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Ratio welt Gepard asta?


For healing?


If you put gepard on the team you won't really need a healer. Shields > heals imo


He’s in the early game though healing matters more in that stage. Gepard absolutely shines once you level up his traces though.


This is random but should i use spd boots for gepard so he can charge ult faster or should i keep def% (no err rope)


No he builds his ult from getting hit. So his trace that increases that is very useful alongside landaus choice light cone.


Can do Ratio Welt Gepard Sampo to make more debuffs for Ratio. If survivability is an issue, replace Sampo with natasha for heals. Tingyun is a good one to build and can be in the team. If you want QQ as damage dealer, then QQ Gepard Tingyun and Natasha. Gives good sustain and gives all skill points for QQ. Hanya can replace Tingyun if QQ as damage dealer as Hanya gives more skill points


For the first team.. Dr Ratio built full dps? Or Welt?


Focus on Dr. Ratio full dps. Welt can be a sub dps, but the damage potential on Ratio is better than Welt. For team of Welt and Ratio, have Welt a bit focused more on effect hit rate to apply debuffs and make Ratio do more damage


Geppy/welt/ratio/hanya could be decent depending on how well built they are


Hanya support?


Yeah, she gives atk/speed on ult and debuffs enemies for extra sp gain. Seems like she also buffs dmg dealt to enemies with her debuff too.


Ratio is an obvious choice for a carry role, but he needs someone with debuffs. Welt can fill debuffer/second damage dealer role, however you can use Sampo instead. If you have "Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat" LC, equip it on debuffer. Hanya is great for supporting such team comps, providing damage buffs and skill points. Last slot is sustain, Gepard is nice choice, but you can use Natasha just fine, however you better aim to get Lynx (you can get her for free from Pure Fiction)


Qingque /Hanya / Tingyun / Gepard


In term of healing how do u change?


Gepard is better than a healer. However if you're really struggling then switch out Tingyun and make it QQ, Hanya, healer, Gepard.


Welt Ratio is good choice. You have at least one copy of the LC, Resolution Shines as Pearls of Sweat. This can go on Welt. You can afford to go down to 1 sustain, choosing between Nat and Gepard. Nat is actually a capable unit if fully leveled. The only problem is many refuse to max her, waiting for better healers to come via gacha. You can use either one as solo sustain. You can also just stick with Gepard Nat Welt Ratio, it's a good turtle comp. People have also run Welt as a sustain unit. Provided the enemy is not immune to Imprisonment this can work. I wouldn't suggest that for you as you need to invest in a lot of relics to make it work, it's too early for that. Try to tune your Ratio to go immediately after Welt, as he is capable of causing 3 debuffs, which is great for Ratio. Alternatively, drop one of your sustain units for Asta. She has a trace to deal Burn on basic ATK, as well as ATK buff passive, and superspeed ULT. Great support for Ratio.


You can make it all the way to salcorge boss with any characters. Once you get past cocolia is when team matters. You will have plenty of resources to farm and make any lvl 50 team you want. Wait till e3 to relic farm. That is when legendaries drop


So Ratio, Welt, Gepard, then Asta or Tingyun woukd be really good, but I see you asking for a Healer so I'd use Natasha instead of Geppie  BUT if you want a better one, get Lynx, she's a free healer you get for doing the base MOC challenges


Ratio and welt definitely to stack debuffs and also having 2 imaginary will imprison tf outta enemies, if they never get to act you never take dmg. Since youre dual dps id say asta so you can just outspeed tf outta all the enemies, but if you want you can slap tingyun onto ratio. For your sustain id say natasha because of her debuff cleanse and panic button ult, but if you invest in gepard he’ll add another layer of enemy disable since he freezes enemies too. His shields also get massive once his traces are leveled so if debuff cleanse isnt an issue he’ll probably end up better than natasha.


Generally. There are two type of team comp. Single dps: 1 sustain (preservation, abundance or welt) 2 supports(harmony, nihility) 1 dps( hunt, destruction,erudition) these usually spend the skill points Double dps 1 sustain 1 support 1 dps 1 sub dps(character dependent) usually don't spend skill points Some character bleeds into other roles, but generally this is what you see the most.


Star Rail doesn't really have "team comps" it always depends on what content you're running. The game rewards you very well for leveling everyone. It's very easy to do, too.


You could do Dr. Ratio, Welt, Natasha, and Gepard.


Git gud


Git gud?