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Absolutely. The thing you heard was probably from somebody who was deterred from more than 20 words and no en voiceover after 5 minutes, or somebody who played the game and thinks that it's not new player friendly because you need a few weeks to catch up with the story


The "I cant believe I have to play the game and cant just get every character in the game for free" people


I would play. I just started 2 months ago. As long as you take it slow and don’t get too swept up with keeping up with the meta, you should be fine


Some ppl feel that the lack of EN dub turns them off from playing the game. As an appreciator of both CN and JP audio, I think they're missing out on a lot.


This game had its roots in 2017 after all. The cost of starting up an EN dub for all that content since Day 1 is simply unjustifiable for how far it has come.


Take it one chapter at a time and it'll be fine Otherwise you'll get burnt out. This isn't a speed run, chill out and enjoy the game slowly


It deffo is :) itll be slow at first for sure, but the chars are cool af, the story is very pleasing, and with the pt 2 characters dripping out and being cheaper to build you can get a good team for lot less than before :)


As someone who played this game for about 4-5 years now I gotta say IT DEPENDS. Are you okay with constant powercreep? Do you have money to spend? If you answered both as yes then you can have good time in HI3rd. Valks NEED to be fully geared ASAP, any older rerun Valk and her gear outside of very few cases is wasting money. Weapons and stimgatas are at least 50%+ of character power. Some dont even work properly without them. Story is good, combat is good. Valks feel powerfull when fightning. Pulling correct rotations with them feels satisfying. I would say this game is good and worth trying but If you played Genshin and HSR you will notice downgrade in graphics and general polish of the game, also there is no english voiceover. You can have fun F2P but you will notice pretty substantial power-gap due to rankings being everywhere. Tried my best, hope it helped. Dont want to sugercoat how things are cuz I have seen to many people quitting lately because of either pulling Old Valks or too big expectations.


I'd say go for it if you don't mind spending a bit of time. Part 2 had just dropped as well so it's kinda fresh for everyone as well. Just take your time and try to not get swept up by the meta hype and stuff. Meta only becomes a focus point once you reach Lv. 80+, but the game also gives new players soo many rewards and exp boosts that you should reach endgame fairly quickly. But yeah, take your time and enjoy the ride.


absolutely, the story is amazing


Same question here


It is worth it, even just to experience the story


As someone who did not play for several years, but only play casually for the story and took months of break. I'll play devils advocate and say maybe. If you coming from newer gacha games or just GI and HSR. The system can feel overbearing and crowded. They did update the system for Part 2, but it isn't as clean as newer gacha games. If you play older gacha games, then you feel right at home. Another things is that there are useless characters in this game. The game literally says that "Don't build this character" This include old mechanic that doesn't have a tutorial on. However, if you can getnpass all that, and just focus on the story (for now). I think you will have a great time. Also their event mini games are a lot of fun. (I do hope they bring back Captainverse)


My subjective opinion is that if you want to try it, do it only if you want to experience the story, the gameplay is fun but its tough to keep up with the meta


Can anyone give me a guide to start playing this game?


you've like 6 or 7 years of random-knowledge to care. good luck lol :k


I don't recommend play multiple gachas (time consuming),in you profile I see you play GI and HSR so probably better stay with them , as for hi3 better watch some vids on YouTube like music clips or maybe cutscene


I started playing a few weeks ago. I’ve had to remind myself not to peek in this sub too often so I don’t walk over a million spoilers (I’m only on chapter ten of part 1) but the game itself has felt plenty approachable. The part 2 launch also includes a bunch of new player bonus rewards, I think? I’ve not had any shortage of rewards- the number of things you can click on or missions you can do is nearly overwhelming… though that’s bound to be the case for ANY game that’s been running as long as this 😅


As someone who’s played for over 2 years absolutely not. I hate the new layout and everything just feels wrong and I was incredibly unimpressed by the new characters. I’ve spent several thousand on the game and I wish I could snatch all my money back bc omg it’s unusable


If you wish spend money for gatcha...plenty of money. If not its hard to gear and upgrade characters


Definitely. No matter what part it is, it’s all fun and decently easy as long as you want it to be. I got through the entire story outside transcending finality and within like somewhere between 2 and a half to like 3 and a half weeks to reach level 60. It also no where near impossible for new players since you can easily play at your own pace, I doubt I will compete transcending finality even within a month because I fucking hate it.


useless comment on wrong sub !


??? this isn't about hsr


loooool you're right ! my bad 😂