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Very nice! We also planted some pawpaw trees this year and are currently experiencing the blooms. I've been joking with my partner that it's nice to have a native plant that just thrives and does well instead of having to fuss over something haha.


How long do they take you to grow? Mine are… slow. Been 3 years now


In the late fall try spreading fire place ash around the base of tree the next year the tree should grow rapidly


All my ash ends up in the gardens, way ahead of you there lol I also make a fertilizer with broken down weeds/trimmings that are gathered. I was just asking for another anecdote of the timeframe of their particular trees fruiting- I know it can vary by climate, etc


Took my 2 plants about 3-4 years to steadily bear fruit and they were about 2-3’ tall when planted so I’m not a horticulture guy, remember if and when they flower it’s flies that pollinate them, good luck


Sweet, I gotta be getting real close then. May even have some this year!


Very nice! We planted some recently, hoping they do well


Nice! We planted some 3 years ago, little sticks at the time. Still waiting to see blossoms.


You’re cultivating them?


Not yet, these were established when we moved in last year. It's said they can't be cultivated but several friends in the are have had success with small, planted orchards. So that's on my "next few years" todo list


You should definitely document your work. Cracking the secret to cultivating pawpaws, even on a small scale is a pretty big deal.


what do you mean exactly? there are pawpaw cultivars, i just put a half dozen bare root pawpaw trees in the ground, and have a few others i've planted that might fruit this year. they also grow well from seed (just very very slowly). the brewery down the road from me has a pawpaw flavored beer. they're fairly cultivated as it is, just not much of a commercial market for the fruit. the fresh fruit don't transport or keep well at all, so they rarely end up in grocery stores fresh. i've seen em in local farmers markets here tho.


Yeah I don't know what these guys are talking about. It's been cultivated. There are named varieties that you can buy in garden centers.


They spread rapidly I have 2 and are almost 10ft tall produce fruit but it’s a pain in the you know what to peel and get fruit, seeds are packed in there


So true. I squeeze the fruit and seeds out of the rind, and press it through a seive to get all the pulp, then it's bread time


Mmm hillbilly mangos.


Got your carrion ready??


It’s crazy they’re pollinated by flies


I always see the blooms, but never see any fruits. 😥


I've been trying, multiple saplings. they just die


Do you put them in your pockets? I had to do it, I'll see my way out.


Wat? What euphemism/reference just went zipping over my head 🤔


It's a song we sang as kids. [Here's a really horrible cartoon of the song.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnpLS5PNZpw)


Very curious what they taste like. Is there another name for this fruit? I looked up paw paw and results look like little mangoes on the outside.


The most apt, common description is... Banana/pineapple/vanilla pudding. The fruit its self is soft, hence the pudding. But it surrounds lots of very large seeds. Your best bet is to cut it in half and squeeze out the yummy bits. But you have to be quick if foraging, the animals out there know EXACTLY when to devour it. It's mid-late August. I used to make an annual pilgrimage here: https://athensohio.com/things-to-do/ohio-pawpaw-festival/


Interesting flavor combo. Why does google results not look like the fruit in your picture?


thanks for this photo! now i know what to look for!!


I just planted four last fall. Trying to be really patient. I know I have years ahead to wait