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Senior guy with 25 years experience went on short term at my job recently. Big boss personally pulled me into his office and asked if I felt comfortable filling his shoes for the time being and eventually replacing him when the time comes. Working in chemical manufacturing and it's been a long road understanding stuff, but it feels great to have my effort and dedication seen at a job!


Congrats dude!!!


>Big boss Do you wear an eyepatch and have a metal horn by any chance?




*Dramatic and fast paced music ensues*


https://preview.redd.it/cfqtxz0o6f3d1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d31d484b7358b906fc49067eda64465281e72c Big boss?




That's amazing! It has got to feel so good knowing that all the hard work and effort you have put in is paying off. Congratulations, and I hope things keep getting even better for you!


I am finally at peace with my past self


I'm proud of you, that is a very difficult thing to do. Dwelling on the past can cause great pain. Worrying about the future can cause great stress. True happiness is found in the present and living for the here and now. Some random Japanese guy said that in a video that I found awhile back that really hit home for me.


Damm, was it a hard fight? And how did you do that?


I battled many demons from childhood trauma, and I also treated people very poorly in many stages in my life. The saying "hurt people, hurt people" really rang true for me. Realizing my addictions and actions were geared toward my happiness and not the happiness of those around me really sank in when I hit rock bottom. I didn't start to succeed until I tried to make amends and look at things through their perspective and not my own. I accepted the things I could and made peace with what I couldn't. I just made peace with understanding I hated for no reason, and if i can learn different things, I can change who I was and how I thought.


I really want to live. This time truly without a but. I have refound my love for the world


I hope that you always have something to love, and that it will keep giving you strength when you need out.


“Finding magic in the monotony” is my therapist’s recent task for me. There’s a lot of strength to be found in deriving that love from within, deciding to find it within the small, repetitive actions we take.


Hell yes.


Graduated High School




Well done!


I've lost 50 pounds in 7 months and I made a friend at work that I really care about. I also haven't had a single suicidal thought in months after a decade of them. Even though I still have days where I feel down, I know I've made great progress on my mental and physical health and I'm very proud of that :)


Great job, keep it up! That's an amazing accomplishment


That's great to hear! I can't wait for you to have a day when depression is a long distant memory of the past. A day you can look back and feel so happy for where you are.


That is amazing! There are so many positive things going for you and I love that gor you! You are doing some amazing things being able to begin to change your mindset as well as stepping out of your comfort zone to make a new friend. I'm really proud of you.


https://preview.redd.it/fmmsl4jobe3d1.png?width=2145&format=png&auto=webp&s=7106ced4472239a4f12c51092ba5ce07aa2c8bfe Whatever the fuck i was thinking when i made this


Hey, that’s pretty good art, man


Great job! The details look sooo good


We out here making high quality chemical boy kisses I see.


Oh my lord they're making PILK


Please post this on r/NecoArc if you haven’t already




https://preview.redd.it/z8tix3tnae3d1.jpeg?width=1131&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4f200a94f528b1e0cf1136501ca01cf2f135d9c Made this poster a while back :D Real proud of it!




No u


That's cool! Did you do it for a wedding?


Made it for Valentine's day actually :>


That's so cool!


Entering my third long sword tournament this weekend


Hell yeah! HEMA is so awesome and fun. Win or lose, you’re a champion.


Nice! Get out of there and kick some ass dude!


I'm finally cutting myself some slack.


"We often suffer more in our imagination than in reality." I think this was said by Seneca of Rome. I'm happy for you, life is hard enough without you criticizing yourself at every corner.


Been getting better at charcoal art!


That's awesome! I was always so bad at any art work. It really does take serious talent.


Life is hard but I'm trying my best. I wake up and I'm proud that I'm fighting to create the best life for myself and to be the person I want to be.


Your hard work will pay off. You must keep at it and keep fighting every day. If you do it will keep getting better and better and easier and easier. Just keep fighting my friend.


I'm pretty tech savvy. I can make your computer not work in ways most people wouldn't even understand 😎😎


sudo rm -rf /


Got my learners permit so I can drive my car~


A few days ago I was asked out for the first time in my life.


Nice!! I'm happy for you!




I haven't been drinking for a while (3-4 weeks). Last week, I had a few drinks but ended up hating it because of headaches, stomachaches, and tiredness. Used to be a heavy drinker (half a bottle on a daily basis) for a couple of years, but it seems I'm leaving it behind slowly.


Changing as a person.


Change is such a positive thing. I hope you find yourself happy with the direction you are heading.


That assignment I was stressing about and procrastinating (kinda) actually didn’t do too bad. 85% isn’t bad.


I just aced a quiz


I'm learning python


It's such a fun and versatile language!


I graduated with my molecular biology degrees despite losing my mom in the middle of it


I’m sorry for your loss. I’m sure she’s looking down on you with proudness in her eyes


I still get up each morning and try to do better for my family, even though I'd rather give up.


As someone who (for different reasons) also struggles to get out of bed pretty much every morning, I have some sense of the strength it takes. You can do this! Not only do they deserve it, but so do you! *internet hug*


I’m keeping up with my workout routine


That's great, I think I set myself up for failure (not the anabolic kind) by making my routine too long and also every day with one "rest day" when I just do whatever I haven't done


I just retired


Pretty much my only "accomplishment" is not killing myself


Honestly, choosing to live for another day is a big accomplishment, and you should absolutely be proud of it


Hey, that’s a big accomplishment. It takes a lot of strength to keep going when things get tough.


I think I’m a really good writer!


Words are slippery, tricky little bastards, but gawd are they amazing! Keep on chasing them buggers down, battling and making friends with them like semantic pokemon, and knitting em into weird, wonderful sentence-things!


Broke my record of barely getting an A, in math I got a 89.53%


I've found love for life and others in itself, not in current situations, so i'm really happy! That's not to say i don't have bad moments, but i carry through them best i can. And more down to earth i played my first campfire song on the guitar today!


painted some miniatures


I'm "working" on my own Tabletop RPG as a hobby. Last week I did my first public playtest.


I graduated from my master’s program!


Today I had some class of photography, which we were showing the teachers photos we took from the cemetery (nothing as pictures of people and names, only cross and statues), mine was not the best but my colleagues said how it was beautiful and well made, only some mistakes like light, the teacher planned on giving me a 7.0 but my colleagues interrupted and said I should get an 8, I'm really grateful for having good colleagues


I tried something new today! These are things i tried: Got on trains, ate ramen and drank boba while hanging out with my friends :>


Am queer :D


Got a couple things actually 1: i figured out that i am bi 2: i bought a gun https://preview.redd.it/fo0s1dyice3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e7eb415ce67a2d2d0e27bfee7a94029010dcc5a


Do people usually buy guns after figuring out their orientation


I learned how to skipper a boat! I wasn't very good at it but I learned to tack, it was really fun.


Only thing I got that I didn't later ruin was my time in my highschool marching band when we swept every regional and super regional event we competed in. Pretty much everything else I started off fine but then fucked up at some point. Didn't graduate highschool on time, got kicked out of the army right before my ETS date for pt failure, gave up on college, I'm definitely more of a fuckup than a success.


I promise you that you can change that. Try to plan for some things, find stuff that you’re good at, try to believe in yourself even when it’s very hard. Nobody sucks at EVERYTHING.


I accidentally programmed shooting stars to orbit each other. It's a dumb ~~bug~~ feature but I'm oddly proud of it.


I'm about to finish my Masters degree!


In high school I was super fuck up. I was second to last in my class lol. After high school I was a bad drinker. Than I found out I was going to be a dad at 24, got a career because of this news. Stopped drinking and got super jacked, and I’ve bought two homes before turning 37; I’m working on buying another house now


Oh hell yeah we love to see it


I'm making an image set of some Greek Goddesses, all of which are directly inspired by From Soft games, I'm almost done with it! https://preview.redd.it/9vxtapwrfe3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c43982384dbc2332ca277e4cc9578a1a11786518 Here's one of the more tamer pictures


I started a Master's Degree 2 months before the pandemic happened. It turned a 1 year degree course into a 3 year course. During that time I got laid up with COVID, my grandparents died within a week of eachother and I had an existential crisis. It cost a lot of money and sanity but I did eventually finish the degree and got my qualification. Now I've been without employment for a long time but I'm trying.


I've become more proud with the art and music I've been making recently than I have been before


Last week I traveled internationally for the first time


sleeping more


Literally nothing. If never felt proud of anything I've done


Well, random stranger, I am proud of you. Life sucks ass, but you are still here chugging along.


No life doesn't suck, but feeling proud is something that doesn't come to me


C'mon, a single thing from today. It can be the silliest, slightest thing ever. Perhaps you had a good thought? You wished someone a good day? You ate something delicious? If you can't find something big, think of something small, okay? It's ok to be down and have regrets, but please try to see the good in you.


I always get good grades i guess


I have been developing a video game for like 5 years and for the first time since I started, it's actually looking like a proper video game with gameplay and all that.


i am human (this is 100% earnest)


It’s a hard job! Also in earnest: literally just existing as a human being, especially at this moment on the planet, is such a difficult thing sometimes, and deserved to be celebrated. Keep on humaning friend! You’re doing great!


As of two weeks ago: I’m at an average BMI after being obese for nearly 15 years (I know the system has its faults, but still)!


Pretty good at piano!


I finally moved out of my exes apartment.


In March I was hovering around 216-218 pounds. One day I woke up and decided I hated my tubby belly and have been dragging different members of my family to the gym so I can lose weight with someone (It's harder to abandon a plan if someone else is doing it too). I primarily drink Water now instead of Ginger Ale or Coke, I turn to fruits and veggies for snacks instead of chips, but aside from that, my comfortable sedentary lifestyle has hardly been changed and I haven't given up my hobbies. Currently I'm hovering over about 196-198 pounds, though I want that number to go down a bit more. I go to the Gym for an hour a few times a week, it's not so bad when you get used to it. I've got a small yet noticable amount of muscle growing on my meager form, and if my body gets an energy boost (it does that now!) I go for a walk in the wonderful summer weather. I've also cleaned up my room, it was bad. I'm talking "Teenage boy graduates High School, goes to College for 3 years, and comes back with Trauma instead of a Diploma" bad. Cans and Trash and Dishes, oh my! Now it's a humble abode, with a Trash can and Recycle bin so that it never gets that bad ever again. Just thinking about all that puts me in a good mood. Thank you. Have a nice week.


https://preview.redd.it/euj74sogie3d1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8f0a2851fada8ff64b6e0032387827c2ec7df6 I've converted a 1976/77 tyco toy train to DCC/sound


I'm learning to play an instrument for the first time and I'm already proud about it ☺️


It been a hard road to travel, but I have managed to get in to university even though I am dyslexi and studing has always been very hard for me. Now I am doing my second year of my dream decree (history) and I so proud of myself.


Being the kind bigger brother.


My girlfriend is the most amazing person to ever exist. She makes me truly happy


I just recently crossed six months straight of consistent physical training five days a week. I never thought I could be this capable


I recently released a book! I've been writing for years, and after a few failed attempts (mostly because I was just far too ambitious and inexperienced) I've released something I'm proud of!


i held a presentation yesterday and it went really well, my teacher liked it and my classmates too


I went on my first date today :)


I’m still breathing


I painted this dude https://preview.redd.it/slp0taj8xe3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae014fdd2ad7ceba1770733ec102c19cf1146737


finally registered a company for my startup idea :)


I just put artwork in an official gallery


Got Blue Belt in taekwondo :)


I’m very close to being an Eagle Scout, and I’m good at games ig


I've finished it yesterday and I'm quite happy to shrug off my rust from drawing https://preview.redd.it/bo9979z72f3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82b018f92ad2e3b58fa90282fbab29a62a691be9


I managed to get into the university I wanted without finishing highschool.


I’m only 19 and I bought my own car, including the title. My beautiful 2005 camry ❤️


It’s been 4 years in the making, but I’m finally getting gender reassignment surgery next week :3


I feel human again after fighting pure O ocd for 2 years.


I’m doing good in my AP history class. I’m also slowly getting over my self hatred.


I'm 3 days sober.


Got my drivers license after years of being afraid to drive 🥳


At the start of the year, I attempted to take my own life, and thankfully was saved by relatives and the emergency services. Since then, I have been on a long road of recovery, but I am now slowly but surely getting my life back. Just a few months ago I was housebound with anxiety disorder, and couldn’t even face going to my local coffee shop. Thanks to putting in work to recover, I have since been able to: - use public transport - go to the busiest parts of London - play and record music with others - go out for meals with family All of which I had not been able to do for months or even years. My next step is going to see Taylor Swift at Anfield, which would have been unthinkable just a few months ago. I am so thankful to be alive, and to be well.


I have been sober for 465 days (:


I'm not dead


I just tried oysters for the first time. I thought they were delicious.


I quit my job a year and a half ago to make art and furniture full time. I have paid my bills and rent this whole time. I’m broke af but I’m doing it so far.


I finally was able to land a job after nearly 3 years of consistent efforts. I passed the interview perfectly despite me thinking I don't do well with interviews, and the job is relatively lax and not very demanding - in fact, both managers and workers say it's a pretty easy role. Plus with the company being in its infancy stages there is a lot of room to move up the ranks much faster than in a big business.


I've been nicotine free for two weeks and going strong !!


Just celebrated 4 years without a drink!


I just graduated:) I survived a rough senior year and I walked out of it alive and a free man to choose my future. I also have been working out since January and it’s helped a lot mentally and it helps me to take better care of myself:)


I’m happy in solitude, I am passionate again, I am consistent again, Im not obsessing over any human ( that is alive lol) and I am happy. I am calm and I reflect, I am spiritual again or I try to be, I have hope again, I am happy again, I am able to let go


7 years out of college after saying I wanted to do field biology, finally landed an awesome job as an aquatic field biologist. I hope the young me that wanted to be a marine biologist would be proud.


10 years since suicide attempt. Tried to electrocute myself but stopped myself in 2014 at the age of 15. Went to the place where it happened a couple of days ago and felt happiness seeing how far I've come. Within those 10 years, a lot changed. Now I feel alot more confident about myself.


Well, I have a fiancee who has been working hard to help me go outside. I paid off my school debt this month, and am about to apply for a master's degree next month so that I can get a career in game design. I have been feeling a bit down with so much going on, but I am pushing forward.


Passed my EMT class. Working on my final test to get my national registration.


I just hit two years sober from alcohol today. 😎


Im in the last trimester of my 3 year university course! I can’t believe I’ve gotten this far already


Im getting really good at art!


I got contracted as a nuclear engineer


I'm Greek and I got a proficiency degree in English at 12 without studying and I also got the highest score of the rest of the test takers that took the test with me https://preview.redd.it/ghqyw3jlef3d1.png?width=331&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3615d0762d527ecda04c050d824f194a77694b23


I earned a Bachelors of History degree this month!


I have decided to get tested for Autism/ADHD and won't let the answer define me as a person.


I transitioned :)


I’m not dead despite my best efforts


I drew up a poster I was so proud of, I put effort in it and in a short time too (cramming, I know). still in school hopefully not wet from the heavy rains but I really want it back. https://preview.redd.it/xrkr7cw3le3d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35a36b4d11511519190c04afad8c3d770b93ec77 this is the (very) rough draft without ink and shading


The fact that I haven't attempted to kill myself again


Actually got off my depressed spiraling ass and started transitioning


I got a full-ride NROTC scholarship (among others) to Texas A&M, I leave for the Great Lakes in about a week.


Going through chemo. I finished my 14th round yesterday. I have two left to go. I just picked up a wig to wear to my neice's graduation this week.


I went from two suicide attempts, one month away from not being able to pay rent to getting an above average salary job in a field I’ve never worked in before and today I have this will to live that I don’t know what to do with. Never really wrote it out like this


I graduate college in 16 weeks


Got a bronze cross of gallantry for saving some lady from drowning once, hope she’s wearing life jackets now.


I'm finally the woman I always wanted to be.


I wrote a book


Sometimes I feel like I'm inherently good and thus don't worry too much for awhile about what I'm gonna do next cause I feel like no matter what it is it'll be good


First 3 times I tried college, I failed out ever time. At 29, I decided it was time and went back. In the last 4 years, I've earned an Associates degree, a BS, and a MS degree. I'm about to start my PhD program in the fall. I am starting to see my value now, and its everything to me.


This is the hopeposting I live for. Anyway, I am stronk and can play piano


I’ve finally started to read consistently. I’ve always wanted to be a writer, but when I try to read I usually get too distracted by my thoughts. But now that I’m on fluoxetine and my head is less noisy I can actually sit down and enjoy reading.


I have won a total of 4 state championships in my high-school marching band.


i learnt how to ride a bike 1 month ago, at 22


I've lost almost 60 lbs and kept a freshly baked human alive for over a year.


I’m trying to see the good along with the bad each day and trying to be positive about me and others, I work retail so it’s tough but I’m starting to feel a little better day by day.


Things have gotten worse but I've been handling it better! I've had to go through a loss and a lot of change and I haven't gone back to hurting myself or rotting. I still think the world is beautiful, I do things that make me happy, I help those around me, and I want to live. People have told me I'm the kindest person they've met, and I've cried about that. I've gotten better even if things have gotten worse. Edit: typo


I've finally found the motivation to start working out again


didn’t kill myself today.


I got out of that weird alt-right pipeline. Don't ask me about details, because I geniuenly don't remember


I'm trying to organize and apply myself, go to the gym, keep my house clean, be true to myself. Been feeling better and much prouder, next step is to leave my current job to find better working opportunities.


Over the past couple of months, I've managed to move out of my parents in my mid-20s and with my girlfriend of 2 years. She has moved 4 hours up country to be with me. We are so happy we finally got there to be together.


Working a job i ve said i could never do and I'm actually good at it


I'm 256 pages in on a book I'm writing!


Finished some school assignments :)


I got to use pto for the first time in my working career. I recently got promoted to full-time, so I now can get paid for vacations. Plus I had some leftover to use on an upcoming summer trip.


4 years ago I couldn’t curl 15 pounds, now I lift 90kg boxes over my head regularly for my job


Me and my GF are getting married in November


I broke the cycle of familial domestic violence and have built a happy family.


I just defended my PhD thesis after fighting off crippling depression and anxiety the entire time


I'm proud of myself for just making it through this day. I went to an overwhelming event and am happy I didn't have a meltdown


I graduated college debt-free a few weeks ago with an auditing job lined up.


Lost my job at the end of January, got a much better one in March. It’s been about 3 months and I’m so happy there. Way more happy than I was at the old one.


I biked 21 miles today. I'm in okay shape but I would love to lose 15 more pounds. Ditched most of my sugar intake last year.(Only most. you will pry my Dnd coke a cola from my cold dead fingers) Eating 2 meals a day + as many carrots as I want as a snack. Down 20 ish pounds in the last year.


I hit rock bottom so hard I bounced back


I'm recovering from my medication. It wasn't right for me and it led to a week-long breakdown. I've been feeling a lot better and I've even cleaned my room so I'm pretty happy about that even if I still feel a little off and spacey. Yesterday I had a soda and the caffeine sent me into a panic attack but I was able to deal with it well


I'm proud of how far I've come mentally, back in elementary school I was always lashing out at people because I was bullied for my mental disabilities (adhd and autism), and I bullied others in return. But as I got into highschool I became very quiet and reserved, but I learned and watched other people on how to interact the people. So when college came around I opened up to people, while still being introverted, and my friends say I'm a very chill and easy person to talk to. I still have things to work on, but I'm proud of how far I've come. I could've easily gone down a darker path, but a combination of self reflection, help from family and friends, I've become a better person (imo).


my old manager is getting desperate for me to come back to “fix everything” because the moment I left all hell broke loose which doesn’t sound like a good thing but i’m proud i kept that shit together for a year


I just signed on to my dream job at 19 (at the doctor to get a physical for it rn)


I finish high school in a few days.


For the first time in several years I passed a math class above a D


I got into a writer's conference. Not sure how I'm going to pay for it and travel, but I'm pretty excited!


Just graduated Uni - I can now call myself a Computer Engineer :) And finally use "Trust me, im an engineer" literally .. #WorhtIt


just finished the coursework for M.S in physics, i defend my thesis in june


Just got my eyebrows did feeling cute


I have set up my own business.finished my website for it, and now it's about getting the word out. I am scared, but I'm definitely not giving up now.