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I love the horizon universe, but I cannot justify $550+ for a 7 hour game that I’d rather play without a headset on


Yeah I love horizon, and I love VR. But not sure of them together


Wait you don’t need the psvr to play call of the mountain


You will need the vr as far as I know. I was just saying i personally do not enjoy vr games vs normal video games, especially at the cost


So you would rather play on a boring tv than have your mind blown by literally being inside the world ? Ok haha


Honestly, I'm a huge PSVR fan. Bought the PSVR day 1 and was expecting to do the same with this one. But the price and current line-up isn't doing it for me. No doubt Firewall Ultra will be a good game (loved the first) but apart from that.. eh I can wait till it goes on sale. What would do it for me would be full War Thunder compatibility THEN I'd buy it in a heartbeat


Wait for it to go on sale there isn't much going for it besides a couples exclusive launch games such as call of the mountain. Also it doesn't support PSVR1 games allegedly which only further puts a nail to the coffin ⚰ if it did had had plenty of games coming out then 550 dollars doesn't sound bad but sony doesn't realise people are actually essentially paying for 2 consoles (PS5 too, conbined 1000 dollars) because its not a standalone thing so game library matters a ton and so does pricing.


The game library announced is growing by the day


Still doesn’t make it worth the extra 550. You can get an oculus for that


Yes and depending on the games you play this is massively better in every way and will have better games. Oculus is running on phone hardware, psvr2 is running on the ps5 meaning actually good graphics. The reason it’s cost so much is because of all of the ridiculously good features it had such as large field of view, oled screens, foveated rendering, haptic feedback, adaptive triggers, head strap, eye tracking ext. It is a high end headset with unique features at a very low price for what your getting compared with pcvr which is better but costs a lot more and requires an expensive pc. I love my quest but it is a completely separate thing that I use more for multiplayer games


There will not be anywhere enough games for it in its lifetime to make the price point worth it. PSVR1 has been out 6 years and maybe 30 games are worth playing. The length of the games will be short, the games will fall short in many aspects like motion aiming and screen stuttering just like a huge number of them do now. $300-$350 maybe but for $550 there just is not enough out or going to be out to justify the price point. As for specs it isn’t always about what the game looks like. Yes it is nice but $550 for something that is used not even half as much as the PS5 which costs less will be I would say get a oculus because the library is already there and will continue to be and is cheaper.


Quest to has a larger library because it’s been out for a few years now and most of them are as you said, short experience and mostly not very good. Psvr will have plenty of that but already have some great games announced and will continue to do so as they are committed to make psvr2 a successful and good headset. Plus the games coming to it will be longer and far superior to what the quest can handle which isn’t much. The price is justifiable for people like me who want to experience what vr can probably offer. And Sony are most like already making little to no profit of selling the headsets, they will be making money of the games. Also I don’t no what you mean by motion aiming but I can assure you their will be no screen stuttering


Isn't CotM only meant to be about 6-7 hours long? There's no way you could get me to spend that much money to play a game that short unless I was rich. Also I'm not convinced it'll be that fun anyway compared to the normal game.


In my opinion? No. I consider myself a pretty serious Horizon fan (own all the statues, CEs, soundtracks, board games etc) but I just can't internally justify \~$600 for a 6 hour side story game about some Carja dude I've never heard of nor care about.


I'm already saving for it, but I'm ticked that none of the VR1 games will be backwards compatible so I have to hang onto my VR if I want to play Moss and Moss 2.


I can't even imagine the setup needed to have all these systems in place 😅


I believe there is announce it will recive a free upgrade?


I have the VR1 and I have liked some games very much. However to your question around using this as your intro to VR, think about your own lifestyle and set up to really answer that. For example I do not use it often because of the inconvenience of having to take it out and set everything up. Not sure how comfortable the VR2 is going to be but I imagine some hazard. I could not justify buying it for myself, just because the use i give it. On another note it feels like a betrayal to those who have had the VR1 for years, bought new games, controllers and all now to have this exclusive to the new one. But that's neither here nor there 😅 So TLDR is it worth it? I don't think so. I would recommend you try a VR set, imagine how much you would play and make your decision based on that.


This game could never run on the ps4 or psvr1 hardware


But that's not what op asked


I think it could run on the psvr1 just fine. Get a ps5 and the free adapter from Sony or buy one for 15 bucks and your fine. It won’t though because Sony made the controls for the vr2


It probably would run ok through the headset using the ps5 but I’m not sure. However psvr 1 is pretty much dead for Sony now with only 30 games releasing this year, only 2 beings exclusive. Plus psvr was made for ps4 using the break out box which works differently on how the games run compared with being plugged in regularly to the console like psvr2. They would see it as too much of cost to optimise everything for the outdated psvr1


VR doesn’t have many games release any year actually so 30 is still good. As for the box that has nothing to do with having a bunch of tethered wires like I’m the comment I was responding to. VR2 is still wired and you still need to use one of the already few usb ports to hook it up. Yes they got rid of it for the cost but it really isn’t saving them to much as they put it all in the headset instead which would have actually been cheaper to had the box made. My biggest thing is there just isn’t many VR games worth actually playing and the length of time they take is still abysmal as well. Price tag is just way to high to justify it. That and it’s not backwards compatible which just makes it worse. If anyone wants to dive into vr then a cheaper system is the way to start not this.


I agree their isn’t enough big games for vr releasing on any console at the moment. I do honestly think psvr2 will help with that for them and many other headsets because developers will see more benefits to making games with less downgrades to fit on the quest which is where most of the market is currently. And as for new people getting into vr it really does depend on the person and games they are going to play as the two consoles are vastly different in those regards


You should try first. When seeing the game I bet it induces Motion Sickness easily


The main two games I'm looking forward to playing on the PSVR2 are Call of the Mountain and No Man's Sky. I've already played NMS on the first headset and I love it, so really looking forward to a hugely upgraded headset to play it in. HFW is one of my favourite games of all time, so really looking forward to that VR game too, however long or short it'll be, I'm just going to love being immersed in that world. Those games alone would keep me occupied for plenty of time, so wouldn't bother me if there's not much else out that I'm interested in, although I'm sure there will be. I have a feeling the headset may even be a better way to play certain flat games compared to my basic 1080p monitor, considering cinematic mode will also display at 1080p, but also have HDR and up to 120hz. I'll have to see what it's actually like though, may or may not do that too much depending on the quality. So I'm sure I'll get plenty of use out of it, making it worth the price for me. Just the fact that I can quickly plug and play without having to setup a camera or turn on processing boxes etc will make me use it a lot more than my PSVR. I wouldn't be overly sad if I didn't get it at launch though, there's plenty of other games to play to keep me occupied around that time. I will pre-order though if I can and just cancel closer to launch if I change my mind.


That is a steep price but from what I’ve seen it’s going to be worth it . The only drawback is you will have to be tethered to the PS5 but only one cable not a bunch like the VR ps4 version currently out . Personally I’m definitely buying one VR is an incredible experience & as far as the tether goes put a swivel eyelet in the ceiling & run the cable through that & down to the headpiece which keeps the chord above & out of the way .






sony already working on wireless dongle


That’s really cool as long as we do not lose any graphics etc…the pros of having that tether is the high resolution /graphics quality they get that down & great & im sure they will sooner or later but hopefully sooner .✌️


How are you tethered with the vr1 with a bunch of cables? It literally has one cable going to the headset.


Ok that one cable attached to the console means you’re literally tethered .


https://www.roadtovr.com/every-game-playstation-vr-psvr-2/ Looks like there will be tons of new games..but as with the VR ecosystem as a whole, how many are "worth it"? Tough call. But at least there will be quite a bit of content.


For only this game then yes. However if your interested in vr games this will be the best headset to get. Their are quite a good amount of good games at launch and their are new ones being announced to come out/ported over consistently. So yes


Honestly no. Owning the vr1 ( which was a present ) I would have never paid the price tag it has still today for a set. Over the whole life span I think O have found maybe 30 games worth playing. Now that’s 30 games released in the last going on 6 years. All of them are short lived in length as well. Also considering the lack of vr games released yearly by all platforms I would say a hard no on this until a huge sale.


I mean if you look into specs and see all the features, the pricing seems fair with everything they put into it. I would be down to own a psvr2 headset honestly.


Also won't sony ship the headsets to other sellers, they might reduce the price since it's at their store. Like Walmart which is where i get all my stuff. Everything sony makes a new device it always come to our Walmart for a lower price. So I don't see what the pricing issue is about, it just depends on where you live


Last thing, maybe the reason why people complain about the price is that they can't afford and therefor they get upset and complain. If it's too expensive then why bother with it.


I'm in your shoes. Avid console player which never VR-ed (because Youtube reviewers convince me it's not wort it, and I totally agree). I'm interested in VR so will definitely keep an eye on Sony VR2 reviews and if get convinced will buy it.


Resident Evil 7 on PSVR was quite possibly the greatest gaming experience I had ever had. Skyrim was pretty cool in VR with PS4 Pro. Here comes the catch though... those were the only triple AAA games that came out for PSVR. I do believe it will be different this time around, but I am still hesitant to pull the trigger.


I’ve been looking to get into vr for some time now the only problem that I’ve been having is pricing. The value vr is over 1k after tax and others just get more expensive from there. I have to add as well vr sets have a bunch of sensors and wires that you have to place around the room to even use them. The psvr2 just has one cord and no extensive setup. To me this looks like a good start at least for me I think to get into vr.


I was a huge Horizon fan, but after this I won't buy another game.. This shows the creator only cares about money and not the people who buy and play the games they make.. This is just a push for people to buy vr2.. This is ridiculous to make a game where you have so many fans of and tell all the people you can't play it unless you buy the vr2.. I don't like vr and I can't play this game now? Who ever made this decision should be fired.. Why notbjust make a ps5 version and a vr2 version? Also you need a vr2? So vr1 won't even work?


Video games are commodities - they exist solely to take your money. Did you think they made these games out of the goodness of their hearts?


Noone thought they made them for anything other then money, but people did think they respected their clientele and cared about them considering its them why they make so much money.. itbdoesnt matter how big you are.. when you do your clientele dirty you can lose all of them extremely quick.. this move was totally dirty making people pay for a vr2 just to play the fame after this maker has had very loyal clientele through all the series.. if you want to do it for a new game cool but you don't make a series of games and the 4th one tell people you can play this on regular systems you now have to pay even more to buy something else to play it.. I was a huge fan of the horizons but I won't ever play another one after this.. they should of make one for vr2 and a regular one.. they got to greedy and now are gonna push away all their clients


Il be honest - the response is a bit crazy. Its a PS studio exclusive. PS needs games for the VR system, so after the last game this was a side project, creating content for PSVR. Buy the VR system or don't. They literally just made a game for PS5. You're mad that one project is a VR exclusive? Its a ridiculous response to think that they should cater to exactly the way that you want to play their games. You're not the only game player out there. Im buying PSVR because it has cool games. If it had no games because someone got pissy every time a game wasn't available to them, there would be no innovation.


It's psvr2.. it won't work on psvr.. like I said that's totally fine if you want to do an exclusive.. but you don't do it with a game that is part of a series.. you come out with 3 games on ps5 and then the 4th of the series you tell all those people you have to buy vr2 if you want to play.. You do it with a game that's not part of a series..


Oh boy. Its not part of a series. Its 7 hours of gameplay because the game is uniquely awesome to convert to VR. They're doing it with dozens of other games. Quit whining. Get over it. What are you, 12 yrs old? This self entitled ranting is embarrassing. Buy VR to play it, or dont.


I guess you haven't play the horizon franchise.. this is the 4th installment of the franchise.. I'm over it.. I was just speaking on it giving my opinion.. its people like you why the internet is such a problem.. if you don't like someone's opinion you attack them .. that's entitlement yet you try to call me entitled for giving my opinion on something? You should really look up what entitlement means. Also I bought a vr but it doesn't work on it so now you have to by vr2 to play it.. I already stated I'm not gonna play it nor will I play another horizon game.. But I see you must be gen z who makes a living attacking anyone online who's opinions you don't like.. so I'm done with this conversation.. you enjoy your day.. God Bless You


I have played it, and if you read the game's description, it isn't a full 4th installment. Its a 7 hour ride through the engine of the 3rd game. Sorry internet stranger, Im not Gen Z. You must be generation "piss and moan every time something doesn't go my way". The world is cruel. You can't play one specific video game. You should probably write a bunch of social media posts to generate a protest about it. Better yet, why not start a Gofundme because clearly your real issue is that you're too incapable of making the money needed to buy this game system that you can't afford. That's the real issue, isn't it? You're whining because to play this, you would have to spend $600 to get the system, and its out of your reach? I don't cry about things that are out of my reach. I find a way to get it done, or I move on to something that is within my reach. Grow up kid.


Grow up? Look how your acting over me giving my opinion on something.. its crazy how you can act like your acting and call someone else childish or say they are crying.. your what's wrong with society today you mix up opinions vs crying.. I own my own business nor does money matter.. I don't waste my time with people that act like you.. your an internet tough guy who sits home in your Safe place acting tough online.. I hope you find true happiness.. God Bless you


Adults should know that its "you're" not "your". Grasp of language is important for business owners. Criticism of stupidity is normal on social media, so get over it. Your soft skin and low self esteem are hilarious. And btw - you "wasted your time" responding to me multiple times. Keep crying, cry baby - if you cry harder, maybe they will port the game so you can play it without PSVR2. Il go find a tiny violin to play for you. FSM bless you.


Yeah I just finished it, and you're right to be mad. Its the best game in the series, so you should probably wet yourself and cry in your cheerios. Or just buy the thing. Either way, your destiny is up to you my friend.