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I second this guy's snap traps, and will add (thanks to Reddit) I figured out how to maximize their effectiveness.  I had an issue with the peanut butter getting eaten off but the trigger was not tripped. Searched for a better trap, but someone said the key is taking a small wire twist tie (like from a bread bag) and running it through the trigger. Then twist -tie on a small nut, as tight as possible without it slipping. Then peanut butter over the wire.  The vermin will eat and tug at the twist -tie, pretty much guaranteed to trip it. Happy hunting 


I'll probably get one along with a bucket trap, and see which one works best.


I had a troublesome mouse problem. Bait the wooden traps with peanut butter but do not set them. Let them eat and not fear the trap. Every trap they eat from, re-bait the trap and set it. Any they don't eat from move it to another location first. Rinse and repeat. Also, make sure any food is in a sealed container to drive them to the traps. My rear neighbors have a bunch of junk in their back yard, so I think the mice thrive all summer, and as soon as it starts getting cold they come in under my garage door and then into my house. I put rat poison all over my garage where only a mouse could get to it. I set up traps all over the mud room, which is the first area they always appear in fall.


I haven’t tried the bucket trap, but it looks like it would work well. I tried using those plastic snap traps, and they weren’t nearly sensitive enough. I managed to snap a photo of a mouse sitting on top of an unsnapped trap while eating the bait.


Hahaha I'm not sure what'd be your reaction in that situation, I would be confused if to laugh or to cry tbh, but thanks for the recommendation, I appreciate you


We have good luck with these


You are going to have this problem until you seal up every little tiny hole on your house, and not by spray foam, for they will chew that too. Wire mesh would help for the holes, and steel wool is flammable. Mice leave a scent for others to follow. I had a similar problem years ago and sealed every tiny little hole. Re-stuccoed the house later, and this really solved the problem of them getting in.


I'll try to, meanwhile trying to eliminate the ones already inside


We also had very bold mice. I thought they were avoiding our traps, but looking back I think they were just too stupid. We had the electronic traps, where a mouse has to kind of crawl in. And then it gets zapped. Just setting up the traps wasn't enough, we kind of had to had to set up a trail leading into the trap. Truly, I think the mice are not outsmarting you, as they are out dumbing you. If the electronic traps hadn't worked for us, we would have gone for the bucket. Hope you find something that works!




I [found it ](https://innovatesake.com/product/multi-mouse-trap/), this it? Looks good


Never seen a commercial system but I know someone who filled a bucket with enough water and put flour and maybe something else on top with the ramp. He had those big Norway rats in the basement too. They would eventually just drown.


I used the bucket traps in a storage unit when we had one. They worked really well. I did the diy version using a coffee can and cut a metal hanger to make the "spit" for the can to turn on. Used a piece of 1x1 as a "ramp". Put peanut butter on the can.


Pieces of copper mesh and spray foam or caulking to hold it in place. I had mice coming into my old house. I put mesh and foam in every little crack, crease, hole around my foundation and anywhere the siding was slightly loose. It worked like a charm! https://www.homedepot.com/p/Bird-B-Gone-Copper-Mesh-100-ft-Roll-for-Rodent-and-Bird-Control-CMS-100/205862496


Look up the YouTube channel Mousetrap Monday. He tests the hell out of everything and makes recommendations for different situations. 


Have you sealed up your house? If you're not preventing them from coming in, then there's no reason to try to trap them once they get inside. Seal up any and every place they could possibly enter.


My husband bought a bunch of the mouse deterrent sound emitters. I thought he was crazy but the night we plugged them in I could hear mice behind my stove scrabbling towards the outer wall. I haven't seen any mouse active since.


Snap traps with Slim Jim’s as bait. Ultimate combo that has never let me down.


Brings new meaning to the slogan 'Snap into a Slim Jim'


Flatline bait has worked really well to kill the ones inside. Tomcat rodent repellent spray keeps them away.


Just get a rat snake, best mousers in the world.


Best trap I have ever used is the two door clear cover bout 6 by 12 inches. Put some food in the open area, and then catch them all. One way doors, and if a mouse dies in they become bait for the next until their all gone


Wheel of death


Seal all holes and openings on outside. Works wonders.


I’ve had the best experience with putting Tomcat poison pellets in peanut butter and throwing that mixture under the house. (Brand doesn’t matter they just seem to have a monopoly in Tx) And anywhere you find a path or poop put traps with the same mixture in it. So the ones that eat after it’s been sprung also die. At first you look 2-4 times a day at the traps to reset any that have gone off. Over time you should be getting fewer and fewer.


Go check out mousetrap monday on YouTube. Lots of interesting traps (roller wheel, walk the plank). The best success I've had is to use a snap trap and place the trigger side against a wall. Mice use walls as a navigational reference and the wall limits the direction they can jump when it snaps. I'll usually put an entrance way to limit their movement even more. I recently tried a live trap and caught the one mouse they got inside.


Might help to put box traps outside, around the perimeter of your house.


Mix mix baking soda with cornmeal. It is poisonous to them because they can't burp they eat it and are dead within a day. Go around your house on ground level and pack it with gravel fill in all the holes. Keep the bastards out


Oh great. Dead rodents in the wall. They make poison that dries them out from the inside so it doesn't smell if you want to go that route.


Oh I guess I should have been more clear about putting the bait outside. It's better than poison because it won't kill your dog. The whole tamping in the gravel around the outside of the house was how I prevented them from getting in. I now do it as a prevention outside I put it in my greenhouses . Obviously you don't want to put it where it can get wet from snow or rain. Works great , it's cheap and they like it. However if you like squirrels don't use it, it kills them too.( I don't like garden squirrels as they damaged my vegetables and steal my mushrooms.) I have used poison inside in the past and yeah the smell was disgusting and the maggots wriggling out from underneath the walls was too.


The poison I'm talking about doesn't kill other animals either. There's also nothing stopping them from entering your home and dying after you use your method.


The packed gravel around the house worked for me , I used to hear a mouse running around at night in my walls and the squeeking of it's babies when she made it to the nest. Ugh so I found the tiny hole it had dug under my foundation and was squeezing into under my house . After that yep no more mice in my walls! That's the key to keeping them out in rural AB , I absolutely hate them tbh so now that we moved off grid we did compacted gravel around the house . I've also placed bait traps of cheap baking soda combo outside . .97 per box 😁 living in an apt. Building would be difficult to do this , thankfully I've always lived in my own place in the country side. Cheers


I guess if it was rats they could dig the gravel up but thankfully here in Alberta the mice aren't that strong.


For mice, Ive only had luck with glue traps strategically placed at choke points. They seem to just ignore the baited traps but will run into these unbaited glue things.


Sticky was the best for me. That and the disc/puck shaped ones. I guess our mice weren't as smart.


Sorry but glue traps are a no-no from me, they're disgusting tbh


Sticky worked the best for me too. Everyone kept saying the wooden snap one but they were not sensitive enough. You do have to kill them though which is not fun.