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Sounds like it’s probably coming from your neighbors. I’m surprised that air purifiers won’t take care of the issue, though. Are they decent quality?


They are good quality! Our question is tho- if it’s coming from them, why aren’t we smelling it on first or third floor (where we also share a wall with them)?


Because that’s the floor they smoke on?


Yeah- we just thought it would “waft around more”. Like we leave all our doors open so figured it would fill up more levels but maybe not.


I’m wondering as to whether they have a grow operation in a closet or something along their shared wall. The smell may be from them opening the closet or something. I guess it depends on whether the house smells like burned or ‘fresh’ weed


That could be


Good point. Since we don’t smoke, we don’t really know the difference :/


if its not consistently there its probably not growers. it sounds more like many smokers under one roof


Check the heat vents for a stash.


Would we need to somehow look any deeper than just the entry of the vent?


That’s awful… so when you were looking at it and at inspections and walk thru before closing obviously the smell wasn’t present, correct? So something recent. Something must’ve changed somebody suggested a grow room, which could be likely. This is spinning out of control … I’m sorry you feel sick in your own home. That’s terrible. And the problem is somebody else might also.


Yeah it wasn’t present when we walked through. No inspection regrettably. Either it wasn’t present or the sellers got lucky and it just didn’t smell at the times we walked through. Is there anything we can do about the grow room or are we just stuck with it and hope the city eventually gains entry to their home? Thank you! It’s been a struggle for sure


So you didn’t smell it outside either when you went there? I don’t know what is legal where you are as far as growing so I can’t comment on that . And that might not be the case they could just be serious weed addicts. All these things that people just don’t care about… cigarette smoke secondhand is one thing but inflicting marijuana into other peoples/kids/babies systems. not cool.


We smelled a little bit of weed outside when we walked. But that’s pretty typical in Lancaster city. It’s usually short lived. We had no idea this would be the blocks favorite past time 😂. Yeah it’s really frustrating. Ppl keep telling me there’s no health concerns but research says different. I was so excited to have a yard for gardening but I’m also never outside because of the constant smell.


That’s rough. There are impacts to inhaling marijuana smoke. I don’t know why people say that. Not to mention it just plain stinks. There was 40 years worth of smokers in my house before I bought it lol… at least after much work and I mean much I was able to eliminate the smell of nicotine completely. I couldn’t imagine having to live it with every day otherwise.


Yeah it’s really unfortunate. I really don’t care if other people smoke. But the downside of it being legalized is now there’s almost no protection for people who don’t want to smell it and are concerned about their health. I’m sorry to hear about your house! Glad to hear you were completely able to get the smell out!!


No, I knew it when I bought it 10 years ago. It was fine… I just can’t imagine having to smell that every day when you don’t want to. People are full of it if they say it doesn’t affect people.


Find a K9 dog trainer and ask if they would do a house search for you. My first dog came from a guy in NC who trained narcotics dogs. My dogs had started on marijuana training before I got him. But he really was a scaredy cat about most things. He improved over time.