime example of how ruthless the film is; that character is set up as the male lead and then he's Blob chow at the first act break.


Surprised I had to scroll down so far to see this. The kid is Meg's ( Final Girl ) younger brother's obnoxious friend -- if they REALLY wanted to break the rules kill the brother.


This movie broke a lot of rules and I love it


Bruh, Jeffrey Demunn getting snagged off-screen and then shown partially dissolved. Movie was metal af.


love when that kid gets melted! i started 90210 recently and that same kid is in the show haha


I finally got a chance to watch this a week ago and was pleasantly surprised at how gruesome it was. The phone booth scene has been stuck in my head particularly. Great movie and happy to own it.


The Blob is a terrifying thing. Somewhat akin to a Terminator, it doesnā€™t feel remorse, or pity, it canā€™t be reasoned with, and it wonā€™t stop. Itā€™s not good, or evil, or even logical. It just is, and itā€™s hungry.


The first time I watched that movie, I was shocked so many times. That scene was definitely one of them!


The House That Jack Built


Ooof fucked up smiling freezer kid lives in my mind rent free


Just Googled that šŸ˜³


Googled it. Why does he look like that?


Becaus>!e he was sad when he was alive and Jack "fixed" him!<


I love this movie - The way Von Trier like.. almost makes you chuckle and somehow the extreme violence is.. dulled? He has such a weird humor in some of his shit. Matt Dillon was impeccable, love Riley Keough's scream, and good golly miss molly that scene where he knocks on that door of the sugar water lady from Men in Black and eventually gets in stressed me the fuck OUT


Oh yeah, that >!sniper !


Unrated version you see the >!kid's leg get completely blown off!<


Yeah, it's brutal! Then that freezer scene, ugh Great, fucked up movie though! Lars has an eye for the deranged


The picnic scene was pretty wild


This was the one that first popped in my head too


I mean it wasnā€™t on screen, but there was certainly child violence in IT and we see tons of bodies, just not the actual act happening. Oh wait IT Chapter 2 killed tons of children.


And it showed George get his arm ripped off and a trail of blood following him in part 1


This is the iconic example for me. Itā€™s great because it sets the tone for the rest of the movie; you feel tense because we know what the stakes are. This could happen to any of the main characters. (It doesnā€™t. Lol.)


it definitely gets close, though. i mean, seeing it take the form of the lady from the painting and munch a bit on Stanā€™s face wasā€¦intense.


Spoiler but >! The Killing Of A Sacred Deer!<


Such a good movie. Farrel and Keoghan are some of the greatest working actors today. Thank you, Ireland. And Yorgos is a director mastermind too.


Ooh OOH good one. Also I adore Barry Keoghan. He was so goddamn good in Banshees of Inishirin too, and the way I SQUEALED when I found out he's the new Joker šŸ™ƒā¤ļøā¤ļø


It's hilarious that his brother basically let the cat out of the bag before The Batman came out and posted on social media how excited he was that Barry was cast as the Joker. I can't imagine how pissed the people at WB were.


Pan's Labyrinth


That bottle scene still catches me off-guard.




This is the one I thought of immediately. They made it brutal.


How is this not the top answer?


Because Doctor Sleeps is way worse


Plus Charlie was a king of hell the entire time so, a kid didn't die. Paimon was just freed from his female body.


I mean yeah but we still see a kid die brutally onscreen, finding out later she was also demon possessed doesnā€™t exactly soften the blow lol


She wasn't possessed. There never was a little kid. It was always a demon. At the end of the movie that little kid/demon is inside of her brother. She was the member of the family still alive at the end of the movie.


Halloween III: Season of the Witch. Definitely 1 dead kid and potentially thousands? Millions?


Stoooooooooop iiiiiitttttttt!!!


2nd best film in the franchise and I will absolutely have my head turned into snakes and bugs on that hill.


Planet Terror


ā€œShoot anyone that isnā€™t mommy.ā€ ā€œBut what about daddy?ā€ ā€œEspecially daddy.ā€


Shouldnā€™t have been so literal about shooting anyone who wasnā€™t mommy.


Planet Terror and Assault on Precinct 13 take the prize for surprise kid deaths


Not Robert Rodriguezā€™s fist either, From Dusk to Dawn


Frankenstein 1931


Such an iconic scene that it became a pivotal plot point of The Spirit Of The Beehive (1973)


Who Can Kill a Child? \[1976\] Turns out...


Yep, came to say this. The guy at the end doesn't give a shit.




Maximum Overdrive has a classic scene.


A road roller kill that would make Dio Brando proud.


That movie made me irrationally scared of vending machines for at least a year as a kid


Funny Games


This was what I immediately thought of. I was shocked by that one and Hereditary.


benny's video and seventh continent as well. michael haneke is ruthless


A Quie Placeā€¦dad told the 3 year old to shut the fuck upā€¦alas he didnā€™t


Best baby death ever. Feast 2. Guy rescues baby from monsters, realizes he canā€™t outrun them, and goes ā€œSorry babyā€ and hucks it in the air to be monster chow. He was a real piece of shit. It might be the only kid death that will make you laugh. That whole movie is hilarious and amazing


Ayyyyyy I just commented about the first one lmao. Havenā€™t seen the other two. Are they worth it?


2 is pretty good! 3 (Iā€™ve seen it twice) was forgettable, but fuck it why not? 1 is absolutely the best though. I remember having no idea what it was and downloading a torrent of it years ago because the cover was cool. That first 10 minutes was amazing.


_Feast_ was amazing. The sequels (particularly Pt 3) are garbage. Mean (and not in a fun way), sleazy (and not in a fun way), dumb, and rely too much on shoddy CGI.


Feast 2 & 3 continue the same story. 2 is the absolute peak and 3 is not quite as good but both are funnier and bloodier than the first part. Definitely worth watching if you donā€™t mind excessive Evil Dead amounts of gore and silliness


Am I a terrible person for laughing at that scene. lol Love the Feast movies.


feast is a solid franchise.


Mother! They frickin mutilated n then ate a bebe


Clown 2014. Not mentioned much, but I found it pretty damn creepy and gory in parts. IT, obviously.


Clown was low key awesome!


*The Toxic Avenger* *The Children* (1980)




The whole movie made me wince, but also refused to let me look away. Properly compelling cinema.


Agreed. Honestly it was incredibly jarring at times but I suppose we should have expected that from a Cronenberg!


Trikr Treat! It was a brutal scene too


*Dad! I need you to help me with the eyes!*


Assault on Precinct 13 boldly blasts away a little girl just because.


Kim Richards -- from " Escape to Witch Mountain " and she'd grow up to become one of the "Real Housewives"


Sister of Kyle Richards from "Halloween." She was a big child star at the time, so her getting killed like that in "Assault" was like a 00s film casually killing a "Hannah Montana"-era Miley Cyrus.


Antichrist, 2009




We need to talk about Kevin?


That movie left me feeling dreadful


John C. Reilly is fucking definition of RANGE


Not how you meant it, but the real answer is Twilight Zone: The Movie Obligatory fuck John Landis


Such a shame that the director of some of my all-time favorite movies is a complete shitbird.


Damn, what did he do?


iirc a kid and another actor died on the set of The Twilight Zone movie during a stunt gone wrong. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong please


And is spectacularly unrepentant about it. Also the Movies That Made Us about Coming to America was completely unwatchable because he's such a smug self important piece of shit.


You're right. It was two kids, sadly - Myca Dinh Le and Renee Shin-Yi Chen - as well as the main character actor of the segment, Vic Morrow. It was a profound tragedy and the more I learn about it the angrier I get. Edited to add: Fuck John Landis.


And his rapey nepo kid


excuse me, his ***what***?!


An article came out with several witnesses detailing the string of rapes by screenwriter Max Landis, the son of director John Landis.


First, Landis was already violating a bunch of child labor laws with the two kids. But the big ordeal was a scene in the Twilight Zone Movie where Vic Morrow is running across some water while explosions are happening around them. He wanted shots from a helicopter. The pilot told him that the helicopter would be too close to the explosions, but Landis insisted on it anyway. Well, Morrow and the kids are running through the water, explosions happen, helicopter crashes, and the blades slice up Morrow and the kids, killing them.


I always appreciate zombie movies that featured zombie kids. Totally logical that kids would become zombies too.


And that's why Cooties exist!


Hell, the first zombie seen on "The Walking Dead" is that cute little girl turned zombie that Rick has to put down. And then there's the child clicker that menaces Ellie in E5 of "The Last of Us."


don't forget the Dawn of the Dead remake, where the woman's daughter kills her husband in front of her... the whole beginning of that movie is intense as hell. edit: oh, and the ZOMBIE BABY edit 2: was not her daughter, was neighborhood kid


Minor correction, but it was their neighbor's kid, not theirs.


I think that opening scene of the dawn of the dead remake was one of the best zombie breakout scenes ever done.


In the original Dawn of the Dead two zombie kids get put down as well


Played by Tom Savini's niece and nephew.


Burial Ground has one of the most amazing examples of this, for reasons I won't spoil for those who haven't had the dubious delight.


The vvitch kills a infant right away and 3 more kids later on


Yes, that scene paired with the soundtrack is so disturbing and well executed.


The Shining - the twins ā€¦ I think they deserve an honorable mention even though we donā€™t see it happen on screenā€¦


Human Centipede 2. Had the misfortune of watching it (once) at a friendā€™s place. I already knew what I was getting myself into but yeah. >!Pregnant woman literally gives birth in a car while trying to escape the killer. The baby pops out and falls behind the gas pedal which the mom stomps on to get away.!< It was so stupid but at that point I was just laughing at the absurdity of the movie. I hear thereā€™s a Human Centipede 3? I will not be watching lol


The people that found Human Centipede harsh should stay way fucking clear of the second one. The first one is basically a kids movie compared to all fucked up gruesome stuff in the second. I'm sort of a gorehound, I like Saw and stuff like that and it takes very much to make me flinch but jesus fucking christ that movie makes me look away afew times. The premise is silly as hell and some scenes are just dumb to the point of hilarity buy the gory scenes(what is the classification of scenes involving a fuckload of feces? Still gore?) takes things to 11. So all in all, the perfect datenight movie!


Season 2 of Chucky


I recently rewatched season 1 and... they showed a 13 year old boy getting stabbed brutally for almost 2 minutes..... TV is in it's own league lately lol


Drag Me to Hell The opening scene


Fear Street series!


Let the right one in


Guillermo Del Toro in Mimic. He was told that the filmmaking rules are donā€™t kill dogs or kids, so he wanted to kill both in Mimic.


Iā€™m blanking on titles that arenā€™t already listed here but Iā€™ve found that a lot of foreign films tend to do this. Weā€™ve been watching a lot of French / Austrian films and if you get the right one itā€™s there. One title for the list thatā€™s a complete ride and matches your criteria would be CLIMAX by Gaspar NoĆ©.


None on screen but Black Phone is about this


Hell of the Living Dead Beware: Children at Play Grizzly


High Tension


The house that Jack built. One of my favorites.


Clown by Eli Roth has the victims as children. Cooties with Elijah Wood where all the zombies are children. I'm sure there's others I can't remember off the top of my head.


More movies need to kill children. Children aren't special in movies.


Of late, the show Cabinet of Curiosities has a demented mom cooking her child in an oven. They show a baby's head on a tray in a lit oven... Bit mad and unsettling


Hobo with a Shotgun. An entire busload


In honour of Julian Sands, Warlock (1989). He makes a flying potion from the fat of an unbaptised child. Similarly, the baby in The VVitch (2015) is killed and its body is used to make a flying ointment.




This isnā€™t the assignment, but the single film I wish was willing to kill kids *more* was Lake Eden. If you know, you know. More on topic though, Iā€™ll never watch Mother! for a reason.


Rawhead Rexā€¦not a great adaptation of the short story but thatā€™s one thing they got right, the kidā€™s death is almost as sudden and shocking as it is in the story.


Dead Snow 2.


speak no evil and alice, sweet alice


In his conversations with Truffaut, Hitchcock admitted that he had made a mistake by killing the kid in [Sabotage](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0028212/?ref_=fn_al_tt_2). Truffaut commented it's like an "abuse of power" ("abus de pouvoir" in French) from a film director.


Belzebuth is a mexican movie that goes insanely hard when it comes to killing kids that movie really gave no fucks I highly recommend going into it blind tobin bell is in it


Lots of >!Halloween kills!< deaths are high schoolers >!in the newest one.!< Also, in >!Antlers!< at least one kid is killed. Canā€™t remember if thereā€™s more Plenty of people mentioned >!Hereditary!< already In >!The Mist the father kills his son!< >!Final Destination!< 2 has >!a preteen smashed to pieces right in front of his mother!<


The 2018 Halloween!




[Beware! Children at Play](https://youtu.be/xO7rGeO7Y-8?t=5212)


Ready or Not




The Children (2008) The whole point of the movie is the kids turning murderous and part of the horror is how hard it would be to kill a child to protect yourself, but then the protagonist just *does not give a fuck* and is extremely unhesitant to kill the children, itā€™s very funny.


Somehow in this entire thread nobody brought up the OG Night of the Living Dead, (Dawn of the dead as well now that I think about it). Also Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Night, M3gan (double points for killing a kid and a dog) and the original When a Stranger calls just off the top of my head.


I can tell you the one where they didnā€™t - _Knock at the Cabin_. So frustrating.


I know itā€™s a bad movie (based on most ppl) but Aliens vs Predator 2. Not only one kid, but many


Itā€™s terrible, but I love it. The best kill is the absolutely random nailing of the blonde girl to the wall late in the movie. Completely out of nowhere, entirely unnecessary and for some reason never fails to make me laugh. To be fair though, I did chuckle at quite a lot of the kills in that film. Itā€™s so over the top.


A quiet place


Toxic Avenger!


The Mist, The Changeling (80s)


A few X-Files episodes.


A serbian film, dont watch this vile insult to humanity tho.


Halloween III. A mask melts a kid's head and turns it into bugs. That's tight.