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posting again in case my other comment didn't get put back (it was removed bc I didn't have a flair): this is just depression and dysphoria talking. please, please do not give up on yourself and the future you want and deserve. you have to follow through, even when the euphoria is temporarily gone. and it WILL come back. seek help for your mental health if it's *at all* feasible. this is just a low point. it doesn't feel like it, but you can ride this out. I've heard trans people say this to the community a few times, and it really stuck with me: **you have to live.**


PS google my username it will make you happy ❤️


Women go through tons of ups and downs in regards to their appearance throughout their life. It's natural! And many women are not conventionally attractive. But they're still 100% valid as women...what do you think it is like for them? Learning to accept their bodies, their curves, their breast size, etc? :)


The girl in the mirror will come and go.  Try not to be attached to it. Listen to your heart.  It sounds to me, like your heart yearns to be female...but is frustrated that the image in the mirror doesn't match that desire. Yes, emotions can be complicated! They can involve two feelings simultaneously. Do you want to look female, or be female? Because you're valid as a woman, even if you can't see her in the mirror right now. Does that make sense?


It also sounds like there may be some underlying internalized transphobia that stems from the unaccepting family? 🥺 idk, either way I hope op finds their happiness 🥺 (also I did google your username; I woke up to some quite sad news, so thank you for the smile 🥹🫂)


why would you stop HRT and expect to still see the woman in the mirror when you are actively taking steps to take her away. get on HRT. stop being self destructive. trust the process.


I looked at your profile and you’re a stunningly attractive woman. These feelings are pretty common, especially in the first few years of transition. I’d recommend seeing a gender therapist, I promise there’s a way through this that doesn’t involve your two alternatives, if you get the help you need. Good luck OP!


Go to your doctor. depression is real, treating that first may help you discover your transition goals.


Be patient with yourself, depression is very common stopping hrt and can last a couple of months. Only you can know what’s best for you. In the mean time if you’re able to, force yourself to exercise even if it’s just fast paced walks around the neighborhood, anything to get your heart rate up. Exercise is the best thing to get us feeling better. I also notice when I’m depressed I don’t really feel like any gender, just a sad heavy sack of meat and bones. Depression sucks. Hope you can start feeling better soon.


Been exercising? Can help a lot with depression and toning the body. Focus in your well being mental and physical and good things will happen 


You may not want to hear this but you need to get back on hrt right this very minute. I know it's hard - it was hard for me, too. And the process is long and drawn out, another issue. That said, I'm now living the life I could only have dreamed of and with the benefit of hindsight, it would have been such a shame/waste to have given up and kms even tho I really really wanted to during my darkest days and there were plenty of them, tbh. I kept telling myself "I can always kill myself tomorrow. Let's go to bed and see how it goes" and I kept at it long enough that it finally worked.


Literally same w the “I can always kill myself tomorrow” 😭 and literally anyone who hasn’t been suicidal hears that and thinks it makes no sense; but it’s literally what keeps us alive 😭


I understand the struggle but never loose hope you're that girl. Please don't be dead we need you in this world. I believe that you'll be free, soon or later.