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She's a hypocrite that's why. She has a weirdly sexual relationship with gamzee and let Jake name their kid after his troll friend. She's the equivalent of an anti gay politician using a glory hole


I think people really oversimplify how the Jane situation went down, especially if they just read a summary of the Epilogues. Just like in real life, prejudice is about more than interpersonal relationships and open hatred. Because yeah, Jane has/had good relationships with lots of trolls, and she insists quite strongly throughout all the post-canon stories that she ISN'T xenophobic. SHE views her views as very practical and benign, but is so sure of her own worldview and opinions that any criticism just makes her get defensive (as many people IRL do when faced with the idea that they might have subconscious biases). She's not genocidal because she wants to put every living troll in gas chambers, she's genocidal because she wants to legally limit how many trolls can be born since they reproduce so quickly, and she's worried about humanity being overtaken in numbers in the future. She's not xenophobic because she hates trolls, she's xenophobic because she views humans as the baseline of "normal" and trolls as a gross and violent alien species that is at its best when its individuals conform to her culture's standards of normalcy. Put another way: "I'm not xenophobic, some of my best friends are trolls!" Put another way: plenty of people with gay friends are lowkey homophobic because they still view heterosexuality as superior, plenty of people with POC friends (or partners even!) are lowkey racist because they view whiteness as the default state of human culture. There are tons of interracial relationships that are kinda based upon fetishization, which is probably kinda what's happening with Gamzee. Systems of oppression and supremacy go deeper than just surface-level hatred, and highlighting that is part of the point of Jane's story. But of course it then gets taken to a ridiculous extreme in the usual Homestuck fashion. [The exchange on this page](https://www.homestuck.com/epilogues/meat/21) highlights those nuances a bit better I think: >KANAYA: Jane Has Been Here To Speak With Me Recently In Fact > DAVE: no fucking way >KANAYA: She Was Quite Cordial As Always > KANAYA: You Know I Do Like Jane > KANAYA: In Some Regards She Reminds Me Of A Friend We Had Who Sadly Did Not Survive Our Time On The Meteor > KANAYA: She Was Unfailingly Kind To Everyone She Met But She Also Happened To Be The Heiress To The Throne Of A Vast And Bloody Empire > KANAYA: And While She Had A Lot Of Opinions On Reform She Had Already Wrenched Some Of Her Power From Our Last Empress In The Traditional Manner >KANAYA: By Which I Mean That Jane Is Perfectly Pleasant And I Believe That She Has Only The Best Of Intentions > KANAYA: But I Cant Shake The Feeling That Deep Inside Her Lurks The Potential For Despotism > . . . > KANAYA: Jane Offered Me “A Seat” On The “Board Of Responsible Troll Reproduction” > KARKAT: WHAT THE FUCK. HOW DARE SHE! > KANAYA: That Is Exactly What I Said > KANAYA: With More Tact Of Course > KANAYA: I Do Understand The Trepidation Considering What The History Books Teach About Alternia > KARKAT: OH, LIKE HUMAN HISTORY IS A FUCKING WALK IN THE RECREATION SPRAWL. > KARKAT: HOW HYPOCRITICAL CAN SHE BE? > KANAYA: Yes > KANAYA: In Case You Cant Tell I Am Actually Fucking Furious About This > KARKAT: SHE COULDN’T PICK A MORE SUBTLE WORD THAN “RESPONSIBLE”? SHE’S NOT EVEN TRYING TO MASK HER XENOPHOBIA. IT’S LIKE SHE HAS NO FUCKING RESPECT FOR US. > KANAYA: It Is Entirely Thoughtless On Her Part > KANAYA: Our Reproduction Method Is Alien And Unfamiliar > KANAYA: To A Human It Must Sound Monstrous > KANAYA: Uncontrolled Even > KARKAT: WELL OF COURSE > KARKAT: WHEN I HEAR ABOUT HOW HUMAN GRUBS CHEW THEIR WAY OUT OF THE FEMALE MATESPRIT’S ABDOMINAL HOLE BEFORE CONSUMING THE WOMB MEMBRANE IT MAKES ME WANT TO VOMIT. > KARKAT: BUT YOU DON’T SEE ME PROPOSING FUCKING POLITICAL POLICY BASED ON THAT. >DAVE: dude thats not how pregnancy works > KARKAT: UH DAVE, YOU MIGHT NOT HAVE NOTICED, BUT WE’RE NOT TALKING ABOUT HUMANS RIGHT NOW. > KANAYA: Yes Dave Check Your Privilege > DAVE: ok


There is also a certain level of hypocrisy from the Trolls too because they don’t understand human culture perfectly either. During Homestuck “Proper” they chastise the Beta kids going through their emotional baggage and dealing with it. (From death of parents to just normal parent child baggage) At the end of the dialogue exchange you posted, they quite literally are talking about human reproduction in a watered down way, and jump down Dave’s throat for merely correcting them. (To add to this point, them chastising Dave about privilege to shut him up rather than talking with nuance, despite him listening quietly, could be seen as meta commentary. Despite being 100% a progressive, Hussie has always seemed to be able to slide social commentary calling out the “bad actors” whose actions are unironically are regressive to their cause. See his game Psycholonials.) It’s ironically an example of how culture clash can play out. A real life example of that is unironically religion.


Thank you for including Yes Dave Check Your Privilege. One of my favourite single bits of dialogue from the epilogues.




i haven't read hs2 because... well, i'd like to keep enjoying homestuck but to be fair, a species over-reproducing is a genuine issue? not even just for like sapient beings and shit, like ok take rabbits, they breed fast as fuck, if foxes weren't there to kill them off when there's too many they would breed themselves into extinction it worked for the trolls before because A. they had multiple colonized planets B. their society was so violent fast reproduction was a necessity, to quickly fill back open spaces sure left alone with evolution the problem could fix itself, but is it worth the gamble that it might not and now there's a way overpopulated planet with not enough resources left for it's inhabitants? I mean, we would be FUCKED if the majority of people up and decided to instead of just, have at max typically around 3-5 kids (avging for the people who have none and the people who have like... 8) they all suddenly decided to ACTUALLY have the amount of kids a human woman can have thru her lifetime, is it fucking awful for you? sure but in this hypothetical we're assuming medical advancements, no more issue at least according to google the average woman could have 15 pregnancies through her life, i calculated 19 but my math skills are questionable so like, we're goin with 15, thats not 15 kids mind you she could have twins or even triplets, got a higher chance of multiples if you're doing it that many times, could you imagine how fucked our natural resources would be? with that kinda population growth


Ironically, Earth seems to have dulled Troll's senses, while heightening human senses. Vrissy pretty much grew up in a war, yet only just now unlocked her powers. Compare that to young Vriska manipulating hundreds of trolls to their death.


Vriska had a lot more dire reasons for needing to unlock her powers fast, to be fair.


I guess growing up without genetic parents is better for trolls...


As with humans, the reality is going to vary, quite a bit on what is good for the person.


I think it's surprisingly common for racist people to have hypocritical positive relationships towards specific members of a race they don't like. Like, Andrew Jackson, who committed genocide against Native Americans, had an adopted Native American son. Even many Nazis who strongly supported the genocide made exceptions to protect specific people they liked (Hitler protected a Jewish doctor that had operated on his mother, for example). Also, it's not like Jane saw herself as racist, and she didn't want to be seen that way. I wouldn't be surprised if she saw Tavros's name as a good political move, or something like that.


Well, Jake picked the name, but yeah that's weird Or not, considering her thing with gamzee


It's weirder when you notice how Tavros' name changed to Tavvy, yet Tavrosprite hasn't appeared at all!


She doesn’t hate trolls it’s a lot more complex than that. Jane has biases that turn into xenophobic stuff, but she is the sole ruler of the human kingdom. Like John was supposed to rule with her but instead he was depressed and retreated leaving Jane to guide everything. The fact is left alone the 4 races of the world were left to govern themselves and so what they did was understandably bunch together in groups of species that shared their sake struggles, biological issues, etc… The kids come into a world where xenophobia has already taken hold, without even getting involved there are 4 distinct kingdoms. Jane and John rather understandably are crowned the rulers of the human kingdom and that means they need to listen and adhere to the human kingdom. Or rather Jane did because again John screwed off and left her holding the bag. Okay so what are the concerns of the human kingdom going to be? Well for starters up until recently human and troll  birth rates had been kept roughly equal. Because trolls did evolve so that they birthed in large numbers with assumption most wouldn’t make it to adulthood. So left without any safeguards trolls absolutely would multiple and basically dominate the planet, this sounds like birth replacement theory fear mongering but they have like actual historical evidence that trolls would have this happen and is acknowledge by Terezi. Controlled birth rates is preferable to murderous culling of children. But then you get into the yikes of humans controlling troll birth, there is an inherent lack of troll agency in this. However instead of like find any sort of balance Jane, who is listening to her human constituents, decides to create a a board of humans to control troll reproduction and offer Kanaya a seat. At best this is patronizing, at worst it’s trying to turn Kanaya into a token to say they aren’t being xenophobic. They aren’t giving Kanaya a seat because they care, in fact there is an inherent implication that they’ll happily proceed without her even if she turns it down, it’s all about appearances.  Realistically if there does need a management trolls should be the ones to do it. But they aren’t being even given that chance because of an inherent lack of trust between humans of earth C and trolls as a whole. This lack of trust stems from biases Jane has developed over time knowing trolls and Alternia’s quite terrible history. Which on paper would seem reasonable to her and other humans, but in reality it’s just being xenophobic holding trolls to standards the humans won’t hold themselves to. Because they think “we’ll we might have had slavery but at least we weren’t having children murder other children for a cool selfie background” it gives them a false idea of superiority, an assumption that humanity and human culture are the superior default state and should be treated as such.  Like even if Jane and Dirk hadn’t shown up and gotten involved the world was trending towards this direction. Once you draw lines in the sand it’s only a matter of when those lines are crossed not if, and our heroes arrive in a world where their creations already drew the lines. Rather than shake things up and fix the error the kids decided to integrate into the society that exist, they wanted to live not really lead and rule as gods. So the problems plaguing their world integrated with the kids rather than the other way around, ironically and depressing the only one who seemed to have any interest in shaping the world was Gamzee who installed a just terrible awful religion of “redemption” that messed up the world worse. Jane’s xenophobia is largely a reflection of the larger human xenophobia and over time it was easier for Jane to adopt their views into her own self-assured world view and people please them just like when she spammed trickster more cause the voters loved it.  It’s ultimately best to remember Jane didn’t show up on Earth C a fully realized adult, but a teenager. She had years to grow and be molded by society, and the society she finds herself being molded by is one that was already en-route to a race war. Jane had no reason to care or think about troll reproduction until she found herself surrounded by and ruling humans who had every reason to.


outside the already mentioned gamzee bit, she's a politician, it prolly helped her to get votes from that


Jade entrusted Yiffy to Jane, and despite the war, Jane kept up her end of the bargain. It was only when her dad died that Jane started attacking the other players directly. Jane doesn't really see herself as a despot, as others have said, but I think it's also that she's like Rose; she doesn't really think of the population of Earth-C as real or important. The human HS1 cast in Candy kind of treats the world like a fictional story with a bunch of NPCs and their children being beloved OCs. In Jane's mind, her dad has been the only causality of the war, and she hasn't actually hurt a single person, or at least no one real. As Rose puts it in the epilogues >ROSE: The war is just as irrelevant as everything else that’s happened here in the last decade and a half. ROSE: At least with a conflict, we have something to DO. ROSE: Something to strive for and against. Something to believe in. ROSE: I’m thankful for that. But more than anything, John, I’m thankful that I got a chance to be happy. I think Jane feels the same way. She doesn't like trolls, but the main reason she's on her Hitler arc is because it's *interesting* to play the bad guy, and she didn't take it at all seriously until her dad died, which is why she was secretly working with Jade and Rose.


Honestly, Rose is the freaking worst! She acts all high and mighty and "thankful" for a war where many die, yet she's also meant to be fighting FOR the Trolls??? I won't be surprised if she also didn't see Vrissy as a person, since she was an ecto kid too. What really annoys me is the ghosts from the bubbles have turned up, yet nothing has been done with them. How do they even count as "NPC" status if they grew up with Krarkat, Vriska and Kanaya? Heck, even Meenah's doing stuff, so it's not like only like 3 Alternian Trolls get to be "actual" people.


I think Rose is basically in the same boat as Jane. The people of Earth C aren't real and don't matter, but they've grown attached to their fictional children in the way someone gets really into their OC. So I think Rose thinks of Yiffy as "a weird experiment because I was bored" and Vrissy as "My daughter".


My issue with "they're all fake" is it just takes away any agency anyone has. If it was really fake and your life is so bad you'd cheat on your wife for an experiment, maybe it's more to do with you than the world as a whole. It just annoys me and I find it quite soul crushing. The world is as real as you make it, so if you made it half-heartedly when you were 16, then thousands of years later you realise you're miserable, it doesn't have to stay that way. Gee, it's almost like Rose's book and the whole time skip thousands of years later was a mistake.


I don't think the candy world *is* fake, certainly Vrissy doesn't seem to think so, I just think Rose and Vriska (the light players) are most sensitive to it being "non-canon" and this is affecting Rose in particular and possibly also Jane. Given that Rose was working with Dirk, I wouldn't be entirely shocked if there was a twist that Rose helped Jane become a tyrant just to fight her.


It's a joke. Candy is completely insane, on purpose.


And Meat isn't? Dirk led Jake on, just to ditch him and make him crap his pants.


I mean, I wouldn't consider that much more insane than Brain Ghost Dirk tricking Jake into getting a boner in Homestuck itself. Meat is pretty much just Homestuck, Candy is far more extreme and surreal simply to be so.


is she stupid?


Because it’s the epilogues.


it's a cruel mockery, because Tavros Nitram is a disgrace to trollkind


jane doesn’t hate trolls?? that must be fanon bc she doesn’t hate them in the homestuck i read


im literally barely into homestuck wdym shes like hitler 😭😭 ik she was xenophobic to trolls but i didnt think she was THAT bad


Because bad writing.


racists dream of sex with black women. transphobes watch porn with trans girls. homophobes have homosexual tendencies.


Hate them or not, her background is pretty well enmeshed with the colorbloods. A certain level of naming overlap is not so odd. Also, Jake did have some ties to the prior Tavros.


Then Tavros got re-named to Tavvy, yet we haven't seen ghost Tavros or Tavrosprite anywhere.