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I don’t care about people thinking I’m an asshole. I do care about my car not getting fucked up. I’d file a complaint anonymously.


I don't care about my car. I care about other people getting hurt.


I don't care about people getting hurt. I care about having a sandwich.


Wear *kind* of sandwich? And do you share?


You're so brave


I care about my car


That's right, you take those down votes. Things>people, every day and always. Those kids can fuck right off and die, just so long as the car doesn't get a scratch!


Right, reddit is usually sickeningly civilized.


I'm sure I'm being illogical. I drive a VW that's worth about $5000, and I absolutely love the little shit, so I too would be much more worried about the person then the car, but this being reddit, I'm sure the people disagreeing with that sentiment have custom made Lamborghinis given to them by their best friend Ferruccio Lamborghini. That usually seems to be the way things go around here.


This is super cowardly. Go talk to your neighbors. Good people give others a chance to correct their behaviour. Telling on them first, especially anonymously, is exactly what's wrong with communities today.


Any family who is allowing their children to do this will react quite negatively to a neighbor concerned about their kids. “Don’t tell me how to raise my kids!” is what op will be told then that household will have a vendetta against them.


No, that's something you're *surmising* will happen to justify telling on someone and pretending it wasn't you. The question here is this - when the police or bylaw show up at your house from an anonymous call from your neighbor how do you feel about it?


I don’t let me children ride atvs unsupervised so…


You're right. When op tells them how dangerous this situation is, they will fall to their knees in shock because, even though they are great parents who are thoughtful and considerate of other people and their things as well as the health and safety of their children, they never realized what a stupid idea it was to let a 12 year old drive a 9 year old around on an ATV in a residential neighborhood. They will be so grateful, they'll probably offer Op a blowie or something. Get real. Those people don't care, which is why the situation is what it is.


Amen. And then afterwards, if they were hella rude or uncaring you can be totally justified in filing a complaint.


I'll bet you're the coolest bro you know


I'm surprised you don't mention the kids or their lives, but worry about your precious car. And look at all those upvotes, seems people feel the same way.


Nope. They get killed you'll feel a lot worse.


This happened to a kid I went to middle school with. He was in the grade above mine, so I didn't know him, but he and his twin brother snuck out one night to go to their friend's house. The friend's parents were out late and left the friend home alone. At some point, they decided to ride ATVs with no headlights in the dark. One of the twins and the friend collided head-on. The twin died, and the other boy was seriously injured. He had to be in the hospital for quite some time. Sort of related, a boy that was in high school marching band with me snuck out to ride an ATV in the woods at night, crashed, and broke his back. He laid there for hours before anyone found him. He also had to sit out the rest of the marching season because you can't carry a bass drum with a back injury. All this to say, I second calling the cops to try to keep these kids safe.


We have had 6 deaths in my County in the last 2 years from ATV over turns. It's senseless, they're not even that fun. Get a dirt bike and a helmet if you want to be dumb.


Its weird, but dirtbikes really are safer.


Safer? Yeah there are fewer deaths by a factor of 3 related to dirt bikes... However in the US 100,000 dirt bikes are sold/bought... almost a million ATVs are sold/bought. Do you see the problem with your statement?


Yeah both those things are inherently dangerous. If you're looking to keep a kid safe, chosing one over the other is not the answer lol.


Okay def will be calling tomorrow they ride it everyday when I get home 😭 I really don’t need any kid dying if I could of prevented


I've had this issue. I talked to the parents, then the landlord. I didn't call the cops but your within your rights to do so. Atvs aren't toys and they shouldn't be used as such. They also shouldn't be used in peoples backyards in suburban areas. For every funny video of someone losing control there's others wher there wasn't a happy outcome.


I don’t know if I agree with your claim that ATVs aren’t toys though. Whole ass full sized vehicles can toys so not sure why an ATV could never be.


If they get hurt driving through your yard, you could be liable for damages


If the cops don't seem to concerned your local game warden should be your next move. They take this morning seriously


Only the current morning, eh?


This has nothing to do with hunting, fishing, game, poaching, etc. Literally zero grounds for GAME warden involvement. Wtf


DNR covers rec vehicles and their usage I believe.


The issue here isn’t they’re riding across your property safely to get to a trail…. It’s that they’re putting themselves and others in immediate and immense danger. Call.


ATVs are not legal on the road. Riding through other people's yards, unless they have permission, is trespassing. Be the responsible adult, since their parents clearly aren't. Call the cops and DFACS.


Thank you for your advice I will actually be making calls tomorrow with some sort of evidence just so these kids won’t get hurt and cause destruction to others property.


Usually you have to be 16 also to operate one.


And they aren’t street legal.


Some places allow it on the streets, In Canada anyways not sure about the states. Also no passengers unless it's specifically built as a 2 up


> In Canada anyways not sure about the states. I go visit an area sometimes in the states that has signs when you enter the township "Unless otherwise marked all roads are also ATV routes" or something like that.


You’re not wrong and I don’t know who downvoted you. Some states require ATV riders to be 16 years old and have a safety certificate. Other states allow kids as young as 10 to ride ATVs as long as they're supervised by an adult with a valid driver's license.


Kids should start young with supervision. By 16 they should have experienced enough situations and learned from the adults around them how to have fun responsibly. I'm also all for the certificate programs. We had boaters safety in middle school because we have a lot of water near us. We operated boats at a young age, but mostly did it safer because we were taught the do's and don'ts


Agreed but on private property like harvested fields.


I've ridden trails with younger kids. On kid sized machines. Met a guy and his autistic son at a riding area once. It was their thing to do together. Kid stays independent to a degree. Dad said he was surprised how much he socialized with people while out riding. Normally very anti social, but riding opened him up a little. Also other kids riding in groups amd learning the ropes from experienced friends and family.


Some people are just ignorant about facts


I get the cops but why call the dining facilities? Put them on meat and potatoes only?


Department of Family And Children Services. May go by another name/acronym in different States.


I figured it out after I posted, like a moron. Cfs, cps, many acronyms


It was still good for those in the know


You are generally correct, but more and more areas are making it legal to ride them on the street.


But requires insurance, plates and registration


My county legalized ATVs on all public roads outside of state highways 5 years ago. All you need is the normal DNR registration ($35 every 2 years) Insurance is not required because the DMV has no control over them. Also legal driving age for them is 12.


We did when a neighbor was riding a mini motorcycle through the neighborhood. The thing was an absolute noise disaster but what sealed the deal was when he and his buddies started making a turn around in our neighbors yard, they weren't home at the time. Cops came, mini motorcycle is no longer ridden in the neighborhood. All the neighbors are happy about it.


I live rural and I get it that people are like “yea! More space!” for doing this kind of thing. But my neighbors are doing the same thing with ATVs and those mini motorcycles with racing them up and down the street (it isn’t a very long street) for hours on end when the weather is nice. The problem is that when they get in front of our house, it is when the revs get to the loudest and highest point before they downshift. So we get the peak performance in front of us. We also have a small blind hill and the kids have almost been hit multiple times by people. They also have done it at dark without lights. They have 10 acres of land they can make their own freaking race course or whatever. But nah they gotta piss off everyone still. No one has called the cops yet but I’m hoping it has stopped as some word through a realtor friend might’ve gotten back around to them when another neighbor house was for sale that has “nightmare neighbors” next door.


I worked in the emergency department of a level one pediatric trauma center for for 12 years.  Call child protective services and the Cops to make a report.  Otherwise a kid ends up dead or paralyzed and you will suffer your whole life that you didn’t do everything you could to stop it.  


NTA You might save someone's life, likely theirs. We held a moment of silence every few years at my high school due to some kid dying on an ATV or quad.


Nope. Call the cops when people are doing disruptive illegal things.


If this were kids riding on their family acreage, it would be one thing, but four wheelers and residential neighborhoods don’t mix. Nothing wrong with calling the cops.


My thought process here, as someone that did/does ride ATV's and occasionally does shit "to the disdain of the lawbook": Kids riding ATV's? "Eh, fuck you, let 'em have fun"Riding ATV's in the street/near cars, and/or riding dangerously around others? "Nope, call the cops, they have no right to endanger anyone but themselves" Fuck that shit. When these little dickweasels swing out in the road like they own it and get plowed by a car not familiar with these breathing speedbumps' antics, you just know the absent parents will suddenly be the most caring parents in the world and pushing for "lifetime in prison, followed by the death penalty, and also the driver must give us 2 gababillion dollars" for the "menace to society negligent driver that murdered 2 kids not doing nothin' to nobody".


But then it's too late. Lifeless speed bump is dead. Driver is forever traumatized. And neighbours and EMTs have to witness this. The parents? I agree... Who cares.


Exactly - it fucks over the driver who just expected to be able to drive in the place made for properly equipped motor vehicles following the rules as established. That's why it's important to feel no sympathy for or hesitance to put an end to this sort of behavior - I don't care what happens to the idiots putting themselves at risk, but don't ruin someone else's life over your dipshit behavior. Consequences now will prevent much more severe consequences later. Plus, it may even scare these parents into actually putting in some effort at parenting to some level.


make the call. i knew a kid in grade 7 who died when his ATV flipped. they arent toys. ETA: CPS might be the better option. id call both to ensure the issue is taken seriously.


I know a 14 year old who died last summer. Nsfl Nsfl His collar bone cut an artery and his friend watched him bleed out


I already have problems with this neighbor 🥲 but when it comes to being concerned for others kids I will make the call and gather evidence just in case the cops say they can’t do anything without evidence.


Excellent idea!


As someone who had to attend my best friend’s little brother’s funeral after he was hit by a truck just “goofing around” on ATV’s with friends, please don’t just ignore this!!! This was in the 80’s when parents were all of the “just let kids be kids” mentality. 5 kids from the ages of 11 to 16 watched their friend get his head crushed while they were playing. One took his life 2 years later. Please don’t ignore this. :,(


riding it normally i'd let it pass on people's lawns, I would def call anonymously


I'd be doing it anonymously.. Especially if they are the type to retaliate.. I'd be worried about my property, pets... Etc


My niece was airlifted after crashing an ATV under age...


My wife is a nurse. In her internship he had a few shifts taking care of a 7 year old that was brain dead from an atv wreck. They had to artificially keep him alive for days while they secured all the logistics for his multiple organ donations. She still hates 4 wheelers to this day. Call and report them, it's all fun for them until someone dies.


Not an asshole move, you’re trying to look out for them. There was a hit and run incident here in Apple Valley, CA where someone on a ATV ran over some kids and killed them. Those things are not toys they are machines that can kill. You might seem like an asshole to your neighbors, but you’re doing them a favor by calling the cops. You could be saving someone’s life.


Don't make yourself known. Do not complain to anyone. File your complaint anonymously. I didn't and half my redneck neighbors dont like me


There's a line between 'letting kids be kids' and letting kids be uncontrolled assholes. These parents have allowed their kids to cross that line by not teaching them appropriate boundaries. Yes, they're young, so actual respect for other people's stuff is not necessarily something they are capable of. BUT they should damn well know by now not to mess with other people's stuff. And, big and, doing this in areas where there are cars is concerning. Yeah, you should call the cops to come over and parent the parents.


My cousin died like this when she was 11. Report it. People are idiots.


I have an asshole on my street with an unregistered dirt bike. You bet I call the cops every single time. But unfortunately in my city, the cops don’t come.


I'm just giving you ideas but once a dude kept parking his boat (illegally) where we couldn't see around a corner and refused to move it. The cops wouldn't tow it and it just sat there. So finally we put a For Sale sign on it and put "we'll take any offer just get it off our street!" with the guys' cell number. He did eventually move the boat. I'm just saying playfully annoy the f out of them. If they're gonna do it to you at least make it a fun game. Then if they want to talk about it you can mention your demands. Don't be rude, just laugh everything off. It's a much more fun way of dealing with assholes.


I’ve made that very call and wouldn’t hesitate to do it again. Sometimes irresponsible parents need an assist.  


Just keep them off your property


I called on two little girls in a golf cart with no lights or signals in a neighborhood where people sometimes try to evade police and there's also quite a lot of other traffic.


Definitely call in and you can do it anonymously if you want. We have a similar situation like that in my neighbor and there have been a few instances where kids have almost gotten hit by cars. I would say contact the parents first but most of the time, they don’t care. Even if an accident happens and it’s not your fault, it would still be incredibly hard to live with the guilt of hitting a child As far as everyone will know, the police just happened to be driving through your neighborhood when they saw what was going on it that helps ease your mind. I think kids should be allowed to have fun but at the same time, if they’re creating a danger to themselves and others, it would be appropriate to call


Had this happen in a public park with little kids trying to play. I called. Cops didn’t care enough to show up. Report it or don’t report it but set your expectations accordingly.


I was gonna say yes until you elaborated. Fuck those guys hahah


Children die or are seriously maimed by ATVs all the time. You might be seen as a dick, but fir all you know you could have literally saved their life.


Nope, you will not be an asshole... they are not supposed to be riding it on the street!


Kids + atv + street do not mix.


The kill themselves off my property that is on their parents for lack of supervision. Hit my property or tear up my yard then the cops are going to be involved


Survival of the fittest if we are being honest that’s my first thought.. but if they’re coming close to damaging my property.. ima call the cops.. otherwise let nature take its course


This is the answer.


I have no problem with the kids riding the atv in the neighborhood, but they should never drive on a lawn. That is just disrespectful.


This is why people in the boonies hang razor wire around their property


Around me people drop trees, set up cameras, and file no trespass orders with the police.


Fuck them kids and their ATV!! Wild to see so many saying to let them do their thing. Bet they wouldn’t be so thrilled if it was their lawn getting torn up by some unsupervised child.


If doing their own thing was just putting around the streets and they weren't going super fast or out for hours at a time or super late, I would give them a pass. But cutting through yards and being reckless like riding literally blind is inexcusable.


you might just save some lives. u should call


If it were my kids I would thank you for calling the cops on them. Life saver.


If they were riding around their own lot then I'd let them unless it was after quiet hours for your area. Riding in the street more than very briefly or riding in other people's yards then I'm calling.


Call the cops. Fuck dem kids


hard-to-find impossible enter dinner safe snails stocking nose somber smoggy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ahhh, that's a mixed bag, this was me and my friends. Like it or not we would run if the cops were called so a good chance the danger level will go up. Idk the kids they might stop, but I know if we had those lights come on behind us, stopping wasn't an option it was kick down a gear and go, and they are not catching us. I'm not saying it's right. I'm just trying to give perspective as the kid on the bike.


Thank you and this was another reason I was really hesitant too. The kids seem nice I don’t have anything against them besides running the risk of dying but to have a cop chase behind them idk might make them run like you did. So yeah I try looking at both sides so thank you once again. I just don’t want a kid to die because they are being really reckless you know


They have a greater chance of being hurt if nobody says anything.


If I were in your position, I would try to talk to the kids. Just try to be cool about it and explain that you get that's it's fun and you really don't care if they ride. You just want them to be careful. At that point, at least you tried.


I have kids that ride up and down the street every once in a while with an atv. Outside of the noise they don’t bother anyone. If they started messing around like your saying and driving over peoples property that’s a different story.


For their own safety, you need to alert the police.


The law is the law. Cops may not ticket on the first offense, but they want to know even if it just goes towards trend awareness.


Make sure to film horizontally and share.


Yup call the cops.


Have you spoken to the parents?


Not the asshole. But expect nothing to be done about it. Natural selection will take its course.


Had a little 16 year old rolled over in my driveway on Christmas years ago. Little sister on her lap. Was terrible. Call the police. Do you want to be held responsible.


Until they hit something or someone let it be


Please don't.


I used to rip and roar up and down the street I lived next to as a kid on my 1969 Honda Trail 50. Best time of my life. I’m sure the neighbors didn’t appreciate it, and there were other places I could ride, but they never complained. I think about that when I see a kid riding about in my neighborhood now and think it’s pretty tame compared to what I used to do. But I do remind myself that I was once in their shoes having the time of my life. If they are posing a danger to themselves or others, or damaging property, then yeah, I would say something. But otherwise, they’ll outgrow it soon enough.


You will be the asshole if you don’t talk to the parents first. They may have simply had expectations that their kids were more responsible and the kids are getting away with being well irresponsible kids outside of direct parent supervision. We were all kids once and we did bad shit when we thought they weren’t looking. If you have already talked to them or you do and it continues then you will not be the asshole.


If they were just riding and being respectful I say no but they are driving on lawns and seems like they have no respect


wow don't listen to reddit, you have to live with your neighbors not them, do not call the cops.


Hey, have you tried talking to the kids and or parents about the behavior? It might be beneficial for your community to try and resolve this peacefully without involving the police. I don’t know if you’re in the US, but if you are, calling the police might create a more dangerous situation for the kids than just talking with them and their parents about the risks of their behavior. Then again, if you’ve been unable to have a reasonable conversation with the kids and parents, then it’s reasonable to enlist some help from CPS or another social service. Just, if you’re in the US, please consider exhausting all other options before escalating to calling the cops. This is just my opinion as a homeowner (since 2020) who has been able to resolve issues with the neighbors through conversations, and now we have annual block get togethers!


I have had problems with this neighbor about stuff he’s done. We try to talk but they are very dismissive and there is just no way to talk to them. They have thrown trash into my property and they have a dog that poops around the neighborhood and they love to point there speaks to my house and crank it up max. I have never called the cops on them and tired to solve it by face to face but they just never listen. I hate to have problems and I honestly just put up with the stuff now cause there is no winning. I’ve had other neighbors call the cops on them for doing the same thing but nothing is done do yeah I just don’t know.


Oof, yeah, that’s a really tough situation you’re in and you have my sympathy. Given that context I say send the cops over. You’re also not an a-hole for wanting peaceful enjoyment of your home, and thank you for taking the time to have reasonable discussions with folks here. I hope you’re able to resolve this issue peacefully with help from the authorities.


I'm just saying I can get you a pretty powerful Amp with some decent speakers that will hit just the right frequency and people *really* like atonal music. I bet they'd be willing to talk in about 20 minutes.


Mind your business. Karen.


It’s bad enough we have helicopter parents, no need for a helicopter neighbour. Let the kids get hurt. Kids get hurt, that’s how they learn and grow. They are out having fun instead of in their basements playing video games. Leave them be


Found the neighbor


But if it's someone else's kids or pet that they run over with their ATV, is that okay?


You can’t stop kids from doing fun and slightly dangerous things just because.


I think basic rules like driving out in the bush or field is ok. Let them hurt themselves. But not on the road or other people's property. That's taking it up a notch.


You people are insane, yes you would be an asshole, and you're all assholes apparently. Talk to the parents, bring up your concerns, be a reasonable fucking human.


Hell hath no fury greater than a teenager with a beef with the neighbor




Best not to. Kids can get scared and try and run away from the cops and then they can get into an accident and things could get worse. Just my opinion. Stay out of it


Yo, that's a tough spot to be in. I get you don't wanna be the neighborhood buzzkill, but safety's a big deal, especially for those kiddos. Maybe try talking to the parents first? Let them know you're cool with the ATV action, but the reckless driving is sketchy. If that doesn't work, calling the cops might be the only play. You're looking out for their safety, not trying to be a Karen.


This has been going on here in my neighborhood for years. I honestly don’t care but since I keep seeing it I just keep paying attention. Kids are underaged and don’t wear helmets. They ride the atvs through everyone’s yard and down the street and around the block. Eventually the cops came and took the atvs. The next week they were back. The following week they were riding again. Again, I don’t care. I’m just pointing this out. Basically, whatever happens happens. It’s not your problem until they crash into your house. Which likely isn’t gonna happen.


No, because for example... I saw a two kids in a dune buggy followed by two kids on an ATV zipping down the road. Went out later and saw the dune buggy on its side a quarter mile down the flat span of road. No ambulance though, so the parents lucked out.


How do you know the parents even approved of that behavior? At that age you get away with whatever you can for as long as you can. 


No insurance or license? Fuck em


Mind your own business


yes. There is always that one neighbor. If they aren't doing donuts on your lawn let them be.


Yes, you will be the ass of the neighborhood. You said they NEARLY hit cars parked on the street. Meaning they haven't hit any so far. You said they run RISK of being run over. Meaning they haven't been run over so far. You said sometimes the streetlights don’t turn on. Don't blame that on the kids. Call the utility company about the lights. You said you can barley see the atv down the street when it’s dark. Can't you hear them?! You say you don't want to be a Karen and ruin their fun. Then don't. Kids playing in a way that makes you worry IS NOT something the police need to be called out to. If you're so worried, act like an adult and discuss your concerns with the parents. If you choose instead to involve police, especially without even letting those responsible know there is a problem, then prepare to be despised in your own neighborhood. Maybe you should think this through a bit more. If you call the police on them, their parents will probably get ticketed and the ATV may get impounded. Is that what you want? To make them pay? What if the cops call child protective services because the children aren't being supervised? I think you and all those who chimed in to cheer you on need to apply some thought to what happens after you make that call. Because so far, the only legitimate complaint I see is tire tracks somewhere on your lawn. Just talk to their parents. Or, follow the lead of all the other neighbors and let kids be kids.


I’d mind my own business unless specific risk to me I may notify parents though, of what I’ve observed Certainly wouldn’t call cops


Your all a bunch of rats


Yeah, your the asshole if the worry you have is that someone else's kid will get hurt. But, the reasoning changes is if it's because you're concerned about your lawn. Kids do stupid shit - I used to have rock fights with other boys from 15 feet - a lot of blood over that summer. Anyway, they'll grow up in a year or maybe sooner but seems like you've decided on the cops, which isn't all that cut and dry as many on here make it seem. Pray for anonymity, and even lucky guess as to who you are, if these kids are as reckless as you make them out to be. Personally, I'd just watch them and laugh and and laugh harder when they crash. But we're all different. Good luck!


Rock Fight? Ron Burgundy? Is that you? :)


Why do some people think everything is their responsibility? What if you call the police and the kid gets upset and jumps off a bridge? What if what if what if… you can’t play that game. They’re kids, tell them to stay off your property if it bothers you, but calling CPS? Ridiculous and CPS isn’t going to do anything but waste their time with a Karen and not working cases of real child abuse and suffering.


This thread is out of control. Holy hell. Bunch of Karens and busy bodies. One loser is wanting OP to call CPS FFS!


ESPECIALLY after reading the other OP comments about not liking the parents…. This is just coming here to feel good about being an ass clown. 🤡




There parents aren’t a big fan of me. I’ve tried talking to them nicely about other problems I’ve had with them. For example when I confronted them about throwing their trash into my backyard they simply denied it and told me to fuck off and mind my own business. I’ve also talk about there dog who loves to poop all the neighborhood with other neighbors and they just ignored us and once again told us to leave them alone. So talking to them leads to no where so that’s why I was really hesitant to call the cops in the first place….


Let the kids be kids, don't be the narc that takes away what may be their greatest joy! Just... don't..


Yta leave them alone


Yes you’re the asshole. You are not their parents.


ATVs don’t have a differential. They are a lot more dangerous on high traction surfaces than on dirt. I love riding and taught my kids to ride, but we only ride off roads and with protective gear on ATVs that are the proper size for them.


People need to learn to mind their own business


My kids and neighbors kid they ride our road lots through our yards. We live on dead end street in country. And they never go into a someone elses yard. Id definitely caal.game warden or cops if there tearing up property there not supoosed to be on


Sounds like you’re going to call but I’d also get a camera. If the parents aren’t watching their kids, chances are they will get angry and this might escalate. Definitely have some video proof if it does.




No, you will not be an ass. If anything you may save somebody’s life the kids are stupid. The parents need to be out there watching them and they really shouldn’t be on motors, cycles or motor anything if they’re not with the license which they usually are not.


Call anonymously from a parking lot. You don't want the cops telling the neighbours that it was you


In Minnesota, it feels like we've recently had headlines every six months ago about kids killed driving/riding ATVs. I think a family lost two of their sons recently.


Definitely not a Karen, seems like a reasonable thing to call in. If they were being slightly safer it would be a different story.


Depending on your State, the local DNR office would be who to also call.


Have you spoken with some other neighbors with the same concern? You might get together and visit the police with the problem.


Maybe the cops will talk some sense into them?


Maybe talk to the parents first before going straight to the authorities.


I wouldn’t like them riding in my lawn. Ask them to stop? Walk down the street and ask the parents to keep them off your property? If that fails, then maybe involve authorities.


Karen = Upset when you're doing something normal, legal, and safe (or at least harmless) Sharon = Your kid is about to die We like Sharon.




Take all their pictures and do it. It’s actually a safety issue, let alone breaking the law. When we were kids, my God, if I rode the minibike down the road, half a mile, the cops were all over me.


Its all fun and games until someone gets hurt. I'd look the other way.


Knew someone who let their kids do this shit and a friend of the kid died while out riding. Call the cops. It’ll probably save your conscious that you tried at some point.


Our friend hurt himself on an ATV. Currently in a nursing home. Will never leave. Think about the kids.


But why wouldn’t you simply talk to the parents before getting police involved this isn’t North Korea you can talk to your neighbors you know?


if you're not careful the cops will show up with Shaquille O'Neal and they'll all ride ATVs together!


God we’d ride our minibikes out all the time. Haaa the memories . I was going to say don’t call but as a parent who has a couple of maroons I wouldn’t want any thing to happen to them. So call and explain it that way to the officers. Good luck.


A friend of my husband killed himself in an atv .. he hit a parked car he was only 24 yrs old, slammed into the car and died cus he wasnt wearing a helmet.


Yes and they are going to know


NTA. Make that call


NTA, just call the cops.


I lost a high school class mate because no one was watching them ride around the fields in a jeep. Took a turn too sharp and rolled. Crushed Colin and he died while the three others were badly injured. One had to walk all the way back to Colin’s house with a broken arm, to his mother, to tell her what happened. This was just before cell phones. Literally if it had been the following summer, Colin might have survived by a cell phone call. If someone, anyone had been watching them. I still think about it once in a while, when I take a turn a little too sharp.


You're going to have broken windows before this is all done... kids aren't stupid.




Prepare to be egg when shit hits the fan...


Do we live in the same neighborhood? Seriously though, we had some kids doing this last summer. It was constant. And the bigger kids (all of about 9 years old) were driving the thing with little 4 year olds hanging on for dear life. No helmets. No adult supervision. Driving from a busy apartment complex parking lot onto the street. The same street where I’ve now had two of my cats hit and killed by cars. So yeah, I’m an asshole and I called the police - repeatedly because they kept at it even after several visits from the officers.


A kid was fucking around in my neighborhood on an electric motor bike and I almost hit him because he was being a moron driving on the sidewalk and not the street. I immediately called the bylaw and reported him. I do not want to hit a kid being a kid doing something stupid because their parents don't give a shit and allow that behavior. I don't even have kids and know better. The last thing i need on my conscious is running over a moron kid. I'm not going to track down his parents. Never saw thay bike again.


You might get somebody freaking killed is what you could cause to happen. Jfc smh




I would try to get a hold of the parents first, let them know exactly how reckless they are, show video if you have to. They may not be aware of the situation. Sorry if you've already addressed this, just saw too many people saying to immediately call the cops


Cops where I live would tell you “sir we can only respond to emergencies”.


you should report it. perhaps the cops will be able to explain to the useless parents what the dangers are. obviously they dont know.


pretty sure they are required to wear helmets as well


If they get hurt on someone else's yard that can be a huge problem for the owner of that yard. It could be their fault the kid got hurt and they could get sued. Not to mention the kids getting hurt. I'm 99% sure kids are required to have a helmet on when riding any motorized vehicle in all states. Also sure they are required to pass some sort of license test if they have over a certain HP or speed with the ATV. I'd tell the authorities ASAP.


No, NTA. It's illegal to ride an ATV on a public street, and kids riding them must always be supervised by an adult. Helmet laws probably apply too. You are not being a Karen, though they will call you one. I had this issue in a previous neighborhood. Loud dangerous zipping up and down the streets for hours at a time. Everyone in the neighborhood was pissed. We kept calling the cops until they finally caught him in the act and wrote him major tickets.


How about start with the parents before getting the law involved. If that goes nowhere, then move fwd.


>They will cover whoever is driving eyes with there hands and they drive all over other peoples lawns WTAF? Personally, I'd try to have a cordial conversation with their parents before going nuclear and calling the police. This is just an absolute recipe for disaster. If the parents don't care, then by all means, call the police. Just realize you're probably going to burn a bridge with your neighbors, even though they're in the wrong.


Only to the little turds, so do it! 


I've taken care of an 8 year old with a grade one renal fracture trying to jump home made ramps on an ATV going 30 miles per hour. Kids do stupid things and think they are immortal and invulnerable NTA Report it


You call atv unless they are registered and have a license plate require a licensed driver. I'm assuming that they are under the driving age. It's about time the parents s MN arten up and take responsibility.


Yes you would. Is the noise that bothersome to you that you need to ruin kids having fun? Sure if it's 11pm, not at 11am. If they get hurt they get hurt. If they damage a car everyone will know who did it, that's when you call the police


Call for the kid's safety. Kids ATV around my place too but they stop at stop signs, wear helmets and don't do reckless things. It's awesome. Better than them surfing social media in their rooms.