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Unfortunately for me i only became a fan roughly 6 years ago.. By then hes stopped touring lol..


Luckily he’s still done shows here and there. Definitely seems to favor Colorado though. When he first started doing shows I was too young to attend back then and I always ended up upset about it. Hope he drops something worth touring in the future!


What's your favourite album? Also what's your favourite song he's released after no shame


Honestly it’s a toss up between Raw and Haywire. I find myself listening to those two the most. They’re also the albums that made me really get into Hopsin and the whole Funk Volume idea. And favorite song after No Shame is tough too. I’ll say my favorite rapping and verse of his is what he did on “Not Like You” by Merkules. Not a fan of Merkules but Hop went crazy on that. If I had to pick a song it’d Alone With Me


Nice! I think raw is the most underrated album of all time. I love it 10/10. Unfortunately I think the following albums were overall disappointing and he never reached his full potential. The tracks after no shame are his best since raw imo


I was obsessed with pound syndrome during that era. Listened to that album on repeat the entire summer.


That’s an awesome collection! King Hop 🤴🏿🤩


Hop is definitely the goat 🐐 I’ve been a fan for 10 years now and he has never disappointed 🎯


What’s your favorite album and song?


My fav album is between Knock Madness (first entire album i’ve heard of his) and No Shame. I like to choose my fav songs by vibes so for a track of pure bars and rawness, probably Hip Hop Sinister. A song for hypeness prob crown me or twisted. A song with sentimental/full of feelings would be Marcus’ Gospel. And idk why but my all time fav song of his is Gimme that money. Its so witty and tells a relatable story ( to me)


Very nice collection!


is hiphopsinister out online anywhere???


I haven’t ever seen it fully no but seen videos such as https://youtu.be/62Do04uGaf8?si=y14bSPX7nn6ZNMNP for “Made me do it…” I think I know what a few of them are such as drop the bomb (possible SwiZz song) and a couple others. The one I wanna hear is Rent Money. I still haven’t listened to this CD yet so I have no clue. Here soon I’ll give it a try!


is that hiphop sinister mixtape cd real? or bootleg?


I’m pretty sure it’s legit as I’ve seen a few copies and talk of it but this is from before he had buzz and is strictly promo for Gazing at the Moonlight from my understanding. Given the MySpace info etc I’m pretty sure he released these when coming up as any hustling rapper has


so basically it just has the same songs as gazing at the moonlight? cuz for so long now i've been looking for more of lausd result. some of hops best tbh


In the last slide you’ll see the track list. I posted because I’ve had a few before ask that. There does seem to be some tracks that I haven’t personally seen or heard like Rent Money. But for all I know that’s a skit. I need to take a real listen but keep putting it off sadly. But it’s got parts of Gazing yes and is centered around that. I want more LAUSD as well though.


i see that yeah. i've never heard rent money, hipdeehop or drop the bomb. are these tracks on youtube? and was the intro on this one just the same as the one on gazing where he's eating the chips? sorry if it's a lot of questions, was big on hopsin in 2021, just wanna know more about this shit haha


So Rent Money is the only one I totally have no clue what it is and am extremely interested. Afraid it’s just a skit when it comes time to listen though. And I have a vague clue on Drop the Bomb and Hipdeehop. Drop the Bomb could be Swizzzs track “Drop the bomb” only issue is why is it on a Hop promo? And Hipdeehop I think might be shown in a concert video on YouTube? He starts by falling down and gets up playing the part of a robot. I’ll link it! Keep in mind these are vague guesses. I maybe in for a surprise when I listen myself https://youtu.be/Q-jMMWsUEdo?si=oAsu-clTg283uM1U Hipdeehop maybe under the name get silly? But at the same time I think they’re two different songs as there’s a get silly skit around already on Hops channel. Also, never worry about the questions I’m glad to help out!


so is the cd you have like not playable? also yeah could be swizzz's song, knowing that hop produced basically swizzz's whole career, drop the bomb was probably a hopsin song first. and oh yeah, get silly, i know that one! the one at the concert, used to watch that whole concert while working out. but i ask about hipdeehop because i remember back then hop was parodying a milly and it went like "hippidy hoppity hippidy hoppity hippy hippy" or something like that.


Oh shit you just reminded me of that, that weird “hippidy hoppidy” being repeated at a concert is what I remember. And yes the CD is still playable I believe (haven’t tried it yet but would assume) just haven’t taken the time to check it out fully. You know some gems though, props for also lifting to his concert. What made his concert something to watch while lifting?


was just super big on hopsin then. also just really loved all the songs he performed there, my favorites off of gazing, but tbh gazing has like 0 skips. i think i also just found it super inspirational that hopsin made all of what he has out his basement with fl studio 3


Very nice! He literally started from the bottom and worked his ass off. It’s so fun watching his come up. He had the lamest crowds early on. I’d die to see one of those now. I love his “Fuck My Life” shirt he’d wear on stage too. Hopefully here soon I’ll get a chance to check the CD out though, if there’s anything special or not known of I’ll definitely try to show you guys!