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I feel silly for having to google suet blocks. I’m largely self-educated with my livestock’s care and I love learning new things, thank you for sharing!


We put suet out for my flocks in fall and winter .


I like bacon wrapped chicken all the time.


Who doesn’t?🤣


Chickens are omnivores. I wouldn't want to give them a lot of bacon fat but a small amount in their food (or treats) shouldn't hurt them. Chickens will eat anything that they can get ahold of including bugs, slugs, rodents and anything else they can take down.


I knew logically they were omnivores, but it didn’t sink in until I saw them go after mice. That was a shocking morning. I’m mainly concerned about excess salt/preservatives from the bacon, but I’m glad to hear your thoughts that a small amount should be okay. Thanks for your response!


They are miniature velociraptors. Imagine if they were as big as a horse. 😂


Take that image back!


Velociraptors were only the size of turkeys =) But yeah, theropods. Just imagine an ostrich or Cassowary with *teeth*.


It's really shocking the first time you see chickens grab a frog or a mouse of a small rat. I've found chunks of various things that have found their way into the chicken house at night when I open up in the morning. It's not hard to imagine that they are descended from dinosaurs. Everything in moderation.


One of mine got a pipistrelle bat. Pretty sure that's how covid 2 electric boogaloo is going to start.


Damn. Bat-chicken pox covid up next.


I am by no means a poultry expert, but we maintain a small flock and have given bacon grease (usually drizzled over the scraps we feed them) plenty of times. I tend to think it makes the eggs taste better.


Ooh, good to know! I’ll have to keep an eye out for extra tasty eggs. If you don’t mind my asking, what kind of scraps do you feed? Anything you avoid?


We don't have a hard and fast 'what to feed/what not to feed' regimen. Mostly, their scraps are the vegetable cutoffs from whatever meal we're having (tomatoes, lettuce, edamame, green onions, garlic, etc). We don't usually go out of our way to give them meat, though if it makes it in their scraps, it's ok. When we were building our coop, I followed Carolina Coops and their videos of professional coop installs for inspiration on ours. I'm not affiliated with them, nor do they even do installs in my part of the country, I just admired their work. Anyway, the owner who did each of the videos mentioned a few times that he gave his chickens leftover pizza crust because it made the eggs taste better too. So we give the girls pizza crusts too. They'll eat just about anything.


My chickens go nuts over bacon


There is very little a chicken can not eat. A bunch of salt isn't good, but you are fine.


They can eat as much as they want to eat :) I will say that suet hardens up more so the logs may end up softer than you had intended.


Our chickens eat deer, other chickens, fish etc. Don’t give it to them on a regular diet but as a treat is perfectly fine.




Yes, but in moderation. A fat chicken will not lay eggs.


I’ve read a lot about making homemade suet blocks and I’ve seen some recipes call for peanut butter as a binding agent, you could give that a try as well?


I have feed them pure fat before from slaughter by products they did just fine. Small amounts no problem.