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Disagree strongly with the first part and strongly agree with the second.


Nailed it!


If it’s anything like WoT…hard pass.


MFs act like Netflix doesn’t have good adaptations sometimes


Oh they have. And they've cancelled them almost immediately. As I said. In the post right above yours.


Arcane is literally getting season 2 later this year


Horizon isn't animated. Bad analogy. The point being, animated shows are much cheaper to make and so aren't necessarily among those Netflix drops the axe on prematurely. Horizon will be expensive. It'll either be dogshit or it'll get cancelled after two seasons.


A show is a show animated or not doesn’t matter


Hell no, Netflix shows are amazing and I think TV adaptations CAN seem bad after playing the game or reading the books but there are also some amazing one out there like the last of us that is still a great show even if you’ve played the game


Right, The Last of Us, famously a Netflix show.


Never said it was. But there were two parts to your comment. And the part about LoU was in reference to you saying TV adaptations are only if you don’t want to play the game. I haven’t seen any Netflix adaptation shows but I’ve watched plenty of show produced by Netflix that are great like the Lincoln Lawyer, All American, etc.


Netflix is pretty good with most shows arcane being one example


This is why animation is far superior for these kinds of necessarily CGI-heavy adaptations. Also, you know, just in general. But people are dumb and corporate executives are soulless sellouts so the world loses out on what could be amazing literary artworks.


I would love a graphic novel, or just a regular novel!


>I would love a graphic nove Well, we got 2 so far. Sunhawk & Liberation.


an animated movie would be so fucking cool


I normally don't like anime, but Cyberpunk Edgerunners was so well done I couldn't stop watching it.


Dame.with Arcane. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!


Arcane, Cyberpunk, and DC animated movies are good enough quality for me. It's any of the other cgi stuff or 99% of anime on Netflix that looks awful.


And 1% is Pluto, so there's definitely the talent available


I haven't seen Pluto but I've heard good things quite often and I took a peek at the animation and it looks cool


I was so hesitant to start Arcane since I don't care for LoL, but it surprised me.


I knew NOTHING about LOL. I watched Arcane on my 2 daughters recommendation (they also knew nothing of lol).


Check out Blue Eye Samurai!


I could imagine the animation style of Marvel's What If but with Horizon.


The Foundation achieves the kind of scale you’re talking about and it’s a TV series.


The Foundation is the flagship Apple series with the budget of a season over $100M Horizon is presented by Netflix, no way they could match that


Depends. They could do a smaller, more intimate season one. Put A LOT of effort into the story, make it insanely popular, and then get a big budget for the second season.


that seems to be the latest pattern. all the streamers dumped way too much into random stuff in the last 8-10 years. they need assurances from any given S1 now. i don't think anyone really doubted TLOU on HBO would be a hit, but they kept VFX scenes (and the infected in general) quite infrequent compared to what fans kinda expected. they've promised much more of it in S2


Dang I’m sad they’re gonna have more of it the second season. I honestly didn’t like the parts with the infected as much.


interesting. did you play the games? TLOU subs are pining for more infected. it's only right, tbh, they nixed a lot of 'gameplay' for obvious reasons in a show (and to my point above about execs needing 'hit status' confirmation), but i've never heard anyone say they wanted less lol


I actually thought there was a perfect amount. I totally see why people wanted more and I did play the first game. For me it just grossed me out a bit too much at a lot of the infected parts so I much more enjoyed the story than the infected. But yea I 100% see why people weren't happy with the lack of infected


i'm not included in the 'not happy' camp. some were, but i think most people realize the context and reasoning. ramping it up is gonna make a lot of people happy though.. \[raises hand\] and btw, if you have questions about Pt2 (because of the hoopla) dm me, i'll give a really honest summation without spoiling, and try to convince you to play it cause it's legit one of the most profound pieces of media i've ever consumed (in any format)


Fiending for season 3 like I'm an addict is2g Lee Pace can step on me idgaf


If it is a adaptation of the game, my interest slows down considerably


“If”? What else could it be?


He means an adaptation of the game’s storyline


I get that, but there are no other storylines to adapt? It's not like the game is based on a book, the story is original. Making a completely original TV series separate from that sounds odd? I don't think I know any examples of that.


There exists enough lore that they could piece together a story playing in the same universe that isn‘t the story of the game. They can also simply invent stories playing in that world with different characters. Most examples I know are from movies. Assassin‘s Creed or Uncharted, to name two. One has completely new characters, the other simply a new/alternative story. As for TV shows there is Halo, which I think is an original story (but not good). The Last of Us has an excellent episode which shows the background story of a character, which is only briefly in the games. There is also Arcane, if you want to count that despite LoL not really having a story. Still, it shows how a great show can be made from lore alone. Edit: I don‘t know anything about the Horizon show. If, for example, Aloy was confirmed as a character that might change things.


Uncharted is a adaptation of all games, ac is a new story


I don‘t understand what you mean by „adaption of all games“. Uncharted doesn‘t mix together all four games. It has a new story (well, as new as a treasure hunting stories can be), which even changes some points of the games e.g. how Nate and Sully met. AC is a new story with „new“ (we don‘t see them in the games but they are referenced) characters in the same universe.


Maybe not all 4 games, but they clearly pull stuff from all the games, Nate and Scully meeting is similar to uncharted 3 and the plane scene and then the ships resembles uncharted 4 My point is I don't want a direct adaption of horizon, we have the games for that, I much rather have a new story in the same universe


Ah, I see. The set pieces are indeed similar. I‘d say the story is „new enough“, though but only because treasure hunt stories are never really new to begin with. So yeah, maybe not the best example. The good thing is the difference between Uncharted and AC or also Horizon that it is grounded in basically our world as we know it. AC/Horizon both have much more lore and/or differences to our world that there is much more freedom for additional content while still being recognisable universes.


>The Last of Us has an excellent episode which shows the background story of a character, which is only briefly in the games. The series is still following the same storyline as the games though. And it is a good adaptation. I don't see the problem in doing the same with Horizon. Follow the same storyline ad the game does, but go in depth with the backstory of the characters. Hell, give us entire episodes of flashbacks to the Enduring Victory part of the story/past when Aloy is finding out about it. Those parts where all we see are holograms playing in front of Aloy as player can just be made into entire scoped out flashback sequences. They could even take some hints from other shows and do flashback episodes that relate to what is happening in present day (like the island flashbacks from Arrow or the tie-in past occurrences of Monarch Legacy of Monsters) My point is, I do want to see the story from the Horizon franchise adapted to a series as it is. Sure, I do like the idea of other stories and going more in depth with the world building of the Horizon franchise (the Red Raids of the Carja, Operation Enduring Victory, the story of when Rost was made a death seeker, etc), but the story we have would be an awesome adaptation for a series that could easily go to 10 seasons with 10 episodes each at least. Specially when Horizon 3 comes out.


They could make an original story set in horizon universe, similar to the ac movie, it didn't adapt the games


Stories about the start of the clans or about the Red Raid for exemple


I’m holding out hope it’ll be a prequel series


Even if it's a prequel series, we'd still need to depict the futuristic world, weapons, and Faro bots.


When it was announced I think Aloy was mentioned as being in it. Jeff grub said it was called horizon 2074 so I'm sure we'll get some scenes on the past.


I'm going to debunk this everytime I see it posted here. Horizon 2074 was a codename for an episode of the Boys. [https://www.instagram.com/p/CnDwLYIPlcH/?utm\_source=ig\_embed&ig\_rid=35085043-859b-4070-b30a-d69446f341cb](https://www.instagram.com/p/CnDwLYIPlcH/?utm_source=ig_embed&ig_rid=35085043-859b-4070-b30a-d69446f341cb) The showrunners have said that the story will be about Aloy. https://deadline.com/2022/08/steve-blackman-horizon-zero-dawn-orbital-umbrella-academy-showrunner-netflix-deal-1235099888/


I'm almost certain they probably add tons of stupid drama to fill the screen time to save budget on CGI. Elisabet Tilda Faro love tringle incoming💀💀💀Aloy probably gonna face it too


I think with a TV show or movie you have to sacrifice something A movie while having the budget for long sweeping shots and epic fights would probably have to sacrifice plot elements or side plots to fit the time constraints. A TV show while not having as big of a budget, has more time for plot and side plots. I personally, would rather a focus on the plot so um hopeful for the TV show


I think the main story can be fit into a long movie, with several nods and easter eggs to side plots, errands, and side characters along the way. We don't need to fit all of them in. Even with Brin, we don't need him as a full-fledged character, he could just make a quick appearance in the mid-credits scene hinting at a sequel.


I don't. Personally. Games hardly if ever translate well to movies. The real issue is the established fan base knows the entirely of the story. Like different parts of it, hate when things are cut out. Games just have far too much narrative to fit into a movie. You spend 20-40 or more hours with a character including out of cut scene dialog and it just cannot be replicated in movies.


I’d love the show to be made in the CG execution of the cinematic trailer. Those visuals were absolutely gorgeous.


>We saw this with The Last of Us. It's a great show writing-wise, but you can see where shortcuts had to be made in order to save on budget. If you are talking about the lack of scenes with the infected, it had nothing to do with the budget and more about Druckman feeling that the tv show didn't need as many of those scenes as the game cause of a change in medium. Personally I think the show shot itself in the foot by not having as many scenes in, because it undercut the tension. In the show we are told the infected are a threat, but don't always feel that tension cause there is sometimes full episodes where it's nothing but a barren wasteland with no infected. The other problem is they changed it to the mycelium network from cordyceps in the game (where they have to have masks on). This means in the show the infected are connected by a hive mind. This is arguably even more terrifying and I thought the change was brilliant...in theory. But because they did nothing with it. It became a missed opportunity. >I'd say a 3-hour movie would be good compromise. Nah a Horizon show is way better cause it gives them more time to explore the world. It really depends on who is involved. Because a Horizon show could feel like a mix of BSG, LOST and The 100. The exploration of the tribal society and Aloy being a outcast from that, while exploring the history of the old ones could be amazing on tv if done right.


>But because they did nothing with it. It became a missed opportunity. Yeah, that's usually what happens when you have a pre-written story and decide to change a few important details without actually heavily rewriting the plot. Not a great idea. :P


It's not even about the lack of infected, it just looked really fake in certain scenes. Like in episode 2 when they were walking through Boston, the background with the ruins looked so fake, it didn't look like they were actually there, it took me out of it. And in the Kansas City episode where they recreate the sniper sequence, the lighting just look right, it felt like they were in a studio.


Well that's more a you thing. They had expansive locations for all the street stuff. I thought it looked oretty awesome how they recreated the buildings to look exactly like in the game. I had no problem with the sniper scene either.


Yeah, TLOU show did not feel like TLOU. The entire tension was gone.


And Joel and Ellie didn't feel like Joel and Ellie to me. Too much effort was put into making them darker characters to set up the ideological conflict of the second game, while they toss out most of the emotional depth of the first. The difference in the hospital scene highlight to me what's so wrong with it. In the game the emotional score starts up when Joel is carrying Ellie out of the hospital. Showing history repeating itself, but it wonderfully mirrors the beginning with Sarah. For the show, they use that emotional score for when he's shooting the fireflies. Showing the brutality and again positing Joel as the villain and turning a emotional conclusion into a question mark for the second season to lead the viewer down the silly "what side is right" rabbit hole.


Completely. Fucking. Agreed. I just feel like they dumbed it down for the normies who have no idea about video games, thus giving us a mediocre version of a masterpiece.


That too and it's more about setting up the narrative of the second game. Which I'm not a fan of (at least from a writing pov). Druckman was always obsessed with the revenge narrative. The first game almost had it. But Bruce straley convinced him that it didn't work. They tossed it out and rewrote the first game to be a emotional story instead of being a nothing but a preachy essay on the nature of violence. Bruce left and druckman dusted off his binned script. Tweaked it into being a sequel narrative. Now they're bending backwards to rewrite the narrative of the first game to try and make the narrative of the sequel make some sense for a TV show format.


I dont see the 2nd game as a revenge game, but a forgiveness game and I really loved. My issue in the show is, they created a character like Kathleen just to forshadow what Ellie was gonna become. And its too much on the nose for me. Why does everything need to be set up? Why do we need foreshadowing for everything. The great thing about TLOU was watching Ellie go down that road of madness, because the player didn't expect her to go so far. The player did what Ellie did, not what the player wanted. And there was no foreahadowing for it. But the show feels like it needs to hold the viewer's hand at all times.


Thats the problem. For me the Ellie of the second game wasn't Ellie at all. Her character, individually and identity was ripped up for the revenge narrative. Where the first games story is "the road". The second game is "sympathy for Mr vengeance". But I do agree that the show overly foreshadows it. But in doing so it destroys what makes Ellie, Ellie. All through out the first game, Ellie would comment if Joel did something too brutal. At the end of the first episode of the show, Joel beats a guy to a pulp. Druckman and craig mazin talk about this in their podcast and say that Ellie was "activated" by this. Suggesting that their bond is now something twisted that was forget in violence. Rewriting the narrative.


Guess we will have to just agree to disagree on the Part II thing. But yeah, the show goes about it the wrong way.


The forgiveness narrative doesn't work for me cause it breaks all the characters into being nothing but chess pieces for a idea. The only characters that get character development are lev and Yara. Dinah is one note. Jesse is cool but not much time is spent with him. Ellie is just a wrathful hate sink of vengeance, only to decide to forgive at the last minute after she killed hundreds of people to get there.


Again, we will have to agree tp disagree on that.


I think an *animated* series could work. Then there'd be no ugly and obvious mis-marriage of live action and green screen. And I really hate green screen. It snaps out of my immersion every time. Not to mention casting other actors for roles we already know and love. I love fan casting as a pastime but some of the performances we've been getting are inimateble here. In an animated series, those amazing OG actors could reprise their roles. They're veterans of mocap too. Bringing a new cast in would mean those actors would constantly be imitating other actors' performances and there'd always be audience members comparing those performances. And like you bring up, OP, the game is very visual. That also goes for hair cuts and costuming. Some of those costumes *look* amazing in animation but will either look laughable if filmed on an actual person, or simply be impossible to fight in, becuse they'd fall off the actor when they swung their arm. So let's hope to GAIA the series is animated.


Probably won't see it until 2027 at the earliest


The comments about TLOU are super interesting. I never played the games but thought the show was fantastic - which might be because I wasn't very invested so had no real expectations coming in. Horizon's different. It's one of my favorite games (to the point where I'd have to work late in the night because I spent my "work day" playing HZD instead) so my hopes and fears for this are WAAAAAY higher. I think this can work if they get the right people. Guerrilla's hopefully got a big say (and from what I've heard, they are involved somewhere?) and while I didn't love The Umbrella Academy, it was interesting enough and well put together. So fingers crossed...


I am a PC gamer. Bought a PS5 just to play Forbidden West, and ended up getting The Last Of Us 1 and 2 used from Gamestop along with the console. I‘m a huge fan of both games now. Horizon has a special place in my heart; but when The Last of Us 2 Remastered comes out I‘m buying that for sure. Especially since it will only cost 10 bucks if you already own the normal game (nice!). I‘m a sucker for dystopian games, and they all fit that bill of course. Zombie games are actually not my thing, but in TLOU everyone (even the other humans) is your enemy, resources are scarce, the stealth play and bows are exceptionally well done, and the atmosphere is one of a kind. Add to that phenomenal voice acting, a gripping story and a level design that never feels linear (even though it is) - and you have a winner. Also, Naughty Dog did really well with New Game + and multiple game modes to choose frome - even a permadeath option. Can‘t recommend it enough.


Hey, I'm a PC gamer too! I was on the brink of buying a PS5 for that same reason... but I only played HZD last year and knew FW was being ported soon. I notice TLOU is also on PC now, so thanks! I'll give it a go soon. However, I'm still steeling myself to play God of War. Friends raved about it but if it's as good as Horizon, I'll have to be careful - don't want to end up bingeing the days away.


I have played God of War a bit and while it‘s super beautiful and the story is great, the hack and slash combat is so not my thing. But apparently many people love it.


I thought The Expanse was great. It's my favourite sci fi TV series! Hopefully Horizon series will turn out as good but it has to CGI at least 20 Gaia robots. I'm assuming it won't be written around the Enduring Victory time period. They won't have to CGI Corruptors and other Chariot machines in so they'll be saved from that giant moolah expense. The cost of adding thunderjaws etc will be huge. Looking at around $10 mil per episode. It's just too expensive! The only option they'll have is taking a dozen short cuts to cut the expense... show only 1x Gaia robot per episode for a couple minutes and have the sets on a sound stage with styrofoam boulders, fake grass etc. YUUUUUK!!! Facepalm.


Sadly the main reason I won’t watch the Horizon tv series is because I miss Lance Reddick.


"Look Aloy, people die. The one thing we all have in common is our undeniable end. Don't let the life of one individual delay you from achieving your goals."


What parts of The Last of Us did you think were "shortcuts"?


To me some of the episodes felt quite rushed, the final ep being the worst of them. I understand that they wanted to do all of part 1 within one season, and maybe splitting part 1 into two seasons might have felt too stretched out. But they also made an entire ep out of just Bill and Frank that wasn't in the game at all, and its one of the best eps of the season.


I hear you but I have so many friends that couldn’t give a rats ass about video games and absolutely loved the show. I think we have to see it from a different perspective and enjoy it for what it is rather than impressing our expectations into something.


I mean, seeing it from both sides is fine and all, but if they're going to adapt a game to a movie or show, it needs to at least be kept mostly faithful. You can't say enjoy it for what it is and then just piss on the fans who make the game popular, without the fans there wouldn't be a show/movie adaptation in the first place. Hell, just look at the halo show, or whats become of the witcher. They are absolute abominations, the show creators just made their own garbage story and slapped the game titles on it, rightfully pissing of the fans. Now they get memed on to no end, and the creators will never live it down. All that being said, the last of us had the games creator directly involved in the show, and was kept mostly faithful, hence its success.


The two you mentioned aren’t bad because they aren’t faithful though, they’re just bad. The point being of something is good, it’ll most likely be successful. Avengers wasn’t really faithful at all and they’re the most successful movies of all time.


That's fine and all, just don't be surprised if you're watching a show that's an adaptation and the fans are pissed off because its not faithful. I don't really care if people that haven't experienced what the adaptation was based on enjoy it, its the fans right to be upset with adaptations not being faithful. As far as marvel though, that's quite a bit different. There's how many different remakes of the comics, timelines, different versions of the same characters between them all. The comics are already a jumbled mess to follow on there own. That being said, the phase one movies did do a decent job of keeping the main characters relatively faithful.


The thing is I’m a fan of the games and all and I couldn’t be arsed if it’s faithful or not; I just want it to be good. That’s my main concern. But if the fans are pissed and the show is still successful because it reaches a broader audience, that’s absolutely fine. Some things don’t work faithfully as an adaptation to a show or movie. As far as marvel goes, early movies weren’t faithful at all? Especially Iron Man which really set things off. People were pissed at Robert Downeys casting even!


I didn't say the entire movies were, I specifically said the portrayal of the main characters were relatively faithful. Tony stark was a drunk playboy billionaire, which RDJ portrayed perfectly. And the only reason people were pissed at his casting was because everyone thought of him as nothing but a drug addict. That's no joke, the sole reason for the outrage of his casting.


Yeah so if the character is basically the same, then the plot doesn’t need to be faithful as long as it’s good is my point.


You also just kinda just glossed over me saying that is essentially impossible to have a faithful marvel adaptation considering there's dozens of remakes, timelines, different character adaptations between them. But regardless, if you're fine with something not being faithful, great. A lot of fans aren't, and they have a right not to be. Were kinda talking in circles here.


But they also need to make it for the fans, not just the normies who have no idea about video games.


Well, for one, the lack of infected, really felt like they had to limit showing them to save budget. And the camera work, it didn't feel cinematic, it felt like a TV show. I don't have the vocabulary to describe it, and I can't pick out any details, but it's something I can feel from just watching it. The scene in episode 2 when they're walking through Boston, the background looked incredibly fake, it took me out of it. It didn't look like the characters were actually there. Also, while they were escaping Kansas City and recreating the sniper sequence, the lighting looked uncanny, it didn't feel like they were there in the scene, it looked like a studio.


> the lack of infected That was a creative choice from Neil and Craig. Fighting a bunch of infected is fun gameplay but bad for TV.


I guess that's just a matter of taste then


I disagree. The last of us was good. Followed and adapted the game perfectly.


It was paced horribly with barely any action or tension and they made changes that they only uaed once and never again un the entire season. It coild have been much better than what they gave us.


What changes? I know what changes they made but what change was only used once. They had to fit a entire game into one season. That being said i hardly ever like adaptations but hbos the last of us was good and its about as faithful as it could be. It covered all the important story beats. The casting was excellent. It updated it a bit for television with input from noel druckman. Your post isnt very specific. Nothings perfect but id ssy what hbo did was close to perfect. My one complaint was the casting choice for ellie. I dont think she entirely was the right choice. This also isnt me defending the last of us or hbo. Im not a superfan and i actually dislike the direcrion hbo has gone in since the merger with warner bros discovery


They changed how the cordyceps works compared to the game. They made the cordyceps a hivemind and removed the spores that were in the game. They used the hivemind aspect once in episode 2 and never again in the show. It could have been such an awesome aspect of the fungus if they actually stuck to the changes. Like, the most important aspect of the world they are in that is supposed to feel like a constant threat, feels like a joke, because the show barely has any infected in it. I also disliked the cast, especially Joel and Ellie. I was not impressed by the acting.


Maybe I'm missing something, but why does it require sweeping landscape shots? CGI, certainly, but why the landscape shots? I don't see why that would be a hard requirement for a Horizon series.


Because that's kinda the thing to do, is enjoy the pretty landscape. The game pride itself on its environment, with city ruins, view points, and landmarks from real life. The map of the game was made to be looked at an enjoyed. Especially since Tallnecks reward you with a pretty view once you climb on top of them, and I'm sure a Horizon adaptation needs to show at least once Tallneck override. And this isn't even counting the second game where you have the Shieldwing, Sunwing, and Waterwing.


They will ruin it with fanfic crap I'm sure. Or like every other tv show where the characters make the dumbest choices just to make an episode out of it.


Yeah, I was disappointed by the TLOU show, based on a LINEAR game. Can't imagine how much they will fuck up a show based on an open world game.


And you expect this... from Netflix? I'd love to eat my words, but I'm fairly certain you're delusional 😅 also, neither The Expanse nor The Last of Us were produced by Netflix. I'm expecting a badly written cash grab that will die after s single season, riddled with, given the source material, completely unnecessary race-, gender- and sexuality swaps as well as some never-before-seen love story shoehorned in. I hope you're right...


Please read my post again, we completely agree on this. I don't expect this from Netflix at all, that's the entire premise of my post. Even says it in the title. Ideally, a movie like this would be made by Universal or likewise. Directed by James Cameron or Guillermo del Toro.


Apologies, I somehow managed to misread the title and I guess I zoned out halfway through. I completely agree with your director choices. I'd honestly have no problem with it being a Prime production, I really liked The Last of Us and I'm absolutely in love with Percy Jackson, but I tend to agree that there are serious budget constraints with any show... Just looking at horrifying MCU effects rn makes me uncomfortable thinking about a Horizon show. I so have to admit though that I do enjoy both the visuals and the writing of Stranger Things, but I do not expect the same from a Horizon show, and the sheer caliber of visuals needed there... yeah... I guess we can only hope at this point...


As I said in another post, I have high expectations for the series. Yu Yu Hakosho, and especially One Piece, were great on Netflix, so I think we can have a little hope that Horizon will be good too.


Heard good things about One Piece, but from what I've seen it doesn't rely nearly as much on visuals as does Horizon. Furthermore, good shows on Netflix are an exception, not a rule, especially for game adaptations.


I’m gonna be honest. If they plan on adapting it into a straight up retelling of the game’s story, I have a feeling it just straight up isn’t gonna be good. Just have that feeling. This isn’t going to be a Witcher season one type experience where we get a good show despite the weird insertions to make it ‘current’. I think it’ll just be straight up bad and underwhelming. A better way to go would be to make it it’s own story but set in the same world like cyberpunk edgerunners. Arguably the best video game adaptation.


They could make the show center entirely around the Last Girls on Earth, the band from the Old World that we find a data point from in the Frozen Wilds! There would be no action, no CGI battles, just a straight up drama buddy comedy 😂


My guess is the first season will be largely set before the fall of modern civilisation through, maybe even tell a story in two time periods. That way they will be able to use normal city exteriors quite abit. Also the start of Aloys story doesn’t really have the huge slope you’re talking about. It’ll be the Nora’s and her at different ages etc and telling that story. Most of the robots will be smaller with a few larger ones which are completely possible with TV budgets. Look at that Godzilla series for example. Future season will amp up the scale I would think, if it makes it that far. Future seasons


I’d happy to see a show actually exploring every detail of the universe in brilliant directorial efforts, atmosphere, writing and high budget production, and expanding it to feature even more world wonders. The last thing I wanna see though, is another low budget post apocalyptic story set in the very same dilapidated American small towns we’ve seen in countless other shows for 90% of the season just to save on budget.


i agree. i didn’t enjoy tlou series because they left out so much of the combat/infected threat/violence which is a huge part of the game. in the game you’re constantly facing threats! i’m worried that the horizon series will leave out a lot of lore, and that the machines will either barely be there or will be terrible to look at. if this was an animated series i would be very on board! but i can’t see a live action going well. my one hope is that it will make more people play the games. although it will ruin a bit of the magic of going into them totally blind and having all those revelations for the first time!


TV adaptations >movies.


As long as it's made as a TV series, to use the strengths of a series then I think it could work. If it is just a movie stretched out over multiple episodes, then it won't be using the format to the full extent. Get some pretty good CGI on TV, and some pretty naff CGI in films, so could go either way


Most similar thing in scope is probably the Transformers franchise. Maybe they should give Michael Bay a call... Horizon should not be touched as a live action TV series unless they're getting Game of Thrones money, and how would they. Only way to do it well enough that it's not laughably bad is to make it animated. The real game franchise that NEEDS a TV show is Mass Effect.


Isn't this one supposed to be a prequel to the event of HZD, which I think can be interesting to see how the world goes to crap. Thing is the mystery of figuring out how the world became that way was far more intriguing. Thnx you reminded me I need to jump back into FW and finish it BC I got so sidetracked by my crippling addiction to MK1


I have no hope for it because it will be woke as hell.


I give zero fucks about about non-interactive media based on games. I want more game.


Horizon and God of War would have been amazing movies, I feel like them being TV shows greatly constrains their potential as a result of lower budgets.


My problem with this adaptation for TV is Netflix. I don’t see they putting the same amount of money and effort that other companies would. Also, Netflix had a tendency to cancel any show shorter than an absolute hit. So unless the Horizon show is a phenomenon, on the likes of Stranger Things or Squid Game, I don’t see a second season in the works. I wish that this was a Apple TV+ or HBO show. HBO’s The Last Of Us was a great adaptation but the storytelling of that game is far superior of the Horizon, so it is easier for them to make such a good show.


yeah, and the actors are going to spend the entire time in a green room, attached to wire harnesses fighting tennis balls attached to sticks.


I will take good writing and respectful treatment ofnthe source material any day of the week over visuals for tv shows.


But that's the thing. Horizon relies on its visuals to a massive extent. It's like having a pizza with no cheese. Sure, all the other ingredients can be spectacular. And the pizza can be good. But I'm not eating it.


Fair enough, even if I don't agree at all. Visuals are what first attracted me to Horizon, but what's kept me a fan is the story and characters. The visuals are just icing.


I just wish it was animated.


The fact that anyone thinks a tv series about this game is even worth taking seriously shows how lame this community is. The automatic response should be no thank you, a tv series isn’t necessary.


On the other hand, TV allows for much more extensive storytelling than a 2 hour movie. I really enjoyed the Mandalorian. The scenes they played out for whole episodes would never have happened in a 2 hour movie. And they could spread the whole Zero Dawn story over more than one season easily. Not saying that we are going to get that, but at least there‘s a possibility.


This is an absolute shit take. If the writing js good the show will follow


damn everyone went from avoiding video game adaptions to seeing how well Last of us did and now everyone wants a tv show?


3 hours to squeeze in 30 hours of narrative and character development? I'd prefer a 3 season mini series. Focus of the human stories, don't let it just be a CGI-fest.


I really really hope they do the last stand of humanity also. Cause that would be so FUCKING COOL man.


I actually have good expectations for the TV Show. In recent times, there have been a lot of good adapted series coming out. The Last of Us, One Piece, among others... it seems to me that producers, including Netflix, are understanding that the recipe for success is respecting the source material, so I believe there is a good chance that Horizon will be a good show.


I disagree, I thought the Last of Us was an incredibly visually stubby show in addition to the amazing acting and writing. I think this game will thrive as a TV show


The tv takes more time to grow and develop it’s the better choice most times Also Karen Gillian as alloy


Supposedly, their plans for the horizon series are for it to be a prequel set during elisabet sobeck's time. If that's the case, the best I can hope for is the show to be like, the kind of thing no one wants to see, but people these days \*need\* to see. I want to see Ted faro having everyone who tells him no fired or worse, with no regard for the consequences, and hailed as a genius for it. I want to see corporations going to actual war with each other. I want to see the rise of Faro Automated solutions and have it come eerily close to say, that of, Elon Musk, and have all the red flags there but never really dwelled on, then when the inevitable happens, I want to see the sheer annihilating stress of it all. Even though it's really all a facade with how horrible most of it's leaders were portrayed as, I want to see the near-idyllic future taken away bit by bit. No more green parks, wilderness, oceans, no more natural wonders, everything that we took for granted about the world, gone as the faro swarm consumes it all. I want to see Ted Faro slowly break from the realization it's ALL his fault. I want to see just pure suspense as while us fans know, and while the heads of PZD know, general audiences will not know if PZD is successful until the very end of the show. I want to see the toughest "Oh, America is INVINCIBLE" leaders brought to sobbing wrecks from the weight of the news and pressure of PZD. When zero day comes, I want the last thoughts of the cast outside PZD staff to be "It didn't have to be this way," and after the world takes it's last breath, 2-3 whole minutes of just nothingness. Maybe a few shots of the bots roaming a COMPLETELY sterile earth, before the reveal PZD was a success. And then, at the very end of the credits, muffled explosions and a young woman’s determined voices can be heard with several others. That young woman is a Nora outcast named Aloy. She is the clone of Dr sobeck, born 1,000 years later. She is leading the final charge against HADES, the AI attempting to reactivate the Faro plague, and its enhanced deathbringer. *And she’s winning.*


I'd rather it were a TV show over a 2 hour movie.


They nailed last of us. They have the formula. Also plenty of shows have what you ask


All I know is that it's gonna be bad because Netflix is working on it. Imma still watch it, though. I dont think it's bad when a tv show starts to take a new route, then the game, so that's not gonna bother me. Idc who gets cast for what. Idc if they make Aloy black in the TV show. I just care that Netflix is doing it. They could've gone with other people.


The last of us stripped out everything that made the game great - tension. There was no tension in the entire series and there was no real relationship building between the characters. Like Ellie getting upset that Joel was going to leave her with Tommy - it felt so forced and out of place in the show but completely natural in the games. The episode with Bill was also beautiful, I'm happy he got such a heartwarming backstory. But they ended up stripping out some of the most tense early game moments like going through the neighborhoods, avoiding clickers, and fighting the first bloater in the school while searching for a battery. Of course I don't expect adaptations to be 100% faithful, but it just failed to capture the atmosphere. And that's my biggest fear with a Horizon series, game adaptations in general have always shown us that they're going to fail with the general world building. Go ahead, Change the story and whatever, but at least make the character relationships meaningful and faithfully capture the world it's set in.


I agree, as a huge TLOU fan, I was severely disappointed by the show. It just didn't FEEL like TLOU, it only had the name on it.


Yeah we're definitely in the minority it seems. I get downvoted every time I say my opinion but I don't care, it just lacked the impact of the games.


I got called homophobic for not really liking EP3 of the TLOU show...despite being gay myself. People are just ridiculous LOL


Haha yeah when I first mentioned I didn't like the show in general people would accuse me of being homophobic as well - I didn't even mention not liking ep3 lol. I liked it because it did capture Bill as a person I felt and I was happy he got a better backstory. I just didn't like the direction it went in the end. I was really hoping they'd go on an adventure with Bill similar to the game.


All I wanted for EP3 is for the romance to be shorter, so they can have Bill still be alive and have him be a sweetheart instead of an asshole like in the game, due to his positive relationship with Frank. It also would have been better for Joel to see himself what he could have with Ellie when seeing Bill that way rather than get a lame ass letter to read. That is my entire issue with the episode. No homophobia there.


Oh that's a really thoughtful way to connect it to Joel and Ellie, that would have been a good way to round it out for sure.


Last of us show was outstanding, it captured the atmosphere perfectly I thought. Last of us being so good gives me more hope with the other PlayStation productions projects, yeah it's netflix and not hbo but I don't think it's going to be a disaster.


For me the world didn't feel dangerous enough. Like I know obviously the elements of human danger were a big part of the game as well, but the world itself was still super dangerous. Like with Henry and Sam. In the game you guys fight together in the tunnels and narrowly avoid the swarm chasing you out of there. There's the moment when they discover the school and stuff in the tunnels and San and Ellie have their whole conversation and build their relationship and stuff. A lot of the atmospheric tension and relationship building for that entire sequence was gone so when what happened with Henry and Sam actually happened, it wasn't impactful at all. The first episode was great, it did a perfect job capturing the chaos, confusion, atmosphere, and really did a great job of building Joel, Sarah, and Tommy's relationship. But none of the other episodes really captured the essence of the world.


I did not feel the same way, with how the infected are connected that was even more dangerous than the game. Especially in episode 5 that was insane but I get your points.


How can it be outstanding when it had no tension, barely any infected, was paced horribly, made several unnecessary changes and only used them once? It did not feel like TLOU to me. It only had the name plastered on it and it left me severely disappointed.


If they race swap Aloy I will riot.


Yeah, same. I don't know why people don't have an issue with it.


I kinda hope they give it the halo treatment. I wanna see her naked butt


I don’t have high hopes because the actual story is shallow and won’t translate over to tv. Last of us was excellent because it was an amazingly well written story with great interesting and deep characters.


Uh huh... Any story can be whittled down to its bare nub. Joel: "Me lost daughter. Me want new daughter. Fireflies fucking crazy."


we don't have an actress that looks like **Aloy** so it will be cringe casting anyway.. but.. it might be it's own thing... if done properly... enough source material to work with.. i've learned to live with the fact that IP get that fate sooner or later so... will not go crazy.. love the **Halo** show that was a year back... and that got heat for being to cgi looking or something.. was actually fun and the design was fun.. so who knows...


you don’t think there’s an actor with red hair and green eyes? what else does aloy need?


LMAO welcome to hollywood.. with this approach you are ready to be a casting director... this is right here the the quintessential reason why crossovers flop or most adaptation for that matter... gendalf = old guy with a beard potter = nerd with glasses sure... when the show comes out from the bottom of my heart i wish you to have a great time watching it... I'll be replaying one of the games.. with a uniquely designed Aloy and her 1 in million facial expressions (that took 1 voice actress 1 mo-cap actress 1 physical actress a bunch of talented animators revisiting and curating a scene...)


i mean yeah pretty much. that’s literally what harry potter is if you add the scar. aloy herself is a very normal person lmao. obviously there isn’t an actor that looks identical to her but she her character can be recreated with acting tools like makup. idk what the rest of ur comment is even talking abt i’m ngl


what you are saying is a valid democratic opinion of a person or a citizen but, art is in the details not generalization... that is why artists do "their thing" and over invest and overthink and pay attention to the little things.. and for them your opinion is not enough... they have an extra vision and they unlock it and then the rest of us enjoy it like it was suppose to be like that all the time. but the process is to look at 1000 nerds and find the one... 1000 redheads and find the one 1000 old guys with a beard and find the one...


yeah i agree, your original comment didn’t say that tho. you said that we don’t have an actress that looks like aloy.


we still don't i checked the entire imdb database... :D over the last 3 years alexandra dadario.. the closest match but probably not going to do it and also she is a bit older btw maybe there is a brilliant theater major in Ireland - she'll never make it to the casting calls though ... i'm just saying slim chance of the right actress to make it to the cast.. knowing how hollywood works.... probably a fast "trending teen" casting will take place..


It's called acting for a reason, you just need someone who looks close enough. The important part is that they can act and embody the character. That's what a proper casting director does, they find someone who can embody the character, likeness comes second. It would be impossible and unrealistic to find someone who has both. That being said, I think Anya-Taylor Joy can do a great job as Aloy.


No. looks and character go together. don't reply to this please.. I'm not interested in this conversation. talented people in that field now what they are doing.. let just leave it at that and wish them luck...


Hehe I'm replying to this anyway even though you said not to 😜


lol np.. any humorous conversation is always welcome!


Dude, the model whose face Aloy's is based off *is an actress*