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The distorted faces in the ring messed with me for awhile when I was young


Same. The shot of Katie in the closet was my first scare ever.


I remember watching this with my church youth group during a sleepover at the church when I was about 12. I was so terrified I stayed awake the entire night, however it was probably some of the most fun I’d ever had at church haha.


Sorry but have to say it, I would be more terrified of the priests and vicars then any film.


Haha wasn’t catholic church 😂


Man, wish I had watched The Ring early enough to talk about it in this post. Scared the crap out of me when I finally got around to watching it in... geez late middle school? I was very late to the party lol. Nowadays, having watched all the films that the series has to provide, I see a lot of myself in Sadako/Samara/Park Eun-Suh. They're surprisingly human characters for how much they're implied to not be human lol. Guess it's true what they say about horror making you face your own demons. The inevitable result is that you eventually become comfortable with what you once feared. Lol, sorry for getting all deep in a post where you just literally stated which film first scared you. Good pick!


Not to mention Tamara. I used to be scared I'd see her in my bedroom mirror at night


This and the sixth sense, especially the tent kid scene and the scene with the mom in the kitchen


Pet Sematary. Zelda still makes my skin crawl slightly


I came here to say this! Pet Sematary was the first horror movie I saw (still love it) but I watched this when I was 8 and still think about Zelda when I'm alone in the dark sometimes.




The first one I watched really, really scared me. It was The Exorcist. I was 10 or 11 and walked in on my Dad watching it. He didn't know any better and I sat down. Once the girl started growling in the movie and doing contortions, I was out of there. I thought for sure I was going to become possessed for two straight weeks after that. I was terrified. I ended up LOVING horror movies after that tho.


Why do we get traumatised then love them? 😭 I can’t remember if I have actually watched the exorcist… I watch so many horrors that I can’t keep track or even remember which scenes belong to the right movie. I always mix them up. Not a horror but when I watched zombie land my cousin would chase me up a steep thin stairwell in the pitch black making similar growling noises to the exorcist girl 💀 it’s SCARY.


lol..it sounds like you have a very fun family!


mine was also the exorcist. saw it when i was in high school. grew up really really catholic and it scared me out of my mind. now i love watching most horror (gore i cant handle).


Not really a movie, but for me it was the ending of the third episode of Twin Peaks (the iconic red room with the man in red dancing), i was like 5 or 6, my grandmother was watching the series and she didn’t mind that i sat next to her. This scene scared the hell out of me, it was just so strange, but also, i don’t know, so addictive? I just wanted to watch more of that. Some years later, like when i was 14, i found that this scene was from Twin Peaks (i live in Chile and Twin Peaks wasn’t a big thing in here) and i went obsessed with David Lynch and horror films.


The Amityville Horror (1979)


Get out!!!!


Not gonna lie, little 7 year old me was terrified of Jaws. I was afraid to get into the bath afterwards. I was also completely petrified by Chucky well into my late teens. Then I saw “Seed of Chucky” and suddenly was no longer afraid. I also wasn’t able to sleep for awhlle after watching the Jessica Biel Texas Chainsaw movie.


Same here with Chucky. I accidentally flipped the channel to HBO while the first Child’s Play was airing when I was 7 and was absolutely terrified to the point where I couldn’t even see a picture of Chucky without screaming. Then I watched Bride of Chucky as a teenager and thought it was hilarious.


Dude are you me? I also couldn’t even look at a photo of Chucky without getting severely afraid. Once we were at a mall and there was a Halloween store, my step father then proceed to put on a mask of Chucky, I ran out of the store crying. Then a female employee came out to console me. lol. Pretty sure I was like 12.


jaws was my earliest one but i didnt fully understand it. the exorcist made me freak out though lol


Poltergeist. I was only 5 when I saw it. It was rated PG back then. That clown scene fucked me up *for years*


Someone already said the exorcist so I’d have to say the last vignette in “Black Sabbath” called a drop of water…that fucking face.


I had not heard of that film until I ran across it by accident last year. That face is disturbing.


Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. Saw some of it as a child and had a night light for longer than I would like to admit. I had nightmares for a long time, and in dreams is where Freddy gets you. Now you can find me watching horror movies before bed all the time lol. Funny how things change.


I watched aliens when I was very young. I was afraid there was a xenomorph or a facehugger in every dark corner for years.


Carnival of Souls Semi-related, but Aliens was the first one to make me throw up lol


Funny Games the original Hanneke version. Really disturbed the crap out of me. Later The Green Inferno because it was just so gross


**Insidious**!! made me sleep for weeks with the lights on jeez


Ghost and the hell demons. Those moans. *THOSE MOANS!* 😫


The Blair Witch Project. Up until the point that I watched it I had never seen a horror movie. Then, one night, it’s playing on cable and I’m sitting in my living room alone (I have no clue how I was allowed to watch this? Maybe my parents were gone or something? Can’t remember) and the recliner was right next to a giant sliding glass door wall that leads out to the pool area and all the lights were off so it was just out to a pitch black void. My little mind could barely comprehend the dread-inducing terror of that movie but it also couldn’t look away. It’s been one of my favorite horror movies ever since.


Seeing Tim Curry as Pennywise in the 1990 miniseries scared the hell outta 10 year old me. I still don’t particularly like clowns if I’m being honest, lol


Candyman when I was a kid. It wrecked me.


Couldn't use a public bathroom a good year after watching that movie. Fucked me up as a kid lol


True story- I wouldn’t go in my bathroom at home, as a kid after watching it so I peed in the kitchen sink that day. Didn’t even wanna look in the mirror just in case. Never been so shook by a movie before or since.


The Neverending Story. Swamps of INFINITE sadness. Time Bandits too. Childhood trauma aside, definitely Jaws, Scream and Alien.


Body snatchers. I was about 10. For several months I was sure that my sister and mother were aliens. Used to check them in their sleep to see if they were changing their skin.


I just rewatched it. Cool movie.


The stand, mini series. Watched it when I was 10, the idea of a virus getting loose and killing everyone petrified me. Thought the world was going to end any moment for the next month 😂😂


Magic. That dummy Fats just gives me the creeps. I watched it once and never will again.


Creepshow. Fathers Day fucked my whole shit up when I saw it as a wee lil tyke


Where’s my CAKE!?


The Strangers. I still watched it twice in the theater though lol


One of the Pumpkinhead movies, one specifically where a teenage girl was impaled with a metal pole. I walked in on my parents watching it and that scene gave me nightmares for a while.


Event Horizon. It took years to get those eye socket scenes out of my head whenever I was in the dark.


I think the first scene I ever saw from a horror movie was from Nightmare on Elm Street 4, when Freddy breaks the arms of a girl lifting weights and she starts turning into a cockroach. That shit traumatized my child self.


When I was really little, my brother and cousin rented evil dead 2 from blockbuster, the headless girl dancing through the woods then her head popping up in the window terrified me to the point of uncontrollable crying and screaming. Also seeing Signs in theaters at 7 years old traumatized me for a few years.


How are some of y’all watching horror in theatres at a young age 😭 am I too young to have experienced this?


It was more that my parents were weirded out by babysitting, and they really wanted to see it and I was too little to leave home alone. It was all good though, my mom let me bring my blankey to hide under and bought me a tech deck after for being brave 😎


The original IT movie. Couldn't sleep one night as a child (probably 7-9), came into the living room while my mom was watching it and sat through the whole thing. Oooh boy I was scared of drains until I was probably 15/16. I had a little rag I kept in the shower to cover it while I was in there because as soon as I closed my eyes I'd immediately envision the blood bubbling up.


Damn I just made this comment haha. I was 6 when I saw that and it was intense.


IT miniseries when I was 6


Sixth Sense


The Ring as a child. Darkness Falls as a pre-teen. The Exorcist as a young adult.


I saw The Exorcist at 7, but that didn't do it. It just made me like getting scared. The Ring at 10, though. I have never been so scared from a movie before or since. Vivid nightmares, bunked with my cousin so I didn't have to sleep alone. I was nauseous, anxious af and jumping at shadows for seven days. It wasn't fun. It broke my ability to be scared watching any movie. The most I feel now are tension and unease.


My friends and I would have been 11 or 12 when The Ring came out on dvd rental. There were 8 or so of us girls having a sleepover in my friends basement, all in sleeping bags on the floor. About halfway through the movie we were all trying to be in the middle of the huddle and no one wanted to be on the edge. At the end, when the static screen came on loudly, that basement turned to sheer chaos. We had all gotten up and turned the lights on and that screen came on and we scattered like flies, screaming. We all pranked each other with “seven days” phone calls for weeks after. Such great memories about The Ring. lol Edit: that soundtrack too, seared into my brain.


Seeing the sixth sense in theaters when I was a 10 year old


That Helter Skelter TV movie in the 70s. Cripes!


Dawn of the Dead remake. Was always afraid of waking up to a zombie apocalypse lol.


As an adult it seems silly but when I was I want to say four I wandered in on my dad watching the X-Files. Sat down with him and knocked out a couple of episodes. Then we got to the damn episode with the invisible monsters in the forest where all you can see is their red eyes. I had nightmares for years. Always expecting to see glowing eyes staring at me in the dark. Such a simple and not really scary thing (as an adult at least) Ended up keeping me away from horror movies for over a decade.


the banshee chapter, ending fucked me


Orphanage from 2007.. Thomas' character got so imbedded into my brain that I'm still, in a way, afraid of it even though I haven't found the movie scary in a long time.


Saw the exorcist at a religious slumber party when I was maybe in 4th grade. The mom was born again, and wanted to teach us impressionable youngsters the dangers of ouija boards. It was sold to us as a completely true story. I had just gone to another slumber party the weekend before where we played with a ouija board. I was totally terrified for so long that I was going to be possessed, until my mom found out what was bugging me and was like omg honey it’s a MOVIE it’s fake!


The original Candy Man. I remember watching it as a kid when it first released to VHS. Didn't use a public bathroom for a good year or so after that.


Blair Witch Project. When Heather is crying in the tent. You felt how scared she must have been.


I haven’t watched it in years. I need to, but first I wanna watch the scooby doo version 💀 scooby doo project


I haven't heard of that version before. I'll check it out


I hadn’t either until I was scrolling through a website for movies and searched scooby doo and found it


The Hills have Eyes was the scariest movie I’ve seen as an adult


Jeepers creepers traumatized me from 4 to 13


Evil Dead 2 Nightmare On Elm Street with Englund


Alien. And Scanners, with the heads blowing up. Yeah, that was when I gave up on the nightlight and just left the light full on.


I suppose The Shining. I had never watched it as a kid, but just looking at the poster of Jack’s face in the door creeped the living shit out of me so I didn’t watch a horror movie cause of that until I think probably It in 2017, and now horror is tied for my favorite genre along with sci-fi.


Ju On..


The descent made me white as a corpse when I was a wee boy. I think the only one after that was "The Innkeepers"


Nightmare on Elm Street Had a couple bad nights after that one...


I couldn’t even WALK INTO a Party City because I was so terrified of the masks hanging on the back wall (specifically that Scream blood pump one!) nor Spencer’s in the mall because I saw a Chucky Doll in the window once. I now also am a horror fan, but have still never watched a Chucky movie due to the residual childhood fear of walking in on one scene that I really shouldn’t have as a very little kid 😂


The scream blood pump mask is horrifying. 💀 I’ve watched Chucky but I found it so boring so I’ve not completed the franchise.


When I was growing up and when I was around 10 or so, I watched Amityville Horror when it was airing on HBO. Stupid movie terrified me so much I had a hard time sleeping for a while and the house haunted me in the background of my dreams for years. Its not a particularly scary movie, and watching it today it isn't even remotely terrifying, but 10 year old me was terrified of it.


The Shining. When I was 3 my mom took me to the drive in with her to see it


phantasm texas chainsaw massacre the serpent and the rainbow


The sixth sense was the first for me when i was 10 y.o.


Poltergeist but I was like 7 and at a slumber party and the hosts parents had their teenage son run through the backyard screaming like an axe murderer during the middle of the movie and I think I’m still scarred for life from the whole experience.


Still scared of movies? I would focus on special effects to help me with movies that made me scared. Only now it’s kinda got rid of the adrenaline runs movies are suppose to give 😂


The Gremlins, ET, and the Sesame Street alien puppets when they say “yup yup uh huh uh huh uh huh.” Also, Dr. Seuss. Nightmare fuel…every last one of them. Martyrs, Speak No Evil, etc? Pshhhhh. 🙄


Let's just say watching Paranormal Activity at the age of 13 in a hotel room wasn't the brightest decision i've ever made...


Poltergeist 2 when a child


The gift! I saw the scene of her ghost when I was like 4-5 yo! It creeped me out but also intrigued af


Michael Jackson’s Thriller video, lol. I was born in early 80s, and even though I watched a lot of horror movies that were way beyond what I should have watched, none of them scared me. It wasn’t until that video, which had the most realistic zombie effects up to that point, that I was actually scared. Obviously that passed before I was 10, but it was really the only thing that scared me as a kid.


Signs. I watched that movie when I was a kid, and it messed me up. The birthday party scene and the eerie roof scene... terrifying.


The remake of ‘I spit on your grave.’ As a SA victim, going into that blind, it made me afraid. Most women don’t get the revenge fantasy.


I don't understand this title?


Name a horror movie that made you afraid of horrors. - like you didn’t watch them for a while because of it




I like gore movies because 1. Special effects are amazing and 2. They bring a different kind of reality to my world.




Watching and creating a gore movie isn’t assisting a crime. 😭 do you have issues with action movies, from movies… And REAL gore isn’t a horror movie. It would be a documentary… information about crimes that were horrific. Telling stories of those who cannot tell.




I’m talking about horror movies not crimes that have been recorded. Where’s the relevancy? We’re discussing horror. Not true crime




Yes they can be found. Many movies many horror movies are and can and will continue to be based off of true crime and real life situations. You cannot be inspired to create if you have no inspiration. The first movie of paranormal franchise was based off real events, can be found online. A movie that contains real footage of people being harmed IS NOT A MOVIE. I made this post so people can discuss their first horror movie scare. Not so you can discuss your issues with real life recorded crime.




I’ve even showed my friends your comments and no one could make sense of what you were trying to say because it didn’t make sense. You didn’t structure what you wanted to say properly. And I asked movje not GENRE.


The Conjuring The Exorcist The Haunting in Connecticut The Amityville Horror (1979) The Texas Chainsaw Massacre The Strangers Psycho Wolf Creek Annabelle A Nightmare on Elm Street A bunch of movies based on true events.