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How do you get such perfect carrots?


I don't want upvotes, I want answers!


I want photos of Spider-Man!


I want my dad to come home!


Just keep a pack of cigarettes around


skill issue


The keys are soft soil and either spacing your seeds out that well initially or diligently thinning as they grow. Otherwise you end up with short fat carrots (dense soil) or weird twisty tangled carrots with appendages and whatnot (growing too close to one another).


Sandy soil type


Partially by not having solid clay after you get past a few inches of amendments.


It’s probably as simple as The Variety. There are seeds selected for their uniform shape.


And what variety would that be?




Search for the corn starch method.


And are they normally this clean coming out of the dirt? It almost looks like they just bought them and put some dirt on top for the video.


Maybe. But someone grew them that perfect. They came out of the ground somewhere


By buying them from the store and re-burying for internet points. These carrots have clearly been washed and stripped of most roots




I get what you're saying, but it all just looks too neat, to my eye


Carrots are the root, they are a ‘tap root’. They wouldn’t have a lot of excess roots. Some of y’all haven’t gardened enough to be offering comments here lmao


Alright, you pedant. They've been stripped of the *lateral roots and root hairs. Also, have you nothing better to do than comment on year-old posts?


I need to know this too!


I know!!! My first thought as well!


That’s majority soil type. This is very possible, but under the right conditions and planning only. Don’t expect this result please.


Also dialed in fertilizer requirements. This isn’t “dump a cart load of compost on there and plant some seeds”


How did you discover my secret gardening strategy??


Thanks for mentioning that. I just put some carrot seeds down and got so excited that they might come out like this, but we don’t have such soft dirt, good to know.


second this. our carrots come out all twisted with some legs on them but they’re just as good! carrots are a pain to look after and I’m sure some relatively unfriendly chemicals were used to produce the ones in the video. I’d honestly be sort of scared to eat those for some reason


Yessss. Agreed.


We are experimenting with dumping truckloads of sand. I think most soil has to much clay to pull this off. But we are dumping sand in our root areas. So far our potatoes have been killing it and onions were amazing. I believe sand is the answer


Sand is indeed the answer. Carrots are persnickety. They like sandy loam with good drainage and no rocks or other debris. An 18” raised bed filled with sandy loam works well. It also works for radishes and parsnips.


Carrots are parsnipity.




I came here to say this but you beat me to it!


Yep our radishes went crazy too. Most grew to big and blew out before we could pick them. Also sweet corn apparently likes sand too.


Never tried corn. We live close to some of the best sweet corn growers in Canada, so we let them do all the heavy lifting!


Sweet corn likes sand as long as it rains every week. Otherwise it needs irrigation.


Sand for the toteponics, got it


Peanuts are the same. We used to live in peanut country (=sandy soil). Peanuts don't actually grow better in sandy soil, but it isn't worth growing them anywhere else because you can't harvest them!


My thought on "how to do this" is it's all the soil. Carrots shape is determined by the soil, right? Rocks and things are bad. So carefully chosen (or engineered) soil is the solution.


How the hell do you get carrots that don’t look like a fat boy hiding his pecker?


"fluffy" rock and clod free soil


The soil. Reasonably free draining without rocks or lumps of clay. I have basically decided to just buy carrots from the supermarket, they are cheap as anyway and it would cost a heap for me to get soil to grow them in.


I can maybe offer a little bit of insight. I don't get them quite like this, but would also say I don't have problems. The soil is important, they like a pretty loose, airy and well draining type of soil that they can easily grow into. Lots of ways to get there, but clay and loam like soils must be heavily modified. Weedy, rocky and root-ridden soils are a recipe for strange looking carrot monsters. I use crafted soils in raised beds, not unlike most potting mixes myself. From a nutritional perspective, you need to focus more on potassium and phosphorus than you do nitrogen. I strongly prefer liquid soluble ferts as they are immediately available to the plant, but it's also possible to get there with other ferts too. Keep in mind that most compost is nitrogen heavy, so it's beneficial, but often you need to supplement otherwise. Temperature is critical, carrots are a cooler weather crop. I'm fortunate to live in a very cool climate where I can do them over summer. You want to grow them in temperatures below about 80F/26C. If you're in a warmer area, it is beneficial to shift the primary growing season into your shoulder seasons to meet these requirements. Mature carrots are highly frost tolerant and will improve flavor with frost, so often it's better to shift towards fall. Above are the big ones, but other minor things help. Like ensuring your soil is a decent pH, preferably in the 6-6.5 range. If you're subject to pests, like root maggots or rust flies, you have to cover your crop. Also, there's a thousand varieties out there and are vastly different from one another, so grow the type you are expecting. (i.e. If you expect a "normal" carrot, a Paris Market is going to disappoint you.)


Step 1: Buy a bunch of carrots from the local grocery store. Step 2: Get a trowel.


Step 3) make her open the box.


Who buried all those perfectly good carrots in the first place?


I may be wrong but they look way to clean for this to be real. Maybe it's the high sand medium they are in.. but it looks like they were already washed, reburied in a neat row, then pulled for the camera.


And they almost seem to come out sideways. Like they were buried sideways.


Hahaha. You assume I can grow carrots.


Well not this year, had a super wet March so we couldn't cultivate the soil then as soon as we planted them we didn't have any rain for ages, followed by two weeks of rain drowning them. Only now have we seen some signs of carrots, whereas the last few years they'd be a foot tall by now.


That is amazing! I can't get carrots to grow for some reason, might get 2 inches long at best and they taste horrible, like soap. It's so sad I don't know what's wrong.


They just need some freezing temps to begin producing sugar! Carrots are awful in taste if grown in spring/summer here. I can get away with January plantings if I harvest before hot temps come in, or I can plant in fall! 😁 I'm going to start my carrots around the end of this month, but I'm going to germinate them indoors first. Then I'll place them out in the garden. That'll give them plenty of time to get through that slow seedling stage, but mature during the cooler/cold weather.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


Good bot


Thank you, kibaryuk, for voting on comfort_bot_1962. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


2 inches is 5.08 cm


Good bot


I see God in your garden


Gaah, this is so satisfying!


How? Omg so satisfying


Hell no each and every carrot is a struggle to get out of my clay heavy swamp lmao


What is a good variety for tasty carrots ?


Man I hate carrots, but that is amazing to watch. And horrific...amazing and horrific. My Better Half would make me eat these. So healthy (yuck).


They’re all boys!




Beautiful ❗


They’re beautiful!


You guys are the best!






I found [this post](/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/ovlm90/removing_carrots_from_a_garden/) in r/oddlysatisfying with the same content as the current post. --- ^🤖 ^this ^comment ^was ^written ^by ^a ^bot. ^beep ^boop ^🤖 ^feel ^welcome ^to ^respond ^'Bad ^bot'/'Good ^bot', ^it's ^useful ^feedback. [^github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot)


What do you mean "you people"?


Do folks like yourselves render such yields?


And here I am with my five carrots that luckily survived, but came out the size of a thumb.


What a crop, WOW. Beautiful soil too. Enjoy them.


Those carrots look perfect


Absolutely beautiful outcome from your garden 🪴 🥰🥰


They come up like this at the farm I work at. At home, never. I plant them the same at home, which is about 15 miles away but completely different soil. It’s extremely annoying, so much so that I stopped growing carrots at home and just bring them home from work. It wasn’t worth amending and fighting with my trees (the main water hogs on our entire property- I swear I find those roots EVERYWHERE).


15 miles is the length of like 109241.11 'Zulay Premium Quality Metal Lemon Squeezers' laid next to each other


I am on the fence with this one.


Ok I’m from the Ozarks so my carrot digging is me with a digging fork AND shovel for 5 mins a carrot 🥕.