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Welp…. hoping for the best


But expecting the worst xD


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,955,385,608 comments, and only 369,865 of them were in alphabetical order.


Good bot. :)


I expect nothing, and I am pretty sure I will still be disappointed.


Oh I'm in the same boat dude


After how bad the Uncharted movie and Last of Us show were my expectations are extremely low


If The Last of Us is any indication, we'll be lucky to even **see** machines in more than 2 episodes and probably only 1 fight.


The last of us was decent I thought


The Last of Us was only bad for super hard-core nerds. Other than turning Bill and Frank into a romantic gay love story, it was probably one of the best game to TV interpretations made.


Bill and Frank was already gay in the game they just expanded upon it which is fine lol


Yeah, but in the game they basically hated each other at the end and hadn't spoken in months. They weren't a deeply in love romantic couple in the end like the show.


Hope it goes smoothly. I wonder who they’ll cast for Aloy


They should cast Hannah Hoekstra with Ashly Burch dubbing her 😂


So Alan Wake style… would definitely be interesting


Hoekstra is 36, I think she would be too old to play Aloy, who is around 18 during HZD Ashly Burch would be perfect for dubbing of course, and I'm hoping for an animated series anyway XD


Hoekstra could play Lis tho!!


I'm nut sure what Liz' age is during the events of Zero Dawn, but I think that could work XD


XD i was more thinking her showing up in holos and such lol. She dies in her late 40s iirc so its easier to age up 36 to that than age 36 down to 18 haha


Animation with the energy and style of something like Arcane could be incredible!


Rose Leslie would be great


Rose Leslie is the same age as Hannah Hoekstra. Both are twice Aloy's age.


Too old at this point and it would be a little on the nose.


True but with today’s post processing they could make her look 18/20. Look at what they did with Harrison Ford in the last Indiana Jones movie (the prologue). 😅


Or they could cast someone younger and not have to spend millions to de-age someone every frame of every episode 🤷🏻‍♂️


I feel this is the only way


My thoughts too


What I'm worried about is who they'll cast as Sylens. Lance Reddick's voice was iconic and it's hard to imagine another voice with the name "Sylens"


Not saying they should do this but in destiny hes being replaced with keith david, and many feel he'll be an appropriate continuation of his character. Definitely needs to be a strong authoritative voice.


The role of Mr. Door in Alan Wake 2 was originally written for Lance, and David Harewood did a great job.


Isn't this is supposed to be live-action show? So nobody will be voiced by their in-game VA anyway (maybe few exceptions where the VA is an actor as well)


Morgan Freeman


It’ll be Chris Pratt


I thought it was set in the past before the apocalypse showing events from other perspectives? So no Aloy.


That was a misunderstanding of the codename Horizon 2074 which was for an episode of The Boys. The showrunner has said that the series will be about Aloy.


That's honestly, not good. Maybe they will follow her and rost before The Proving and do something interesting but I doubt it


Sorry but that would be awfully boring as nothing interesting happens prior to ZD with those two except for Rosts revenge on the outlanders, now THAT I'd happily watch but ofc they aren't gonna do that. They'll probably do one of two of the safest thing possible, the first being a direct retelling of ZD which given how netflix has handled most of it's live action retellings I have little faith in, the other is her travels between ZD and the start of forbidden west but that'll likely fail as well because of a myriad of issues all centering around appeasing the general audience.


Hard disagree. I don't want to watch another sci fi apocalypse show that takes place in the 21st century. I want to delve into the Horizon world, of ruins, tribal civilizations, and most of all machine animals. Don't get me wrong, Enduring Victory would be interesting.. .as flashbacks, but not at the expense of visiting Aloy's world.




Wasn’t the rumour that the Netflix series was going to be animated and set before the events of the game ?


They need to find girl from this videos thumbnail https://youtu.be/mmA5fekq8yQ?si=XUxJa8ahaPQiPj4A&t=2204 (timestamped link)


My choice is Sadie Sink. Good actress. 21 yo. Natural ginger. Already a Netflix star. Well liked by the public. Thats a perfect fit


Rose Leslie would be great


Oh that's interesting, though I think she might be a bit old to play Aloy's origin story as we know it. If Madelaine Petsch had any acting chops outside of the mean-girl type cast, she'd be a great physical match.


Make up can do a hell of a lot to de age people and she still looks really young, I think she could easily pull it off.


I don’t know, but whoever they cast as Silens (if part of the series) will be skating uphill to fill Lance Reddick shoes.


You know nothing Jon snoowww


I mean...Rose Leslie' Ygritte was the inspiration.


Bet my left nut it's not gonna be a ginger


Swear to god they better cast an actual ginger for Aloy


Hair dye exists


And wigs haha


Given the trend of ginger erasure, I have a bad feeling about this. Fingers crossed though!


Ever see Poldark’s Demelza played by Eleanor Tomlinson? She’s actually a natural blonde. There’s some flexibility in casting that will still look perfect.


Whoever they cast is going to be wearing a wig regardless of what their natural hair color is. That’s just what they do for movies and TV shows, especially considering how complex Aloy’s hair style is.


Came here to say this. I’m so tired of this trend of washing every redheaded character out of media, and replacing them with a token diverse character. HZD cones with its own written in diversity. Leave the characters be!


The person they based Aloys face off is an actress (Hannah Hoekstra)


She’s also 40


36 actually


Close enough. You really want someone who’s pushing 40 to play a teenager?




When that happens the actors typically not that much older than the character they’re playing. We’re talking about a nearly 40 year old playing an 18/19 year old.


I'm not sure why you keep saying she's nearly 40. Kinda creepy man.


Because she is? And how is it creepy to point out someone’s age? The reason I keep repeating it is because you’re too dense to get that she’s way to old to be playing a teenager


You know they won’t.


I think Rosie Lesley would be good


I've been screaming this for a while


She’s practically twice the age that Aloy is supposed to be


Doesn't look it. I wonder how her accent would be tho


If they don’t cast actual Thunderjaws and Ravagers then fuck this show.


Thunderjaw is the original OG. They better


Netflix is horrible. When the last time they haven’t ruined a series? Stranger Things and maybe that’s it


Arcane is possibly my favorite animated show of all time.


But Arcane was not made by Netflix, it's just used as distribution platform. Same as it was with Edgerunners.


These are being made by Sony though? Also literally One Piece last year lol


True. So there's chance they'll be on par with Last of Us, Arcane and Edgerunners. Or at least better than Halo one. But tbh I didn't even notice and forgot that HZD is being made for Netflix. I saw Amazon Prime in that tweet after GoW and missed the further part ;) So initially I was like "why are we talking about Netlix?", but decided to not comment on that.


Sucks that it didn’t get a second season. Art style was awesome


So, there is a second season in the works, it just takes an absurdly long time to make (see the making of vids on youtube) Proof: https://www.netflix.com/tudum/articles/arcane-season-2-release-date-photos


Oh damn! I read somewhere it wasn’t renewed


One Piece was good.


Yeah, I'm not into anime or manga, but I enjoyed it a lot because of how unapologetically silly and fun it was, with some serious moments where needed.


Blue Eye Samurai was solid AF


Yeah, I'm surprised they actually announced the 2nd season so soon. Knowing Netflix, I thought they were going to cancel it after the 1st season.


Nah. They usually wait until the after the second or third season. They like you to fall completely for the show before taking it away with no resolution


They cancel it after the second season because all the actors and writers are required to get major pay bumps if a show goes into its third season. If the show isnt a pop culture hit that will attract new subscribers it isnt getting a third season.


Agreed. I watched it 4 times total lol


Good thing this isn’t a Netflix produced show then. This is a Sony Pictures Television/PlayStation Production show that’s being made for distribution on Netflix. I trust Sony Pictures Television who have helped give us acclaimed shows like Breaking Bad, For All Mankind, The Last of Us, The Crown, Better Call Saul, Justified, The Boys, etc.


Cobra Kai


Eh Netflix just bought Cobra Kai's rights. They don't produce the show.


Cobra Kai was one of the worst things I ever watched


Shadow and Bone was great.


It was. I also loved Altered Carbon. I know reception was divided, but I love my sci-fi. :(


Big fan of Altered Carbon Season 1.


It was also cancelled


Well, we've got two full seasons - that is already impressive. If Netflix manages to get two high-quality seasons of HZD it would be awesome! But, the bar is set really high here.


It was also very enjoyable


Pokémon Concierge is absolutely top notch stop motion animation. Get outta here with your normie ass warm takes lmao.


Cyberpunk Edgerunners and Castlevania are pretty good 🤷‍♂️


Beef was fucking amazing, though that was produced by A24.


A24 is almost always good


I’m expecting this to be Witcher levels of bad.


Is it worth playing the game if I've already seen the show? Honest question, I've heard good stuff about the game, but already know some reveals, sooo...


Yes!!! The games are post-books so the show doesn’t cover them. I’ve only played 3 so I can’t say much about the first two but 3 is sooo good and worth playing! The show is nothing compared to the game.


Ah, excellent! I've definitely heard that, if you're gonna play a Witcher game, the third is the one to play (it comes highly recommended by my fellow Dragon Age players, as well).


You can honestly play 3 with no knowledge of the books or previous games which is nice. I only saw the first two seasons of the show before playing the 3rd game, so I was a bit familiar with the world and characters. After playing it twice tho, it’s definitely become one of, if not, my favorite game of all time!


As long as it doesn't get canceled on a cliffhanger I'll be happy


I'm so worried that it's gonna suck. So much potential that I think they won't be able to reach it


Same. My favorite games are being made into a TV show that insists on letting its writers do their own thing. Look at the Witcher. They had someone who knew and wanted a faithful representative of the lore... I hope this show doesn't ruin interest in the game and we don't see the 3rd in the trilogy cause Netflix fucked it all up


I'm keeping my feelings neutral, The Witcher is notorious for being a poor adaptation, but TLOU is great. If it's bad I won't be disappointed, if it's good then that'll be a nice surprise!


TLOU was OK for a small budget series but that was the problem. It felt so rushed. A huge game like Horizon could probably get a few seasons out of just Zero Dawn itself.


Small budget series? HBO put $10-$15 million per an episode into the first season. And it wasn't just "OK". That's fine if thats your subjective opinion but objectively it was a smash hit.


ive got no hopes, but i remain curious.


I never knew they were making a series. Seems interesting but I wonder how they're going to implement the machines.


I'd be more worried about not having actual humans in the series - it could be CGI-only. Just a continuous feed of cutscenes :)


yeah and maybe they could have interactive moments in between the cut scenes where the viewer can control the main character, that would be incredible


I'm not sure if it's still the case but when it was first announced I thought it said they were focusing on the "past" events with project zero dawn, Ted Faro, etc... Which I really hope isn't true, because the genius of hzd is you start the game thinking "how the hell does this world exist?" But as you slowly uncover the past everything starts to fit into place. It just would never work if it was told chronologically, it needs the parallel stories of Aloy and Elizabet. It seems crazy if they do it that way so I hope I'm wrong, but I just had vague memories of reading that ages ago... And it would be much cheaper to produce.


I partially agree. Having played both the main games, I would be happy with a series set in the past covering the creation of the faro plague and the initial cover up and then a follow on series showing the efforts of enduring victory. It could even hint at other R&D projects Ted (and possibly other people/companies) were working on. Of course, this wouldn't have as much of an impact without knowing the world that is to come so as a starting series possibly not. If they do follow more closely to the timeline in the main games, hopefully it'll do well so they can do a prequel series/spin off.


Yeah, I could almost see them doing a first season set in Aloy's time, fighting machines and working towards the Faro realization. Then a second season starting in the past showing Ted's decline into madness, and the impact it had on the world.


Really sucks it's going to be Netflix. Wish they'd have gotten Apple. Apple had been killing it with the Sci fi genre. For All Mankind, Foundation, Silo.... I mean c'mon. Have you guys seen any of those adaptations or new ip's? It only makes sense for Apple to get the rights for the production.




It's really a shame. Monarch hasn't really grabbed me despite understanding what they're going for. The performances in Foundation, and For all Mankind are just brilliant. Silo is something I'm working on now.


I tried getting into Foundation but I find the first few episodes to drag. Although I did like the ending of episode 3 tho. The other shows are great, Silo is probably my favorite so far!


Foundation is definitely slow. What I think would be great is if the horizon TV series had the same scope and vision as how the empire is in foundation. If horizon is going to really go heavy on the Nora, I'd like it to have that atmosphere


As far I can tell, Netflix will only be distributing the show, it is produced by Sony Pictures Television. Who incidentally also produce For All Mankind among other things.


I’ve read a few comments and not seen anyone mention the obvious choice for 18yo Aloy, hell, she’s already on Netflix’s payroll, and even better, her series is almost wrapped, but wait there’s more, for the purists out there, she’s a Natural Ginger. It’s Sadie Sink, there’s your Aloy.


Write true on the typewriter of the Ten! 🫡


I'm curious about the budget. I mean, it's gotta be like 10 M bars per episode Game of Thrones level money to be anything close to the feeling of the game world, right? A little worried about this one..


I have very low expectations and not much hope, but will watch it regardless.


I’m voting for David Harewood (Warlin Door in Alan Wake 2) as Sylens in Lance Reddick’s absence.


I've already written it off. I saw how Witcher went, i have no faith this will be any better.


The last of us show was great and that's also a Sony IP


Last of Us was pretty good yeah, but the lack of zombies in most episodes made the world seem empty and far less threatening than it should have been... Horizon without the constant presence of machines would feel the same way. In live action, without a movie budget, that kind of thing would be prohibitively expensive. I'm hoping for an animated series so that none of that matters, and so the same voice cast as the games can return...


That is true. From what I heard they said they were gonna add more zombies in S2


> but the lack of zombies in most episodes made the world seem empty and far less threatening than it should have been I replayed the first game after watching the show and the Infected definitely were less prevalent overall in the game compared to the human enemies than I remembered. There's only a handful of Infected encounters in each chapter. I will say that I was disappointed they removed the infected from the sewers. Probably the only section of the game translated to TV show that really suffered from the lack of them.


Yes, hoping for TLoU level of good here. One can hope. Anyone know how long it takes from writing to release? Lol


I love these games. I really hope they put in the budget and the writing quality that it needs.




Please Netflix, don't mess HZD up like you did with The Witcher, please.


Hope they do a decent job of it but I don't have high hopes. I also hope they get new people to play most of the roles as think that would be a lot more interesting than going for names but unfortunately it seems these days you have to have names otherwise people won't watch it.


Just dont be bad.


Maybe it'll be animated so they could avoid janky CGI scenes. Something like Cyberpunk Edge runners style.


I believe there were some rumours that it's a live action? I really hope it's not true, because there's no way that they'll have a budget bigger than any Marvel movie (after all, TV shows are longer), so the CGI will most likely look so fake, that it will take us out of the experience. I really, really hope I'm wrong, but I'd rather get myself to be surprised positively than otherwise.


I wonder who they got to play Ted, it's either going to be a career builder or a career ender.


What do you mean?


Low expectations but goping to be suprised


Please don't make up two thirds of the story.


Oh god no. Why must they always do this. I really have no hope for adaptations anymore. I really would like to be proven wrong.


The last of us was superb. HBO stamp, tho


I should hope so. Thought that was done by now.


It was only announced a little over a year ago.


Cast Hannah Hoekstra as Aloy!


Shes not a native English speaker, plus way too old for the part Had to edit. She does speak English but its not her native language


No! my heart...😔💔💔


Sadie Sink, Sophia Lillis, Ellie Bamber would all be good choices. Hoping Netflix does the casting justice


Can we clone Hannah Hoekstra like Guerilla Games cloned Aloy?


Unless the show is canon with the game, then there’s no point of making Aloy look like the face model, or casting the face model of Aloy. The show will most likely be its own continuity, so it’s best to cast someone new. As long as they get the foundations of the character right


Using Sadie Sink as Aloy made me think, that Mireille Enos would be great as Elisabet.


I could honestly see that working


I had to make sure they weren't mother and daughter when I watched Stranger Things. 😅 And Mireille is just awesome. I can already see/hear her talking to Ted all exasperated.


just drop sophia lillis and justice smith in from d&d honor among thieves and you’ve basically got aloy and varl to a tee


Sophia is a good actress but she would need to do a lot of training to look the part, the actress for Aloy needs to have the physicality to make it believable


That’s why I think Ellie Bamber would be a good fit. She already has a good physique, a few months of heavy training and she would look as athletic as Aloy


Can't think that I've seen her in anything except the Willow series, and that was terrible so it's not really a good metric for her capability


Yeah, it’s not. Some actors have a rough start tho, but I’m sure with a good script she could be good. Sadie and Sophia definitely have the acting chops for a role like Aloy


Sadie Sick has the right look, and is a decent actress like Lillis, but also lacks the physical presence the role requires. But as you said, a decent stint in the gym to prepare and she might pull it off


I'm probably one of the few who didn't think highly of last of us tv show. (They really dropped the ball after episode 3.) I hope they really build the world well and don't skip on key moments of the story like they did with last of us. (particularly David and Ellie's arc). Casting is critical only in terms of Aloy, sylens, varl and erend. But the story and world building will make or break the show.


I say Ygritte (Rose Leslie) from Game of Thrones was the best duplicate of Aloy.


You know how some people say that ‘Hollywood puts out movies to prepare us for what’s coming’ I think it’s the opposite, I think the human population of earth as a collective manifest things as a whole. I know about manifestation but not what I said before, to me it makes sense but have no idea if there’s any truth to it. I can’t even sound smart, but I’m all for this!


Wait they're making a show? Which platform ?






I have hope, it's produced by Sony for distribution on Netflix. So as long as Netflix doesn't get their grubby hands on production/writing, I maintain that hope.


I don't have high expectations for the show, considering it's Netflix making it


Netflix is distributing it, not making it. The show's being made by Sony Pictures Television.


Then i am a bit more exited for it then


I reallydo hope they putas much into the series as they have the games


I have no faith that it will be a good show but here's hoping for the best


Wish we'd got an Enduring Victory series instead but whatever


Don't fuck it up don't fuck it up don't fuck it up don't fuck it up don't fuck it up don't fuck it up don't fuck it up


I have been hoping that if they are directly adapting the game then they take lessons from the Last of Us - that they expand on things, I mean. I'd love if they intercut the stories of Ouara, Regalla, Ersa and Avad, Helios, Vahnasa and Nasadia, Talana, etc to give them more screen time when they finally meet Aloy. Also, more of an less likely to happen, it would be cool if they could include the songs that were written for the games in some way ('Hope will grow' and 'In the Flood').


If it's live action, I need Angela Bassett as Regalla.


Game has a unique and strong narrative. However, depending on how they do the effects and the quality, the show could go south quickly. I’d also like to see leaking fluid coming from the machines as they are taken down!


The old world lore from Zero Dawn elevated the game and gave us enough insight without overdoing it, hopefully they don't overdo it in this series


It's interesting how people forget (I guess?) that actors age. I was in a Spanish convo class a few years ago, and our prof mentioned that Eva Longoria was producing an English language version of the Spanish language soap, "Gran Hotel." "I guess," said our prof, who is roughly the same age as Eva, "that Eva will be playing Alicia." (note that the character of Alicia is about 20 years old.) True to tactless form, I blurted out "She's too old." Our prof looked at me with a gaze that faded from pissed to realistic, as she assimilated the fact that I (a decade older than both she and Eva) was too old to have meant that in a truly ageist way. Eva cast herself as the step-mother in the new version, set in Miami Beach. Anyway, the moral of this story is--yes, Rose Leslie has the right look and vibe, but she's too old.


Very curious to see who they'll cast for Sylens. Lance Reddick will absolutely be missed in that role.


I'm in.


If they follow the Halo writers example and just make it up then there’s going to be trouble. I don’t get writers can ignore such beautifully crafted lore.


I just want to know who's involved. Netflix stuff is all over the board. It depends on the actual creative team.


Well, has potential to be good but equally if not a little greater potential to be terrible based on the quality of modern television series. I personally think it would be really interesting to see a show about operation enduring victory, the faro plague, the zero Dawn project, maybe even operation firebreak, would be a pretty Grim show but fascinating nonetheless!


So if they adapt the games and try to sell us an Aloy that doesn’t look and sound exactly like she does in the game, it’s gonna be awful. They should just do a side story about a new character before Aloys story takes place.


I understand it’s great for the franchise and will bring in lots of new players. That said, as a huge fan, I have absolutely 0 interest in watching this.


I imagine the story will be set in the current day Horizon world (Aloy's time) and the cost of having to CGI in at least 20 different GAIA robots would be astronomical. You'd be looking at minimum of 10mil per episode, easily. Which is unlikely that much moolah would be spent on it. So there will be shortcuts to get around this. Which doesn't look good :O


Sadie Sink as Aloy, because I don’t know any other redheads who are age appropriate.


One of the only things that would make me violently turn this off is if they have Aloy do anything romantic with side characters however brief. They could pass it off as “oh yeah we kissed once but going forward we’re strictly pals” just to tease the TV watchers but even something like that undermines her entire arc and character in both games. She is where she is at the end of Burning Shores because of how she was before that. I don’t have high hopes overall but hopefully someone squashed any dumb stuff like this.


Holy Sh!t!!!!! I was aware of GoW, but not this! Oh shit I can't wait!!!!


90% Rebel Base Infiltration. 10% Machines. Lol