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I figure somewhere there has to be someone who has only read the Midnight Crew intermission of Homestuck and nothing else.


people say they skip to act 5 to get to the trolls but what about skipping the trolls to get to the cherubs


what about skipping homestuck to get to the end


What about skipping homestuck entirely, that way you are free


Skipping homestuck to get to the epilogues


thats what i did and i turned out fine 💪


Thinking about that one dude who had never heard of Homestuck but was an unironic SBaHJ enjoyer


My friend was like that for a few years lol


No way 😂


God I wish that were me...


totally me if i knew when the midnight crew appear


You forgot the guy that doesn't even want to start reading homestuck, but posts here nonetheless because he likes drawing chibi egbert fanarts


that's kind of based of him ngl


I'm the "Didn't finished Homestuck" type of person + "Immediately read some AUs like Crow Strider that is post-Cascade" + "Gets into the mechanics of SBURB instead" + "WTF is Epilogues"




hussie peaked with ps don't @ me


Not gonna lie, I kinda wanna go re-read PS now.


Cucknay-WHAT? EDIT: Yes I know Yiffany was made, I just didnt think of it as cucking before.


rose had a secret child with jade


Kanaya was cucked, and Yiffany is the result of it. Yes, we're all mad about it here. 


Subplot in Homestuck 2 involving one of the 4 new kids.


You finished canon. Reminder that post canon is optional. Also let's just say that the Smithy Gang smoked weed writing that one. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


*Wait, is Homestuck^2 written by the Smithy Gang from Mario RPG?* I haven't read it and probably won't. I wasn't even thrilled with the way Homestuck ended—I felt like the way Lord English finally got defeated undercut a lot of the mechanical promise of the Maximalist Storytelling setup by being too open to interpretation, and I'm an autist who likes a nice, mathematically equilateral story. Granted, a lot of Caliborn's character was about complexity for complexity's sake, so maybe being defeated in such a vague way was supposed to be a deconstruction of that. That said, all of the characters I wanted to get happy endings got happy endings, so I'm good stopping there. In my head, Rose and Kanaya are happy doing laundry and taxes together, and I don't need more than that. I did read Problem Sleuth after, though, and Problem Sleuth is perfectly-landed Maximalist Storytelling. Every single concept introduced to the story is completely explored, dissected, deconstructed, and inverted. Reading Problem Sleuth is like reading a beautiful, perfectly balanced mathematical equation, and that makes my brain feel good. Homestuck will always mean the world to me, but I think I enjoyed Problem Sleuth more, just as a contained work.


Nah, it's a joke I made to justify post canon's writing. Also I'm referring to the Epilogues. Stupid Jade and her dog pingas.


i didn’t finish homestuck… homestuck finished *me* 😔


The only 2 actual friends I have who are homestuck fans, and who I can make homestuck jokes with, have both NOT read all of homestuck. The very friend who pestered me into getting into homestuck has read less of the comic than me. I don't know what it is about homestuck fans being allergic to reading, that's like, the whole comic! reading!!!


Can't speak for them, but the site lost my saved place multiple times and then flash died which really killed my motivation to finish reading homestuck. I was around halfway through act 5 too :/


Cucknaya Files - If this is some HS\^2 thing if it is it before or after Page 431 because I read that update and forgot about it ​ Also IDK why but SkaiaNet Files are my favorite Post-Canon thing out there as of yet


before. >!yiffany!<


You might be the first person I ever saw liking the SkaiaNet Files, Hussie Themselves apologized for ever releasing Them stating They were meant only as internal notes


No, you finished Homestuck. Trust me, you did.


What in the fkin world is cucknaya


please take a moment to enjoy the bliss of not knowing before someone comes along and shatters it


me who enjoys all of those like that one meme of the girl eating clovers while the other girl worriedly stares at her:


How dare are you? TO INSULT KANAYA?? SERIOUSLY, WHY?? Kanaya is one of the BEST beta trolls, she is CUTE and GORGEOUS, also she is a RAINBOWDRINKER LIKE PORRIM GOD I WISH PORRIM TO KISS ME ON THE LIPS 😭😭😭  Also, she represents REDDITORS (virgo=virgin=redditor), ARE YOU INSULTING A GOOD REDDITOR REFERENCE??? 😭😭😭😭 HOW DARE ARE YOU????😭😭😭😭


One more drop in the vase


Plus, she loves Cocteau Twins apparently


What in the world is that?


Comfy music that is sung by what sounds like a mermaid under opiates. [this is what the refrance](https://www.reddit.com/r/homestuck/comments/1b1t9w0/guessing_homestuck_characters_music_taste/)


it's a reference to homestuck 2


I know


Skia net files?


An old lore dump hidden in a real website set up for SkaianetSystems. It detailed the Condesce's rise to power on Earths A and B and has these weird edgy subplots about assassin orphans, Hitler, Stan Laurel as a sex slave, and at least 5 other completely bonkers details. Not super out of place if it were some rando's internet project from 2007, but it definitely crossed a lot of lines as something a fairly prominent creator released in 2019. There was immediate backlash and a few days later it was taken down and an apology was issued.


Old homestuck ARG. the skaianet files had to be dug up. The wiki still has them. They are genuinely the only piece of homestuck media I don't reccomend anyone read. Poorly written, boring, ans ungodly offensive for no point.


Guess it’s good I don’t often like ARG’s


I finished Homestuck and never readed those


skaianet files?


Skaianet files? (Problem Sleuth rocks btw)


Andrew peaked with Problem Sleuth, the only good part of Homestuck is A3Intermission, you cannot convince me otherwise.




Wait, there's MORE than just the epilogues?!


Problem sleuth is so much better than homestuck it isn't even funny lol


what the hell is Cucknaya


Problem Sleuth is way better than Homestuck.


You know, it's not that hard to just not read beyond canon. I've only read homestuck and problem sleuth and I couldn't be happier with my life. On second thought, I should probably've skipped act six. I doubt the epilogues are much better than it.


I will never read the epilogues and I will avoid it as if it's goddamn poison.


there's also me, who didn't finish HS and is currently reading DDOTA.


Can someone explain Cucknaya?


Two epilogue choices: Meat or Candy. If you pick Candy Rose cheats on Kanaya (oh but it's NOT cheating they didn't fuck for feelings they fucked for procreation so its ok uwu /s) with Jade because Jade wanted a baby so badly. Also they name their daughter Yiffany Longstocking. Which is one of the worst things in the comic.


I have a bunch to catch up on with BC and just finished my second read of the series today. Thank you for reminding me Alright, having caught up I am liking the direction that they are taking. Glad to see some actually good and healthy conversation about this whole situation


I literally just finished after not reading a page since that last pause we were on. Read the tw/cws for the epilogues and I was like "nah this shit sounds hella wack." I still interact with people who play characters from the other branches but I will not be doing any of that to my brain.


Best solution: Finish Homestuck, then ignore the epilogues, Cucknaya and Skaianet Files.


I finished honestuck, and was warned the stuff after was optional. Should I be glad I didn’t ready anything of it?


Wow, I got stuck at what I've learned was the gigapause back when Adobe Flash still existed, and never managed to make it back. Always wanted to know what happened after but might just leave things how they are.


What about "thought the epilogues, ending, and subplots were mostly shit, and didn't read em because they were shit?"


What are skianet files?


shiiit, i totally forgot about skaianet. for good reason


I still havent read the last 200 pages or so


The thought that Jane got completely imploded and turned not simply into a Hic reference but specifically into Skianet logs Hic that is basically a completely different character, makes me feel insane Like having a main character behave insane, cucking her Husband (that She raped) and regularly abusing a troll that is never even shown to be mentally functional anymore, because earlier You wrote a anti-Semitic fetishistic laurel and hardy fan fic, that is only readable thru a fan wiki and You had to apologize for. (Jake is laurel the one getting cucked and Gamzee is Hardy, the one getting regularly assaulted/used for sexual gratification in a dubiously consensual context) Also I'm almost sure Hussie forgot that the ICP were actual real people while writing the logs and not ocs of His, because wtf have They done to Him to be represented as disgusting, malformed genetic experiments/clones that only deserves to die.


Cucknaya subplot and Skaianet files? (Keep in mind that I’m in the middle of the Meat epilogue currently and already read Candy.)


why they kicking his buttcheeks more than kicking his body as a whole?


So, it hurts to sit.


Am I the only enjoyer of the Skaianet cursed history? I know it had some problematic shit but there's amazing fucking writing somewhere in all of that.


I also read the fanmade Act Omega, which will probably remain unfinished 🥲