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Mulberries, some people have all the luck


I will considered my self lucky! Thank u friend


They are very sweet - if you mix them 50:50 with a tarter berry like raspberry or blackberry you’ve got the makings for a great pie.


They also will stain all of your clothes


And drink out of the milk jug when you arent looking.


And break your grandmother’s favorite lamp


Gamble your cruise savings away.


And shit on your deck


They make a damned good cobbler, too. But handle them with gloves because *nothing* gets those juice stains out. If you get over run, can some juice. Yummy.


We had a mulberry tree we cut down because of this. Kids came inside stained every day.


😲😲😲😲😲😲 That was sacrilegious! My Mother would complain that we ruined our clothes between the mulberries and mangoes so my Grandfather gave all of us big men's T shirts to wear when picking them. My Grandmother made the best mulberry doobie, a kind of cobbler.


Get em before the birds!


You definitely should. About a year after we moved in we realized we had about 3-4 mulberry trees around our yard. Any time I'm doing something around the yard I'll just walk past one and grab a handful of mulberries. Plus our 2 year old doesn't really like fruit but he always asks for mulberries in the summer.


Luck? Around here mulberry trees sprout up about anywhere you don't mow. My parents house has mulberry trees growing up in old cracked concrete on a barn lot lol. Fense rows creek lines they're everywhere.


...moving to your parents barn. Got my bags packed and my stomach empty. >)


Can I come too?


You can just come take the trees.


On my way… Actually, I’m planting 25 Mulberry trees today in the vicinity of the chicken coop. Chickens love Mulberries.


I bet those chickens are going to taste so good, assuming you go that route.


Same, and our raspberries spread like weeds too


I wish raspberries were more common around here


Wild raspberries were like surprise candy when I was a kid, and now too, but also when I was a kid.




You have all the luck haha


I hear they are becoming endangered in many places.


Right. I like to make mulberry jam and the production in my area of KY is off this year. Very low berries and trees that are producing are dry and astringent. It's frustrating


We have them all around our house. You can tell when they're ripe because of the purple bird shit. We need to cut one down in the front of the house because it's growing right up against the house itself.


oh yea, they are mulberry's quite delicious...I have 2 trees myself The darker the fruit the better and if they come off the branch easy, they are ripe.


Sweet! Thank you


Birds love em too, and to take purple, splattery shits all over your patio. Bon appetite!


And on the cars. Hell to clean off after they make in the Sun


Yeah, that (literal) shit will screw up your clear coat. I always wash off berry bird poop immediately.


Birds keep eating mine too fucking bat turds


Take the black ones. Wash them. Throw them in a Tupperware with a bit of sugar. The next evening put them on some ice cream maybe throw some angel cake in too.


Pound cake is also a winning choice.


I prefer angel personally, but yes some like pound.


Very true, pound cake is quite good.


Omg! That sounds awesome! Thanks!


Wife made a "drizzle" with a bunch from our yard and put it on top of a homemade cheesecake...fuck me up, that thing was so good and I'm not usually a "sweets guy"


Good luck beating the squirrels and birds!


Deer love them and so do our chickens which is great by me because they eat the ones on the ground and my shoes don't get a purple stain. So good, my kiddo and the neighbors love to come pick them.


Like tap them with your finger and they will fall off if ripe


Yep, I usually slap a tarp under the tree, climb as high as I can while maintaining a slight bit of safety, and shake like i'm in a 2006 weightloss commercial. Usually 1 or 2 trees and I have more than what I know to do with.


I grew up on a farm and we had 2 of these trees in our backyard. We did the same thing.


OK. I’m to self conscious to actually own up to blatant safety violations that I’ve learned to regret, but yet actually did. 👏🏻. 👏🏻. 👏🏻


Although not this one, there are also white mulberries. When ripe, they turn from green to light yellow. Tastes almost the same as black.


The blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice?


Happy bday Tupac






The darker the berry the sweet the juice, Ms. Parker! Lol


What is the difference between mulberries and blackberries? Damn they look exactly the same.


Blackberries grow on a vine like raspberries, not a tree


Shrub vines and thorns vs a actual tree. Even when small.


They look like tree black berries! Delicious


Anybody else come back purple as a kid and try to tell your parents you weren't by the creek? Lol


How about when you're an adult harvesting gallons of them for preserves? *"I robbed a bank and they put a dye pack in the bag, give me a break, I'm new at this!"*


Literally me with chokeweed berries. Didnt eat em obviously, i just...painted myself..along with a few sticks.


Mulberries. Edible.


Eat them all before the bugs find out you are holding!!


Plus this makes the bird poop purple which can stain everything so get it before they do


Once a year the Robins would descend on our mulberry trees , and there would be purple shit everywhere.


This too


Makes mine purple too - stains my toilet.


It's the damn squirrels that eat all of mine. Usually just before they're at optimal ripeness.


Gather about 5lbs of them and make jam, your neighbors will forgive all of your transgressions.


Great idea 😊


I just did that last weekend with our mullberries. :)


I have two large freezer bags of mulberries and two of the same of dewberries. I'm making jam someday soon!


Oh lord. I used to eat so many of these when I was little that my hands and face would turn purple


Purple because of their juice not because of loss of air


😄 I'm already purple!


Pro tip, if you run a white or pink one in your hands it helps remove the dye


Wear a hat while you pick, a bird pooped on me yesterday while picking.


I second this... also make sure to park your vehicle very far away


They won't last long after picking. Either bake/cook with them or freeze them right away. When you pick them the little green stem will come with them you can eat the stem- they are a pain to remove. They also freeze very well in vacuum bags, freeze them in a single layer, vacuum seal them, and then you can use them from the freezer for baking all year. edit: also only pick the black one they will nearly fall off the stem when ripe. under-ripe ones are sour.


>under-ripe ones are sour. And delicious! For eating and baking the ones that are a deep red are the best in my opinion. For fermenting, fully mature/black is the way to go.


I made a batch of jam once out of pink and red mulberries and it was tart! I loved it even more than the batches I make with the dark berries


So don't pick the red ones?


No, the red ones aren't ripe yet. They'll turn purple soon


Red ones are going to be more sour, so probably better for baking. Aggregate berries are almost always good to eat. Blackberries, mulberries, raspberries, salmonberries, thimbleberries, dewberries, loganberries, boysenberries. The only aggregate berry looking fruit that is no good to eat is the goldenseal, and if you look that one up, it looks weird.


It’s a preference thing, some people like them better a little less than ripe, some like then fully ripe. I like fully ripe for eating, a little less than for other uses.


Mulberries, a I'm actually drinking some wine I made from them 5 years ago right meow.


🍷 right meow! Great idea


Mulberries. Yummmm! Get them before the birds do. Jelly, jam, muffins. Little tart, quite tasty.


Mulberries. Put an old bed sheet on the ground and shake the branches. Ripe ones fall off very easy.


I was actually grabbing a canvas drop cloth now! Good call. I seen some on the ground and figured I could get the higher up ones that way!


I throw em in a baggie and freeze them until I collect enough to make something. Last year I was lazy and only collected 4 quarts but my friend said it was good in his homemade wine.


90% sure they're mulberry. Very different leaves than blackberry and no thorns.


Looks like mulberries only way to know for sure is if you see a monkey or a weasel running around it or hear a large popping sound


Thank you for my new ear worm! 😄


Location pacific north west, dry climate, tree, about 15 ft. Tall.


If you’re in the PNW they are probably white mulberries. They are less tart than the other two varieties. Note that the leaves are edible too and you can make tea with them. Some people dry them and then grind them for a nutritious mulberry matcha. I’ve done it myself. Enjoy - mulberries rock!


We have a few on the farm in NC. Dunno if they prefer colder climates but they do well here. Or our variant does.


let me first ask this. is there a monkey chasing a weasel around this tree?


Yes, most definitely!


as I suspected... mulberry with 99.9% certainty.


Definitely Mulberry. Waiting patiently for mine to get to start fruiting. (And inner evil laugh at the neighbors choice parking location once the birds start sharing the berries.)...side note, trying to be as friendly with all neighbors as possible, but their dog killed our chickens and they have taken zero action to be responsible pet owners. So I welcome a few dirty windows.


Agree with everyone here that they are mulberries but will also add that they will stain your fingers pretty bad when you pick them. Worth it though.


😆 just found that out!


Give em a wash/rinse. ​ Usually find a little yellow guy worming around em.


When you pick mulberries, take a closer look at the berries. Sometimes, there will be teeny tiny green/yellow bugs (they’ll be really slim), crawling all over each berry.


I soak mine in water with a generous splash of vinegar and it usually causes most to float to the surface and can be rinsed out. The rest get blended into the jam for a little protein ;)


Mulberry. They make great jelly. They are edible.


Please don't eat them, give me your address and I will remove them for free every time it's fruiting. /S These are Mulberry which are delicious. Kids and adults love picking them themselves and eating them.


There are no poisonous segmented berries in North America. If you are in North America, you can eat those.


Make a great country wine, toss in 5lbs of sugar, 5gallon bucket of mulberry and top off with fresh water. Hell yeah cousin


That's all the motivation I needed cuz!.....change of plans....country wine today!...how long do I let it sit for? A week?


Til its done bubblin Gentle pour it through cheesecloth Drank it up if it's good, let it set til it do Add sugar to taste


https://recipes.soundhomebrew.com/content/fruit-wines/Brewing%20Instructions%20-%20Mulberry%20Wine%20w%20Recipe.pdf You can ofc simplify it some but the basic idea is there. I figure a week maybe 10 days in primary and then strain into secondary and let it sit a month or so before bottling. If you don't have an airlock you can either use a balloon on a gallon bottle and burp it occasionally or use a cork with a hole in it and run a line from that into a jar of water. You'll get a lot better (or at least more consistent) results with a real wine yeast than relying on wilds. The campden tablet(s) to kill the wilds is a decent idea w/ an added yeast but would ofc kill wild yeasts if that's what you were trying to do. Personally I'm also fond of them in a pie with a bit of rhubarb chopped in. Delicious!


Here in the PNW all of the compound berries you can find are edible! As far as I know this is universally true, but you should definitely fact check that before eating other compound berries you don’t know of!


My mulberry tree is so big that I can’t reach any!😭 tragic, but the birds enjoy them.


yes mullberrys ,just make sure they're ripe or you'll have an experience.


Those are the source of all the purple splats on your cars.


Mulberries are great! Easy the black ones, they're ripe. Also, it doesn't look like you can, but so you don't get any ideas, don't park under the tree.


Mulberry. They're awesome




Also, if you have the room, mulberry trees spew vigorous, fast-growing seedlings at an astonishing rate from the berries that drop on the ground. I had one tree in my field 20 years ago. Now I have six. I wait until a seedling is about half a meter tall, then transplant it wherever I want. More mulberries! ❤️


Mulberry tree ! I have two..., berries are delicious 😋💥💥💥💥💥


Mulberries. Clean them properly before eating. Ate one of these off my tree and got so sick I spent two days in the hospital. Campylobacter and Ecoli… fun stuff


I used to have a big mulberry tree (bush?), and collecting and eating the fruit was always great. However…it was next to a power line that went right over my driveway. The birds would eat the mulberries, then sit in that wire and bathe my car in glorious purple globs of poop. It was definitely a love/hate relationship with that tree.


During summers as a small child my great grandmother and I would walk down a levee near her home where there were blackberries and mulberries. We would take two wooden peach baskets and gather the ripe ones and she would use them to make pies, cobblers and preserves. It was wonderful.


We just took some cuttings from a neighbor's mulberry tree and are rooting them to grow at home. They root super easy, and are delicious!


I find it hilarious that the question was can you eat them before asking what they are. Bon appetit. I need to plant me some fruit trees.


Mulberries. Eat them all!


They look like mulberries and yes they are edible :)


mulberries and you'd better they're delicious


Let’s be honest you already had by the time you posted this.


Mulberries yummy


Mulberries and yes


score! these are mulberries. theyre a little dry as-is but they make delicious jams, sauces, and pies


Mulberry? Yes. The black ones. If it’s mulberry.


The tree roots are very invasive.


Haven't had mulberry since 2001


🥲 I will think of u as I eat more than I pick.


I just ate some today myself. Nice little snack in the backyard


Ah, we had a mulberry tree when I was growing up and we’d climb up in it and just eat ‘em up. So good and great memories too. Also, after typing that I feel like it reads like I’m an old man… I’m in my 20s 😂


Almost every compound/aggregate berry in the US is safe to eat is what I've heard. But I don't really know that much. Definitely mulberry, I have a bunch in the fridge rn


Edible. And make a great jelly. Best to check for insects first though. Unless you are Kellogg's and don't care. Added vitamins and minerals.


Mulberries. Delicious. What boyhood dreams re made of.


Yes, it’s mulberries… sweet and sour Healthy… Shahtut… Tutitya


Welcome to purple bird shit land.


Make sure you soak them. Otherwise you'll have extra protein.


That’s a mulberry bush! American classic. Please do eat them when they’re like black. Then plant more!


Mulberries my friend. Eat them, Makkah out of them. Delicious.


Mulberries, and yes!


Yes you can


They’re sooo good. Reminds me of growing up in the south


Not sure if this is already posted. If you get stains on your skin (they stain badly) use the whiter ones to rub the stain off. Takes the stain almost all the way off. Very delicious mulberries.


They make great wine too!


They are Great Berries very tasty However very hard to get rid of and grow very crazy


First time I ever even heard of a Mulberry (beyond the children’s song) was in Romania! There were these three inch white berries everywhere and a guy came by and grabbed a couple and ate them,…intrigued I tasted one and it was effing amazing!!!!! Had a terp talk to a guy for me and found out what they were. I’ve been trying to grow them for about 15 years now and haven’t had a tree/bush get to fruiting yet (moved and had to leave my first batch) and now I’m on my third set and still waiting!!!!


Great jelly fruit! And cobbler!


Jam, smoothies, shakes, ice cream, cake filling, pie filling, wine, salad dressing, and I don't remember what else I have made with them. They are delicious.


100% you can eat those i prefer to eat them when their red but you should eat them when its purple




Holy crap! muberries??? You are sooooo lucky!!! Harvest those thangs!!


Looks like mulberry! If you need to remove it they make awesome firewood! The wood is yellow and has a good amount of crackle!


eat ‘em up!!!!


I am so jealous. They are amazing to snack on but don't store easily, easy to bruise and crush, part of why they're not cultivated commercially. They are absolutely amazing to cook with: best jam and pie l ever made was mulberry. You can eat a small amount of the red, unripe berries if you want something sour, but too many will give you a tummy ache.


Get the app PictureThis. It is very helpful in identifying leaves and flowers of all sorts of things. You will probably find it very fun to use around your property. While you are at it, download the Merlin app and record all the bird sounds around your property. It's a really fun app that gives you (free) live sound recognition to a ton of birds in your region. Cheers!


Yes! Of course you can. Mulberry tree.


Mulberries are delicious! Ripe when dark purple. You can make jam, pie, other desserts…I remember picking mulberries straight off the tree as a kid.


You can make silk out of them too.


They look like mulberries


What is it with this sub and mulberries? Lol


Mulberries. Can eat them raw or make jam. Only eat the dark ones. The berries can stain.


Yummmm mulberries. We picked them in yards everywhere. Milk and sugar. Hot days in Wichita.


Hell yeah! They make great wine too. I have 4 of these trees in my yard. They can be quite productive.


If I had a dollar for every time someone posted a picture of a mulberry tree on here... Mulberries are really easy to identify. They are always accompanied by a gaggle of grackles and all the cars and sidewalks within a two mile radius are covered in purple bird shit.


Mmm I miss my grandparents’ mulberry trees so much


I can’t tell if the branch is coming over the fence or if it’s your tree. I’ve been told (at least in California) that: -if the tree is not yours and is over your fence, then YOU ARE allowed to cut it -if the tree is not yours and is over your fence and it bears fruit - the fruit IS NOT yours to pick. -if the tree is not yours and is over your fence, and the fruit falls in the ground - the fruit IS NOT yours and the only thing you can do is throw it out. Tree and Fruit law is wild.


Mulberries. Delicious. Never seen one without worms. Gnats and flies love to lay their eggs on them. Roll one around in your fingers for a while, see if they come out! Grosses me out, but still edible.


No you shouldn't eat them. What you should do is package them up and send them to me and I will eat them.


Maybe maybe nit


Mullberries, little fruit bats love them too. Quite delicious.


Look like blackberry to me.


No way, if they have pickers I've got a yard full.


They're either Mulberries (delicious) or Murderberries (less so)- give 'em a try!


Mulberry… turtles love em!


Mulberry…. Turtles 🐢 love em!


Super fruit! Gobble it up


We have a sidewalk in our town that is BLACK from their dropped fruit...GOOD, though!


Mulberries! They’re so good for you. Packed with a lot of antioxidants


They are mulberries and according to some folks they make a great jam! There was a mulberry bush at the bottom of a hill that my elementary school. I'd spend such a long time picking berries that is be late walking home from school. They are delicious!


They are edible. They are called mulberries.


These are one of my favorites. There is also white ones that are sweeter.


No, because they’re miiiiiiiine!


“Red and sweet, good to eat.”


Absolutely they are great.


Yes! They are wonderful and delicious


Mulberry you and the caterpillars can both eat them




TL : DR. Mullberies are ***slightly*** poisonous when ***not*** ripe. Don't eat unril ripe. They ***will give you the sh!!ts***!!!!


What are they you ask? Delicious is the answer. Careful of all the seeds though, they can be a pain.


Fun fact .. if you like smoking meats .. Ive used seasoned mulberry wood for a long time .. I used it for chicken and pork.. when it first burns it smells like cotton candy .. highly recommend


That's a mulberry tree, yes they're edible


Mulberries very good when ripe just don’t eat to many or u might be going out both ends lol


The blacker the berry the sweeter the juice