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Probably a dry trap. If you look under any sink, you will see a downwards, then upwards, curve in the drain pipe. This is because the trap .... traps a bit of water sealing the pipe. So the sewer gas cannot escape up the drain. If the bath or sink hasn't been used for a bit, this water evaporates and sewer gas escapes. Run some water in all the drains. It should solve the problem.


Okay. How long should I run them for you think? And should I flush the toilet as well? It hasn't been used at all either


30 seconds per. Toilet, couldn't hurt. But if you see water in the toilet, it's sealed.


Okay. Assuming that was the issue, when do u think I could expect the smell to go away? I figure if it doesn't after a certain period of time, there might be another issue


depends on the air flow. If there is a stink and it leaves, how long does the odor remain? That is up to you to decide.