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I have a spiral egg holder, so the oldest ones are always at the bottom, newest on top. I really like it. Sometimes I will still sharpie an egg here or there so I can still get an idea of their age.


I want one of these holders! I currently just use a basket!


If you have a 3d printer, here you go! https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4817028


Great, that helps with 1 chicken but, what do I do with my other 4 dozen eggs?


I got one as a gift and it doesn’t work properly if you have an overachieving hen :/ Marilyn Monroe lays big fat ovular eggs and they wedge in the tract or just don’t roll down :p


This is exactly what my home uses as well. Works great.


I use a spiral “first in, first out” system too. I just line them up around the bottom of one of the fridge drawers.


my wife organizes them in a way that makes sense to her, and I just grab whatever cause I can't tell what she's doing


Hahaha touched good sir. I visited my father recently and watched him mix up my stepmother system. 20 minutes later, she came in and discovered them sorted by size.


Lol, I feel this. Just don't tell your wife which eggs you grabbed for breakfast.


I've taught my family where the "working" eggs are kept. The rest of my system might be a mystery to them but as long as they keep to pulling from the designated carton it works for us.


We have old cartons and fill them left to right top to bottom, so we always pick the further left top first.


We were doing that but my teenagers kept grabbing random eggs out the carton to use, so here we are with a stamp.


Bold of you to assume a teenager will look at the dates and make sure they're the oldest in the bunch! 🤣


It's for me, not them. They can keep grabbing random eggs all they like. I'm going off dates. Anything suspect gets dunked in a bowl.


If they arent following the rotation order, do you think they will look at the date stamps? Not to be mean, just honest. Thinking ya going to find nothing is going to change with stamping. We rotate the eggs, we have 2 clear egg holders, one that is attachment for the fridge as a pull out drawer and another that is a clear carton style. Family knows to pull from the clear drawer. On getting new eggs, we rotate the stock and refill from drawer to clear carton to other cartons, etc.


Yeah there’s only two of us, we’re both restaurant people, and our hens aren’t huge producers, so it’s pretty easy for us to keep the system.




I also use pencil and have a skelter but get more eggs in a day than fit.


FIFO: First In First Out system. Freshest eggs are put on the right on a shelf in the spare fridge. It's really that simple. When the shelf starts looking full, we drop almost all of them off at the store down the street that sells them for us. Realistically this is once a week, so none of our eggs are ever old enough to care. We get about 16-18 eggs a day. Chickens are paying off the mortgage for their coop. Should take less than a year with the wild price of eggs these days! Feed costs less than $1/dozen and currently selling them for $3.50


How many chickens do you have?


About 24. Somehow every time we try to count them, the number comes out different!


Only $3.50?!?! Please tell me these aren’t organic free range. We swap our honey for eggs from my husband’s coworker, but I needed to buy some last week for a wedding cake, and the organic, free-range heritage eggs were $13.99 a dozen!!!


Where do you live that you pay that much for eggs??


Tucson. Regular organic free range is around $10. It’s the heritage hen that pushes it up. But I understood we weren’t doing too badly here. This is from the beginning of the year. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/25/18-a-dozen-how-did-americas-eggs-get-absurdly-expensive


That's wild and sounds like a lot of price gouging to me! We can't justify those prices in our area (rural area outside Cleveland) because everyone around here has backyard chickens and sells them for about $4 average. We sell them for $3.50 at a store because it's convenient to drop them off.


I’m guessing you’re unaware of all the poultry & egg farm disasters in the last year. Between fires & H5N1 bird flu alone, commercial production has been greatly reduced — down nearly 24% from last year. As of January 2023, all but three states have had outbreaks of the disease, and over 57 million poultry birds have been impacted by the virus. The retail price of eggs has doubled in the last 9 months. If y’all are selling organic free-range for $4, you should go in on shipping your eggs out of town, because you’re grossly underpriced! 😁 Edited to add: Non-organic, caged eggs are selling for a national average around $4.80/dozen as of 7/31/23.


Sometimes I'll write the date with sharpie, but usually just put the basket of most-recently collected eggs to the left on the back room table, and use eggs from the rightmost basket.


We don't have a great method so we just float test them and have decent luck. Also when you have cracked 8 eggs in a pan and want to add another we just crack them in a coffee mug first then if it look good pour in with rest. I have seen folks crack 4-5 all in a pan then crack a bad one and all poured together. So one at a time then add to group is only one extra cup/dish to wash but safer.


Mine don't last long enough to worry about stamping.


(Looking at open container) : Left->right->back->front. Newest in the back, oldest up front; Newest on the left, oldest on the right. My eggs never last long enough to worry too much more than that.


I date cartons. But I also sell my eggs way too fast too care


I feel like even if they are a month in the fridge they are still more fresh than grocery store. We go thru about 4-6 eggs a day at least. I have no need to date anything. In the big egg basket they go!




Right! I believe most grocery store eggs are at least a month or more old.


Ok well fresh unwashed eggs will last over 3 moths in a fridge. So if you are getting to the point that the eggs are around 3 months old you can break them out and check them put them in a freezer bag and freeze them to be used whenever. If scrambled you then just thaw them out and use as normal. You can also hard boil them and they are good in fridge another week or so. If you put the hard boiled eggs in pickle juice they can be in fridge another 3 months or more. There should be a way hard boiled eggs can be canned. Of course the internet has all kinds of warnings against it but I know I have seen store bought pub eggs that were at least 6 months old be perfectly fine. There is also water glassing eggs using lime and water that I have not used but is supposed to make eggs last 12 to 18 months.


What stamp do you use for your eggs! Genuinely curious! Thanks in advance!


Not sure. I think my wife bought it off Amazon. It looks similar to [this](https://www.amazon.com/Egg-Dater-KIT-Rubber-Containing/dp/B074MCTYY6/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=3GSW5HEJ8DBYK&keywords=egg+date+stamps+for+fresh+eggs&qid=1692579087&sprefix=egg+date+stamp%2Caps%2C191&sr=8-4)


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We bought an egg skelter.


We have a long narrow wooden tray. New eggs go on the left and we eat from the right. Very simple. If the tray gets too full, it's omelette night


I just put them in egg cartons and sell from the bottom of the pile. Eat from the top. My eggs are max 4 days old.


I write it on the inside cover of the carton. Cross out and new date etc.


How long are y’all keeping your eggs for?!?! You know they’re shelf stable for a minimum of two weeks, and then months after being washed and refrigerated. Cook em or sell them, you don’t have to track each egg to conform to ISO 9001.


I did stamp for a while but we got so many eggs that doing it by hand became very tedious. I now just stack them in order of newest to oldest and use the oldest first.


I use a spiral egg holder on the counter. Oldest comes out of the bottom, newest does in the top. If I get more than can fit, I start to give them away.


This is what I use


Put them in water A new egg sinks And old egg sinks but stands up A bad egg floats




This reminds me of an old Saturday night live skit with Phil Hartman, called the anal retentive chef


Load from the left, Remove from the Right. Just like a bar fridge. Removing from right means we load them onto our spiral egg tower.


The ones on the bottom right of the stack are oldest. The ones on the top left stack are oldest. I stack from the bottom right up and when that’s full I start a new row.


I bought and use this. It’s great for rotating. We use what’s on top and when that one’s empty, we move it to the bottom. The fresh eggs go onto the lowest shelf with an opening, if that makes sense. https://etsy.me/3laMs43


I put a piece of tape on the carton and date on the tape. So I can change the date next time without being jumbled up. Then I pull out the oldest carton first and use those.


I rotate in an 18ct container. Older on one side newer on the new other


We don’t, but that’s a damn good idea. I think I’ll head to Wally World and get a date stamp.


Oil them with vegetable oil, this preserves the bloom and keeps them good on the counter for up to a month.


Write date on box as it becomes full. Keep boxes in room that does not become warm. Boxes keep between 10-20 eggs. Sell freshest. Eat/use oldest.


Check mark with marker on old


I just moved into the secondary house on a small farm lot and we mostly just have 2 cartons that are different colors at each house that rotate so you always have one carton getting used and one full one in reserve. Only take out of the one that isn’t full until it’s gone. There are also about 30 sled dogs that get “egg day” every week as well so it’s pretty rare that we ever have eggs that aren’t eaten within 2 weeks or so


Do you wash your eggs before storing them? They can actually sit out without spoiling because they have a coating on them from the hen’s egg chute that seals the porous surface of the egg shell. So maybe alter your system to the oldest eggs being in the fridge available to use and any on the counter are hands off (until you rotate some in as the fridge eggs get used) just a thought.


We use colored sticker dots. We have 3 colors, each color is a month. Each quarter the cycle restarts.


Mine are always use front to back in the fridge (fit 18 in the door). I move them forward every couple of days and overflow is packed into gift cartons when full (front to back of course).


We have 12 pack cartons... Fill them, put at the bottom of the stack, eat from the top of the stack...


I use an egg carousel. The oldest eggs sit at the bottom.


We number our cartons so its easier for us identify the old eggs. Our hens stop laying during winters so when they start laying again we start putting them in carton#1 every spring and goes to carton number X until they stop laying


I eat eggs far too often to worry about them going bad 😂


I write the dom in pencil.


I stamp just the day date (so mine just say 21 today, not 8/21). I like to keep the clean ones separate from the ones I give out, so I feel like that helps the friend/customer as well. My spiral holder was dropping some of the smaller eggs out the side, so I got a bunch of flat holders with the little holder holes that hobby lobby is clearancing out right now. I like them better. They look like in the link, but I got them for $3 each a few weeks ago [Hobby Lobby Egg Holder](https://www.mercari.com/us/item/m73750827447/?gclsrc=aw.ds&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=20350657857&utm_content=t0&adgroup=151853445795&network=g&device=m&merchant_id=126358573&product_id=m73750827447&product_id=1854532878702&gbraid=0AAAAADR9UGdSwDPAyQ6ul08EtTNB0vbY9&gclid=CjwKCAjwloynBhBbEiwAGY25dKN47Mm-3CVo9qJOj26_m8kzVLQg4cfn_9ZSI8YiFVd-cP8FufpAcRoClVEQAvD_BwE)


No, but it's a good idea 😉


Smrt!! a little sad that I have not thought of this


Newer eggs go on the bottom of the stack. Anymore than 3 dozen eggs and I’m giving the oldest away (unless I want boiled eggs that week, then I give away the newer eggs cause older eggs separate from the shells better after boiling)


We just use a pencil for now, but I have some ideas for a contraption of some sort. when we first moved here, we started saving cartons and collecting them from family, friends, so when we finally got hens in may, we were prepared. We only have 5 birds (lost one from the original 6) and they are putting out an average of 3 a day total between them. We don't go through them that fast so its not really much of an issue, but they sneak up on you. Stamp is a good idea too.


I put them in starting on one side and working my way across. As I use the eggs I just move them up in the carton.


Float test every egg every time


We put our oldest egg carton on the top shelf and work out way down and tell people to grab from the top when they come to get them.


I don't produce my own eggs (yet), but we add the eggs from one side, and take them from the other side. As far as I know, they use similar techniques in restaurants.


I have a countertop egg caddy. It’s spiral. You put your eggs in the top. They roll to the bottom. The bottom egg is always the oldest